
Defines functions set_initial_population empty_transition_matrix empty_population_matrix empty_delay_array get_transition_duration get_transition_survival update_delay_arr gen_transition_matrix validate_transition_value get_transition_inputs_unevaluated get_transition_value get_pred get_tick_den get_pred_from_table population_matrix_to_output_df run

Documented in get_pred_from_table run

#' Run the model
#' @param cfg An `IxPopDyMod::config` object
#' @param progress Boolean indicating whether to log progress every 100 steps
#' @returns Data frame of population of ticks of each life stage each day
#' @examples
#' run(config_ex_1)
#' @export
run <- function(cfg, progress = TRUE) {

  # 00 get valid life stages
  life_stages <- life_stages(cfg$cycle)

  # 02 initialize a delay array of all zeros
  delay_arr <- empty_delay_array(
    life_stages = life_stages,
    steps = cfg$steps,
    max_duration = cfg$max_duration

  # 03 initialize a population matrix with initial_population
  population <- empty_population_matrix(life_stages = life_stages, steps = cfg$steps)
  population <- set_initial_population(
    population = population, initial_population = cfg$initial_population

  # Initialize a population matrix to keep track of the number of individuals of
  # each stage that are currently developing (currently undergoing a delay)
  developing_population <- empty_population_matrix(life_stages = life_stages, steps = cfg$steps)

  # at each time step:
  # (1) generate a new trans_matrix based on conditions at "time"
  # (2) update the delay_arr based on conditions at "time"
  # (3) update the population matrix "N" for "time + 1"

  # at each time step
  for (time in 1:(cfg$steps - 1)) {

    if (progress && time %% 100 == 0) {
      message("Day: ", time)

    # Calculate the number of ticks currently in delayed development NOT
    # INCLUDING those added on current day, because that would be double
    # counting ticks in the population matrix, N. We exclude those added on
    # current day by calculating developing_population before updating
    # delay_arr. We slice the delay array from the current time + 1 to the end.
    # We add 1 because ticks that emerge from delay at current time would have
    # been added to population on the previous iteration when we update
    # N[, time + 1] by adding delay_mat[, time + 1]. We sum across to_stage and
    # days to get a vector of the number of ticks currently developing FROM each
    # life stage.
    developing_population[, time] <- rowSums(
      delay_arr[, , (time + 1):dim(delay_arr)[3]]

    # calculate transition probabilities
    trans_matrix <- gen_transition_matrix(
      time = time,
      population = population,
      developing_population = developing_population,
      tick_transitions = cfg$cycle,
      predictors = cfg$preds

    # calculate the number of ticks entering delayed development
    delay_arr <- update_delay_arr(
      time = time,
      delay_arr = delay_arr,
      population = population,
      developing_population = developing_population,
      tick_transitions = cfg$cycle,
      max_duration = cfg$max_duration,
      predictors = cfg$preds

    # collapse the delay_arr by summing across 'from', giving a matrix with
    # dims = (to, days)
    delay_mat <- colSums(delay_arr)

    # calculate the number of ticks at the next time step, which is
    # current population * transition probabilities + ticks emerging from
    # delayed development
    population[, time + 1] <-
      population[, time] %*% trans_matrix + delay_mat[, time + 1]

  # Return the total population of ticks each day. Developing ticks are counted
  # in the FROM stage.
  population_matrix_to_output_df(population + developing_population)

population_matrix_to_output_df <- function(matrix) {
  df <- as.data.frame(t(matrix))
  df[["day"]] <- seq_len(nrow(df))
  life_stages <- rownames(matrix)
  df <- stats::reshape(
    direction = "long",
    varying = life_stages,
    v.names = "pop",
    idvar = "day",
    timevar = "stage",
    times = life_stages
  df <- df[order(df[["day"]]), ]
  rownames(df) <- seq_len(nrow(df))
  attr(df, "reshapeLong") <- NULL # nolint: object_name_linter

#' Get a predictor from input data
#' @param time Numeric vector of days to get data. Ignored if input is constant
#'   over time (as indicated by NA value in 'j_day' column)
#' @param table input predictors table
#' @param pred string specifying the name of the predictor, e.g. "host_den"
#' @returns a numeric vector of predictor values
get_pred_from_table <- function(time, pred, table) {
  # NA entry in the j_day column indicates that the predictor does not vary
  # over time
  rows <- (is.na(table$j_day) | (table$j_day %in% time)) &
          (table$pred == pred)

  subset <- table[rows, ]
  pred_values <- subset$value
  pred_names <- subset$pred_subcategory

  if (!all(is.na(pred_names))) {
    names(pred_values) <- pred_names


#' Get tick density for specified time and life stages
#' @param time Numeric vector of length one indicating day to get tick density
#' @param pred Character vector indicating life stages to get tick density of
#' @param population Matrix of number of ticks not currently undergoing
#'   development per life stage per day
#' @param developing_population Matrix of number of currently developing ticks
#'   per life stage per day
#' @returns Numeric vector of length one indicating current number of ticks in
#'   given life stages
#' @noRd
get_tick_den <- function(time, pred, population, developing_population) {
  stopifnot(length(time) == 1)
  life_stages <- rownames(population)
  life_stages_to_sum <- grep(pred, life_stages)
  total_population <- population + developing_population
  sum(total_population[life_stages_to_sum, time])

#' Get the value of a predictor
#' @param time First day to get predictor value(s)
#' @param pred A `predictor_spec`
#' @param is_delay Boolean indicating whether the predictor is for a transition
#'   involving a delay
#' @param population Tick population matrix
#' @param developing_population Matrix of currently developing ticks
#' @param max_duration Numeric vector of length one. Determines the maximum
#' number of days that a duration-based transition can last.
#' @param predictors Table of predictor values
#' @noRd
#' @returns a vector of a predictor at time time. The vector's length is based
#' on whether the transition is_delay.
get_pred <- function(
    time, pred, is_delay, population, developing_population, max_duration, predictors
) {

  life_stages <- rownames(population)

  if (pred$pred %in% valid_predictors_from_table(predictors)) {
    if (is_delay && !pred$first_day_only) {
      time <- time:(time + max_duration)
    get_pred_from_table(time, pred$pred, predictors)
  } else if (any(grepl(pred$pred, life_stages))) {
    get_tick_den(time, pred$pred, population, developing_population)
  } else {
    # Validation should prevent hitting this case
    stop("Failed to match predictor: \"", pred$pred, "\"", call. = FALSE)

#' Get the value determining probability or duration of a transition
#' This generic function pulls out the functional form and parameters needed to
#' evaluate the transition function, then evaluates it using supplied predictors
#' like temperature or host density.
#' @param time First day to get predictor value(s)
#' @param transition A `transition`
#' @param population Tick population matrix
#' @param developing_population Matrix of currently developing ticks
#' @param max_duration Numeric vector of length one. Determines the maximum
#' number of days that a duration-based transition can last.
#' @param predictors Table of predictor values
#' @noRd
#' @returns Numeric vector indicating probability or duration of a transition.
get_transition_value <- function(
    time, transition, predictors, max_duration, population, developing_population
) {

  inputs <- get_transition_inputs_unevaluated(
    time = time,
    transition = transition,
    predictors = predictors,
    max_duration = max_duration,
    population = population,
    developing_population = developing_population

  value <- do.call(inputs[["function"]], c(inputs[["parameters"]], inputs[["predictors"]]))

    transition = transition, value = value, max_duration = max_duration


get_transition_inputs_unevaluated <- function(
    time, transition, predictors, max_duration, population, developing_population
) {
  f <- transition$fun

  # a list of parameter values, each of which could be a scalar or named numeric vector
  params <- transition$parameters

  # a list of predictor values, each of which could be a scalar or named numeric vector
  predictor_values <- lapply(
    function(pred) {
        time = time,
        pred = pred,
        is_delay = transition$transition_type == "duration",
        population = population,
        developing_population = developing_population,
        max_duration = max_duration,
        predictors = predictors

  list("function" = f, "parameters" = params, "predictors" = predictor_values)

#' Raise error if returned value from a transition is invalid
#' @param transition A transition
#' @param value The evaluated value
#' @param max_duration max_duration parameter of a config. Used for validating
#'   duration-based transitions.
#' @returns nothing, called for side effects
#' @noRd
validate_transition_value <- function(transition, value, max_duration) {
  if (!is.numeric(value)) {
      "Transitions must evaluate to a numeric. The return type was `", class(value),
      "` for the transition: ", format.transition(transition),
      call. = FALSE

  if (transition$transition_type == "probability" && length(value) != 1) {
      "Probability type transitions must evaluate to a vector of length `1`. ",
      "The returned length was `", length(value), "` for the transition: ",
      call. = FALSE

  if (
    transition$transition_type == "duration" &&
    transition_is_mortality(transition) &&
    length(value) != 1
  ) {
    # TODO we could consider support this if it'd be more biologically realistic
      "Found non-constant mortality for a duration-based transition.",
      "Only scalar mortality values are supported. This occured in the transition: ",
      call. = FALSE

  if (transition$transition_type == "duration" && !(length(value) %in% c(1, max_duration + 1))) {
      "Duration type transitions must evaluate to a vector of length `1`, or of length ",
      "`max_duration + 1`. The returned length was `", length(value),
      "` for the transition: ", format.transition(transition),
      call. = FALSE

#' Generate a matrix of transition probabilities between tick life stages
#' @param time Numeric vector indicating day to get transition probabilities
#' @param population Tick population matrix. See get_tick_den for details.
#' @param developing_population Matrix of currently developing ticks. See
#'   get_tick_den for details.
#' @param tick_transitions A \code{\link{life_cycle}} object
#' @param predictors A \code{\link{predictors}} object
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @returns Matrix of transition probabilities, indicating the probabilities of
#'   transitioning from each stage (axis 1) to each stage (axis 2).
#' @noRd
gen_transition_matrix <- function(
  time, population, developing_population, tick_transitions, predictors
) {
  life_stages <- rownames(population)
  trans_matrix <- empty_transition_matrix(life_stages)

  transitions <- tick_transitions %>%
    query_transitions_by_mortality(mortality = FALSE) %>%
    query_transitions("transition_type", "probability")

  mort <- tick_transitions %>%
    query_transitions_by_mortality(mortality = TRUE) %>%
    query_transitions("transition_type", "probability")

  for (i in transitions) {
    trans_matrix[i$from, i$to] <- get_transition_value(
      time = time,
      transition = i,
      predictors = predictors,
      max_duration = NULL,
      population = population,
      developing_population = developing_population

  for (i in mort) {
    mortality <- get_transition_value(
      time = time,
      transition = i,
      predictors = predictors,
      max_duration = NULL,
      population = population,
      developing_population = developing_population

    # The max(0, 1- ...) structure should ensure that survival is between 0
    # and 1. This line also ensures that when a reproductive tick lays
    # (multiple) eggs, the reproductive tick will not survive to the next
    # stage. This is the desired behavior because all ticks are semelparous.
    mortality <- max(0, 1 - sum(trans_matrix[i$from, ]) - mortality)

    trans_matrix[i$from, i$from] <- mortality


#' Update the delay array for the current time
#' @param time Numeric vector indicating day to get transition probabilities
#' @param delay_arr Delay array from previous time step
#' @param population Tick population matrix
#' @param developing_population Matrix of currently developing ticks
#' @param tick_transitions A \code{\link{life_cycle}} object
#' @param predictors A \code{\link{predictors}} object
#' @param max_duration Numeric vector of length one. Determines the maximum
#' number of days that a delayed transition can last.
#' @returns Delay array indicating the number of ticks currently undergoing delay
#'   transitions. Axis 1 is the from_stage, axis 2 is the to_stage, and axis 3
#'   is the day on which the ticks will emerge from the transition. The value
#'   at a given cell is the number of ticks emerging from the transition.
#' @noRd
update_delay_arr <- function(
    time, delay_arr, population, developing_population, tick_transitions, max_duration,
) {
  life_stages <- rownames(population)
  # select all delay transition functions, including mortality
  transitions <- query_transitions(tick_transitions, "transition_type", "duration")

  # loop through these transitions by from_stage
  from_stages <- life_stages(transitions)
  for (from_stage in from_stages) {
    trans <- transitions %>%
      query_transitions("from", from_stage) %>%
      query_transitions_by_mortality(mortality = FALSE) %>%
      # there can only be one duration-based transition from each life stage, so
      # unlisting should just give the first element
      unlist(recursive = FALSE)

    val <- get_transition_value(
      time = time,
      transition = trans,
      predictors = predictors,
      max_duration = max_duration,
      population = population,
      developing_population = developing_population

    days_to_next <- get_transition_duration(val = val, max_duration = max_duration)

    # Get the 1 or 0 mortality transitions corresponding to the "from" stage
    mort_transition <- transitions %>%
      query_transitions("from", from_stage) %>%
      query_transitions_by_mortality(mortality = TRUE) %>%
      unlist(recursive = FALSE)

    surv_to_next <- get_transition_survival(
      mort_transition = mort_transition,
      time = time,
      predictors = predictors,
      max_duration = max_duration,
      population = population,
      developing_population = developing_population,
      days_to_next = days_to_next

    # number of ticks emerging from from_stage to to_stage at time +
    # days_to_next is the number of ticks that were already going to emerge
    # then plus the current number of ticks in the from_stage * survival
    delay_arr[from_stage, trans[["to"]], time + days_to_next] <-
      delay_arr[from_stage, trans[["to"]], time + days_to_next] +
      population[from_stage, time] * surv_to_next

get_transition_survival <- function(
  mort_transition, time, predictors, max_duration, population, developing_population, days_to_next
) {
  if (is.null(mort_transition)) {
    # Case where there's no explicit mortality

  # Case where there's a transition representing mortality
  mort <- get_transition_value(
    time = time,
    transition = mort_transition,
    predictors = predictors,
    max_duration = max_duration,
    population = population,
    developing_population = developing_population

  if (mort_transition[["mortality_type"]] == "throughout_transition") {
    # Apply scalar mortality once during the transition
    return(1 - mort)

  # Apply scalar mortality every day
  return((1 - mort) ^ days_to_next)

get_transition_duration <- function(val, max_duration) {
  # Duration-type transitions return either a vector of length 1, or of length
  # max_duration + 1. If the return value is of length 1, we interpret this
  # as the daily rate that the transition takes place. In this case, we
  # increase the length of the vector, so that we can take a cumulative sum
  # and determine the first day that the cumulative sum >= 1.
  # We add 1 to the length for consistency with output vector length from
  # transitions that use predictor data in a table, for which the length of
  # the output vector is determined in `get_pred()`.
  if (length(val) == 1) {
    val <- rep(val, max_duration + 1)

  days <- cumsum(val) >= 1

  if (!any(days)) {
    # Note that this has to be a run-time check, because it's dependent on
    # model state that varies throughout the model run
      "Cumulative sum of daily transition probabilities never reached 1, ",
      "max_duration may be too small",
      call. = FALSE

  # Transition duration is the number of days until the first day when the sum
  # of the daily probabilities >= 1

# Generate an empty delay array
# Dimensions are: from, to, time
empty_delay_array <- function(life_stages, steps, max_duration) {
    dim = c(length(life_stages), length(life_stages), steps + max_duration),
    dimnames = list(life_stages, life_stages, NULL),
    data = 0

# Create an empty (zero population) population matrix
empty_population_matrix <- function(life_stages, steps) {
    data = 0,
    nrow = length(life_stages),
    ncol = steps,
    dimnames = list(life_stages)

# Create an empty matrix of transition probabilities between life stages
empty_transition_matrix <- function(life_stages) {
  n_life_stages <- length(life_stages)
    ncol = n_life_stages,
    nrow = n_life_stages,
    dimnames = list(life_stages, life_stages)

# Set initial population for each life stage - zero if not specified in cfg
set_initial_population <- function(population, initial_population) {
  population[, 1] <- vapply(
    function(stage) {
      ifelse(stage %in% names(initial_population), initial_population[[stage]], 0)
    FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L)

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IxPopDyMod documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 1:07 a.m.