
Defines functions paste_ps paste_p write_priors_clm write_pgk write_psum_expit write_exp_lp write_logits write_probs get_linkindent get_glm_modelname get_secndpar get_repar get_linkfun get_distr get_priordistr paste_interactions paste_dummies paste_underlvalue paste_obsvalue paste_association paste_linpred_jm rd_vcov_full rd_vcov_indep rd_vcov_univ ranef_priors paste_mu_b_full paste_mu_b ranef_distr write_ranefs paste_o paste_other get_rds get_index write_nonprop paste_lp_ranef_part paste_rdintercept_lp get_rds_lp paste_rdslope_lp paste_scale paste_scaling paste_coef paste_data paste_linpred

Documented in paste_coef paste_data paste_linpred paste_scale paste_scaling

# help functions ---------------------------------------------------------------

# linear predictors ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Write a linear predictor
#' Construct a linear predictor from parameter names and indices, the name of
#' the data matrix and corresponding columns, and apply scaling to the data
#' if necessary.
#' @param parname character string; name fo the parameter (e.g., "beta")
#' @param parlemts integer vector; indices of the parameter vector to be used;
#'                 should have the same length as `cols`
#' @param matname character string; name of the data matrix
#' @param index character string; name of the index (e.g., "i" or "ii")
#' @param cols integer vector; indices of the columns of `matname`, should have
#'             the same length as `parlemts`
#' @param scale_pars matrix with row names according to the column names of
#'                   `matname` and columns "center" and "scale"; or NULL
#' @param isgk logical; is this linear predictor within the Gauss-Kronrod
#'             quadrature?
#' @keywords internal
paste_linpred <- function(parname, parelmts, matnam, index, cols, scale_pars,
                          isgk = FALSE) {
  scaled_data <- paste_scaling(
    x = paste_data(matnam, index, cols, isgk),
    rows = cols,
    scale_pars = list(scale_pars)[rep(1, length(cols))],
    scalemat = rep(paste0("sp", matnam), length(cols)))

  paste(scaled_data, paste_coef(parname, parelmts),
        sep = " * ", collapse = " + ")

# * linpred help functions -----------------------------------------------------

#' Write the data element of a linear predictor
#' @param matnam characters string; name of the data matrix
#' @param index character string; the index (e.g., "i", or "ii")
#' @param col integer vector; the indices of the columns in `matnam`
#' @param isgk logical; is this for within the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature?
#' @return A vector of character strings of the form
#'         `M_id[i, 3]` or `M_id[i, 3, k]`.
#' @keywords internal
paste_data <- function(matnam, index, col, isgk = FALSE) {
  if (isTRUE(isgk)) {
    paste0(matnam, "gk[", index, ", ", col,  ", k]")
  } else {
    paste0(matnam, "[", index, ", ", col, "]")

#' Write the coefficient part of a linear predictor
#' @param parname character string; name of the coefficient (e.g., "beta")
#' @param parlemts vector of integers; the index of the parameter vector
#' @return A vector of character strings of the form `beta[3]`.
#' @keywords internal
paste_coef <- function(parname, parelmts) {
  paste0(parname, "[", parelmts, "]")

#' Wrap a data element of a linear predictor in scaling syntax
#' Identifies if a data element of a linear predictor should be scaled (based
#' on whether scaling parameters are given) and then calls `paste_scale()`.
#' Calls `paste_scale()` on each element of `x`.
#' @param x vector of character strings; to be scaled, typically matrix columns
#' @param rows integer vector; row numbers of the matrix containing the scaling
#'             information
#' @param scale_pars matrix containing the scaling information, with columns
#'                   "center" and "scale"
#' @param scalemat the name of the scaling matrix in the JAGS model
#'                 (e.g. "spM_id")
#' @keywords internal
paste_scaling <- function(x, rows, scale_pars, scalemat) {

  # if there is no scaling info at all, return x
  if (is.null(unlist(scale_pars))) {

  cvapply(seq_along(x), function(k) {
    missing_scaleinfo <- any(is.na(scale_pars[[k]][rows[k], , drop = FALSE]))
    if (missing_scaleinfo) {
    } else {
      paste_scale(x[[k]], row = rows[k], scalemat = scalemat[k])

#' Create the scaling in a data element of a linear predictor
#' @param x a character string
#' @param row integer; indicating the row of `scalemat` to be used
#' @param scalemat character string; name of the matrix containing the scaling
#'                 information (e.g., "spM_lvlone"). This matrix is assumed to
#'                 have columns "center" and "scale".
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a character string of the form `(x - center)/scale`.
paste_scale <- function(x, row, scalemat) {
  paste0("(", x, " - ", scalemat, "[", row, ", 1])/", scalemat,
         "[", row, ", 2]")

# paste rd. effects into jagsmodel ---------------------------------------------

# used in jagsmodels that use random effects (2020-06-10)
paste_rdslope_lp <- function(info, isgk = FALSE) {
  # Create a list of lists containing the linear predictors of the random
  # effects (slopes + interactions with slopes, no random intercept here).
  # The list has an element per grouping level, which contains a list per
  # variable for which a random slope is specified.
  # - info: element of info_list, containing all the info necessary to write
  #         the JAGS sub-model for a given variable

  # if there are no random effects in this model (hc_list is NULL), return NULL
  if (is.null(info$hc_list)) {

  # for each of the grouping levels for which there are random effects do:
  nlapply(names(info$hc_list$hcvars), function(lvl) {

               lvl = lvl,
               index = info$index,
               parname = info$parname,
               scale_pars = info$scale_pars,
               isgk = isgk)

get_rds_lp <- function(rd_slope_coefs, rd_slope_interact_coefs = NULL,
                       lvl, index, parname, scale_pars = NULL,
                       isgk = FALSE) {

  # name of the corresponding data matrix
  mat <- paste0("M_", lvl)

  # identify variables for which a random slope needs to be specified on the
  # current grouping level and variables which have an interaction with one
  # of these random slope variables

  rd_vars <- unique(c(rd_slope_coefs$rd_effect,

  nlapply(rd_vars, function(rd) {

    rds <- rd_slope_coefs[rd_slope_coefs$rd_effect == rd, ]
    rdsi <- rd_slope_interact_coefs[
      rd_slope_interact_coefs$rd_effect == rd &
        !is.na(rd_slope_interact_coefs$parelmts), ]

    rds_terms <- ifelse(is.na(rds$parelmts),
                        paste_coef(parname = parname,
                                   parelmts = rds$parelmts)
    rdsi_terms <- if (isTRUE(nrow(rdsi) > 0L)) {
        paste_scaling(x = paste_data(matnam = rdsi$matrix,
                                     index = index[lvl],
                                     col = rdsi$cols, isgk),
                      rows = rdsi$cols,
                      scale_pars = scale_pars[rep(mat, length(rdsi$cols))],
                      scalemat = rep(paste0("sp", mat), length(rdsi$cols))
        paste_coef(parname = parname,
                   parelmts = rdsi$parelmts),
        sep = " * ")

    paste0(c(rds_terms, rdsi_terms), collapse = " + ")

# used in jagsmodels that use random effects (2020-06-10)
paste_rdintercept_lp <- function(info) {
  # returns a list with an element per grouping level, containing the linear
  # predictor (or 0) which is the mean of the random intercept distribution
  # - info: element of info_list, containing all the info necessary to write
  #         the JAGS sub-model for a given variable

  # if there are no random effects in this model (hc_list = NULL), return NULL
  if (is.null(info$hc_list)) {

  # for each of the grouping levels for which there are random effects do:
  nlapply(names(info$hc_list$hcvars), function(lvl) {

    # name of the corresponding data matrix
    mat <- paste0("M_", lvl)

    # identify variables that should be part of the linear predictor for the
    # random intercept on this level
    x <- info$hc_list$hcvars[[lvl]]$rd_intercept_coefs

    # if there are parameter elements in this linear predictor, create a
    # linear predictor, otherwise the mean of the random effect distribution
    # should be 0
    if (length(x$parelmts) > 0L) {
      paste_linpred(parname = info$parname,
                    parelmts = x$parelmts,
                    matnam = unique(x$mat),
                    index = info$index[lvl],
                    cols = x$cols,
                    scale_pars = info$scale_pars[[mat]],
                    isgk = FALSE)
    } else if (attr(info$hc_list$hcvars[[lvl]], "rd_intercept")) {
    } else {

paste_lp_ranef_part <- function(info, isgk = FALSE) {
  # write the random effects part of the linear predictor of the analysis
  # model
  # - info: element of info_list, containing all the info necessary to write
  #         the JAGS sub-model for a given variable
  # - isgk: logical indicator whether the output is in the Gauss-Kronrod
  #         quadrature

  # if there are no random effects (hc_list = NULL), return NULL
  if (is.null(info$hc_list)) {

  # identify grouping level of the outcome
  resplvl <- gsub("M_", "", info$resp_mat[length(info$resp_mat)])

  # for all grouping levels above or equal to the outcome level do:
  lp_ranef <- nlapply(
    names(info$group_lvls)[info$group_lvls >= info$group_lvls[resplvl]],
    function(lvl) {
      # find the correct specification of the index. This depends on the level
      # of the outcome, but also on the current grouping level, whether the
      # outcome is on the lowest level (lvlone) or not, and if the output is
      # used in the GK-quadrature
      index <- get_index(lvl, resplvl, indices = info$index,
                         surv_lvl = info$surv_lvl, isgk = isgk)

      rd_nam <- if (isTRUE(info$rd_vcov[[lvl]] == "full")) {
        attr(info$rd_vcov[[lvl]], "name")
      } else {
        paste0("_", info$varname)

      ranef_nrs <- if (!is.null(info$rd_vcov[[lvl]]) &
                       isTRUE(info$nranef[lvl] > 0L)) {
        if (is.null(attr(info$rd_vcov[[lvl]], "ranef_index"))) {
        } else {
          eval(parse(text = attr(info$rd_vcov[[lvl]],

      # generate the random intercept part to enter the linear predictor of
      # the outcome.
      rdi <- if (isTRUE(attr(info$hc_list$hcvars[[lvl]], "rd_intercept"))) {
        paste_data(matnam = paste0("b", rd_nam, "_", lvl),
                   index = index,
                   col = min(ranef_nrs)

      # generate the random slope part to enter the linear predictor of
      # the outcome
      rds_data_lvls <- gsub("M_", "",
      rds <- get_rds(
        rd_slope_coefs = info$hc_list$hcvars[[lvl]]$rd_slope_coefs,
        lvl = lvl,
        varname = rd_nam,
        index = index,
        out_index = cvapply(
          resplvl = resplvl,
          indices = info$index,
          surv_lvl = info$surv_lvl,
          isgk = isgk
        ranef_nrs = ranef_nrs,
        has_rdintercept = attr(info$hc_list$hcvars[[lvl]],
        scale_pars = info$scale_pars,
        isgk = isgk

      # write the syntax for other longitudinal variables
      other <- if (!is.null(info$hc_list$othervars[[lvl]])) {
        paste_other(othervars = info$hc_list$othervars[[lvl]],
                    parname = info$parname, index = index,
                    scale_pars = info$scale_pars[[paste0("M_", lvl)]],
                    scale_mat = paste0("spM_", lvl), isgk = isgk)

      # combine random intercept and slope
      rdis <- if (any(!is.null(rdi), !is.null(rds))) {
                             list(rdi = rdi, rds = rds))),
               collapse = " + ")

             list(rdis = rdis, other = other)

  if (any(!lvapply(lp_ranef, is.null))) {
    apply(as.data.frame(unlist(lp_ranef, recursive = FALSE)),
          1L, paste0, collapse = " + ")
  } else {

write_nonprop <- function(info, isgk = FALSE) {
  # if there are no random effects (hc_list = NULL), return NULL
  if (is.null(info$hc_list)) {

  # identify grouping level of the outcome
  resplvl <- gsub("M_", "", info$resp_mat[length(info$resp_mat)])

  # for all grouping levels above or equal to the outcome level do:
  nonprop <- nlapply(
    names(info$group_lvls)[info$group_lvls >= info$group_lvls[resplvl]],
    function(lvl) {
      # find the correct specification of the index. This depends on the level
      # of the outcome, but also on the current grouping level, whether the
      # outcome is on the lowest level (lvlone) or not, and if the output is
      # used in the GK-quadrature
      index <- get_index(lvl, resplvl, indices = info$index,
                         surv_lvl = info$surv_lvl, isgk = isgk)

      if (!is.null(info$hc_list$nonprop[[lvl]])) {
        paste_other(othervars = info$hc_list$nonprop[[lvl]],
                    parname = info$parname, index = index,
                    scale_pars = info$scale_pars[[paste0("M_", lvl)]],
                    scale_mat = paste0("spM_", lvl), isgk = isgk)

  apply(as.data.frame(nonprop), 1L, paste0, collapse = " + ")

get_index <- function(lvl, resplvl, indices, surv_lvl, isgk = FALSE) {
  # Find the correct specification of the index. This depends on the level of
  # the response of the sub-model (resplvl), but also on the current grouping
  # level (lvl), whether the response is on the lowest level (lvlone) or not,
  # and if the output is used in the GK-quadrature.
  # - lvl: the current level
  # - resplvl: level of the response variable
  # - indices: vector of indices per level
  # - surv_lvl: level of the survival outcome; relevant for a survival model
  #             with time-dependent covariate
  # - isgk: is the output used within the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature?

  if (!isgk & resplvl == "lvlone") {
    # if the outcome is the lowest level and not in GK, use
    # - the index of the outcome level if the random effect is on the same
    #   level
    # - the element of "group" of the random effects level at the index
    #   position if the random effect is on a higher level
    if (lvl == resplvl) {
    } else {
      paste0("group_", lvl, "[", indices[resplvl], "]")
  } else if (!isgk & lvl == resplvl) {
    # if the outcome is not on the lowest level, but the  random effect has
    # the same level as the outcome and we're not in the quadrature part,
    # use the index of the outcome level
  } else if (!isgk) {
    # if the outcome is not on the lowest level and the random effect is on
    # a different level, and we're not in the quadrature part, use group
    # (relating rd. effect level to lvlone), indexed by the position of
    # the outcome level (position in lvlone that corresponds to the
    # current index value)
    paste0("group_", lvl, "[",
           "pos_", resplvl, "[", indices[resplvl], "]]")
  } else if (isgk & (lvl == surv_lvl | lvl == "lvlone")) {
    # if we are in the quadrature part, and the random effects
    # level is either the same as the outcome level or the lowest
    # level, use the index of the level of the survival outcome
  } else if (isgk) {
    # if we are in the quadrature part and the random effects level is not
    # the same as the outcome level and not the lowest level, use group and
    # pos to relate the level of the survival outcome and the level of the
    # random effect, via lvlone
    paste0("group_", lvl, "[",
           "pos_", surv_lvl, "[", indices[surv_lvl], "]]")

get_rds <- function(rd_slope_coefs, lvl, varname, index, out_index,
                    has_rdintercept = TRUE,
                    scale_pars, isgk = FALSE, ranef_nrs) {

  if (is.null(rd_slope_coefs)) {

  if (!is.null(has_rdintercept)) {

    if (has_rdintercept) {
      ranef_nrs <- ranef_nrs[-which.min(ranef_nrs)]
    # if there are any random slope variables for this random effect level,
    # do:
    # write the multiplication of the random slope with the corresponding
    # longitudinal variable ("b[i, 2] * M[i, 4]")
      paste_data(matnam = paste0("b", varname, "_", lvl),
                 index = index,
                 col = ranef_nrs),

          matnam = rd_slope_coefs$matrix,
          index = out_index,
          col = rd_slope_coefs$cols, isgk = isgk),
        rows = rd_slope_coefs$cols,
        scale_pars = scale_pars[rd_slope_coefs$matrix],
        scalemat = paste0("sp", rd_slope_coefs$matrix)),
      sep = " * ")
    # })

# used in write_nonprop() (2020-07-09)
paste_other <- function(othervars, parname, index, scale_pars, scale_mat,
                        isgk = FALSE) {
  # write the syntax for other longitudinal variables
  if (!is.data.frame(othervars)) {
    sapply(othervars, paste_o,
           parname = parname, index = index, scale_pars = scale_pars,
           scale_mat = scale_mat, isgk = isgk)
  } else {
            parname = parname, index = index, scale_pars = scale_pars,
            scale_mat = scale_mat, isgk = isgk)

# used in paste_other() (2020-07-09)
paste_o <- function(x, parname, index, scale_pars, scale_mat, isgk = FALSE) {
  # -x: a matrix with columns "term", "matrix", "cols", "parelmts",
  # - parname: characters string, e.g. "beta"
  # - index: character string, e.g., "i"
  # - scale_pars: a matrix of scaling parameters
  # - scale_mat: character string with the name of the scaling matrix that will
  #             be passed to JAGS
  # - isgk: logical: is the output being used inside the Gauss-Kronrod
  #         quadrature

      paste_coef(parname = parname, parelmts = x$parelmts),
        paste_data(matnam = x$matrix,
                   index = index,
                   col = x$cols,
                   isgk = isgk),
        rows = x$cols,
        scale_pars = list(scale_pars)[rep(1, length(x$cols))],
        scalemat = rep(scale_mat, length(x$cols))),
      sep = " * "),
    collapse = " + ")

# used in jagsmodels that use random effects (2020-06-10)
write_ranefs <- function(lvl, info, rdintercept, rdslopes) {
  # This function writes the JAGS model part for the random effects
  # distribution
  # - lvl: the grouping level for the random effects
  # - info: element of info_list, containing all necessary information to
  #         write a JAGS sub-model for a given variable
  # - rdintercept: list of random intercept linear predictors as strings
  # - rdslopes: list of list of random slope linear predictors as strings

  if (isTRUE(info$rd_vcov[[lvl]] != "full")) {
    # write the model part for the random effects distribution
      tab(), "for (", info$index[lvl], " in 1:", info$N[lvl], ") {", "\n",

      # distribution specification
      ranef_distr(nam = paste0("_", info$varname, "_", lvl),
                  index = info$index[lvl], nranef = info$nranef[lvl]),

      # specification of the means structure of the random effects
      paste_mu_b(rdintercept[[lvl]], rdslopes[[lvl]],
                 paste(info$varname, lvl, sep = "_"), info$index[lvl]),
      tab(), "}", "\n\n")

ranef_distr <- function(nam, index, nranef) {
  # specify distribution for the random effects, based on their dimension
  norm_distr  <- if (nranef < 2L) {"dnorm"} else {"dmnorm"}

    tab(4L), "b", nam, "[", index, ", 1:",
    nranef, "] ~ ", norm_distr,
    "(mu_b", nam, "[", index, ", ], invD",
    nam, "[ , ])", "\n"

# used in write_ranefs() (2020-06-10)
paste_mu_b <- function(rdintercept, rdslopes, varname, index) {
  # write the specification for the mean  of the random effects

  # - rdintercept: string of random intercept linear predictor (one string)
  # - rdslopes: list of random slope linear predictors (as strings)
  # - varname: name of the outcome variable of the current sub-model
  # - index: character string of the index, e.g. "i"

  # paste the random intercept part "mu_b_varname[i, 1] <- lin.predictor"
  # The linear predictor part is indented by
  # - 4 general indent because inside for-loop
  # - 5 "mu_b_"
  # - the number of characters of the variable name
  # - 1 underscore
  # - the number of characters of the index
  # - 8 ", 1] <- "
  rdi <- if (length(rdintercept) > 0L)
           paste_data(matnam = paste0("mu_b_", varname), index = index,
                      col = 1L),
           " <- ",
                          indent = 4L + 5L + nchar(varname) + 1L +
                            nchar(index) + 8L)

  # paste the rd. slope part, a vector of "mu_b_varname[i, k] <- lin.predictor"
  # or NULL if there are no random slopes
  # The linear predictor part is indented by
  # - 4 general indent because inside for-loop
  # - 5 "mu_b_"
  # - the number of characters of the variable name
  # - 1 underscore
  # - the number of characters of the index
  # - 8 ", 1] <- "
  rds <- if (length(rdslopes) > 0L) {
      paste_data(matnam = paste0("mu_b_", varname), index = index,
                 col = seq_along(rdslopes) + as.numeric(length(rdi) > 0L)),
      " <- ",
      cvapply(rdslopes, add_linebreaks,
              indent = 4L + 5L + nchar(varname) + 1L + nchar(index) + 8L)

  # combine the random intercept and random slope part
  paste0(c(rdi, rds), collapse = "\n")

# used in write_ranefs() (2020-06-10)
paste_mu_b_full <- function(lps, nranef, nam, index) {
  lps <- Filter(Negate(is.null), lps)

  rd_lp <- paste0(tab(4L),
                  paste_data(matnam = paste0("mu_b", nam), index = index,
                             col = unlist(nranef)),
                  " <- ",
                  lapply(lps, add_linebreaks,
                         indent = 4L + 4L + max(0, nchar(nam)) + 1L +
                           nchar(index) + 8L)

  # combine the random intercept and random slope part
  paste0(rd_lp, collapse = "\n")

# used in jagsmodels that use random effects (2020-06-10)
ranef_priors <- function(nranef, nam, rd_vcov) {
  # write prior distribution part for random effects variance parameters
  # - nranef: number/dimension of the random effects
  # - nam: name of the outcome of the sub-model
  # - rd_vcov: structure of the random effect variance-covariance matrix

  if (nranef == 1L) {
  } else if (rd_vcov == "indep") {
    rd_vcov_indep(nranef, nam)
  } else if (rd_vcov %in% c("full", "blockdiag")) {
    rd_vcov_full(nranef, nam)
  } else {
    errormsg("I do not know %s type %s.",
             dQuote("rd_vcov"), dQuote(rd_vcov))

rd_vcov_univ <- function(nam) {

  # (Truncation in Gamma to prevent JAGS error when values get too small or
  # too large)

  invD_distr <- "dgamma(shape_diag_RinvD, rate_diag_RinvD)T(1e-16, 1e16)"
         tab(), "invD", nam, "[1, 1] ~ ", invD_distr, "\n",
         tab(), "D", nam, "[1, 1] <- 1 / (invD", nam, "[1, 1])"

rd_vcov_indep <- function(nranef, nam) {

  # (Truncation in Gamma to prevent JAGS error when values get too small or
  # too large)

  invD_distr <- "dgamma(shape_diag_RinvD, rate_diag_RinvD)T(1e-16, 1e16)"
         tab(), "for (k in 1:", nranef, ") {", "\n",
         tab(4L), "invD", nam, "[k, k] ~ ", invD_distr, "\n",
         tab(), "}", "\n",
         tab(), "D", nam, "[1:", nranef, ", 1:", nranef,
         "] <- inverse(invD", nam, "[ , ])"

rd_vcov_full <- function(nranef, nam) {

  invD_distr <- paste0("dwish(RinvD", nam, "[ , ], KinvD", nam, ")")

         tab(), "for (k in 1:", nranef, ") {", "\n",
         tab(4L), "RinvD", nam,
         "[k, k] ~ dgamma(shape_diag_RinvD, rate_diag_RinvD)", "\n",
         tab(), "}", "\n",
         "invD", nam, "[1:", nranef, ", 1:", nranef, "] ~ ",
         invD_distr, "\n",
         tab(), "D", nam, "[1:", nranef, ", 1:", nranef,
         "] <- inverse(invD", nam, "[ , ])"

# Joint model ------------------------------------------------------------------

paste_linpred_jm <- function(varname, parname, parelmts, matnam, index, cols,
                             scale_pars, assoc_type, covnames, isgk = FALSE) {
  # - varname: name of the survival outcome
  # - parname: name of the parameter, e.g. "beta"
  # - parelmts: vector specifying which elements of the parameter vector are
  #             to be used, e.g. c(1,2,3,6,8,4)
  # - matnam: name or the design matrix, e.g. "M_lvlone
  # - index: character sting specifying the index to be used, e.g. "i" or "j"
  # - cols: index of the columns of the design matrix to be used,
  #         e.g. c(1, 4, 2, 10)
  # - scale_pars: a matrix with rownames according to the columns of the design
  #               matrix and columns "center" and "scale".
  #               Contains NA if a variable should not be scaled (could also be
  #               NULL instead of a matrix)
  # - assoc_type: vector of association types to be used for the time_varying
  #               covariates
  # - covnames: names of the time-varying covariates
  # - isgk: logical; indicating if the output is used inside the GK-quadrature
  #         part

  # get vector of association structure strings
  pastedat <- paste_association(varname = varname,
                                covnames = covnames, matname = matnam,
                                index = index, columns = cols,
                                assoc_type = assoc_type, isgk = isgk)

    paste_scaling(x = pastedat,
                  rows = cols,
                  scale_pars = list(scale_pars)[rep(1, length(cols))],
                  scalemat = rep(paste0("sp", matnam), length(cols))
    paste_coef(parname, parelmts),
    sep = " * ", collapse = " + ")

# used in paste_linpred_jm() (2020-06-10)
paste_association <- function(varname, covnames, matname, index, columns,
                              assoc_type, isgk) {

  # for each time-varying variable, paste the association structure
  # - varname: name of the survival outcome
  # - covnames: vector of names of the time-varying covariates
  # - matname: vector of names of the design matrix containing the time-varying
  #            covariate
  # - index: string specifying the index to be used, e.g. "i",
  # - columns: column numbers of the time-varying covariates in the design
  #            matrix
  # - assoc_type: vector of association types
  # - isgk: logical: is the output for within the quadrature part?

  mapply(function(varname, assoc_type, covname, matname, column, index, isgk) {
    paste_assoc <- switch(assoc_type,
                          "obs.value" = paste_obsvalue,
                          "underl.value" = paste_underlvalue)
    paste_assoc(varname = varname,
                covname = covname,
                matname = matname,
                index = index,
                column = column,
                isgk = isgk)
  }, varname = varname, assoc_type = assoc_type, covname = covnames,
  matname = matname, column = columns,
  MoreArgs = list(index = index, isgk = isgk)

# used in paste_association() (2020-06-10)
paste_obsvalue <- function(varname, matname, index, column, isgk, ...) {
  # create the string referring to the observed value of a time-varying
  # variable in the linear predictor of the survival model
  # - varname: name of the survival outcome
  # - matname: name of the design matrix containing the time-varying covariate
  # - index: string specifying the index to be used, e.g. "i",
  # - column: column number of the time-varying covariate in the design matrix,
  # - isgk: logical: is the output for within the quadrature part?
  # - ...: for compatibility of syntax with other association structure type
  #        functions

  if (isgk) # "M_lvlonegk[i, 4, k]" in the GK-quadrature
    paste0(matname, "gk[", index, ", ", column, ", 1:15]")
  else # "M_lvlone[srow_varname[i, k]" outside the quadrature
    paste0(matname, "[srow_", varname, "[", index, "], ", column, "]")

# used in paste_association() (2020-06-10)
paste_underlvalue <- function(varname, covname, index, isgk, ...) {
  # create the string referring to the underlying value of a time-varying
  # variable in the linear predictor of the survival model
  # - varname: name of the survival outcome
  # - covname: name of the time-varying covariates
  # - index: string specifying the index to be used, e.g. "i",
  # - isgk: logical: is the output for within the quadrature part?
  # - ...: for compatibility of syntax with other association structure type
  #        functions

  if (isgk)
    paste0("mugk_", covname, "[", index, ", 1:15]")
    paste0("mu_", covname, "[srow_", varname, "[", index, "]]")

# paste other model parts ------------------------------------------------------

# used in jagsmodels with categorical outcomes (2020-06-16)
paste_dummies <- function(resp_mat, resp_col, dummy_cols, index, refs, ...) {
  # write the syntax assigning values to the dummies based on the values of a
  # categorical variable
  # - resp_mat: name of the design matrix containing the variable and dummies
  # - resp_col: column number of the categorical variable
  # - dummy_cols: column numbers of the dummy variables
  # - index: the index to be used, e.g. "i" or "ii"
  # - refs: reference level information (including contrasts matrix) obtained
  #         originally from Mlist$refs

  cmat <- attr(refs, "contr_matrix")
  categories <- seq_along(levels(refs)) - as.numeric(length(levels(refs)) == 2L)

  paste0(tab(4L), resp_mat, "[", index, ", ", dummy_cols, "] <- ifelse(",
         resp_mat, "[", index, ", ", resp_col, "] == ",
         categories[apply(cmat == 1L, 2L, which)], ", 1",
         if (attr(refs, "contrasts") == "contr.treatment") {
           ", 0)"
         } else if (attr(refs, "contrasts") == "contr.sum") {
           paste0(", ifelse(", resp_mat, "[", index, ", ", resp_col, "] == ",
                  refs, ", -1, 0))")
         } else {
           errormsg("It is currently not possible to use contrasts of type
                      %s for incomplete variables.",
                    dQuote(attr(refs, "contrasts")))

# used in write_model() (2020-06-11)
paste_interactions <- function(interactions, group_lvls, n) {
  # - interactions: list with interaction information (names of matrices and
  #                 column numbers of the  interaction term and the elements
  #                 of the interaction, and the info if missing values are
  #                 involved; obtained from Mlist)
  # - group_lvls: vector of order of the grouping levels
  # - n: vector of the number of observations per grouping level

  # determine which index should be used for each of the levels
  index <- setNames(cvapply(seq_along(sort(group_lvls)),
                            function(k) paste0(rep("i", k), collapse = "")),

  # select only those interactions in which incomplete variables are involved
  interactions <- interactions[lvapply(interactions, "attr", "has_NAs")]

  # determine the minimal level for each interaction (this is the level on
  # which the interaction has to be calculated; observations from higher level
  # variables are then repeated to obtain a fitting vector)
  minlvl <- cvapply(interactions, function(x) {
    lvls <- gsub("M_", "", unique(names(unlist(unname(x)))))

    # for each of the levels on which interactions have to be written:
    sapply(unique(minlvl), function(lvl) {
        "for (", index[lvl], " in 1:", n[lvl], ") {\n",
          sapply(interactions[which(minlvl == lvl)], function(x) {
              paste_data(names(x$interterm), index = index[lvl],
                         col = x$interterm),
              " <- ",
                index = ifelse(names(x$elmts) == paste0("M_", lvl),
                               paste0("group_", gsub("M_", "", names(x$elmts)),
                                      "[", index[lvl], "]"
              ), collapse = " * ")
          collapse = "\n"
        "\n", tab(), "}\n"

# used in jagsmodels (2020-06-11)
get_priordistr <- function(shrinkage, type, family = NULL, link = NULL,
                           parname) {
  # write specification fo the prior distribution for the regression parameters,
  # using the specified type of shrinkage (or no shrinkage)

  if (type %in% c("glm", "glmm")) {
    type <- switch(family,
                   gaussian = "norm",
                   binomial = "binom",
                   Gamma = "gamma",
                   poisson = "poisson",
                   lognorm = "norm",
                   beta = "beta"

  if (is.null(shrinkage) | isFALSE(shrinkage)) {
    # no shrinkage
      tab(4L), parname, "[k] ~ dnorm(mu_reg_", type,
      ", tau_reg_", type, ")", "\n"
  } else if (shrinkage == "ridge") {
    # ridge shrinkage
      tab(4L), parname, "[k] ~ dnorm(mu_reg_", type,
      ", tau_reg_", type, "_ridge_", parname, "[k])", "\n",
      tab(4L), "tau_reg_", type, "_ridge_", parname, "[k] ~ dgamma(0.01, 0.01)",
  } else {
    errormsg("Regularization of type %s is not implemented.", dQuote(shrinkage))

# specifications for GLMs (and GLMMs) ------------------------------------------

# * distribution ---------------------------------------------------------------

# used in jagsmodel_glm and jagsmodel_glmm (2020-06-11)
get_distr <- function(family, varname, index, isgk = FALSE) {
  # write the outcome distribution model (right hand side) for a GLM(M)
  # JAGS model

  if (is.null(family)) {

         "gaussian" = paste0(
           "dnorm(mu", if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname,
           "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "], tau_", varname, ")"
         "binomial" = paste0(
           "dbern(max(1e-16, min(1 - 1e-16, mu",
           if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname,
           "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "])))"
         "Gamma" = paste0(
           "dgamma(shape", if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname,
           "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "], rate", if (isgk) "gk", "_",
           varname, "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "])"
         "poisson" = paste0(
           "dpois(max(1e-10, mu", if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname,
           "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "]))"
         "lognorm" = paste0(
           "dlnorm(mu", if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname, "[",
           index, if (isgk) ", k", "], tau_", varname, ")"
         "beta" = paste0(
           "dbeta(shape1", if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname,
           "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "], shape2", if (isgk) "gk",
           "_", varname, "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "])T(1e-15, 1 - 1e-15)"

# * link -----------------------------------------------------------------------

# used in jagsmodel_glm and jagsmodel_glmm (2020-06-11)
get_linkfun <- function(link) {
  # write the link function string for a GLM(M) JAGS model

  if (is.null(link)) {

         "identity" = function(x) x,
         "logit"    = function(x) paste0("logit(", x, ")"),
         "probit"   = function(x) paste0("probit(", x, ")"),
         "log"      = function(x) paste0("log(", x, ")"),
         "cloglog"  = function(x) paste0("cloglog(", x, ")"),
         # "sqrt": JAGS does not know this link function
         # "cauchit is not available in JAGS
         "inverse"  = function(x)
           paste0(x, " <- 1/max(1e-10, inv_", x, ")", "\n",
                  tab(4L), "inv_", x)

# * re-parametrization ---------------------------------------------------------

# used in jagsmodel_glm and jagsmodel_glmm (2020-06-11)
get_repar <- function(family, varname, index, isgk = FALSE) {
  # write the syntax to calculate the re-parametrization in GLM(M) JAGS model

  if (is.null(family)) {

         "gaussian" = NULL,
         "binomial" = NULL,
         "Gamma" = paste0("\n",
                          tab(4L), "shape", if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname,
                          "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "] <- pow(mu",
                          if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname, "[", index,
                          if (isgk) ", k", "], 2) / pow(sigma_", varname,
                          ", 2)",
                          tab(4L), "rate", if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname,
                          "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "] <- mu",
                          if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname, "[", index,
                          if (isgk) ", k", "] / pow(sigma_", varname, ", 2)",
         "poisson" = NULL,
         "lognorm" = NULL,
         "beta" <- paste0(
           tab(4L), "shape1", if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname,
           "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "] <- mu",
           if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname, "[", index,
           if (isgk) ", k", "] * tau_",
           varname, "\n",
           tab(4L), "shape2", if (isgk) "gk", "_", varname,
           "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "] <- (1 - mu", if (isgk) "gk", "_",
           varname, "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "]) * tau_",
           varname, "\n\n"

# * prior for a second parameter -----------------------------------------------

# used in jagsmodel_glm and jagsmodel_glmm (2020-06-11)
get_secndpar <- function(family, varname) {
  # write syntax for second parameter (typically precision or variance) in
  # GLM(M) JAGS model

  if (is.null(family)) {

         "gaussian" = paste0(
           tab(), "tau_", varname, " ~ dgamma(shape_tau_norm, rate_tau_norm)",
           tab(), "sigma_", varname, " <- sqrt(1/tau_", varname, ")"
         "binomial" = NULL,
         "Gamma" = paste0(
           tab(), "tau_", varname, " ~ dgamma(shape_tau_gamma, rate_tau_gamma)",
           tab(), "sigma_", varname, " <- sqrt(1/tau_", varname, ")"
         "poisson" = NULL,
         "lognorm" = paste0(
           tab(), "tau_", varname, " ~ dgamma(shape_tau_norm, rate_tau_norm)",
           tab(), "sigma_", varname, " <- sqrt(1/tau_", varname, ")"
         "beta" = paste0(
           tab(), "tau_", varname, " ~ dgamma(shape_tau_beta, rate_tau_beta)",

# used in jagsmodel_glm and jagsmodel_glmm (2020-06-11)
get_glm_modelname <- function(family) {
  # obtain model name to be printed in jagsmodel for GLM(M)

  if (is.null(family)) {

         "gaussian" = "Normal",
         "binomial" = "Binomial",
         "Gamma" = "Gamma",
         "poisson" = "Poisson",
         "lognorm" = "Log-normal",
         "beta" = "Beta"

# used in jagsmodel_glm and jagsmodel_glmm (2020-06-11)
get_linkindent <- function(link) {
  # get number of characters that lines after a line break in the  linear
  # predictor of a GLM(M) JAGS model should be indented

  if (is.null(link)) 0L
           identity = 0L,
           logit = 7L,
           probit = 8L,
           log = 5L,
           cloglog = 9L,
           inverse = 4L)

# functions for ordinal models -------------------------------------------------
write_probs <- function(info, index, isgk = FALSE, indent = 4L) {
  # syntax for probabilities, using min-max-trick for numeric stability
  # i.e., "p_O2[i, 2] <- psum_O2[i, 2] - psum_O2[i, 1]"

  .info <- info
  .index <- index
  .isgk <- isgk

  probs <- cvapply(2L:(info$ncat - 1L),
                   function(k, .info = info, .index = index, .isgk = isgk) {
                     paste0(tab(indent), paste_p(k), " <- ",
                              if (isTRUE(.info$rev)) {
                                paste0(paste_ps(k), " - ", paste_ps(k - 1L))
                              } else {
                                paste0(paste_ps(k - 1L), " - ", paste_ps(k))
  # if (isTRUE(isgk)) {
  #   paste0(c(
  #     write_pgk(info, index, indent), "",
  #     write_psum_expit(info, index, indent)
  #   ), collapse = "\n")
  # } else {

         paste_p(1L), " <- ",
         if (isTRUE(info$rev)) {
         } else {
           paste0("1 - ", minmax(paste0("sum(", paste_p(2L:info$ncat), ")")))
         paste(probs, collapse = "\n"), "\n",
         tab(indent), paste_p(info$ncat), " <- ",
         if (isTRUE(info$rev)) {
           paste0("1 - ", minmax(paste0("sum(", paste_p(1L:(info$ncat - 1L)), ")")
         } else {
           minmax(paste_ps(info$ncat - 1L))

write_logits <- function(info, index, nonprop = FALSE, isgk = FALSE,
                         indent = 4L) {
  # syntax for logits, e.g., "logit(psum_O2[i, 1]) <- gamma_O2[1] + eta_O2[i]"

  logits <- cvapply(1L:(info$ncat - 1L),
                             .info = info,
                             .index = index,
                             .isgk = isgk) {
                      paste0(tab(indent), "logit(", paste_ps(k),
                             ") <- gamma_", info$varname, "[", k, "]",
                             " + eta", if (isgk) "gk",
                             "_", info$varname, "[", index, if (isgk) ", k", "]",
                             if (nonprop) {
                               paste0(" + eta_", info$varname, "_", k,
                                      "[", index, "]")

  paste0(logits, collapse = "\n")
  # if (isTRUE(isgk)) {
  #   paste0(write_exp_lp(info, index = index, indent = indent, nonprop = nonprop),
  #          collapse = "\n")
  # } else {


# write the part that calculates the exponential function of the linear predictor
# in the quadrature part for ordinal longitudinal outcomes in joint models
write_exp_lp <- function(info, index, nonprop = FALSE, indent = 4L) {
         "exp_lp_", info$varname, "[", index, ", ", 1L:(info$ncat - 1L),
         ", 1:15] <- exp(1)^(gamma_", info$varname, "[", 1L:(info$ncat - 1L), "]",
         " + etagk",
         "_", info$varname, "[", index, ", 1:15", "]",
         if (nonprop) {
           paste0(" + eta_", info$varname, "_", 1L:(info$ncat - 1L),
                  "[", index, "]")
         }, ")")

write_psum_expit <- function(info, index, indent = 4L) {
  cvapply(1:(info$ncat - 1), function(r) {
           "psumgk_", info$varname, "[", index, ", ", r,
           ", 1:15] <- exp_lp_", info$varname, "[", index, ", ", r,
           ", ]/(1 + exp_lp_", info$varname, "[", index, ", ", r, ", ])",
           if (r < info$ncat - 1) {
             paste0(" - psumgk_", info$varname, "[", index, ", ", r + 1, ", 1:15]")

write_pgk <- function(info, index, indent = 4L) {
           "pgk_", info$varname, "[", index, ", 1, 1:15] <- 1 - ifelse(",
           "probsumgk_", info$varname, "[", index, ", ] > 1 - 1e-10, 1-1e-10, ", "\n",
           tab(indent + 4 + nchar(info$varname) + nchar(index) + 15),
           "ifelse(probsumgk_", info$varname, "[", index, ", ] < 1e-10, 1e-10, ",
           "probsumgk_", info$varname, "[", index, ", ]))"

           "pgk_", info$varname, "[", index, ", 2:", info$ncat, ", 1:15] <- ifelse(",
           "psumgk_", info$varname, "[", index, ", , ] > 1 - 1e-10, 1-1e-10, ", "\n",
           tab(indent + 4 + nchar(info$varname) + nchar(index) + 17),
           "ifelse(psumgk_", info$varname, "[", index, ", , ] < 1e-10, 1e-10, ",
           "psumgk_", info$varname, "[", index, ", , ]))"

    paste0("\n", tab(indent),
           "probsumgk_", info$varname, "[", index, ", 1:15] <- ",
           paste0("pgk_", info$varname, "[", index, ", ", 2:info$ncat, ", ]",
                  collapse = " + ")

write_priors_clm <- function(info) {

  deltas <- cvapply(1L:(info$ncat - 2L), function(k) {
    paste0(tab(), "delta_", info$varname, "[", k,
           "] ~ dnorm(mu_delta_ordinal, tau_delta_ordinal)")

  sign <- if (isTRUE(info$rev)) {" + "} else {" - "}

  gammas <- cvapply(1L:(info$ncat - 1L), function(k) {
    if (k == 1L) {
      paste0(tab(), "gamma_", info$varname, "[", k,
             "] ~ dnorm(mu_delta_ordinal, tau_delta_ordinal)")
    } else {
      paste0(tab(), "gamma_", info$varname, "[", k, "] <- gamma_",
             info$varname, "[", k - 1L, "]", sign, "exp(delta_", info$varname,
             "[", k - 1L, "])")

  paste0(c(deltas, "", gammas), collapse = "\n")

# * helpfunctions --------------------------------------------------------------
paste_p <- function(nr, env = parent.frame()) {
  vn <- env$.info$varname
  ind <- env$.index
  gk <- env$.isgk

  if (length(nr) > 1L)
    nr <- paste0(min(nr), ":", max(nr))
  paste0("p", if (gk) "gk", "_", vn, "[", ind, ", ", nr, if (gk) ", k", "]")

paste_ps <- function(nr, env = parent.frame()) {
  vn <- env$.info$varname
  ind <- env$.index
  gk <- env$.isgk

  paste0("psum", if (gk) "gk", "_", vn, "[", ind, ", ", nr, if (gk) ", k", "]")

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