#' Create a State Space Model Object of Class SSModel
#' Function \code{SSModel} creates a state space object object of class
#' \code{SSModel} which can be used as an input object for various functions of
#' \code{KFAS} package.
#' Formula of the model can contain the usual regression part and additional
#' functions defining different types of components of the model, named as
#' \code{SSMarima}, \code{SSMcustom}, \code{SSMcycle}, \code{SSMregression},
#' \code{SSMseasonal} and \code{SSMtrend}.
#' For more details, see package vignette (the mathematical notation is somewhat non-readable in ASCII).
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats terms update.formula drop.terms model.response model.matrix delete.response update.formula
#' @rdname SSModel
#' @name SSModel
#' @seealso \code{\link{KFAS}} for more examples.
#' @param formula An object of class \code{\link{formula}} containing the
#' symbolic description of the model. The intercept term can be removed with
#' \code{-1} as in \code{lm}. In case of trend or differenced arima component the
#' intercept is removed automatically in order to keep the model identifiable.
#' See package vignette and examples in \code{\link{KFAS}} for special functions
#' used in model construction.
#' @param data An optional data frame, list or environment containing the
#' variables in the model.
#' @param H Covariance matrix or array of disturbance terms
#' \eqn{\epsilon_t}{\epsilon[t]} of observation equation. Defaults to an identity matrix.
#' Omitted in case of non-Gaussian distributions (augment the state vector if you want to add
#' additional noise).
#' @param u Additional parameters for non-Gaussian models. See details in
#' \code{\link{KFAS}}.
#' @param distribution A vector of distributions of the observations. Default is
#' \code{rep("gaussian", p)}, where \code{p} is the number of series.
#' @param tol A tolerance parameter used in checking whether \code{Finf} or \code{F} is numerically zero.
#' Defaults to \code{.Machine$double.eps^0.5}. If \code{F < tol * max(abs(Z[Z > 0]))^2},
#' then F is deemed to be zero (i.e. differences are due to numerical precision).
#' This has mostly effect only on determining when to end exact diffuse phase. Tweaking this
#' and/or scaling model parameters/observations can sometimes help with numerical issues.
#' @param index A vector indicating for which series the corresponding
#' components are constructed.
#' @param type For cycle, seasonal, trend and regression components, character
#' string defining if \code{"distinct"} or \code{"common"} states are used for
#' different series.
#' @param Q For arima, cycle and seasonal component, a \eqn{p \times p}{p x p}
#' covariance matrix of the disturbances (or in the time varying case \eqn{p
#' \times p \times n}{p x p x n} array), where where $p$ = \code{length(index)}.
#' For trend component, list of length \code{degree} containing the \eqn{p
#' \times p} or \eqn{p \times p \times n} covariance matrices. For a custom
#' component, arbitrary covariance matrix or array of disturbance terms
#' \eqn{\eta_t}{\eta[t]}
#' @param a1 Optional \eqn{m \times 1}{m x 1} matrix giving the expected value
#' of the initial state vector \eqn{\alpha_1}{\alpha[1]}.
#' @param P1 Optional \eqn{m \times m}{m x m} matrix giving the covariance
#' matrix of \eqn{\alpha_1}{\alpha[1]}. In the diffuse case the non-diffuse
#' part of \eqn{P_1}{P[1]}.
#' @param P1inf Optional \eqn{m \times m}{m x m} matrix giving the diffuse part
#' of \eqn{P_1}{P[1]}. Diagonal matrix with ones on diagonal elements which
#' correspond to the diffuse initial states. If \code{P1inf[i,i]>0}, corresponding
#' row and column of \code{P1} should be zero.
#' @param R For a custom and regression components, optional \eqn{m \times k}
#' system matrix or array of transition equation.
#' @param ar For arima component, a numeric vector containing the autoregressive
#' coeffients.
#' @param ma For arima component, a numericvector containing the moving average
#' coeffients.
#' @param d For arima component, a degree of differencing.
#' @param stationary For arima component, logical value indicating whether a
#' stationarity of the arima part is assumed. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param Z For a custom component, system matrix or array of observation
#' equation.
#' @param T For a custom component, system matrix or array of transition
#' equation.
#' @param period For a cycle and seasonal components, the length of the
#' cycle/seasonal pattern.
#' @param damping A damping factor for cycle component. Defaults to 1.
#' Note that there are no checks for the range of the factor.
#' @param sea.type For seasonal component, character string defining whether to
#' use \code{"dummy"} or \code{"trigonometric"} form of the seasonal
#' component.
#' @param harmonics For univariate trigonometric seasonal, argument
#' \code{harmonics} can be used to specify which subharmonics
#' are added to the model. Note that for multivariate model you can call
#' \code{SSMseasonal} multiple times with different values of \code{index}.
#' @param degree For trend component, integer defining the degree of the
#' polynomial trend. 1 corresponds to local level, 2 for local linear trend
#' and so forth.
#' @param rformula For regression component, right hand side formula or list of
#' of such formulas defining the custom regression part.
#' @param remove.intercept Remove intercept term from regression model. Default
#' is \code{TRUE}. This tries to ensure that there are no extra intercept
#' terms in the model.
#' @param n Length of the series, only used internally for dimensionality check.
#' @param ynames names of the times series, used internally.
#' @param state_names A character vector giving the state names.
#' @return Object of class \code{SSModel}, which is a list with the following
#' components:
#' \item{y}{A n x p matrix containing the observations. }
#' \item{Z}{A p x m x 1 or p x m x n array corresponding to the system matrix
#' of observation equation. }
#' \item{H}{A p x p x 1 or p x p x n array
#' corresponding to the covariance matrix of observational disturbances
#' epsilon. }
#' \item{T}{A m x m x 1 or m x m x n array corresponding to the
#' first system matrix of state equation. }
#' \item{R}{A m x k x 1 or m x k x n
#' array corresponding to the second system matrix of state equation. }
#' \item{Q}{A k x k x 1 or k x k x n array corresponding to the covariance
#' matrix of state disturbances eta }
#' \item{a1}{A m x 1 matrix containing the
#' expected values of the initial states. }
#' \item{P1}{A m x m matrix
#' containing the covariance matrix of the nondiffuse part of the initial
#' state vector. }
#' \item{P1inf}{A m x m matrix containing the covariance
#' matrix of the diffuse part of the initial state vector.
#' If \code{P1[i,i]} is non-zero then \code{P1inf[i,i]} is automatically set to zero. }
#' \item{u}{A n x p
#' matrix of an additional parameters in case of non-Gaussian model.}
#' \item{distribution}{A vector of length p giving the distributions of the
#' observations. }
#' \item{tol}{A tolerance parameter for Kalman filtering. }
#' \item{call}{Original call to the function. } In addition, object of class
#' \code{SSModel} contains following attributes:
#' \item{names}{Names of the
#' list components. }
#' \item{p, m, k, n}{Integer valued scalars defining the
#' dimensions of the model components. }
#' \item{state_types}{Types of the
#' states in the model. }
#' \item{eta_types}{Types of the
#' state disturbances in the model. }
#' \item{tv}{Integer vector stating whether \code{Z},\code{H},\code{T},\code{R} or \code{Q} is
#' time-varying (indicated by 1 in \code{tv} and 0 otherwise).
#' If you manually change the dimensions of the matrices you must change this attribute also.}
#' @examples
#' # An example of a time-varying variance
#' model_drivers <- SSModel(log(cbind(front, rear)) ~ SSMtrend(1, Q = list(diag(2))),
#' data = Seatbelts, H = array(NA, c(2, 2, 192)))
#' ownupdatefn <- function(pars, model){
#' diag(model$Q[, , 1]) <- exp(pars[1:2])
#' model$H[,,1:169] <- diag(exp(pars[3:4])) # break in variance
#' model$H[,,170:192] <- diag(exp(pars[5:6]))
#' model
#' }
#' fit_drivers <- fitSSM(model_drivers, inits = rep(-1, 6),
#' updatefn = ownupdatefn, method = "BFGS")
#' fit_drivers$model$H[,,1]
#' fit_drivers$model$H[,,192]
#' # An example of shift in the level component
#' Tt <- array(diag(2), c(2, 2, 100))
#' Tt[1,2,28] <- 1
#' Z <- matrix(c(1,0), 1, 2)
#' Q <- diag(c(NA, 0), 2)
#' model <- SSModel(Nile ~ -1 + SSMcustom(Z, Tt, Q = Q, P1inf = diag(2)),
#' H = matrix(NA))
#' model <- fitSSM(model, c(10,10), method = "BFGS")$model
#' model$Q
#' model$H
#' conf_Nile <- predict(model, interval = "confidence", level = 0.9)
#' pred_Nile <- predict(model, interval = "prediction", level = 0.9)
#' ts.plot(cbind(Nile, pred_Nile, conf_Nile[, -1]), col = c(1:2, 3, 3, 4, 4),
#' ylab = "Predicted Annual flow", main = "River Nile")
#' # dynamic regression model
#' set.seed(1)
#' x1 <- rnorm(100)
#' x2 <- rnorm(100)
#' b1 <- 1 + cumsum(rnorm(100, sd = 1))
#' b2 <- 2 + cumsum(rnorm(100, sd = 0.1))
#' y <- 1 + b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 + rnorm(100, sd = 0.1)
#' model <- SSModel(y ~ SSMregression(~ x1 + x2, Q = diag(NA,2)), H = NA)
#' fit <- fitSSM(model, inits = c(0,0,0), method = "BFGS")
#' model <- fit$model
#' model$Q
#' model$H
#' out <- KFS(model)
#' ts.plot(out$alphahat[,-1], b1, b2, col = 1:4)
#' # SSMregression with multivariate observations
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(30), 10, 3) # one variable per each series
#' y <- x + rnorm(30)
#' model <- SSModel(y ~ SSMregression(list(~ X1, ~ X2, ~ X3), data = data.frame(x)))
#' # more generally SSMregression(sapply(1:3, function(i) formula(paste0("~ X",i))), ...)
#' # three covariates per series, with same coefficients:
#' y <- x[,1] + x[,2] + x[,3] + matrix(rnorm(30), 10, 3)
#' model <- SSModel(y ~ -1 + SSMregression(~ X1 + X2 + X3, remove.intercept = FALSE,
#' type = "common", data = data.frame(x)))
#' # the above cases can be combined in various ways, you can call SSMregression multiple times:
#' model <- SSModel(y ~ SSMregression(~ X1 + X2, type = "common") +
#' SSMregression(~ X2), data = data.frame(x))
#' # examples of using data argument
#' y <- x <- rep(1, 3)
#' data1 <- data.frame(x = rep(2, 3))
#' data2 <- data.frame(x = rep(3, 3))
#' f <- formula(~ -1 + x)
#' # With data missing the environment of formula is checked,
#' # and if not found in there a calling environment via parent.frame is checked.
#' c(SSModel(y ~ -1 + x)["Z"]) # 1
#' c(SSModel(y ~ -1 + x, data = data1)["Z"]) # 2
#' c(SSModel(y ~ -1 + SSMregression(~ -1 + x))["Z"]) # 1
#' c(SSModel(y ~ -1 + SSMregression(~ -1 + x, data = data1))["Z"]) # 2
#' c(SSModel(y ~ -1 + SSMregression(~ -1 + x), data = data1)["Z"]) # 2
#' SSModel(y ~ -1 + x + SSMregression(~ -1 + x, data = data1))["Z"] # 1 and 2
#' SSModel(y ~ -1 + x + SSMregression(~ -1 + x), data = data1)["Z"] # both are 2
#' SSModel(y ~ -1 + x + SSMregression(~ -1 + x, data = data1), data = data2)["Z"] # 3 and 2
#' SSModel(y ~ -1 + x + SSMregression(f))["Z"] # 1 and 1
#' SSModel(y ~ -1 + x + SSMregression(f), data = data1)["Z"] # 2 and 1
#' SSModel(y ~ -1 + x + SSMregression(f,data = data1))["Z"] # 1 and 2
#' rm(x)
#' c(SSModel(y ~ -1 + SSMregression(f, data = data1))$Z) # 2
#' \dontrun{
#' # This fails as there is no x in the environment of f
#' try(c(SSModel(y ~ -1 + SSMregression(f), data = data1)$Z))
#' }
SSModel <- function(formula, data, H, u, distribution,
tol = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5) {
if (missing(data)) {
data <- environment(formula)
tsp_data <- NULL
} else {
tsp_data <- tsp(data)
data <-
# Modifying formula object, catching special functions
mf <- mc <- = FALSE)
mf <- mf[c(1L, match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0L))]
mf[[1L]] <-"model.frame")
mf$na.action <-"na.pass")
components <- c("SSMregression", "SSMtrend", "SSMseasonal", "SSMcycle",
"SSMarima", "SSMcustom")
all_terms <- terms_out <- terms(formula, specials = components, data = data)
specials <- attr(all_terms, "specials")
components <- components[!sapply(specials, is.null)]
if (length(unlist(specials)) > 0) {
if (length(attr(all_terms, "term.labels")) == length(unlist(specials))){
all_terms <- terms(update.formula(all_terms, . ~ . + .emptyx.),
specials = components)
drops <- which(attr(all_terms, "term.labels") %in%
rownames(attr(all_terms, "factors"))[unlist(specials)])
mf$formula <- formula(drop.terms(all_terms, drops, keep.response = TRUE))
mf$formula <- update.formula(mf$formula, . ~ . - .emptyx., simplify = TRUE)
# Remove extra intercept
if ("SSMtrend" %in% components ||
("SSMarima" %in% components &&
isTRUE(eval(attr(all_terms, "variables")[[specials$SSMarima + 1]]$d,
envir = data, enclos=parent.frame()) > 0))){
mf$formula <- update.formula(mf$formula, . ~ . - 1)
} else remove.intercept<-FALSE
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
vars <- attr(all_terms, "variables")
reg_in_formula <- as.integer(dim(model.matrix(mt, mf))[2] > 0)
specials <- unlist(specials)
lspecials <- length(specials)
n_blocks <- lspecials + reg_in_formula
blocks <- vector("list", n_blocks)
# building y
if (is.array(y)) {
p <- dim(y)[2]
n <- dim(y)[1]
} else {
y <- as.array(y)
if (length(dim(y)) != 2) {
p <- 1
n <- length(y)
dim(y) <- c(n, p)
y_names <- colnames(y)
if (is.null(y_names)) {
y_names <- if (p > 1) {
colnames(y) <- paste0("y", 1:p)
} else ""
class(y) <- if (p > 1)
c("mts", "ts", "matrix") else "ts"
if (is.null(tsp(y))) {
if (!is.null(tsp_data)) {
tsp(y) <- tsp_data
} else tsp(y) <- c(1, n, 1)
# defining the distributions of y
if (missing(distribution)) {
distribution <- rep("gaussian", length = p)
} else {
if (length(distribution) == 1 | length(distribution) == p) {
distribution <- rep(pmatch(x = distribution, table = c("gaussian", "poisson",
"binomial", "gamma", "negative binomial"), duplicates.ok = TRUE),
length = p)
} else stop("Length of the argument 'distribution' must be either 1 or p, the number of series.")
if (any(
stop("Misspeficied distribution, only 'gaussian', 'poisson', 'binomial', 'gamma', and 'negative binomial' are allowed.")
distribution <- c("gaussian", "poisson", "binomial", "gamma", "negative binomial")[distribution]
# building H and u
if (all(distribution == "gaussian")) {
if (!missing(H)) {
if (length(H) == 1)
dim(H) <- c(1, 1)
dims <- dim(H)
if (dims[1] != p || dims[2] != p)
stop("Misspecified H, argument H must be NULL, a scalar, p x p matrix or p x p x n array, where p is the number of time series.")
H <- array(H, dim = c(p, p, 1 + (n - 1) * (max(dims[3], 0, na.rm = TRUE) >
} else {
H <- array(diag(p), dim = c(p, p, 1))
storage.mode(H) <- "double"
u <- "Omitted"
} else {
if (!missing(H))
warning("H ignored as model contains non-gaussian series.")
H <- "Omitted"
if (missing(u)) {
u <- array(1, c(n, p))
} else {
if ( {
u <- data.matrix(u)
if (!identical(dim(u), c(n, p)))
stop("Mispecified u, argument u must be either vector of length p, or n x p matrix, where p is the number of time series.")
} else u <- matrix(u, n, p, byrow = is.vector(u))
storage.mode(u) <- "double"
class(u) <- class(y)
tsp(u) <- tsp(y)
# building model components by calling appropriate component functions
if (reg_in_formula) {
blocks[[1]] <- SSMregression(rformula = formula(delete.response(mt)), data = mf,
index = 1:p, n = n, ynames = if (p > 1)
blocks[[1]]$state_types <- "regression"
if (lspecials > 0)
for (i in 1:lspecials) {
comp <- vars[[1 + specials[i]]]
comp <- = eval(comp[[1]],envir=data,enclos=parent.frame()), call = comp)
if (is.null(comp$index)) {
comp$index <- 1:p
} else if (!all(eval(comp$index,envir=data,enclos=parent.frame()) %in% (1:p)))
stop("Index must have values between 1 to p. ")
comp$n <- n
if (comp[[1]] != "SSMcustom" && p > 1 &&
is.null(comp$ynames) && (is.null(comp$type) || comp$type != "common"))
comp$ynames <- y_names[eval(comp$index,envir=data,enclos=parent.frame())]
blocks[[i + reg_in_formula]] <- eval(comp, envir=data,enclos=parent.frame())
# use level and slope instead of generic trend
if((s_type <- substr(as.character(comp[[1]]),
start = 4, stop = 15L))=="trend"){
s_type <- substr(blocks[[i + reg_in_formula]]$state_names, start = 1, stop = 5L)
blocks[[i + reg_in_formula]]$state_types <- s_type
# building combined model arrays
cum_m <- c(0, cumsum(unlist(sapply(blocks, "[", "m"))))
cum_k <- c(0, cumsum(unlist(sapply(blocks, "[", "k"))))
m <- max(cum_m)
k <- max(cum_k, 1)
tv[1] <- max(0, unlist(sapply(blocks, "[", "tvz")))
tv[2] <- any(distribution != "gaussian") || (dim(H)[3] > 1)
tv[3] <- max(0, unlist(sapply(blocks, "[", "tvt")))
tv[4] <- max(0, unlist(sapply(blocks, "[", "tvr")))
tv[5] <- max(0, unlist(sapply(blocks, "[", "tvq")))
Z <- array(0, c(p, m, 1 + (n - 1) * tv[1]))
T <- array(0, c(m, m, 1 + (n - 1) * tv[3]))
R <- array(0, c(m, k, 1 + (n - 1) * tv[4]))
Q <- array(0, c(k, k, 1 + (n - 1) * tv[5]))
P1 <- P1inf <- matrix(0, m, m)
a1 <- matrix(0, nrow = m)
state_names <- unname(unlist(sapply(blocks, "[", "state_names")))
rownames(a1) <- rownames(T) <- colnames(T) <- colnames(Z) <-
rownames(R) <- rownames(P1) <- colnames(P1) <- rownames(P1inf) <-
colnames(P1inf) <- state_names
rownames(Z) <- colnames(y)
state_types <- character(m)
eta_types <- character(k)
for (i in 1:n_blocks) {
Z[blocks[[i]]$index, (cum_m[i] + 1):cum_m[i + 1], ] <- blocks[[i]]$Z
T[(cum_m[i] + 1):cum_m[i + 1], (cum_m[i] + 1):cum_m[i + 1], ] <- blocks[[i]]$T
R[(cum_m[i] + 1):cum_m[i + 1], seq_len(cum_k[i + 1] - cum_k[i]) + cum_k[i],
] <- blocks[[i]]$R
Q[seq_len(cum_k[i + 1] - cum_k[i]) + cum_k[i], seq_len(cum_k[i + 1] - cum_k[i]) +
cum_k[i], ] <- blocks[[i]]$Q
a1[(cum_m[i] + 1):cum_m[i + 1], ] <- blocks[[i]]$a1
P1[(cum_m[i] + 1):cum_m[i + 1], (cum_m[i] + 1):cum_m[i + 1]] <- blocks[[i]]$P1
P1inf[(cum_m[i] + 1):cum_m[i + 1], (cum_m[i] + 1):cum_m[i + 1]] <- blocks[[i]]$P1inf
state_types[(cum_m[i] + 1):cum_m[i + 1]] <- eta_types[seq_len(cum_k[i + 1] -
cum_k[i]) + cum_k[i]] <- blocks[[i]]$state_types
if (all(dim(R) == c(1, 1, 1)) && R[1] == 0)
R[1] <- 1
model <- list(y = y, Z = Z, H = H, T = T, R = R, Q = Q, a1 = a1, P1 = P1, P1inf = P1inf,
u = u, distribution = distribution, tol = tol)
class(model) <- "SSModel"
attr(model, "p") <- as.integer(p)
attr(model, "m") <- as.integer(m)
attr(model, "k") <- as.integer(k)
attr(model, "n") <- as.integer(n)
names(tv) <- c("Z","H","T","R","Q")
attr(model, "tv") <- as.integer(tv)
attr(model, "state_types") <- state_types
attr(model, "eta_types") <- eta_types
model$call <- mc
model$terms <- terms_out
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