
Defines functions pcfa

Documented in pcfa

#' @title (Generalized) Partially Confirmatory Factor Analysis
#' @description \code{PCFA} is a partially confirmatory approach covering a wide range of
#' the exploratory-confirmatory continuum in factor analytic models (Chen, Guo, Zhang, & Pan, 2021).
#' The PCFA is only for continuous data, while the generalized PCFA (GPCFA; Chen, 2021)
#' covers both continuous and categorical data.
#'  There are two major model variants with different constraints for identification. One assumes local
#'  independence (LI) with a more exploratory tendency, which can be also called the E-step.
#'  The other allows local dependence (LD) with a more confirmatory tendency, which can be also
#'  called the C-step. Parameters are obtained by sampling from the posterior distributions with
#'  the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques. Different Bayesian Lasso methods are used to
#'  regularize the loading pattern and LD. The estimation results can be summarized with \code{\link{summary.lawbl}}
#'  and the factorial eigenvalue can be plotted with \code{\link{plot_lawbl}}.
#' @name pcfa
#' @param dat A \eqn{N \times J} data \emph{matrix} or \emph{data.frame} consisting of the
#'     responses of \eqn{N} individuals to \eqn{J} items.
#' @param Q A \eqn{J \times K} design matrix for the loading pattern with \eqn{K} factors and \eqn{J} items.
#' Elements are 1, -1, and 0 for specified, unspecified, and zero-fixed loadings, respectively. For models with
#' LI or the E-step, one can specify a few (e.g., 2) loadings per factor. For models with LD or the C-step, the
#' sufficient condition of one specified loading per item is suggested, although there can be a few items
#' without any specified loading. See \code{Examples}.
#' @param LD logical; \code{TRUE} for allowing LD (model with LD or C-step).
#' @param cati The set of categorical (polytomous) items in sequence number (i.e., 1 to \eqn{J});
#' \code{NULL} for no and -1 for all items (default is \code{NULL}).
#' @param cand_thd Candidate parameter for sampling the thresholds with the MH algorithm.
#' @param PPMC logical; \code{TRUE} for conducting posterior predictive model checking.
#' @param burn Number of burn-in iterations before posterior sampling.
#' @param iter Number of formal iterations for posterior sampling (> 0).
#' @param update Number of iterations to update the sampling information.
#' @param missing Value for missing data (default is \code{NA}).
#' @param alas logical; for adaptive Lasso or not. The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param rseed An integer for the random seed.
#' @param digits Number of significant digits to print when printing numeric values.
#' @param verbose logical; to display the sampling information every \code{update} or not.
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \code{Feigen}: Eigenvalue for each factor.
#'     \item \code{NLA_le3}: Number of Loading estimates >= .3 for each factor.
#'     \item \code{Shrink}: Shrinkage (or ave. shrinkage for each factor for adaptive Lasso).
#'     \item \code{EPSR & NCOV}: EPSR for each factor & # of convergence.
#'     \item \code{Ave. Thd}: Ave. thresholds for polytomous items.
#'     \item \code{Acc Rate}: Acceptance rate of threshold (MH algorithm).
#'     \item \code{LD>.2 >.1 LD>.2 >.1}: # of LD terms larger than .2 and .1, and LD's shrinkage parameter.
#'     \item \code{#Sign_sw}: Number of sign switch for each factor.
#' }
#' @param rfit logical; \code{TRUE} for providing relative fit (DIC, BIC, AIC).
#' @param sign_check logical; \code{TRUE} for checking sign switch of loading vector.
#' @param sign_eps minimum value for switch sign of loading vector (if \code{sign_check=TRUE}).
#' @param rs logical; \code{TRUE} for enabling recommendation system.
#' @param auto_stop logical; \code{TRUE} for enabling auto stop based on \code{EPSR<1.1}.
#' @param max_conv maximum consecutive number of convergence for auto stop.
#' @return \code{pcfa} returns an object of class \code{lawbl} without item intercepts. It contains a lot of information about
#' the posteriors that can be summarized using \code{\link{summary.lawbl}}.
#' @references
#' Chen, J., Guo, Z., Zhang, L., & Pan, J. (2021). A partially confirmatory approach to scale development
#'  with the Bayesian Lasso. \emph{Psychological Methods}. 26(2), 210–235. DOI: 10.1037/met0000293.
#' Chen, J. (2021). A generalized partially confirmatory factor analysis framework with mixed Bayesian Lasso methods.
#'  \emph{Multivariate Behavioral Research}. DOI: 10.1080/00273171.2021.1925520.
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'#  Example 1: Estimation with continuous data & LD  #
#' dat <- sim18cfa1$dat
#' J <- ncol(dat)
#' K <- 3
#' Q<-matrix(-1,J,K);
#' Q[1:6,1]<-Q[7:12,2]<-Q[13:18,3]<-1
#' m0 <- pcfa(dat = dat, Q = Q, LD = TRUE,burn = 2000, iter = 2000)
#' summary(m0) # summarize basic information
#' summary(m0, what = 'qlambda') #summarize significant loadings in pattern/Q-matrix format
#' summary(m0, what = 'offpsx') #summarize significant LD terms
#'#  Example 2: Estimation with categorical data & LI  #
#' dat <- sim18ccfa40$dat
#' J <- ncol(dat)
#' K <- 3
#' Q<-matrix(-1,J,K);
#' Q[1:2,1]<-Q[7:8,2]<-Q[13:14,3]<-1
#' m1 <- pcfa(dat = dat, Q = Q,LD = FALSE,cati=-1,burn = 2000, iter = 2000)
#' summary(m1) # summarize basic information
#' summary(m1, what = 'qlambda') #summarize significant loadings in pattern/Q-matrix format
#' summary(m1, what = 'offpsx') #summarize significant LD terms
#' summary(m1,what='thd') #thresholds for categorical items
#' }
pcfa <- function(dat, Q, LD = TRUE,cati = NULL,cand_thd = 0.2, PPMC = FALSE, burn = 5000, iter = 5000,
                 update = 1000, missing = NA, rfit = TRUE, sign_check = FALSE, sign_eps = -.5, rs = FALSE,
                 auto_stop=FALSE,max_conv=10, rseed = 12345, digits = 4, alas = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {

    Q <- as.matrix(Q)
    if (nrow(Q) != ncol(dat))
        stop("The numbers of items in data and Q are unequal.", call. = FALSE)

    if (iter == 0)
        stop("Parameter iter must be larger than zero.", call. = FALSE)

    if (exists(".Random.seed", .GlobalEnv))
        oldseed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed else oldseed <- NULL

    oo <- options()       # code line i
    on.exit(options(oo))  # code line i+1
    # old_digits <- getOption("digits")
    options(digits = digits)

    Y <- t(dat)
    Y[which(Y == missing)] <- NA
    ysig<-apply(Y, 1, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
    ybar<-apply(Y, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)

    N <- ncol(Y)
    J <- nrow(Y)
    int<-F #intercept retained or not

    K <- ncol(Q)
    Jp <- length(cati)
    if (Jp == 1 && cati == -1) {
        cati <- c(1:J)
        Jp <- J

    Nmis <- sum(is.na(Y))
    mind <- which(is.na(Y), arr.ind = TRUE)

    const <- list(N = N, J = J, K = K, Q = Q, cati = cati, Jp = Jp, Nmis = Nmis, cand_thd = cand_thd, int = int)

    ######## Init ########################################################
    miter <- iter + burn
    mOmega <- array(0, dim = c(K, N))  # mean latent variable omega, K*N
    NLA <- sum(Q != 0)  #number of all lambda need to be estimated
    ELA <- array(0, dim = c(iter, NLA))  #Store retained trace of Lambda
    EMU <- array(0, dim = c(iter, J))  #Store retained trace of MU
    # EPSX <- array(0, dim = c(iter, J, J)) #Store retained trace of PSX EPHI <- array(0, dim = c(iter,
    # K, K)) #Store retained trace of PHI
    if (LD) {
        EPSX <- array(0, dim = c(iter, J * (J + 1)/2))
    } else {
        EPSX <- array(0, dim = c(iter, J))
    # EPSX <- ifelse(LD,array(0, dim = c(iter, J*(J+1)/2)),array(0, dim = c(iter, J))) Store retained
    # trace of PSX
    EPHI <- array(0, dim = c(iter, K * (K - 1)/2))  #Store retained trace of PHI
    Egammas <- array(0, dim = c(iter, 1))  #Store retained trace of shrink par gammas
    Egammal <- array(0, dim = c(iter, K))  #Store retained trace of shrink par gammal (per factor)
    # Delta<<-array(0,dim=c(iter,J)) #Store retained trace of Ys scale
    Eppmc <- NULL
    if (PPMC)
        Eppmc <- array(0, dim = c(iter))

    init <- init(y = Y, const = const)
    Y <- init$y
    const <- init$const
    prior <- init$prior
    PSX <- init$PSX
    inv.PSX <- chol2inv(chol(PSX))
    PHI <- init$PHI
    LA <- init$LA
    THD <- init$THD
    gammas <- init$gammas
    gammal_sq <- init$gammal_sq

    if (Jp > 0) {
        mnoc <- const$mnoc
        Etd <- array(0, dim = c(iter, Jp, mnoc - 1))
    accrate <- 0
    if (Nmis > 0)
      Y[mind] <- rnorm(Nmis)


    # OME <- t(mvrnorm(N,mu=rep(0,K),Sigma=diag(1,K))) # J*N
    sign_sw <- rep(0, K)
    # sign_eps <- -.5

    Eigen <- array(0, dim = c(iter, K))  #Store retained trace of Eigen
    tmp <- which(Q!=0,arr.ind=TRUE)
    pof <- matrix(0,NLA,K) #pos of est lam for each factor
    for (k in 1:K){
    lsum <- 0
    sy <- 0
    no_conv <- 0

    ######## end of Init #################################################

    ptm <- proc.time()
    for (ii in 1:miter) {
        # i <- 1
        g = ii - burn
        OME <- Gibbs_Omega(y = Y, la = LA, phi = PHI, inv.psx = inv.PSX, N = N, K = K)
        # PHI<-MH_PHI(ph0=PHI,ome=Omega)

        if (LD) {
            tmp <- Gibbs_PSX(y = Y, ome = OME, la = LA, psx = PSX, inv.psx = inv.PSX, const = const,
                prior = prior)
            PSX <- tmp$obj
            inv.PSX <- tmp$inv
            gammas <- tmp$gammas
            LAY <- GwMH_LA_MYC(y = Y, ome = OME, la = LA, psx = PSX, gammal_sq = gammal_sq, thd = THD,
                const = const, prior = prior, alas = alas)
        } else {
            LAY <- GwMH_LA_MYE(y = Y, ome = OME, la = LA, psx = PSX, gammal_sq = gammal_sq, thd = THD,
                const = const, prior = prior, alas = alas)
            PSX <- LAY$psx
            inv.PSX <- chol2inv(chol(PSX))

        LA <- LAY$la # OME <- LAY$ome

        if (sign_check) {
        # LA1 <- LAY$la
        # chg <- colSums(LA * LA1 < 0)/Jest > 0.5  # if over half items change sign
        # if (sum(chg) > 0) {
        #     sign <- diag(1 - 2 * chg)
        #     chg_count <- chg_count + chg
        #     LA1 <- LA1 %*% sign
        #     OME <- t(t(OME) %*% sign)
        #     print(c("ii=", ii), quote = FALSE)
        #     cat(chg_count, fill = TRUE, labels = "#Sign change:")
        # }
        # LA <- LA1

        chg <- (colSums(LA)<= sign_eps)
        # chg <- (colSums(LA)<= LA_eps)
          if (any(chg)) {
            sign <- diag(1 - 2 * chg)
            sign_sw <- sign_sw + chg
            # if(g<0){chg0_count <- chg0_count + chg}else{chg_count <- chg_count + chg}
            LA <- LA %*% sign
            OME <- t(t(OME) %*% sign)
            print(c("ii=", ii), quote = FALSE)
            cat(sign_sw, fill = TRUE, labels = "#Sign switch:")
        } #end if

        gammal_sq <- LAY$gammal_sq
        # OME <- Gibbs_Omega(y = Y, la = LA, phi = PHI, inv.psx = inv.PSX, N = N, K = K)
        if ( K > 1) PHI <- MH_PHI(phi = PHI, ome = OME, N = N, K = K, s0 = prior$s_PHI)
        # Omega<-Gibbs_Omega(y=Y,la=LA,phi=PHI,inv.psx=inv.PSX)
        if (Jp > 0) {
            Y[cati, ] <- LAY$ys
            THD <- LAY$thd
            accrate <- accrate + LAY$accr
        if (Nmis > 0)
            Y[mind] <- LAY$ysm[mind]

        # Save results
        if ((g > 0)) {
            mOmega <- mOmega + OME
            ELA[g, ] <- LA[Q != 0]
            Eigen[g,] <- (ELA[g,]^2)%*%pof
            # EPSX[g, , ] <- PSX EPSX[g, ] <- ifelse(LD,PSX[lower.tri(PSX,diag=TRUE)],diag(PSX))
            if (LD) {
                EPSX[g, ] <- PSX[lower.tri(PSX, diag = TRUE)]
            } else {
                EPSX[g, ] <- diag(PSX)
            Egammas[g, ] <- gammas
            Egammal[g, ] <- colMeans(sqrt(gammal_sq))
            # EPHI[g, , ] <- PHI[, ]
            EPHI[g, ] <- PHI[lower.tri(PHI)]
            # EMU[g,]<-MU
            if (Jp > 0)
                Etd[g, , ] <- THD[, 2:mnoc]
            if (PPMC)
                Eppmc[g] <- post_pp(y = Y, ome = OME, la = LA, psx = PSX, inv.psx = inv.PSX, N = N,
                  J = J)

            if (rfit){
              Yc <- Y - LA %*% OME  # J*N
              tmp<-(t(Yc) %*%chol(inv.PSX))^2
              # tmp<-(t(Yc) %*%chol(chol2inv(chol(PSX))))^2
            } #end dic

            if (rs) {
              # if (Nmis == 0){
              #     ytmp<-LAY$ysm
              #   }else{
              #     ytmp<-Y[mind]
              #   }
              yps<-yps + LAY$ysm
        } #end g

        if (ii%%update == 0){
          if (g > 0) {

            APSR <- schain.grd(Eigen[1:g,])
            if (auto_stop) {
              if (max(APSR[,1]) < 1.1) {
                no_conv <- no_conv + 1
              } else{
                no_conv <- 0
            } # end auto_stop
          } # end g

                # print(proc.time() - ptm)
                Shrink <- colMeans(sqrt(gammal_sq))
                Feigen <- diag(crossprod(LA))
                NLA_le3 <- colSums(abs(LA) >= 0.3)
                # Meigen <- colMeans(Eigen)
                # Mlambda<-colMeans(LA)

                cat(ii, fill = TRUE, labels = "\nTot. Iter =")
                # print(rbind(Feigen, NLA_le3, Shrink,sign_sw))
                print(rbind(Feigen, NLA_le3, Shrink))
                # cat(chg_count, fill = TRUE, labels = '#Sign change:')
                if (g > 0) cat(c(t(APSR[,1]),no_conv), fill = TRUE, labels = "EPSR & NCONV")

                if (Jp > 0) {
                    cat(colMeans(THD), fill = TRUE, labels = "Ave. Thd:")
                    cat(accrate[1]/update, fill = TRUE, labels = "Acc Rate:")
                    accrate <- 0

                if (LD) {
                    opsx <- abs(PSX[row(PSX) != col(PSX)])
                    tmp <- c(sum(opsx > 0.2)/2, sum(opsx > 0.1)/2, gammas)
                    print(c("LD>.2", ">.1", "Shrink"), quote = FALSE)

            }#end verbose

          if (auto_stop * no_conv >= max_conv) break
          }  # end update

    }  #end of g MCMAX

        # cat(chg0_count,chg_count, fill = TRUE, labels = "\n#Sign change:")

    # if (conv != 0) {
    #     st <- g/2 + 1
    #     ELA <- ELA[(st):g, ]
    #     # EPSX <- EPSX[(st):g, , ] EPHI <- EPHI[(st):g, , ]
    #     EPSX <- EPSX[(st):g, ]
    #     EPHI <- EPHI[(st):g, ]
    #     Egammal <- Egammal[(st):g, ]
    #     Egammas <- Egammas[(st):g, ]
    #     if (Jp > 0)
    #         Etd <- Etd[(st):g, , ]
    #     Eppmc <- Eppmc[(st):g]
    #     mOmega <- mOmega/2
    #     iter <- burn <- g/2
    # }

    if (auto_stop * no_conv >= max_conv) {
      ELA <- ELA[1:g, ]
      Eigen <- Eigen[1:g, ]
      EPSX <- EPSX[1:g, ]
      EPHI <- EPHI[1:g, ]
      Egammal <- Egammal[1:g, ]
      Eppmc <- Eppmc[1:g]
      Egammas <- Egammas[1:g, ]
      if (Jp > 0)
        Etd <- Etd[1:g, , ]
      iter <- g

    if (rfit){
      lpry <- lsum/iter+N*log(2*pi)
      # lsum <- lsum/iter

    # chg1_count<-rbind(chg0_count,chg_count)
    out <- list(Q = Q, LD = LD, LA = ELA, Omega = mOmega/iter, PSX = EPSX, iter = iter, burn = burn,
                PHI = EPHI, gammal = Egammal, gammas = Egammas, Nmis = Nmis, PPP = Eppmc, Eigen = Eigen,
                auto_conv = c(auto_stop, no_conv, max_conv), Y = Y, lpry=lpry, time = (proc.time()-ptm))

    if (Jp > 0) {
        out$cati = cati
        out$THD = Etd
        out$mnoc = mnoc

    if (rs) {
      out$yp = t(yp)

    class(out) <- c("lawbl")

    if (!is.null(oldseed))
        .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- oldseed else rm(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)

    # options(digits = old_digits)


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