
Defines functions baselineAdjustment

Documented in baselineAdjustment

### baselineAdjustment.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: Jun 18 2021 (14:55) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: jun 14 2023 (14:49) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 76
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * baselineAdjustment (documentation)
##' @title Perform Baseline Adjustment
##' @description Create a new variable based on a time variable and a group variable where groups are constrained to be equal at specific timepoints.  
##' @param object [data.frame] dataset
##' @param variable [character] Column in the dataset to be constrained at specific timepoints. 
##' @param repetition [formula] Time and cluster structure, typically \code{~time|id}. See examples below.
##' @param constrain [vector] Levels of the time variable at which the variable is constained.
##' @param new.level [character or numeric] Level used at the constraint. If \code{NULL}, then the first level of the variable argument is used.
##' @param collapse.time [character] When not \code{NULL} character used to combine the time and argument variable into a new (interaction) variable.
##' @return A vector of length the number of rows of the dataset.
##' @keywords utilities
##' @examples
##' data(ncgsL, package = "LMMstar")
##' ## baseline adjustment 1
##' ncgsL$treat <- baselineAdjustment(ncgsL, variable = "group",
##'                  repetition= ~ visit|id, constrain = 1)
##' table(treat = ncgsL$treat, visit = ncgsL$visit, group = ncgsL$group)
##' ncgsL$treattime <- baselineAdjustment(ncgsL, variable = "group",
##'                    repetition= ~ visit|id, constrain = 1, collapse.time = ".")
##' table(treattime = ncgsL$treattime, visit = ncgsL$visit, group = ncgsL$group)
##' ## baseline adjustment 2
##' ncgsL$treat2 <- baselineAdjustment(ncgsL, variable = "group",
##'                  new.level = "baseline",
##'                  repetition= ~ visit|id, constrain = 1)
##' table(treat = ncgsL$treat2, visit = ncgsL$visit, group = ncgsL$group)
##' ncgsL$treattime2 <- baselineAdjustment(ncgsL, variable = "group",
##'                    new.level = "baseline",
##'                    repetition= ~ visit|id, constrain = 1, collapse.time = ".")
##' table(treattime = ncgsL$treattime2, visit = ncgsL$visit, group = ncgsL$group)

## * baselineAdjustment (code)
##' @export
baselineAdjustment <- function(object, variable, repetition, constrain, new.level = NULL, collapse.time = NULL){

    ## ** normalize user input
        stop("Argument \'object\' should be a data.frame. \n")
        stop("Argument \'variable\' must have length 1. \n")
    if(variable %in% names(object) == FALSE){
        stop("Argument \'variable\' does not correspond to any column in argument \'object\'. \n")
    name.repetition <- all.vars(repetition)
    if(any(name.repetition %in% names(object) == FALSE)){
        invalid <- name.repetition[name.repetition %in% names(object) == FALSE]
        stop("Argument \'repetition\' is inconsistent with argument \'object\'. \n",
             "Variable(s) \"",paste(invalid, collapse = "\" \""),"\" could not be found in the dataset. \n",
             sep = "")
    if(!grepl("|",deparse(repetition),fixed = TRUE)){
        stop("Incorrect specification of argument \'repetition\'. \n",
             "No | symbol found so no grouping variable could be defined. \n",
             "Shoud be something like: ~ time|id or group ~ time|id. \n")

    if(length(grepl("|",deparse(repetition),fixed = TRUE))>1){
        stop("Incorrect specification of argument \'repetition\'. \n",
             "The symbol | should only appear once, something like: ~ time|id or group ~ time|id. \n")
    res.split <- strsplit(deparse(repetition),"|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    var.cluster <- trimws(res.split[2], which = "both")
    formula.var <- stats::as.formula(res.split[1])
    var.time <- all.vars(stats::update(formula.var,0~.))

        stop("Incorrect specification of argument \'repetition\'. \n",
             "There should be exactly one variable before the grouping symbol (|), something like: ~ time|id or group ~ time|id. \n")
        stop("Incorrect specification of argument \'repetition\'. \n",
             "Should have exactly one variable after the grouping symbol (|), something like: ~ time|id or group ~ time|id. \n")
        object[[var.cluster]] <- droplevels(object[[var.cluster]])
    test.duplicated <- tapply(object[[var.time]], object[[var.cluster]], function(iT){any(duplicated(iT))})
        stop("Incorrect specification of argument \'repetition\'. \n",
             "The time variable (first variable before |) should contain unique values within clusters \n")
        level.time <- levels(object[[var.time]])
        level.time <- sort(unique(object[[var.time]]))
        level.variable <- levels(object[[variable]])
        level.variable <- sort(unique(object[[variable]]))
    if(any(constrain %in% level.time == FALSE)){
        invalid <- constrain[constrain %in% level.time == FALSE]
        stop("Argument \'constrain\' is inconsistent with argument \'object\'. \n",
             "Level(s) \"",paste(invalid, collapse = "\" \""),"\" does not match any value of the variable ",var.time," in the dataset. \n",
             sep = "")
    ## if(!is.null(new.level) && new.level %in% level.variable){
    ##     stop("Argument \'new.level\' should not correspond to a value of variable ",variable,"in argument \'object\'.")
    ## }
    ## ** perform baseline adjustment
    object[[variable]] <- droplevels(as.factor(object[[variable]]))
    object[[var.time]] <- droplevels(as.factor(object[[var.time]]))
        out.prepare <- object[[variable]]
        out.prepare2 <- object[[variable]]
        level.variable <- apply(expand.grid(levels(object[[var.time]]), levels(object[[variable]])), 1, paste, collapse = collapse.time)
        out.prepare <- paste(object[[var.time]], object[[variable]],  sep = collapse.time)
        out.prepare2 <- object[[var.time]]
    out <- factor(out.prepare, levels = union(new.level,level.variable))
    for(iC in length(constrain):1){ ## iC <- constrain[1]
        ## iterate over reverse order to get the new levels in the right order

            iNewLevel <- out.prepare2[object[[var.time]] == constrain[iC]][1]
            out <- factor(out, levels = union(iNewLevel,levels(out)))
            out[object[[var.time]] == constrain[iC]] <- iNewLevel
            out[object[[var.time]] == constrain[iC]] <- new.level

    ## ** export

### baselineAdjustment.R ends here

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LMMstar documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 1:06 a.m.