
Defines functions .reformat

### reformat.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: jul 21 2023 (09:28) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: jul 28 2023 (17:34) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 56
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * .reformat (helper)
##' @description Convert results from \code{fitted.lmm}, \code{predict.lmm}, \code{residuals.lmm}
##' to the long or wide format.
##' @noRd
.reformat <- function(object, name, format, simplify,
                      keep.data, data, index.na,                      
                      object.cluster, index.cluster,
                      object.time, index.time,

    sep <- LMMstar.options()$sep["reformat"]
    if(format == "long"){
            out <- cbind(data, object)
        }else if(simplify && NCOL(object)==1){
            out <- as.vector(object)
            out <- as.data.frame(object)

    }else if(format=="wide"){
        U.time <- object.time$levels
                stop("Incorrect argument \'format\': cannot convert the result in the wide format with multiple types of ",name," \n")

        ## normalize cluster and time variables (in case of NAs)
        if(is.null(data) || (is.null(call$data) && is.null(call$newdata))){
            U.cluster <- object.cluster$levels
                indexAll.cluster <- U.cluster[index.cluster]
                indexAll.time <- factor(U.time[index.time], U.time)
                indexAll.cluster <- rep(NA, NROW(object))
                indexAll.cluster[-index.na] <- U.cluster[match(index.cluster, object.cluster$index)]
                indexAll.cluster[index.na] <- U.cluster[as.numeric(attr(index.na,"cluster"))]

                indexAll.time <- factor(rep(NA, NROW(object)), U.time)
                indexAll.time[-index.na] <- U.time[match(index.time, object.time$index)]
                indexAll.time[index.na] <- U.time[as.numeric(attr(index.na,"time"))]
            indexAll.cluster <- index.cluster
            indexAll.time <- U.time[index.time]

        ## move to the wide format
        object2list <- list(as.vector(object))
            names(object2list) <- name
            sep <- ""
            names(object2list) <- colnames(object)
        df.object <- cbind(data.frame(cluster = indexAll.cluster, XXtimeXX = indexAll.time), object2list, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        names(df.object)[1] <- object.cluster$var
        if((simplify == FALSE) && any(U.time %in% unique(df.object$XXtimeXX) == FALSE)){
            ## add missing times
            df.object <- rbind(df.object,
                               cbind(data.frame(cluster = indexAll.cluster[1], XXtimeXX = setdiff(U.time, unique(df.object$XXtimeXX))),
                                     stats::setNames(list(NA), names(object2list)))
        out <- stats::reshape(data = df.object[order(df.object$XXtimeXX),], direction = "wide",
                              timevar = "XXtimeXX", idvar = object.cluster$var, v.names = names(object2list), times = U.time, sep = sep)
        if(!is.null(name)){ ## in case the user specify name <- " " to only keep the time levels (otherwise leads to " time1" as column names instead of "time1")
            names(out)[-1] <- trimws(names(out)[-1], which = "left")

        ## use nicer column names
        if(simplify && length(object.time$levels)==1){
            names(out)[-1] <- names(object2list)

    rownames(out) <- NULL

### reformat.R ends here

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LMMstar documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 1:06 a.m.