
Defines functions sigma.clmm sigma.lmm

Documented in sigma.lmm

### sigma.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: mar  5 2021 (12:57) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: aug  1 2023 (14:20) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 670
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * sigma.lmm (documentation)
##' @title Extract The Residuals Variance-Covariance Matrix From a Linear Mixed Model
##' @description Extract the unique set of residuals variance-covariance matrices or the one relative to specific clusters.
##' @param object a \code{lmm} object.
##' @param cluster [character, data.frame, NULL] identifier of the cluster(s) for which to extract the residual variance-covariance matrix.
##' For new clusters, a dataset containing the information (cluster, time, strata, ...) to be used to generate the residual variance-covariance matrices.
##' When \code{NULL}, will output complete data covariance patterns.
##' @param p [numeric vector] value of the model coefficients at which to evaluate the residual variance-covariance matrix. Only relevant if differs from the fitted values.
##' @param chol [logical] Output the cholesky factorization of the variance-covariance matrix.
##' @param inverse [logical] Output the matrix inverse of the variance-covariance matrix.
##' @param simplify [logical] When there is only one variance-covariance matrix, output a matrix instead of a list of matrices.
##' @param ... Not used. For compatibility with the generic method.
##' @return A list where each element contains a residual variance-covariance matrix.
##' Can also be directly a matrix when argument is \code{simplify=TRUE} and there is a single residual variance-covariance matrix. 
##' @keywords methods
##' @examples
##' ## simulate data in the long format
##' set.seed(10)
##' dL <- sampleRem(100, n.times = 3, format = "long")
##' dL$id.fac <- paste0("id",dL$id)
##' ## fit Linear Mixed Model
##' eUN.lmm <- lmm(Y ~ X1 + X2 + X5, repetition = ~visit|id.fac,
##'                structure = "UN", data = dL, df = FALSE)
##' ## extract residuals variance covariance matrix
##' sigma(eUN.lmm) ## unique patterns
##' sigma(eUN.lmm, cluster = c("id1","id5")) ## existing clusters
##' sigma(eUN.lmm, cluster = dL[1:7,,drop=FALSE]) ## new clusters

## * sigma.lmm
##' @export
sigma.lmm <- function(object, cluster = NULL, p = NULL, chol = FALSE, inverse = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, ...){

    ## ** extract from object
    param.name <- object$design$param$name
    param.type <- stats::setNames(object$design$param$type,param.name)
    param.level <- stats::setNames(object$design$param$level,param.name)
    param.sigma <- stats::setNames(object$design$param$sigma,param.name)
    param.k.x <- stats::setNames(object$design$param$k.x,param.name)
    param.k.y <- stats::setNames(object$design$param$k.y,param.name)

    outcome.var <- object$outcome$var

    strata <- object$strata$levels
    n.strata <- length(strata)

    n.strata <- object$strata$n
    strata.var <- object$strata$var
    U.strata <- object$strata$levels
        time.var <- attr(object$time$var,"original")
        time.var <- object$time$var
    U.time <- object$time$levels
        U.time.original <- U.time
        U.time.original <- attr(U.time,"original")
    n.time <- object$time$n
        cluster.var <- attr(object$cluster$var,"original")
        cluster.var <- object$cluster$var
    object.structure <- object$design$vcov
    Upattern <- object.structure$Upattern
    object.Omega <- object$Omega
    object.cluster <- object$cluster$levels
    object.cluster.num <- object$cluster$index
    object.index.cluster <- object$design$index.cluster
    object.index.clusterTime <- object$design$index.clusterTime
    ## find cluster index associated to each pattern
    pattern.index.cluster1 <- sapply(attr(object.structure$pattern,"list")[Upattern$name],"[",1)
    ## find time associated to each pattern
    pattern.Utime <- stats::setNames(lapply(object.index.clusterTime[pattern.index.cluster1], function(iIndex){U.time[iIndex]}),

    ## ** normalize user imput
    ## dot
    dots <- list(...)
        stop("Unknown argument(s) \'",paste(names(dots),collapse="\' \'"),"\'. \n")

    ## p
    if(!is.null(p) && any(names(which(param.type %in% c("sigma","k","rho"))) %in% names(p) == FALSE)){
        stop("Incorrect argument \'p\' - it should be a vector with names containing all variance and correlation parameters. \n")

    ## cluster    
        test.clusterDF <- inherits(cluster, "data.frame")
            if(outcome.var %in% names(cluster) == FALSE){
                cluster[[outcome.var]] <- NA
            newdesign <- stats::model.matrix(object, data = cluster, effect = "variance", simplify = FALSE)            
            cluster.num <- 1:length(newdesign$index.cluster)
                cluster.level <- cluster[sapply(newdesign$index.cluster, "[", 1), attr(object$cluster$var,"original")]                
                cluster.level <- cluster.num
            cluster <- cluster.level
                stop("Argument \'cluster\' should contain duplicates. \n")
            newdesign <- NULL
            if(is.numeric(cluster)){ ## numeric matching the XXcluster.indexXX variable
                if(any(cluster %in% stats::na.omit(object.cluster.num) == FALSE)){ 
                    stop("When numeric, elements in argument \'cluster\' should index the clusters, i.e. be between 1 and ",max(object.cluster.num, na.rm = TRUE),". \n", sep = "")
                cluster.num <- cluster
                cluster.level <- object.cluster[match(cluster,object.cluster.num)] 
            }else if(is.character(cluster)){
                if(any(cluster %in% object.cluster == FALSE)){
                    stop("When character, elements in argument \'cluster\' should refer to clusters used to fit the model \n", sep = "")
                cluster.num <- match(cluster, object.cluster)
                cluster.level <- object.cluster[cluster.num]               
                stop("Incorrect value for argument \'cluster\'. Should be a numeric vector or a character vector. \n")
        newdesign <- NULL
        test.clusterDF <- FALSE

    ## ** rebuild residual variance-covariance matrix
    if(is.null(cluster)){ ## representative covariance patterns

        vec.ntime <- tapply(Upattern$n.time,Upattern$index.strata, max)
        if(all(vec.ntime == n.time)){
            ## Retrieve covariance from existing pattern

                Omega <- .calc_Omega(object = object.structure,
                                     param = p,
                                     keep.interim = FALSE)
                Omega <- object.Omega
                for(iO in 1:length(Omega)){
                    attr(Omega[[iO]], "sd") <- NULL
                    attr(Omega[[iO]], "cor") <- NULL
            Omega.time <- pattern.Utime[names(Omega)]
            ## Create an artifical cluster agregating all timepoints
            ## (typically usefull in presence of missing values, e.g. only observe time A-B or time A-C but not A-B-C together)
            keep.index.strata <- which(vec.ntime < n.time)
            df.fulltime <- do.call(rbind,lapply(keep.index.strata, function(iStrata){ ## iStrata <- keep.index.strata[1]
                    ## NOTE: use U.time.original instead of U.time in case multiple time variables
                    iDF <- data.frame(U.strata[iStrata],
                    names(iDF) <- c(attr(strata.var,"original"),time.var,cluster.var)
                    iDF <- data.frame(U.time.original,object$cluster$levels[iStrata])
                    names(iDF) <- c(time.var,cluster.var)
            df.fulltime[[object$outcome$var]] <- NA
            ## update structure
            object$design <- model.matrix(object, data = df.fulltime, effects = "variance", simplify = FALSE)
            ## evaluate residual varince covariance matrix
            Omega <- .calc_Omega(object = object$design$vcov,
                                 param = if(is.null(p)){object$param}else{p},
                                 keep.interim = FALSE)
            ## identify timepoints
            Upattern <- object$design$vcov$Upattern
            object.index.clusterTime <- object$design$index.clusterTime
            pattern.index.cluster1 <- sapply(attr(object$design$vcov$pattern,"list")[names(Omega)],"[",1)
            pattern.Utime <- stats::setNames(lapply(object.index.clusterTime[pattern.index.cluster1], function(iIndex){U.time[iIndex]}),
            Omega.time <- pattern.Utime[names(Omega)]

    }else if(test.clusterDF){ ## for new clusters/times

            p <- coef(object, effects = "all")
        Omega <- .calc_Omega(object = newdesign$vcov,
                             param = p,
                             keep.interim = FALSE)
        ## identify timepoints
        Unewpattern <- newdesign$vcov$Upattern
        newdesign.index.clusterTime <- newdesign$index.clusterTime
        newpattern.index.cluster1 <- sapply(attr(newdesign$vcov$pattern,"list")[names(Omega)],"[",1)
        newpattern.Utime <- stats::setNames(lapply(newdesign.index.clusterTime[newpattern.index.cluster1], function(iIndex){U.time[iIndex]}),
        Omega.time <- newpattern.Utime[names(Omega)]
        ## identify index
        pattern.cluster <- newdesign$vcov$pattern
        index.cluster <- newdesign$index.cluster[cluster.num]
        index.clusterTime <- newdesign$index.clusterTime[cluster.num]

    }else{ ## for existing clusters and time

            Omega <- .calc_Omega(object = object.structure,
                                 param = p,
                                 keep.interim = FALSE)
            Omega <- object.Omega
            for(iO in 1:length(Omega)){
                attr(Omega[[iO]], "sd") <- NULL
                attr(Omega[[iO]], "cor") <- NULL
        Omega.time <- pattern.Utime[names(Omega)]
        pattern.cluster <- object.structure$pattern[cluster.num]

    ## ** add time names    
        for(iP in 1:length(Omega)){ ## iP <- 1
            dimnames(Omega[[iP]]) <- list(Omega.time[[iP]], Omega.time[[iP]])
    ## ** inverse
        Omega <- lapply(Omega, chol)
        Omega <- lapply(Omega, solve)

    ## ** subset residual variance-covariance matrix
    if(is.null(cluster)){ ## find unique covariance patterns 

            vec.Upattern <- unlist(by(Upattern,Upattern$nameCov,function(iDf){
            }, simplify = FALSE))
            vec.Upattern <- unlist(by(Upattern,U.strata[Upattern$index.strata],function(iDf){
            }, simplify = FALSE))

        ## subset
        out <- Omega[vec.Upattern]
        names(out) <- vec.Upattern        

        ## add possibly missing times
        for(iPattern  in vec.Upattern){
            if(!identical(colnames(out[[iPattern]]),U.time) || !identical(rownames(out[[iPattern]]),U.time)){
                iOmega.save <- out[[iPattern]]
                out[[iPattern]] <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.time, ncol = n.time, dimnames = list(U.time,U.time))
                out[[iPattern]][rownames(iOmega.save),colnames(iOmega.save)] <- iOmega.save

        ## prepare for export
            attr(out,"pattern") <- vec.Upattern

    }else{ ## cluster specific covariance patterns

        out <- stats::setNames(Omega[pattern.cluster],cluster)
            attr(out, "pattern") <- stats::setNames(pattern.cluster, cluster.level)


    ## ** export
        attr(out,"design") <- newdesign
    }else if(length(out)==1){
        out <- out[[1]]

## * sigma.clmm
##' @export
sigma.clmm <- function(object, ...){

    object$Omega <- .calc_Omega(object$design$vcov, param = object$param, keep.interim = FALSE)
    out <- sigma.lmm(object, ...)


### sigma.R ends here

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LMMstar documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 1:06 a.m.