
Defines functions update.RE update.IND update.ID

### structure-update.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: jul  5 2023 (14:01) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: aug  1 2023 (14:26) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 139
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * update.structure
##' @description update structure according to information from the repetition argument
##' @details update.ID and update.IND differs in that update.IND may add the time as covariate
##' @noRd

## * update.ID
update.ID <- function(object, var.cluster, var.time, var.strata, n.time, ...){

    dots <- list(...)
        stop("Unknown argument(s) \'",paste(names(dots),collapse="\' \'"),"\'. \n")
    ## ** what to update
        update.strata <- TRUE
        rm.strata <- unique(stats::na.omit(c(object$name$strata,var.strata)))
        update.strata <- FALSE

    ## ** update
        call.structure <- object$call
        ls.call.structure <- as.list(call.structure)
        fct.structure <- eval(ls.call.structure[[1]])
        args.structure <- lapply(ls.call.structure[-1], eval)

        if("var.cluster" %in% names(args.structure) == FALSE){
            args.structure$var.cluster <- var.cluster
        if("var.time" %in% names(args.structure) == FALSE){
            args.structure$var.time <- var.time

                args.structure$formula <- list(updateFormula(args.structure$formula[[1]], drop.y = TRUE, drop.x = rm.strata, add.y = var.strata),
                                               updateFormula(args.structure$formula[[2]], drop.y = TRUE, drop.x = rm.strata, add.y = var.strata))
            }else if(inherits(args.structure$formula,"formula")){
                args.structure$formula <- updateFormula(args.structure$formula, drop.y = TRUE, drop.x = rm.strata, add.y = var.strata)

        object <- do.call(fct.structure, args = args.structure)
        object$call <- call.structure
        if(is.na(object$name$cluster) && !is.na(var.cluster)){
            object$name$cluster <- var.cluster
        if(length(object$name$time)==1 && is.na(object$name$time) && all(!is.na(var.time))){
            object$name$time <- var.time

    ## ** export

## * update.IND
update.IND <- function(object, var.cluster, var.time, var.strata, n.time, ...){

    dots <- list(...)
        stop("Unknown argument(s) \'",paste(names(dots),collapse="\' \'"),"\'. \n")

    ## ** what to update
    if(n.time>1 && length(object$name$time)==1 && is.na(object$name$time) && !is.null(attr(var.time,"original")) && all(!is.na(attr(var.time,"original")))){
        add.time <- TRUE
        add.time <- FALSE

        update.strata <- TRUE
        rm.strata <- unique(stats::na.omit(c(object$name$strata,var.strata)))
        update.strata <- FALSE

    ## ** update
    if(add.time || update.strata){
        call.structure <- object$call
        ls.call.structure <- as.list(call.structure)
        fct.structure <- eval(ls.call.structure[[1]])
        args.structure <- lapply(ls.call.structure[-1], eval)

        if("var.cluster" %in% names(args.structure) == FALSE){
            args.structure$var.cluster <- var.cluster
        if("var.time" %in% names(args.structure) == FALSE){
            args.structure$var.time <- var.time
        if("add.time" %in% names(args.structure) == FALSE && !is.list(args.structure$formula)){
            args.structure$add.time <- attr(var.time,"original")

                args.structure$formula <- list(updateFormula(args.structure$formula[[1]], drop.y = TRUE, drop.x = rm.strata, add.y = var.strata),
                                               updateFormula(args.structure$formula[[2]], drop.y = TRUE, drop.x = rm.strata, add.y = var.strata))
            }else if(inherits(args.structure$formula,"formula")){
                args.structure$formula <- updateFormula(args.structure$formula, drop.y = TRUE, drop.x = rm.strata, add.y = var.strata)
        object <- do.call(fct.structure, args = args.structure)
        object$call <- call.structure
        if(is.na(object$name$cluster) && !is.na(var.cluster)){
            object$name$cluster <- var.cluster
        if(length(object$name$time)==1 && is.na(object$name$time) && all(!is.na(var.time))){
            object$name$time <- var.time

    ## ** export

## * update.CS
update.CS <- update.ID

## * update.RE
##' @param ranef Random effect structure identified via the formula argument of lmm (mean structure).
##' @noRd
update.RE <- function(object, var.cluster, var.time, var.strata, ranef, ...){

    dots <- list(...)
        stop("Unknown argument(s) \'",paste(names(dots),collapse="\' \'"),"\'. \n")

    ## ** what to update
        update.strata <- TRUE
        rm.strata <- unique(stats::na.omit(c(object$name$strata,var.strata)))
        update.strata <- FALSE

    if(!missing(ranef) && !is.null(ranef) && is.null(object$ranef)){
        ## handle the case where structure = RE(~strata) or RE(strata~1) whereas formula = Y ~ (1|id/session)
        ## one needs to update the correlation formula with the ranef
        add.RE <- TRUE
        add.RE <- FALSE

    ## ** update
    if(update.strata || add.RE){
        call.structure <- object$call
        ranef.structure <- object$ranef

        ls.call.structure <- as.list(call.structure)
        fct.structure <- eval(ls.call.structure[[1]])
        args.structure <- lapply(ls.call.structure[-1], eval)

        if("var.cluster" %in% names(args.structure) == FALSE){
            args.structure$var.cluster <- var.cluster
        if("var.time" %in% names(args.structure) == FALSE){
            args.structure$var.time <- var.time

                args.structure$formula <- list(updateFormula(args.structure$formula[[1]], drop.y = TRUE, drop.x = rm.strata, add.y = var.strata),
                                               updateFormula(args.structure$formula[[2]], drop.y = TRUE, drop.x = rm.strata, add.y = var.strata, add.x = ranef$term))
            }else if(inherits(args.structure$formula,"formula")){
                args.structure$formula <- updateFormula(args.structure$formula, drop.y = TRUE, drop.x = rm.strata, add.y = var.strata, add.x = ranef$term)

        object <- do.call(fct.structure, args = args.structure)
        object$call <- call.structure
            object$ranef <- ranef
        if(is.na(object$name$cluster) && !is.na(var.cluster)){
            object$name$cluster <- var.cluster
        if(length(object$name$time)==1 && is.na(object$name$time) && all(!is.na(var.time))){
            object$name$time <- var.time

    ## ** export


## * update.TOEPLITZ
update.TOEPLITZ <- update.IND

## * update.UN
update.UN <- update.IND

## * update.CUSTOM
update.CUSTOM <- update.ID

### structure-update.R ends here

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