Defines functions LNRT

Documented in LNRT

#' Log-normal response time modelling
#' @param RT
#' a Person-x-Item matrix of log-response times (time spent on solving an item).
#' @param data
#' either a list or a simLNIRT object containing the response time matrix.
#' If a simLNIRT object is provided, in the summary the simulated time parameters are shown alongside of the estimates.
#' If the RT variable cannot be found in the list, or if no data object is given, then the RT variable is taken
#' from the environment from which LNRT is called.
#' @param XG
#' the number of MCMC iterations to perform (default: 1000).
#' @param burnin
#' the percentage of MCMC iterations to discard as burn-in period (default: 10).
#' @param XGresid
#' the number of MCMC iterations to perform before residuals are computed (default: 1000).
#' @param residual
#' compute residuals, >1000 iterations are recommended (default: false).
#' @param td
#' estimate the time-discrimination parameter (default: true).
#' @param WL
#' define the time-discrimination parameter as measurement error variance parameter (default: false).
#' @param XPT
#' an optional matrix of predictors for the person speed parameters.
#' @param XIT
#' an optional matrix of predictors for the item time intensity parameters.
#' @return
#' an object of class LNRT.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Log-normal response time modelling
#' data <- simLNIRT(N = 500, K = 20, rho = 0.8, WL = FALSE)
#' out <- LNRT(RT = RT, data = data, XG = 1500, residual = TRUE, td = TRUE, WL = FALSE)
#' summary(out) # Print results
#' out$Post.Means$Time.Intensity # Extract posterior mean estimates
#' library(coda)
#' mcmc.object <- as.mcmc(out$MCMC.Samples$Time.Intensity) # Extract MCMC samples for coda
#' summary(mcmc.object)
#' plot(mcmc.object)
#' }
#' @export
           XG = 1000,
           burnin = 10,
           XGresid = 1000,
           residual = FALSE,
           td = TRUE,
           WL = FALSE,
           XPT = NULL,
           XIT = NULL) {
    ## ident = 1: Identification : fix mean item difficulty(intensity) and product item (time) discrimination responses and response times
    ## ident = 2: Identification : fix mean ability and speed and product item discrimination responses and response times
    # ident <- 1
    ident <- 2 # (to investigate person fit using latent scores)
    if (XG <= 0) {
      stop("XG must be > 0.")
    if ((burnin <= 0) || (burnin >= 100)) {
      stop("burn-in period must be between 0% and 100%.")
    if (residual && (XGresid >= XG || XGresid <= 0)) {
      warning("XGresid must be < XG and > 0. Residuals will not be computed.")
      residual <- FALSE
    if (!missing(data) && !is.null(data)) {
      # Try to find RT in the data set first
        RT <- eval(substitute(RT), data),
        error = function(e)
      # Try to find predictors in the data set first
        XPT <- eval(substitute(XPT), data),
        error = function(e)
        XIT <- eval(substitute(XIT), data),
        error = function(e)
    } else {
      data <- NULL
    RT <- as.matrix(RT)
    N <- nrow(RT)
    K <- ncol(RT)
    if (!is.null(XPT)) {
      XPT <- as.matrix(XPT)
      if (nrow(XPT) != N) {
        stop("nrow(XPT) must be equal to the number of persons.")
    if (!is.null(XIT)) {
      XIT <- as.matrix(XIT)
      if (nrow(XIT) != K) {
        stop("nrow(XIT) must be equal to the number of items.")
    if (WL) {
      td <- TRUE   #WL <- 1  #time discrimination = 1/sqrt(error variance)
    cat (" \n")
    cat ("   LNIRT v", packageDescription("LNIRT")$Version, "\n", sep = "")
    cat ("   ", rep('-', 20), "\n\n", sep = "")
    cat (
      "   * MCMC sampler initialized (XG:",
      ", Burnin:",
      paste(burnin, "%", sep = ""),
      sep = ""
    cat ("   * Response time matrix loaded (", N, "x", K, ") \n\n", sep = "")
    # Initialize progress bar
    cat ("   MCMC progress: \n")
    pb <-
        min = 1,
        max = XG,
        initial = 1,
        style = 3,
        width = 45,
        char = "="
    ## Predictors person
    if (is.null(XPT)) {
      nopredictorp <- TRUE
      XPT <-
        matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = N) #default intercept for speed
    else {
      nopredictorp <- FALSE
      if (is.null(XPT)) {
        XPT <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = N) #default intercept for speed
    MmuP <- matrix(0, nrow = XG, ncol = ncol(XPT))
    ## Predictors item
    if (is.null(XIT)) {
      nopredictori <- TRUE
      MmuI <-
        matrix(0, nrow = XG, ncol = 2) # time discrimination + time intensity
      XIT <- matrix(NA, nrow = K, ncol = 0)
    else {
      nopredictori <- FALSE
      if (!is.null(XIT)) {
        if (ident == 2) {
          XIT <- cbind(rep(1, K), XIT)
      else {
        XIT <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = K) #default intercept for speed
      MmuI <-
        matrix(0, nrow = XG, ncol = 1 + ncol(XIT)) # time discrimination + XIT
    ## population theta (ability - speed)
    theta <- matrix(rnorm(N))
    muP <- matrix(0, N, 1)
    SigmaP <- diag(1)
    muP0 <- matrix(0, 1, 1)
    SigmaP0 <- diag(1) / 100
    ingroup <- rep(1, N)
    Mingroup <- matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = N)
    if (XG > XGresid) {
      flagged <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = N)
      ss <- 1
    ## population item (ability - speed)
    ab <- matrix(rnorm(K * 2), ncol = 2)
    ab[, 1] <- 1
    muI <- t(matrix(rep(c(1, 0), K), ncol = K))
    muI0 <- muI[1,]
    SigmaI <- diag(2)
    SigmaI0 <- diag(2) * 10
    for (ii in 1:2) {
      SigmaI0[ii,] <- SigmaI0[ii,] * c(0.5, 3)
    ## storage
    MT <- MT2 <- array(0, dim = c(N))
    MAB <- array(0, dim = c(XG, K, 2))
    #MmuP <- array(0, dim = c(XG, 1))
    #MmuI <- array(0, dim = c(XG, 2))
    MSP <- array(0, dim = c(XG, 1, 1))
    MSI <- array(0, dim = c(XG, 2, 2))
    sigma2 <- rep(1, K)
    Msigma2 <- matrix(0, ncol = K, nrow = XG)
    lZP <- 0
    lZPT <- 0
    lZI <- 0
    EAPresid <- matrix(0, ncol = K, nrow = N)
    EAPKS <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = K)
    iis <- 1
    EAPphi <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = K)
    EAPlambda <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = K)
    EAPtheta <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = N)
    EAPsigma2 <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = K)
    DT <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = N * K)
    DT[which(is.na(RT))] <- 0
    DT <- matrix(DT, nrow = N, ncol = K)
    EAPCP <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = N)
    # Output
    MCMC.Samples <- list()
    MCMC.Samples$Person.Speed <- matrix(NA, nrow = XG, ncol = N)
    ## Start MCMC algorithm
    for (ii in 1:XG) {
      if (sum(DT == 0) > 0) {
        if (WL) {
          RT <-
              RT = RT,
              zeta = theta,
              lambda = ab[, 2],
              phi = rep(1, K),
              sigma2 = sigma2,
              DT = DT
        } else {
          RT <-
              RT = RT,
              zeta = theta,
              lambda = ab[, 2],
              phi = ab[, 1],
              sigma2 = sigma2,
              DT = DT
      theta <-
        DrawZeta(RT, ab[, 1], ab[, 2], sigma2, muP, SigmaP[1, 1])
      theta[1:N] <- theta[1:N] - mean(theta)
      MCMC.Samples$Person.Speed[ii,] <- theta
      MT[1:N] <- MT[1:N] + theta[1:N]
      MT2[1:N] <- MT2[1:N] + theta[1:N] ^ 2
      if ((WL)) {
        # no time discrimination, 1/(sqrt(error variance)) = discrimination on MVN prior
        ab[, 1] <- 1
        ab1 <- cbind(1 / sqrt(sigma2), ab[, 2])
        dum <-
            kk = 2,
            Mu = muI,
            Sigma = SigmaI,
            Z = ab1
        ab[, 2] <-
            RT = RT,
            zeta = theta,
            sigma2 = sigma2,
            mu = dum$CMU,
            sigma = dum$CVAR[1, 1]
      } else {
        if (td) {
          dum <- DrawLambdaPhi_LNRT(RT, theta, sigma2, muI, SigmaI, ingroup)
          ab[, 1] <- dum$phi
          ab[, 1] <- ab[, 1] / (prod(ab[, 1]) ^ (1 / K))
          ab[, 2] <- dum$lambda
        } else {
          ab[, 1] <- rep(1, K)
          ab[, 2] <-
              RT = RT,
              zeta = theta,
              sigma2 = sigma2,
              mu = muI[1, 2],
              sigma = SigmaI[2, 2]
      MAB[ii, 1:K, 1:2] <- ab
      sigma2 <- SampleS_LNRT(RT, theta, ab[, 2], ab[, 1], ingroup)
      if (WL) {
        Msigma2[ii, 1:K] <- 1 / sqrt(sigma2)
      } else {
        Msigma2[ii, 1:K] <- sigma2
      # X <- matrix(1, N, 1)
      # muP <- SampleB(theta, X, SigmaP, muP0, SigmaP0)
      # MmuP[ii, ] <- muP$B
      # muP <- muP$pred
      ## Predictors persons
      if (nopredictorp) {
        # Population mean estimate for person ability and speed
        X <- matrix(1, N, 1)
        muP <-
            Y = theta,
            X = X,
            Sigma = SigmaP,
            B0 = muP0,
            V0 = SigmaP0
        MmuP[ii,] <- muP$B
        muP <- muP$pred
      } else{
        muPP <- SampleBX_LNRT(Y = theta, XPT = XPT)
        MmuP[ii,] <- muPP$B
        muP <- muPP$pred
      # Covariance matrix person parameters
      SS <- crossprod(theta - muP) + SigmaP0
      SigmaP <- rwishart(1 + N, chol2inv(chol(SS)))$IW
      MSP[ii, ,] <- SigmaP
      X <- matrix(1, K, 1)
      if (WL) {
        ab1 <- cbind(1 / sqrt(sigma2), ab[, 2])
      } else {
        ab1 <- ab
      # muI2 <- SampleB(ab1, X, SigmaI, muI0, SigmaI0)
      # MmuI[ii, 1] <- muI2$B[1]
      # MmuI[ii, 2] <- muI2$B[2]
      # muI[, 1] <- muI2$pred[, 1]
      # muI[, 2] <- muI2$pred[, 2]
      # SS <- crossprod(ab1 - muI) + SigmaI0
      # SigmaI <- rwishart(2 + K, chol2inv(chol(SS)))$IW
      # MSI[ii, , ] <- SigmaI
      ## Predictors items
      if (nopredictori) {
        # Population mean estimates for item parameters
        ## Adjust sampling mean item parameters
        if ((!WL) && (!td)) {
          meanmuI2  <-
            (sum(ab[, 2]) / SigmaI[2, 2] + muI0[2] / SigmaI0[2, 2]) / (1 / SigmaI0[2, 2] +
                                                                         1 / (SigmaI[2, 2]))
          sdmuI2  <- sqrt(1 / (1 / SigmaI0[2, 2] + K / (SigmaI[2, 2])))
          muI2	<- rnorm(1, mean = meanmuI2, sd = sdmuI2)
          MmuI[ii, 1] <- 1
          MmuI[ii, 2] <- muI2
          muI[, 1] <- 1
          muI[, 2] <- muI2
        } else{
          muI2 <- SampleB(ab1, X, SigmaI, muI0, SigmaI0)
          MmuI[ii, 1] <- muI2$B[1]
          MmuI[ii, 2] <- muI2$B[2]
          muI[, 1] <- muI2$pred[, 1]
          muI[, 2] <- muI2$pred[, 2]
      } else {
        #### XIT should include intercept when ident=2
        set2 <- 2	# time intensity
        ab2 <- matrix(ab1[, set2], ncol = 1)
        dum <- SampleBX_LNRT(Y = ab2, XPT = XIT)
        MmuI[ii, 2:(ncol(XIT) + 1)] <- dum$B
        muI[, set2] <- dum$pred
        #mean discrimination and time discrimination
        if ((!WL) && (!td)) {
          set2 <- 1 # time discrimination
          MmuI[ii, 1] <- 1
          muI[, 1] <- 1
        else {
          set2 <- 1 # time discrimination
          SigmaI1 <- SigmaI[set2, set2]
          muI01 <- muI0[set2]
          SigmaI01 <- SigmaI0[set2, set2]
          ab2 <- matrix(ab1[, set2], ncol = 1)
          muI2 <-
              Y = ab2,
              X = X,
              Sigma = SigmaI1,
              B0 = muI01,
              V0 = SigmaI01
          MmuI[ii, 1] <- muI2$B
          muI[, set2] <- muI2$pred
      ## Adjust sampling covariance matrix item parameters
      if (!td) {
        SS <- sum((ab1[, 2] - muI[, 2]) ** 2) + SigmaI0[2, 2]
        SigmaI[2, 2] <- SS / rgamma(1, (K + 1) / 2, 1 / 2) #change sampling
        SigmaI[1, 1] <- 1
        MSI[ii, , ] <- SigmaI
      } else{
        SS <- crossprod(ab1 - muI) + SigmaI0
        SigmaI <- rwishart(2 + K, chol2inv(chol(SS)))$IW
        MSI[ii, , ] <- SigmaI
      if (ii > XGresid && residual) {
        EAPphi <- (ab[, 1] + (iis - 1) * EAPphi) / iis
        EAPlambda <- (ab[, 2] + (iis - 1) * EAPlambda) / iis
        EAPtheta <- (theta + (iis - 1) * EAPtheta) / iis
        EAPsigma2 <- (sigma2 + (iis - 1) * EAPsigma2) / iis
        dum <-
            RT = RT,
            theta = theta,
            phi = ab[, 1],
            lambda = ab[, 2],
            sigma2 = sigma2
        lZP <- lZP + dum$lZP
        lZPT <- lZPT + dum$lZPT
        CF <-
          ifelse(dum$lZP < 0.05, 1, 0)  #significance level = .05
        EAPCP <- (CF + (iis - 1) * EAPCP) / iis
        dum <-
            RT = RT,
            theta = theta,
            phi = ab[, 1],
            lambda = ab[, 2],
            sigma2 = sigma2
        lZI <- lZI + dum$lZI
        dum <-
            RT = RT,
            theta = theta,
            phi = ab[, 1],
            lambda = ab[, 2],
            sigma2 = sigma2,
            EAPtheta = EAPtheta,
            EAPlambda = EAPlambda,
            EAPphi = EAPphi,
            EAPsigma2 = EAPsigma2
        EAPresid <- EAPresid + dum$presid
        EAPKS <- (dum$KS[1:K, 1] + (iis - 1) * EAPKS) / iis
        iis <- iis + 1
      # Update progress bar
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, ii)
      # if (ii%%100 == 0)
      #     cat("Iteration ", ii, " ", "\n")
      # flush.console()
    MT <- MT / XG
    MT2 <- sqrt(MT2 / XG - MT ^ 2)
    if (ii > XGresid && residual) {
      lZP <- lZP / (XG - XGresid)
      lZPT <- lZPT / (XG - XGresid)
      lZI <- lZI / (XG - XGresid)
      EAPresid <- EAPresid / (XG - XGresid)
    kit <- 0
    if (ncol(XIT) > 0)
      kit <- ncol(XIT) - 1
    # Output
    #MCMC.Samples <- list()
    #MCMC.Samples$Person.Speed <- matrix(NA, nrow = XG, ncol = N)
    MCMC.Samples$Mu.Person.Speed <- MmuP
    MCMC.Samples$Var.Person.Speed <- MSP
    MCMC.Samples$Time.Discrimination <- MAB[, , 1]
    MCMC.Samples$Time.Intensity <- MAB[, , 2]
    MCMC.Samples$Mu.Time.Discrimination <- MmuI[, 1]
    MCMC.Samples$Mu.Time.Intensity <- MmuI[, 2:(ncol(MmuI))]
    MCMC.Samples$Sigma2 <- Msigma2
    MCMC.Samples$CovMat.Item <- MSI
    XGburnin <- round(XG * burnin / 100, 0)
    Post.Means <- list()
    Post.Means$Person.Speed <- MT
    if (ncol(XPT) == 1)
      Post.Means$Mu.Person.Speed <- mean(MmuP[XGburnin:XG, ])
      Post.Means$Mu.Person.Speed <- colMeans(MmuP[XGburnin:XG, ])
    Post.Means$Var.Person.Speed <- mean(MSP[XGburnin:XG, , ])
    Post.Means$Time.Discrimination <- colMeans(MAB[XGburnin:XG, , 1])
    Post.Means$Time.Intensity <- colMeans(MAB[XGburnin:XG, , 2])
    Post.Means$Mu.Time.Discrimination <- mean(MmuI[XGburnin:XG, 1])
    if (kit == 0)
      Post.Means$Mu.Time.Intensity <-
      mean(MmuI[XGburnin:XG, 2:(ncol(MmuI))])
      Post.Means$Mu.Time.Intensity <-
      colMeans(MmuI[XGburnin:XG, 2:(ncol(MmuI))])
    Post.Means$Sigma2 <- colMeans(Msigma2[XGburnin:XG,])
    Post.Means$CovMat.Item  <-
      c(round(apply(MSI[XGburnin:XG, , 1], 2, mean), 3), round(apply(MSI[XGburnin:XG, , 2], 2, mean), 3))
    if (!(is(data, "simLNIRT"))) {
      data <- NULL # only attach sim data for summary function
    if (XG > XGresid && residual) {
      out <-
          Post.Means = Post.Means,
          MCMC.Samples = MCMC.Samples,
          Mtheta = MT,
          MTSD = MT2,
          MAB = MAB,
          MmuP = MmuP,
          MSP = MSP,
          MmuI = MmuI,
          MSI = MSI,
          lZP = lZP,
          lZPT = lZPT,
          Msigma2 = Msigma2,
          theta = theta,
          sigma2 = sigma2,
          lZI = lZI,
          EAPresid = EAPresid,
          EAPKS = EAPKS,
          RT = RT,
          EAPCP = EAPCP,
          td = td,
          WL = WL,
          data = data,
          XPT = XPT,
          XIT = XIT,
          XG = XG,
          burnin = burnin,
          ident = ident,
          residual = residual,
          XGresid = XGresid
    } else {
      out <-
          Post.Means = Post.Means,
          MCMC.Samples = MCMC.Samples,
          Mtheta = MT,
          MTSD = MT2,
          MAB = MAB,
          MmuP = MmuP,
          MSP = MSP,
          MmuI = MmuI,
          MSI = MSI,
          Msigma2 = Msigma2,
          theta = theta,
          sigma2 = sigma2,
          RT = RT,
          td = td,
          WL = WL,
          data = data,
          XPT = XPT,
          XIT = XIT,
          XG = XG,
          burnin = burnin,
          ident = ident,
          residual = residual,
          XGresid = XGresid
    class(out) <- c("LNRT", "list")

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LNIRT documentation built on Jan. 20, 2021, 1:05 a.m.