Defines functions opf_run_example opf_write_distances opf_read_distances opf_write_classification opf_read_classification opf_write_modelfile opf_read_modelfile opf_write_subGraph opf_read_subGraph opf_create_subGraph txt2opf svm2opf opf2txt opf2svm opf_check opf_knn_train opf_knn_classify opf_train opf_split opf_semi opf_pruning opf_normalize opf_merge opf_learn opf_info opf_fold opf_distance opf_cluster opf_classify opf_accuracy4label opf_accuracy

Documented in opf2svm opf2txt opf_accuracy opf_accuracy4label opf_check opf_classify opf_cluster opf_create_subGraph opf_distance opf_fold opf_info opf_knn_classify opf_knn_train opf_learn opf_merge opf_normalize opf_pruning opf_read_classification opf_read_distances opf_read_modelfile opf_read_subGraph opf_run_example opf_semi opf_split opf_train opf_write_classification opf_write_distances opf_write_modelfile opf_write_subGraph svm2opf txt2opf

#' @useDynLib LibOPF, .registration = TRUE

#'Computes the OPF accuracy
#'@param dataSet Data object used in the opf_classify function (subGraph object), normaly is the testing object
#'@param classification The output list produced by opf_classify function
#'Returns the classification accuracy
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.5,0,0.5,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'Y <- opf_train(T)
#'class <- opf_classify(T2, Y$classifier)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)
opf_accuracy <- function(dataSet, classification){
  file <- tempfile()
  opf_write_classification(classification,paste(file,".out", sep = ""))
  argv <- c("", file)
  aux <- .C("c_opf_accuracy",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(opf_read_classification(paste(file,".acc", sep = "")))

#'Computes the OPF accuracy for each class of a given set
#'@param dataSet Data object used in in the opf_classify function (subGraph object), normaly is the testing object
#'@param classification The output list produced by opf_classify function
#'Returns the classification accuracy for each class
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.5,0,0.5,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'Y <- opf_train(T)
#'class <- opf_classify(T2, Y$classifier)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy4label(T2, class)
opf_accuracy4label <- function(dataSet, classification){
  file <- tempfile()
  opf_write_classification(classification,paste(file,".out", sep = ""))
  argv <- c("", file)
  aux <- .C("c_opf_accuracy4label",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(opf_read_classification(paste(file,".acc", sep = "")))

#'Executes the test phase of the OPF classifier
#'@param dataSet The testing data object produced by the opf_split function (subGraph object)
#'@param classifier The classifier object produced by one of the classification functions (model object)
#'@param precomputedDistance The precomputed distance matrix produced by the opf_distance (leave it in blank if you are not using this resource)
#'Returns the given subGraph classification list (predicted labels)
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.5,0,0.5,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'Y <- opf_train(T)
#'class <- opf_classify(T2, Y$classifier)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)
opf_classify <- function(dataSet, classifier, precomputedDistance = NA){
  file <- tempfile()
  opf_write_modelfile(classifier,paste(file,".classifier.opf", sep = ""))
  argv <- c("", file)
  if(length(precomputedDistance) > 1){
    opf_write_distances(precomputedDistance,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
    argv <- append(argv,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
  aux <- .C("c_opf_classify",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(opf_read_classification(paste(file,".out", sep = "")))

#'Computes clusters by unsupervised OPF
#'@param dataSet The training object produced by the opf_split function (subGraph object)
#'@param kmax The kmax (maximum degree for the knn graph)
#'@param calculateOp Clusters by: 0 for height, 1 for area and 2 for volume
#'@param value Value of parameter "calculateOp" in [0-1]
#'@param precomputedDistance The precomputed distance matrix produced by the opf_distance (leave it in blank if you are not using this resource)
#'Returns a list which contains the classifier object and the classification list object (i.e., clusters' id)
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.8,0,0.2,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'Y <- opf_cluster(T,100,1,0.2)
#'class <- opf_knn_classify(T2, Y$classifier)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)
opf_cluster <- function(dataSet, kmax, calculateOp, value,precomputedDistance = NA){
  file <- tempfile()
  argv <- c("", file,kmax,calculateOp,value)
  if(length(precomputedDistance) > 1){
    opf_write_distances(precomputedDistance,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
    argv <- append(argv,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
  aux <- .C("c_opf_cluster",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(list("classifier"=opf_read_modelfile(paste(file,".classifier.opf", sep = "")),"classification"=opf_read_classification(paste(file,".out", sep = ""))))

#'Generates the precomputed distance file for the OPF classifier
#'@param dataSet The subGraph object, normaly is the whole data
#'@param distanceOp Distance calculation option
#'@param normalize Distance normalization? 1- yes 0 - no
#'Options for distance calculation:\cr
#'1 - Euclidean\cr
#'2 - Chi-Square\cr
#'3 - Manhattan (L1)\cr
#'4 - Canberra\cr
#'5 - Squared Chord\cr
#'6 - Squared Chi-Squared\cr
#'7 - BrayCurtis
#'Returns the distance matrix
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'dist <- opf_distance(dat,3,0)
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.5,0,0.5,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'Y <- opf_train(T,dist)
#'class <- opf_classify(T2, Y$classifier,dist)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)
opf_distance <- function(dataSet, distanceOp, normalize = 0){
  file <- tempfile()
  argv <- c("", file,distanceOp,normalize)
  aux <- .C("c_opf_distance",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(opf_read_distances(paste(file,".distances.dat", sep = "")))

#'Generates k folds (objects) for the OPF classifier
#'@param dataSet The subGraph object
#'@param k Number of folds
#'@param normalize Distance normalization? 1- yes 0 - no
#'Returns a list of subGraph objects
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'folds <- opf_fold(dat, 4)
opf_fold <- function(dataSet, k, normalize = 0){
  file <- tempfile()
  argv <- c("", file,k,normalize)
  aux <- .C("c_opf_fold",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  result <- c()
  for(i in 1:k){
    fold <- paste(file,as.character(i), sep = "")
    result <- append(result,opf_read_subGraph(fold))

#'Gives information about the OPF file
#'@param dataSet The OPF file
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'@return `NULL`
opf_info <- function(dataSet){
  file <- tempfile()
  fp <- file(file, "wb")
  writeBin(as.integer(dataSet$nnodes), size = 4, fp)
  writeBin(as.integer(dataSet$nlabels), size = 4, fp)
  writeBin(as.integer(dataSet$nfeats), size = 4, fp)
  argv <- c("", file)
  aux <- .C("c_opf_info",length(argv),as.character(argv))

#'Executes the learning phase of the OPF classifier
#'@param trainFile The training object produced by the opf_split (subGraph object)
#'@param evaluatFile The evaluation produced object by the opf_split (subGraph object)
#'@param precomputedDistance The precomputed distance matrix produced by the opf_distance (leave it in blank if you are not using this resource)
#'Executes the training phase
#'Returns a list which contains the classifier model object
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.3,0.2,0.5,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'E <- X$evaluating
#'Y <- opf_learn(T,E)
#'class <- opf_classify(T2, Y$classifier)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)
opf_learn <- function(trainFile, evaluatFile, precomputedDistance = NA){
  file <- tempfile()
  opf_write_subGraph(evaluatFile,paste(file,".evaluet", sep = ""))
  argv <- c("", file, paste(file,".evaluet", sep = ""))
  if(length(precomputedDistance) > 1){
    opf_write_distances(precomputedDistance,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
    argv <- append(argv,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
  aux <- .C("c_opf_learn",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(list("classifier"=opf_read_modelfile(paste(file,".classifier.opf", sep = ""))))

#'Merge subGraphs
#'@param dataSets An array of subGraph objects
#'Returns the merged subGraph object
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'dat2 <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/Z1LINE.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'dataSet <- opf_merge(c(dat,dat2))
opf_merge <- function(dataSets){
  file <- tempfile()
  argv <- c("")
  for(i in 1:length(dataSets)){
    opf_write_subGraph(dataSets[[i]],paste(file,as.character(i), sep = ""))
    argv <- c(argv, paste(file,as.character(i), sep = ""))
  aux <- .C("c_opf_merge",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(opf_read_subGraph(paste(file,"1.merged.dat", sep = "")))

#'Normalizes data for the OPF classifier
#'@param dataSet The subGraph object
#'Returns the normalized subGraph
#'dataset <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'dat <- opf_normalize(dataset)
opf_normalize <- function(dataSet){
  file <- tempfile()
  argv <- c("", file, paste(file,".out", sep = ""))
  aux <- .C("c_opf_normalize",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(opf_read_subGraph(paste(file,".out", sep = "")))

#'Executes the pruning algorithm
#'@param dataTraining The training object produced by the opf_split (subGraph object)
#'@param dataEvaluating The evaluating object produced by the opf_split (subGraph object)
#'@param percentageAccuracy Max percentage of lost accuracy [0,1]
#'@param precomputedDistance The precomputed distance matrix produced by the opf_distance (leave it in blank if you are not using this resource)
#'Returns a list which contains the classifier model object
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.3,0.2,0.5,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'E <- X$evaluating
#'Y <- opf_pruning(T,E,0.8)
#'class <- opf_classify(T2, Y$classifier)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)
opf_pruning <- function(dataTraining, dataEvaluating, percentageAccuracy, precomputedDistance = NA){
  file <- tempfile()
  opf_write_subGraph(dataEvaluating,paste(file,".evaluate", sep = ""))
  argv <- c("", file,  paste(file,".evaluate", sep = ""),  percentageAccuracy)
  if(length(precomputedDistance) > 1){
    opf_write_distances(precomputedDistance,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
    argv <- append(argv,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
  aux <- .C("c_opf_pruning",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(list("classifier"=opf_read_modelfile(paste(file,".classifier.opf", sep = ""))))

#'Executes the semi supervised training phase
#'@param labeledTrainSubGraph The labeled training object (subGraph object)
#'@param unLabeledTrainSubGraph The unlabeled training object (subGraph object)
#'@param evaluatFile The evaluation object produced by the opf_split (subGraph object)
#'@param precomputedDistance The precomputed distance matrix produced by the opf_distance (leave it in blank if you are not using this resource)
#'Returns the learned model object
#'Training <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/Z1LINE.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'TUnlabeled <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/Z1DOUBLELINE.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'Testing <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/Z3.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'Y <- opf_semi(Training,TUnlabeled)
#'class <- opf_classify(Testing, Y$classifier)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(Testing, class)
#'Returns a list which contains the classifier object and the classification list object
opf_semi <- function(labeledTrainSubGraph,  unLabeledTrainSubGraph,  evaluatFile = NA,  precomputedDistance = NA){
  file <- tempfile()
  opf_write_subGraph(unLabeledTrainSubGraph,paste(file,".unL", sep = ""))
  argv <- c("", file, paste(file,".unL", sep = ""))
    opf_write_subGraph(evaluatFile,paste(file,".evaluat", sep = ""))
    argv <- append(argv,paste(file,".unL", sep = ""))
  if(length(precomputedDistance) > 1){
    opf_write_distances(precomputedDistance,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
    argv <- append(argv,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
  aux <- .C("c_opf_semi",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(list("classifier"=opf_read_modelfile(paste(file,".classifier.opf", sep = "")),"classification"=opf_read_classification(paste(file,".out", sep = ""))))

#'Generates training, evaluation and test sets for the OPF classifier
#'@param dataSet The data (subGraph object)
#'@param training_p Percentage for the training set size [0,1]
#'@param evaluating_p Percentage for the evaluation set size [0,1] (leave 0 in the case of no learning)
#'@param testing_p Percentage for the test set size [0,1]
#'@param normalize Distance normalization? 1- yes 0 - no
#'Returns the training, evaluating and the testing objects
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.5,0,0.5,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'Y <- opf_train(T)
#'class <- opf_classify(T2, Y$classifier)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)
opf_split <- function(dataSet, training_p, evaluating_p, testing_p, normalize = 0){
  file <- tempfile()
  argv <- c("", file, training_p, evaluating_p, testing_p, normalize)
  aux <- .C("c_opf_split",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(list("training" = (if(training_p > 0.0) opf_read_subGraph(paste(file,".training.dat", sep = "")) else NA),
              "evaluating" = (if(evaluating_p > 0.0) opf_read_subGraph(paste(file,".evaluating.dat", sep = "")) else NA),
              "testing" = (if(testing_p > 0.0) opf_read_subGraph(paste(file,".testing.dat", sep = "")) else NA)))

#'Executes the training phase of the OPF classifier
#'@param dataSet The training object produced by the opf_split (subGraph object)
#'@param precomputedDistance The precomputed distance matrix produced by the opf_distance (leave it in blank if you are not using this resource)
#'Returns a list which contains the classifier object and the classification list object
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.5,0,0.5,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'Y <- opf_train(T)
#'class <- opf_classify(T2, Y$classifier)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)
opf_train <- function(dataSet, precomputedDistance = NA){
  file <- tempfile()
  argv <- c("", file)
  if(length(precomputedDistance) > 1){
    opf_write_distances(precomputedDistance,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
    argv <- append(argv,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
  aux <- .C("c_opf_train",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(list("classifier"=opf_read_modelfile(paste(file,".classifier.opf", sep = "")),"classification"=opf_read_classification(paste(file,".out", sep = ""))))

#'Executes the test phase of the OPF classifier with knn adjacency
#'@param dataSet The testing object produced by the opf_split (subGraph object)
#'@param classifier The classifier object produced by one of the classification functions (model object)
#'@param precomputedDistance The precomputed distance matrix produced by the opf_distance (leave it in blank if you are not using this resource)
#'Returns the given subGraph classification list
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.8,0,0.2,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'Y <- opf_cluster(T,100,1,0.2)
#'class <- opf_knn_classify(T2, Y$classifier)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)
opf_knn_classify <- function(dataSet, classifier, precomputedDistance = NA){
  file <- tempfile()
  opf_write_modelfile(classifier,paste(file,".classifier.opf", sep = ""))
  argv <- c("", file)
  if(length(precomputedDistance) > 1){
    opf_write_distances(precomputedDistance,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
    argv <- append(argv,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
  aux <- .C("c_opfknn_classify",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(opf_read_classification(paste(file,".out", sep = "")))

#'Executes the training phase of the OPF classifier with knn adjacency
#'@param trainFile The training object produced by the opf_split (subGraph object)
#'@param evaluatFile The evaluation object produced by the opf_split (subGraph object)
#'@param kmax The kmax (maximum degree for the knn graph)
#'@param precomputedDistance The precomputed distance matrix produced by the opf_distance (leave it in blank if you are not using this resource)
#'Returns a list which contains the classifier object and the classification list object
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.3,0.2,0.5,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'E <- X$evaluating
#'Y <- opf_knn_train(T,E,100)
#'class <- opf_knn_classify(T2, Y$classifier)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)
#'Returns a list which contains the classifier object and the classification list object (i.e., clusters' id)
opf_knn_train <- function(trainFile, evaluatFile, kmax, precomputedDistance = NA){
  file <- tempfile()
  opf_write_subGraph(evaluatFile,paste(file,".evaluat", sep = ""))
  argv <- c("", file, paste(file,".evaluat", sep = ""), kmax)
  if(length(precomputedDistance) > 1){
    opf_write_distances(precomputedDistance,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
    argv <- append(argv,paste(file,".distances", sep = ""))
  aux <- .C("c_opfknn_train",length(argv),as.character(argv))
  return(list("classifier"=opf_read_modelfile(paste(file,".classifier.opf", sep = "")),"classification"=opf_read_classification(paste(file,".out", sep = ""))))

#tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#'Checks the OPF file for proper formatting purposes
#'@param file The text OPF file name
#'usage opf_check <input ASCII file in the LibOPF format>:
#'Note that the input file for opf_check must be a text file.
#'Use opf2txt to convert your OPF binary file into a text file.
#'dataset <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'File <- file.path(tempdir(), "boat.txt")
#'@return `NULL`
opf_check <- function(file){
  argv <- c("", file)
  aux <- .C("c_opf_check",length(argv),as.character(argv))

#'Converts an OPF subGraph object to a LIBSVM file
#'@param data The subGraph object
#'@param outputFile LIBSVM output file name
#'dataset <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'File <- file.path(tempdir(), "boat.svm")
#'@return `NULL`
opf2svm <- function(data, outputFile){
  file <- tempfile()
  argv <- c("", file, outputFile)
  aux <- .C("c_opf2svm",length(argv),as.character(argv))

#'Converts an OPF subGraph object to a text file
#'@param data OPF subGraph object
#'@param outputFile Text output file name
#'dataset <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'File <- file.path(tempdir(), "boat.txt")
#'@return `NULL`
opf2txt <- function(data, outputFile){
  file <- tempfile()
  argv <- c("", file, outputFile)
  aux <- .C("c_opf2txt",length(argv),as.character(argv))

#'Converts a LIBSVM file to an OPF subGraph object
#'@param inputFile LIBSVM input file
#'Returns the OPF object
#'dataset <- svm2opf(system.file("extdata/boat.svm",package = "LibOPF"))
svm2opf <- function(inputFile){
  file <- tempfile()
  argv <- c("", inputFile, file)
  aux <- .C("c_svm2opf",length(argv),as.character(argv))

#'Converts a text file to an OPF subGraph object
#'@param inputFile Text input file
#'Returns the OPF object
#'dataset <- txt2opf(system.file("extdata/boat.txt",package = "LibOPF"))
txt2opf <- function(inputFile){
  file <- tempfile()
  argv <- c("", inputFile, file)
  aux <- .C("c_txt2opf",length(argv),as.character(argv))

#'Subgraphs' node class
#'@import methods
#'@exportClass SNode
#'@export SNode
SNode <- setRefClass (
  fields = list(
    pathval = "numeric",
    dens = "numeric",
    radius = "numeric",
    label = "numeric",
    root = "numeric",
    pred = "numeric",
    truelabel = "numeric",
    position = "numeric",
    feat = "vector",
    status = "numeric",
    relevant = "numeric",
    nplatadj = "numeric",
    adj = "vector"

#'Subgraph class
#'@import methods
#'@exportClass subGraph
#'@export subGraph
subGraph <- setRefClass (
  fields = list(
    node = "vector",
    nnodes = "numeric",
    nfeats = "numeric",
    bestk = "numeric",
    nlabels = "numeric",
    df = "numeric",
    mindens = "numeric",
    maxdens = "numeric",
    K = "numeric",
    ordered_list_of_nodes = "vector"

#'Creates an empty subGraph structure
#'@param nnodes Number of nodes
#'Returns an empty subGraph
#'EmptySubgraph <- opf_create_subGraph(10)
opf_create_subGraph <- function(nnodes){
  sg <- subGraph()
  sg$nnodes <- nnodes
  sg$ordered_list_of_nodes <- vector(mode = "integer", length = nnodes)
  for(i in 1:nnodes){
    sg$node <- c(sg$node, SNode())
    sg$node[[i]]$feat <- vector(mode = "numeric")
    sg$node[[i]]$relevant <- 0
    sg$node[[i]]$dens <- 0.0

#'Reads a file which contains the subGraph
#'@param file The file name
#'Returns the subGraph object
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.5,0,0.5,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'Y <- opf_train(T)
#'class <- opf_classify(T2, Y$classifier)
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)
opf_read_subGraph <- function(file){
  binFile <- file(file, "rb")
  nnodes <- readBin(binFile, "int", endian = "little")
  g <- opf_create_subGraph(nnodes);
  g$nlabels <- readBin(binFile, "int", endian = "little")
  g$nfeats <- readBin(binFile, "int", endian = "little")
  for (i in 1:g$nnodes){
    g$node[[i]]$position <- readBin(binFile, "int", endian = "little")# + 1
    g$node[[i]]$truelabel <- readBin(binFile, "int", endian = "little")
    for (j in 1:g$nfeats){
      g$node[[i]]$feat[[j]] <- readBin(binFile, "double", size=4, endian = "little")

#'Writes into a file a subGraph
#'@param g The subGraph object
#'@param file The file name to save the subGraph
#'dataset <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'opf_write_subGraph(dataset, file.path(tempdir(), "boat.dat"))
#'@return `NULL`
opf_write_subGraph <- function(g, file){
    fileBin <- file(file, "wb")
    writeBin(as.integer(g$nnodes),  size = 4, fileBin)
    writeBin(as.integer(g$nlabels),  size = 4,fileBin)
    writeBin(as.integer(g$nfeats),  size = 4,fileBin)
    for (i in 1:g$nnodes){
      writeBin(as.integer(g$node[[i]]$position),  size = 4,fileBin)# - 1 in position
      writeBin(as.integer(g$node[[i]]$truelabel),  size = 4,fileBin)
      for (j in 1:g$nfeats){
        writeBin(as.double(g$node[[i]]$feat[[j]]),  size = 4,fileBin)

#'Reads a file which contains the learned model
#'@param file The file which contains the learned model
#'Returns the learned model object
#'classifier <- opf_read_modelfile(system.file("extdata/classifier.opf",package = "LibOPF"))
opf_read_modelfile <- function(file){
  binFile <- file(file, "rb")
  nnodes <- readBin(binFile, "int", size=4, endian = "little")
  g <- opf_create_subGraph(nnodes)
  g$nlabels <- readBin(binFile, "int", size=4, endian = "little")
  g$nfeats <- readBin(binFile, "int", size=4, endian = "little")
  g$df <- readBin(binFile, "double", size=4, endian = "little")
  g$bestk <- readBin(binFile, "int", size=4, endian = "little")
  g$K <- readBin(binFile, "double", size=4, endian = "little")
  g$mindens <- readBin(binFile, "double", size=4, endian = "little")
  g$maxdens <- readBin(binFile, "double", size=4, endian = "little")
  for (i in c(1:g$nnodes)){
    g$node[[i]]$feat <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = g$nfeats)
    g$node[[i]]$position <- readBin(binFile, "int", size=4, endian = "little")# + 1
    g$node[[i]]$truelabel <- readBin(binFile, "int", size=4, endian = "little")# + 1
    g$node[[i]]$pred <- readBin(binFile, "int", size=4, endian = "little")#  + 1
    g$node[[i]]$label <- readBin(binFile, "int", size=4, endian = "little")# + 1
    g$node[[i]]$pathval <- readBin(binFile, "double", size=4, endian = "little")
    g$node[[i]]$radius <- readBin(binFile, "double", size=4, endian = "little")
    g$node[[i]]$dens <- readBin(binFile, "double", size=4, endian = "little")
    for (j in c(1:g$nfeats)){
      g$node[[i]]$feat[[j]] <- readBin(binFile, "double", size=4, endian = "little")
  for (i in c(1:g$nnodes)){
    g$ordered_list_of_nodes[[i]] <- readBin(binFile, "int", size=4, endian = "little")# + 1

#'Writes into a file the trained OPF classifier
#'@param g The classifier object
#'@param file The file name to save the classifier
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.5,0,0.5,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'Y <- opf_train(T)
#'opf_write_modelfile(Y$classifier, file.path(tempdir(), "classifier.opf"))
#'@return `NULL`
opf_write_modelfile <- function(g, file){
  fp <- file(file, "wb")
  writeBin(as.integer(g$nnodes), size = 4, fp)
  writeBin(as.integer(g$nlabels), size = 4, fp)
  writeBin(as.integer(g$nfeats), size = 4, fp)
  writeBin(as.double(g$df), size = 4, fp)
  writeBin(as.integer(g$bestk), size = 4, fp)
  writeBin(as.double(g$K), size = 4, fp)
  writeBin(as.double(g$mindens), size = 4,fp)
  writeBin(as.double(g$maxdens), size = 4,fp)
  for(i in c(1:g$nnodes)){
    writeBin(as.integer(g$node[[i]]$position), size = 4, fp) #-1 in position
    writeBin(as.integer(g$node[[i]]$truelabel), size = 4, fp)# - 1
    #if(g$node[[i]]$pred != -1)
    #  g$node[[i]]$pred <- g$node[[i]]$pred# - 1
    writeBin(as.integer(g$node[[i]]$pred), size = 4, fp)# - 1
    writeBin(as.integer(g$node[[i]]$label), size = 4, fp)# - 1
    writeBin(as.double(g$node[[i]]$pathval), size = 4, fp)
    writeBin(as.double(g$node[[i]]$radius), size = 4, fp)
    writeBin(as.double(g$node[[i]]$dens), size = 4, fp)
    for(j in c(1:g$nfeats)){
      writeBin(as.double(g$node[[i]]$feat[[j]]), size = 4, fp)
  for(i in c(1:g$nnodes)){
    writeBin(as.integer(g$ordered_list_of_nodes[[i]]), size = 4, fp)# - 1 in nodes

#'Reads a file which contains the nodes' predicted labels
#'@param file The file which contains the nodes' predicted labels
#'Returns the predicted labels list
#'File <- system.file("extdata/classification.txt",package = "LibOPF")
#'classification <- opf_read_classification(File)
opf_read_classification <- function(file){
  fp <- file(file, "r")
  return <- as.double(readLines(fp))

#'Writes into a file the predicted labels produced by the opf classificator
#'@param classes The classification list (i.e.,predicted labels) produced by the classifier
#'@param file Where you want to save the classification vector
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.5,0,0.5,0)
#'T <- X$training
#'T2 <- X$testing
#'Y <- opf_train(T)
#'opf_write_classification(Y$classification, file.path(tempdir(), "classification.txt"))
#'@return `NULL`
opf_write_classification <- function(classes, file){
  fp <- file(file, "w")

#'Reads a file which contains the precalculated distances
#'@param file The file which contains the distances matrix
#'Returns the precalculated distances matrix
#'distances <- opf_read_distances(system.file("extdata/distances.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
opf_read_distances <- function(file)
  fp <- file(file,"rb");
  nsamples <- readBin(fp, "int", size=4, endian = "little")
  M <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = nsamples, ncol = nsamples)
  for (i in 1:nsamples)
    for (j in 1:nsamples)
      M[[i,j]] <- readBin(fp, "double", size=4, endian = "little")

#'Writes into a file the precalculated distances computed by opf_distances function
#'@param distances The matrix produced by the opf distances function
#'@param file The file name where you want to save the distances
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(system.file("extdata/boat.dat",package = "LibOPF"))
#'dist <- opf_distance(dat,3,0)
#'opf_write_distances(dist, file.path(tempdir(), "distances.dat"))
#'@return `NULL`
opf_write_distances <- function(distances, file)
  fp <- file(file,"wb");
  writeBin(as.integer(nrow(distances)), size = 4, fp)
  for (i in 1:as.integer(nrow(distances)))
    for (j in 1:as.integer(ncol(distances)))
      writeBin(as.double(distances[[i,j]]), size = 4, fp)

#'Runs an usage example
#'This function will run this example:\cr
#'dat <- opf_read_subGraph(dataset) (dataset is the subgraph file)\cr
#'X <- opf_split(dat,0.5,0,0.5,0)\cr
#'T <- X$training\cr
#'T2 <- X$testing\cr
#'Y <- opf_train(T)\cr
#'class <- opf_classify(T2, Y$classifier)\cr
#'acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)\cr
#'@param dataset A dataset folder for the test
#'Returns the accuracy
opf_run_example <- function(dataset)
  dat <- opf_read_subGraph(dataset)
  X <- opf_split(dat,0.5,0,0.5,0)
  T <- X$training
  T2 <- X$testing
  Y <- opf_train(T)
  class <- opf_classify(T2, Y$classifier)
  acc <- opf_accuracy(T2, class)

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LibOPF documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:13 p.m.