
Defines functions idAcylCerpos idTGpos idDGpos idCEpos idCarpos idSMpos idCerPpos idCerpos idSphPpos idSphpos idPIpos idPGpos idPEppos idPEopos idPEpos idPCppos idPCopos idPCpos idLPEpos idLPCpos idMGpos idPOS

Documented in idAcylCerpos idCarpos idCEpos idCerpos idCerPpos idDGpos idLPCpos idLPEpos idMGpos idPCopos idPCpos idPCppos idPEopos idPEpos idPEppos idPGpos idPIpos idPOS idSMpos idSphpos idSphPpos idTGpos

# idPOS
#' Lipids annotation for ESI+
#' Lipids annotation based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA data
#' acquired in positive mode. This function compiles all functions written for
#' ESI+ annotations.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 5 seconds.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param lipidClasses classes of interest to run the identification functions.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification); and the annotatedPeaklist element shows the original 
#' MS1 peaklist with the annotations on it.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idPOS(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idPOS <- function(msobject,
                  ppm_precursor = 5,
                  ppm_products = 10,
                  rttol = 5,
                  coelCutoff = 0.8,
                  lipidClasses = c("MG", "LPC", "LPE", "PC", "PCo", "PCp", "PE", 
                                   "PEo", "PEp", "PG", "PI", "Sph", "SphP", "Cer", 
                                   "AcylCer", "CerP", "SM", "Carnitines", "CE", 
                                   "DG", "TG"),
                  verbose = TRUE){

  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if(verbose){cat("\n Removing previous results...")}
    msobject$annotation$results <- NULL
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation <- NULL
    msobject$annotation$annotatedPeaklist <- NULL
  if (!all(lipidClasses %in% c("MG", "LPC", "LPE", "PC", "PCo", "PCp", "PE", 
                               "PEo", "PEp", "PG", "PI", "Sph", "SphP", "Cer", 
                               "AcylCer", "CerP", "SM", "Carnitines", "CE", "DG", 
    stop("Lipid classes allowed for positive annotation are: MG, LPC, LPE, PC,
          PCo, PCp, PE, PEo, PEp, PG, PI, Sph, SphP, Cer, CerP, AcylCer, SM, 
          Carnitines, CE, DG and TG")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()

  if(verbose){cat("\n Starting annotation...")}
  if ("MG" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for MG...")}
    msobject <-  idMGpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                         ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                         coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("LPC" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for LPC...")}
    msobject <-  idLPCpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                          ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                          coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("LPE" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for LPE...")}
    msobject <-  idLPEpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                          ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                          coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("PC" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for PC...")}
    msobject <-  idPCpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                         ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                         coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("PCo" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for PCo...")}
    msobject <-  idPCopos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                          ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                          coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("PCp" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for PCp...")}
    msobject <-  idPCppos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                          ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                          coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("PE" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for PE...")}
    msobject <-  idPEpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                         ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                         coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("PEo" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for PEo...")}
    msobject <-  idPEopos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                          ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                          coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("PEp" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for PEp...")}
    msobject <-  idPEppos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                          ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                          coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("PG" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for PG...")}
    msobject <-  idPGpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                         ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                         coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("PI" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for PI...")}
    msobject <-  idPIpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                         ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                         coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("Sph" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for Sph...")}
    msobject <-  idSphpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                          ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                          coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("SphP" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for SphP...")}
    msobject <-  idSphPpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                           ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                           coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("Cer" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for Cer...")}
    msobject <-  idCerpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                          ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                          coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("CerP" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for CerP...")}
    msobject <-  idCerPpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                           ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                           coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("AcylCer" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for AcylCer...")}
    msobject <-  idAcylCerpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                              ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                              coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("SM" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for SM...")}
    msobject <-  idSMpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                         ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                         coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("Carnitines" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for Carnitines...")}
    msobject <-  idCarpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                          ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                          coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("CE" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for CE...")}
    msobject <-  idCEpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                         ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                         coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("DG" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for DG...")}
    msobject <-  idDGpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                         ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                         coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if ("TG" %in% lipidClasses){
    if(verbose){cat("\n  Searching for TG...")}
    msobject <-  idTGpos(msobject = msobject, ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
                         ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = rttol,
                         coelCutoff = coelCutoff, dbs = dbs, verbose = verbose)
  if(verbose){cat("\n Preparing output...")}
  msobject <- crossTables(msobject,
                          ppm = ppm_precursor, 
                          rttol = rttol,
                          dbs = dbs)

# idMGpos
#' Monoacylglycerol (MG) annotation for ESI+
#' MG identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA and DDA data
#' acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for MG in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idMGpos} function involves 2 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate MG as M+H-H2O, M+NH4 and M+Na. 2) Search of
#' MG class fragments if any is assigned.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (in this
#' case, just MS-only or Subclass level (if any class fragment is defined) are
#' possible) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idMGpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idMGpos <- function(msobject,
                    ppm_precursor = 5,
                    ppm_products = 10,
                    rttol = 3,
                    adducts = c("M+H-H2O", "M+NH4", "M+Na"),
                    clfrags = c(),
                    clrequired = c(),
                    ftype = c(),
                    coelCutoff = 0.8,
                    verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous MG annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "MG",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("MG" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious MG annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$MG <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$mgdb, ppm = ppm_precursor,
                               rt = rt, adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol,
                               dbs = dbs, rawData = rawData,
                               coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    # isolation of coeluting fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb = list(),
                           intrules  = c(), intConf = list(), nchains = 0,
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$MG <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$MG$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$MG$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$MG$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$MG <- list()

# idLPCpos
#' Lysophosphocholines (LPC) annotation for ESI+
#' LPC identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for LPC in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idLPCpos} function involves 3 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate LPC as M+H and M+Na. 2) Search of
#' LPC class fragments: 104.1075 and 184.0739 coeluting with the
#' precursor ion. 3) Search of specific fragments that confirm chain
#' composition (MG as M+H-H2O).
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (in this
#' case, as LPC only have one chain, only Subclass and FA level are possible)
#' and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idLPCpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idLPCpos <- function(msobject,
                     ppm_precursor = 5,
                     ppm_products = 10,
                     rttol = 3,
                     adducts = c("M+H", "M+Na"),
                     clfrags = c(104.1075, 184.0739),
                     clrequired = c(F, F),
                     ftype = c("F", "F"),
                     chainfrags_sn1 = c("mg_M+H-H2O"),
                     coelCutoff = 0.8,
                     verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous LPC annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "LPC",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("LPC" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious LPC annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPC <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$lysopcdb, ppm = ppm_precursor,
                               rt = rt, adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol,
                               dbs = dbs, rawData = rawData,
                               coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=1, sn1)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules = c(), rates = c(),
                                   intrequired = c(), nchains=1,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb,
                           intrules  = c(), intConf, nchains = 1, class="LPC",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPC <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPC$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPC$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPC$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPC$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPC <- list()

# idLPEpos
#' Lysophosphoethanolamines (LPE) annotation for ESI+
#' LPE identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for LPE in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idLPEpos} function involves 3 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate LPE as M+H and M+Na. 2) Search of
#' LPE class fragments: neutral loss of 141.01909 coeluting with the
#' precursor ion. 3) Search of specific fragments that confirm chain
#' composition in sn1 (MG as M+H-H2O).
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (in this
#' case, as LPE only have one chain, only Subclass and FA level are possible)
#' and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idLPEpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idLPEpos <- function(msobject,
                     ppm_precursor = 5,
                     ppm_products = 10,
                     rttol = 3,
                     adducts = c("M+H", "M+Na"),
                     clfrags = c(141.01909),
                     clrequired = c(F),
                     ftype = c("NL"),
                     chainfrags_sn1 = c("mg_M+H-H2O"),
                     coelCutoff = 0.8,
                     verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "LPE",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("LPE" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious LPE annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPE <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$lysopedb, ppm = ppm_precursor,
                               rt = rt, adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol,
                               dbs = dbs, rawData = rawData,
                               coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=1, sn1)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules = c(), rates = c(),
                                   intrequired = c(), nchains=1,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb,
                           intrules  = c(), intConf, nchains = 1, class="LPE",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPE <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPE$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPE$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPE$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPE$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$LPE <- list()

# idPCpos
#' Phosphocholines (PC) annotation for ESI+
#' PC identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for PC in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idPCpos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate PC as M+H and M+Na. 2) Search of PC class
#' fragments: 104.1075, 184.0739 and neutral loss of 183.06604 coeluting with
#' the precursor ion. 3) Search of specific fragments that inform about chain
#' composition in sn1 (lysoPC as M+H or M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of the
#' FA chain at sn2) and sn2 (lysoPC as M+H or M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of
#' the FA chain at sn1 or the difference between precursor and sn1 chain
#' fragments). 4) Look for possible chains structure based on the combination of
#' chain fragments. 5) Check intensity rules to confirm chains position. In this
#' case, lysoPC from sn1 is at least twice more intense than lysoPC from sn2.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idPCpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idPCpos <- function(msobject,
                    ppm_precursor = 5,
                    ppm_products = 10,
                    rttol = 3,
                    adducts = c("M+H", "M+Na"),
                    clfrags = c(104.1075, 184.0739, 183.06604),
                    clrequired = c(F, F, F),
                    ftype = c("F", "F", "NL"),
                    chainfrags_sn1 = c("lysopc_M+H", "lysopc_M+H-H2O"),
                    chainfrags_sn2 = c("lysopc_M+H", "lysopc_M+H-H2O", ""),
                    intrules = c("lysopc_sn1/lysopc_sn2"),
                    rates = c("2/1"),
                    intrequired = c(T),
                    coelCutoff = 0.8,
                    verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous PC annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "PC",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("PC" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious PC annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PC <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$pcdb, ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt,
                               adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=2, sn1, sn2)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 2, class="PC",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PC <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PC$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PC$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PC$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PC$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PC <- list()

# idPCopos
#' Plasmanyl Phosphocholines (PCo) annotation for ESI+
#' PCo identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for PC in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idPCopos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate PCo as M+H and M+Na. 2) Search of PC class
#' fragments: 104.1075, 184.0739 and neutral loss of 183.06604 coeluting with
#' the precursor ion. 3) Search of specific fragments that inform about chain
#' composition in sn1 (LPCo as M+H or M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of the
#' FA chain at sn2) and sn2 (LPC as M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of
#' the FA chain at sn1 or the difference between precursor and sn1 chain
#' fragments). 4) Look for possible chains structure based on the combination of
#' chain fragments. 5) Check intensity rules to confirm chains position. In this
#' case, LPCo from sn1 is at least twice more intense than LPC from sn2.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idPCopos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idPCopos <- function(msobject,
                     ppm_precursor = 5,
                     ppm_products = 10,
                     rttol = 3,
                     adducts = c("M+H", "M+Na"),
                     clfrags = c(104.1075, 184.0739, 183.06604),
                     clrequired = c(F, F, F),
                     ftype = c("F", "F", "NL"),
                     chainfrags_sn1 = c("lysopco_M+H", "lysopco_M+H-H2O"),
                     chainfrags_sn2 = c("lysopc_M+H", "lysopc_M+H-H2O", ""),
                     intrules = c("lysopco_sn1/lysopc_sn2"),
                     rates = c("2/1"),
                     intrequired = c(T),
                     coelCutoff = 0.8,
                     verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous PC annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "PCo",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("PCo" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious PCo annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCo <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$pcodb, ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt,
                               adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=2, sn1, sn2)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 2, class="PCo",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCo <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCo$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCo$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCo$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCo$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCo <- list()

# idPCppos
#' Plasmenyl Phosphocholines (PCp) annotation for ESI+
#' PCp identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for PC in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idPCppos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate PC as M+H and M+Na. 2) Search of PC class
#' fragments: 104.1075, 184.0739 and neutral loss of 183.06604 coeluting with
#' the precursor ion. 3) Search of specific fragments that inform about chain
#' composition in sn1 (LPCp as M+H or M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of the
#' FA chain at sn2) and sn2 (LPC as M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of
#' the FA chain at sn1 or the difference between precursor and sn1 chain
#' fragments). 4) Look for possible chains structure based on the combination of
#' chain fragments. 5) Check intensity rules to confirm chains position. In this
#' case, LPC from sn2 is at least twice more intense than LPCo from sn1.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idPCppos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idPCppos <- function(msobject,
                     ppm_precursor = 5,
                     ppm_products = 10,
                     rttol = 3,
                     adducts = c("M+H", "M+Na"),
                     clfrags = c(104.1075, 184.0739, 183.06604),
                     clrequired = c(F, F, F),
                     ftype = c("F", "F", "NL"),
                     chainfrags_sn1 = c("lysopcp_M+H", "lysopcp_M+H-H2O"),
                     chainfrags_sn2 = c("lysopc_M+H-H2O", ""),
                     intrules = c("lysopcp_sn1/lysopc_sn2"),
                     rates = c("1/2"),
                     intrequired = c(T),
                     coelCutoff = 0.8,
                     verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous PC annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "PCp",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("PCp" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious PCp annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCp <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$pcpdb, ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt,
                               adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=2, sn1, sn2)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 2, class="PCp",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCp <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCp$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCp$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCp$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCp$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PCp <- list()

# idPEpos
#' Phosphoethanolamines (PE) annotation for ESI+
#' PE identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for PE in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See
#' \link{createLipidDB} and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idPEpos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate PE as M+H and M+Na. 2) Search of PE class
#' fragments: loss of head group (DG as M+H-H2O) coeluting with the precursor
#' ion. 3) Search of specific fragments that inform about chain composition at
#' sn1 (MG as M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of the FA chain at sn2 and
#' the head group or LPE as M+H-H2O resulting just from the loss of the FA chain)
#' and sn2 (MG as M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of the head group and FA chain 
#' from sn2). 4) Look for possible chains structure based on the combination of 
#' chain fragments. 5) Check intensity rules to confirm chains position. 
#' LPE or MG from sn1 is at least 3 times more intense than the ones from sn2.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idPEpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idPEpos <- function(msobject,
                    ppm_precursor = 5,
                    ppm_products = 10,
                    rttol = 3,
                    adducts = c("M+H", "M+Na"),
                    clfrags = c("dg_M+H-H2O"),
                    clrequired = c(F),
                    ftype = c("BB"),
                    chainfrags_sn1 = c("lysope_M+H-H2O", "mg_M+H-H2O"),
                    chainfrags_sn2 = c("mg_M+H-H2O"),
                    intrules = c("lysope_sn1/lysope_sn1", "mg_sn1/mg_sn2"),
                    rates = c("3/1", "1/2"),
                    intrequired = c(F, F),
                    coelCutoff = 0.8,
                    verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "PE",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("PE" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious PE annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PE <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$pedb, ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt,
                               adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=2, sn1, sn2)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 2, class="PE",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PE <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PE$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PE$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PE$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PE$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PE <- list()

# idPEopos
#' Plasmanyl Phosphoethanolamines (PEo) annotation for ESI+
#' PEo identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for PE in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See
#' \link{createLipidDB} and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idPEopos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate PE as M+H and M+Na. 2) Search of PE class
#' fragments: loss of head group (NL of 141.0193) coeluting with the precursor
#' ion. 3) Search of specific fragments that inform about chain composition at
#' sn1 (LPEo as M+H or M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of the FA chain at sn2)
#' and sn2 (MG as M+H-H2O resulting just from the loss of the head group and the 
#' FA chain at sn1). 4) Look for possible chains structure based on the
#' combination of chain fragments. 5) Check intensity rules to confirm chains
#' position. LPEo from sn1 is at least 2 times more intense than MG from sn2.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idPEopos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idPEopos <- function(msobject,
                     ppm_precursor = 5,
                     ppm_products = 10,
                     rttol = 3,
                     adducts = c("M+H", "M+Na"),
                     clfrags = c(141.0193),
                     clrequired = c(F),
                     ftype = c("NL"),
                     chainfrags_sn1 = c("lysopeo_M+H", "lysopeo_M+H-H2O"),
                     chainfrags_sn2 = c("mg_M+H-H2O"),
                     intrules = c("lysopeo_sn1/mg_sn2"),
                     rates = c("2/1"),
                     intrequired = c(T),
                     coelCutoff = 0.8,
                     verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "PEo",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("PEo" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious PEo annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEo <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$peodb, ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt,
                               adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=2, sn1, sn2)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 2, class="PEo",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEo <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEo$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEo$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEo$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEo$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEo <- list()

# idPEppos
#' Plasmenyl Phosphoethanolamines (PEp) annotation for ESI+
#' PEp identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for PE in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See
#' \link{createLipidDB} and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idPEppos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate PE as M+H and M+Na. 2) Search of PE class
#' fragments: loss of head group (NL of 140.012) coeluting with the precursor
#' ion. 3) Search of specific fragments that inform about chain composition at
#' sn1 (LPEp as M+H or M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of the FA chain at sn2)
#' and sn2 (MG as M+H-H2O from sn2 resulting from the loss of the FA chain at sn1). 
#' 4) Look for possible chains structure based on the combination of chain 
#' fragments. 5) Check intensity rules to confirm chains position. MG from sn2 
#' is at least 3 times more intense than LPEp from sn1.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idPEppos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idPEppos <- function(msobject,
                     ppm_precursor = 5,
                     ppm_products = 10,
                     rttol = 3,
                     adducts = c("M+H", "M+Na"),
                     clfrags = c(140.012),
                     clrequired = c(F),
                     ftype = c("NL"),
                     chainfrags_sn1 = c("lysopep_M+H", "lysopep_M+H-H2O"),
                     chainfrags_sn2 = c("mg_M+H-H2O"),
                     intrules = c("lysopep_sn1/mg_sn2"),
                     rates = c("1/3"),
                     intrequired = c(T),
                     coelCutoff = 0.8,
                     verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "PEp",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("PEp" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious PEp annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEp <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$pepdb, ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt,
                               adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=2, sn1, sn2)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 2, class="PEp",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEp <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEp$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEp$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEp$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEp$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PEp <- list()

# idPGpos
#' Phosphoglycerols (PG) annotation for ESI+
#' PG identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for PE in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See
#' \link{createLipidDB} and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idPGpos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate PG as M+H, M+NH4 and M+Na. 2) Search of PG class
#' fragments: loss of head group (DG as M+H-H2O) coeluting with the precursor
#' ion. 3) Search of specific fragments that inform about chain composition at
#' sn1 (MG as M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of the FA chain at sn2)
#' and sn2 (MG as M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of the FA chain at sn1).
#' 4) Look for possible chains structure based on the combination of chain
#' fragments. 5) Check intensity rules to confirm chains position. MG from sn2
#' is at least twice more intense than the one from sn1.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idPGpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idPGpos <- function(msobject,
                    ppm_precursor = 5,
                    ppm_products = 10,
                    rttol = 3,
                    adducts = c("M+H", "M+NH4", "M+Na"),
                    clfrags = c("dg_M+H-H2O"),
                    clrequired = c(F),
                    ftype = c("BB"),
                    chainfrags_sn1 = c("mg_M+H-H2O"),
                    chainfrags_sn2 = c("mg_M+H-H2O"),
                    intrules = c("mg_sn1/mg_sn2"),
                    rates = c("1/2"),
                    intrequired = c(F),
                    coelCutoff = 0.8,
                    verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "PG",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("PG" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious PG annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PG <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$pgdb, ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt,
                               adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=2, sn1, sn2)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 2, class="PG",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PG <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PG$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PG$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PG$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PG$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PG <- list()

# idPIpos
#' Phosphoinositols (PI) annotation for ESI+
#' PI identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for PE in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See
#' \link{createLipidDB} and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idPIpos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate PI as M+H, M+NH4 and M+Na. 2) Search of PI class
#' fragments: loss of head group (DG as M+H-H2O) coeluting with the precursor
#' ion. 3) Search of specific fragments that inform about chain composition at
#' sn1 (MG as M+H-H2O or LPI as M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of the FA chain 
#' at sn2) and sn2 (MG as M+H-H2O or LPI as M+H-H2O resulting from the loss of 
#' the FA chain at sn1). 4) Look for possible chains structure based on the 
#' combination of chain fragments. 5) Check intensity rules to confirm chains 
#' position. MG or LPI from sn1 are at least twice more intense than the ones 
#' from sn2.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idPIpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idPIpos <- function(msobject,
                    ppm_precursor = 5,
                    ppm_products = 10,
                    rttol = 3,
                    adducts = c("M+H", "M+NH4", "M+Na"),
                    clfrags = c("dg_M+H-H2O"),
                    clrequired = c(F),
                    ftype = c("BB"),
                    chainfrags_sn1 = c("mg_M+H-H2O", "lysopi_M+H-H2O"),
                    chainfrags_sn2 = c("mg_M+H-H2O", "lysopi_M+H-H2O"),
                    intrules = c("mg_sn1/mg_sn2", "lysopi_sn1/lysopi_sn2"),
                    rates = c("2/1", "2/1"),
                    intrequired = c(F, F),
                    coelCutoff = 0.8,
                    verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "PI",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("PI" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious PI annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PI <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$pidb, ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt,
                               adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=2, sn1, sn2)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 2, class="PI",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PI <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PI$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PI$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PI$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PI$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$PI <- list()

# idSphpos
#' Sphingoid bases (Sph) annotation for ESI-
#' Sph identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursors and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt window where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for Sph in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idSphpos} function involves 2 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate Sph as M+H. 2) Search of Sph class fragments:
#' neutral loss of 1 or 2 H2O molecules.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (in this
#' case, as Sph only have one chain, only Subclass and FA level are possible)
#' and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idSphpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idSphpos <- function(msobject,
                     ppm_precursor = 5,
                     ppm_products = 10,
                     rttol = 3,
                     adducts = c("M+H"),
                     clfrags = c("sph_M+H-H2O", "sph_M+H-2H2O"),
                     clrequired = c(F, F),
                     ftype = c("BB", "BB"),
                     coelCutoff = 0.8,
                     verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "Sph",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("Sph" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious Sph annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Sph <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$sphdb, ppm = ppm_precursor,
                               rt = rt, adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol,
                               dbs = dbs, rawData = rawData,
                               coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb = list(),
                           intrules  = c(), intConf = list(), nchains = 0,
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Sph <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Sph$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Sph$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Sph$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Sph <- list()

# idSphPpos
#' Sphingoid bases phosphate (SphP) annotation for ESI+
#' SphP identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursors and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt window where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for Sph in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idSphPpos} function involves 2 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate SphP as M+H. 2) Search of SphP class fragments:
#' neutral loss of 1 or 2 H2O molecules, or H2O and NH4.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (in this
#' case, as SphP only have one chain, only Subclass and FA level are possible).
#' and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idSphPpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idSphPpos <- function(msobject,
                      ppm_precursor = 5,
                      ppm_products = 10,
                      rttol = 3,
                      adducts = c("M+H"),
                      clfrags = c("sphP_M+H-H2O", "sphP_M+H-2H2O", "sphP_M+H-H2O-NH4"),
                      clrequired = c(F, F, F),
                      ftype = c("BB", "BB", "BB"),
                      coelCutoff = 0.7,
                      verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "SphP",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("SphP" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious SphP annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SphP <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$sphPdb, ppm = ppm_precursor,
                               rt = rt, adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol,
                               dbs = dbs, rawData = rawData,
                               coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # prepare output
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb = list(),
                           intrules  = c(), intConf = list(), nchains = 0,
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SphP <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SphP$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SphP$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SphP$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SphP <- list()

# idCerpos
#' Ceramides (Cer) annotation for ESI+
#' Ceramides identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or
#' DDA data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for Cer in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between peaks (adducts, parent and
#' fragment ions...). Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idCerpos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate Cer as M+H, M+H-H2O and M+Na. 2) Search of Cer
#' class fragments: there isn't any class fragment by default. 3) Search of
#' specific fragments that inform about the sphingoid base (Sph as M+H-2H2O
#' resulting from the loss of the FA chain) and the FA chain (by default it is
#' calculated using the difference between precursor and sph fragments).
#' 4) Look for possible chains structure based on the combination of chain
#' fragments. 5) Check intensity rules to confirm chains position. In this case,
#' there are no intensity rules by default.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idCerpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idCerpos <- function(msobject,
                     ppm_precursor = 5,
                     ppm_products = 10,
                     rttol = 3,
                     adducts = c("M+H-H2O", "M+Na", "M+H"),
                     clfrags = c(),
                     clrequired = c(),
                     ftype = c(),
                     chainfrags_sn1 = c("sph_M+H-2H2O"),
                     chainfrags_sn2 = c(""),
                     intrules = c(),
                     rates = c(),
                     intrequired = c(),
                     coelCutoff = 0.8,
                     verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "Cer",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("Cer" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious Ceramide annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Cer <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, db = dbs$cerdb,
                               ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt, adducts = adducts,
                               rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=2, sn1, sn2)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 2, class="Cer",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Cer <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Cer$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Cer$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Cer$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Cer$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Cer <- list()

# idCerPpos
#' Ceramides phosphate (CerP) annotation for ESI+
#' CerP identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or
#' DDA data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for Cer in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between peaks (adducts, parent and
#' fragment ions...). Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idCerPpos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate CerP as M+H. 2) Search of Cer class fragments: 
#' Cer as M+H-H2O and M+H-2H2O resulting from the loss of the phosphate group and
#' 1 or 2 H2O molecules. 3) Search of specific fragments that inform about the 
#' sphingoid base (Sph as M+H-2H2O resulting from the loss of the FA chain and 
#' the phosphate group) and the FA chain (by default it is calculated using the 
#' difference between precursor and sph fragments). 4) Look for possible chains 
#' structure based on the combination of chain fragments. 5) Check intensity 
#' rules to confirm chains position. In this case, there are no intensity rules 
#' by default.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idCerPpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idCerPpos <- function(msobject,
                      ppm_precursor = 5,
                      ppm_products = 10,
                      rttol = 3,
                      adducts = c("M+H"),
                      clfrags = c("cer_M+H-H2O", "cer_M+H-2H2O"),
                      clrequired = c(F, F),
                      ftype = c("BB", "BB"),
                      chainfrags_sn1 = c("sph_M+H-2H2O"),
                      chainfrags_sn2 = c(""),
                      intrules = c(),
                      rates = c(),
                      intrequired = c(),
                      coelCutoff = 0.8,
                      verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "CerP",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("CerP" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious CerP annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CerP <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, db = dbs$cerPdb,
                               ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt, adducts = adducts,
                               rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=2, sn1, sn2)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 2, class="CerP",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CerP <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CerP$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CerP$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CerP$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CerP$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CerP <- list()

# idSMpos
#' Sphyngomyelines (SM) annotation for ESI+
#' SM identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for SM in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idSMpos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate SM as M+H and M+Na. 2) Search of SM class
#' fragments: 104.1075, 184.0739 and neutral loss of 183.06604 coeluting with
#' the precursor ion. 3) Search of specific fragments that inform about the
#' composition of the sphingoid base (Sph as M+H-2H2O resulting from the loss of
#' the FA chain) and the FA chain (by default it is calculated using the
#' difference between precursor and sph chain fragments). 4) Look for possible
#' chains structure based on the combination of chain fragments. 5) Check
#' intensity rules to confirm chains position. In this case, there are no
#' intensity rules by default as FA chain is unlikely to be detected.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idSMpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idSMpos <- function(msobject,
                    ppm_precursor = 5,
                    ppm_products = 10,
                    rttol = 3,
                    adducts = c("M+H", "M+Na"),
                    clfrags = c(104.1075, 184.0739, 183.06604),
                    clrequired = c(F, F, F),
                    ftype = c("F", "F", "NL"),
                    chainfrags_sn1 = c("sph_M+H-2H2O"),
                    chainfrags_sn2 = c(""),
                    intrules = c(),
                    rates = c(),
                    intrequired = c(),
                    coelCutoff = 0.8,
                    verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "SM",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("SM" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious SM annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SM <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$smdb, ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt,
                               adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=2, sn1, sn2)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 2, class="SM",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SM <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SM$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SM$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SM$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SM$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$SM <- list()

# idCarpos
#' Acylcarnitine annotation for ESI+
#' Acylcarnitines identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS
#' DIA or DDA data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for Carnitines in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idCarpos} function involves 3 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate carnitines as M+H and M+Na. 2) Search of
#' carnitine class fragments: 60.0807 and 85.0295 or its loss (FA as M+H-H20)
#' coeluting with the precursor ion. 3) Search of specific fragments coming from
#' the FA chain (FA as M+H-H2O).
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (in this
#' case, as Carnitines only have one chain, only Subclass and FA level are
#' possible) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idCarpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idCarpos <- function(msobject,
                     ppm_precursor = 5,
                     ppm_products = 10,
                     rttol = 3,
                     adducts = c("M+H", "M+Na"),
                     clfrags = c(60.0807, 85.0295, "fa_M+H-H2O"),
                     clrequired = c(F, F, F),
                     ftype = c("F", "F", "BB"),
                     chainfrags_sn1 = c("fa_M+H-H2O"),
                     coelCutoff = 0.8,
                     verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "Carnitine",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("Carnitine" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious Carnitine annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Carnitine <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$carnitinedb, ppm = ppm_precursor,
                               rt = rt, adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol,
                               dbs = dbs, rawData = rawData,
                               coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=1, sn1)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules = c(), rates = c(), intrequired = c(),
                                   nchains=1, chainsComb)
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb,
                           intrules  = c(), intConf, nchains = 1,
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Carnitine <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Carnitine$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Carnitine$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Carnitine$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Carnitine$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$Carnitine <- list()

# idCEpos
#' Cholesteryl Esters (CE) annotation for ESI+
#' CE identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA data
#' acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for CE in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idCEpos} function involves 3 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate CE as 2M+NH4, 2M+Na, M+NH4 and M+Na. 2) Search of
#' CE class fragments: 369.3516 or its loss (FA as M+H-H20) coeluting with the
#' precursor ion. 3) Search of specific fragments that confirm chain composition
#' (FA as M+H-H2O).
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (in this
#' case, as CE only have one chain, only Subclass and FA level are possible)
#' and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idCEpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idCEpos <- function(msobject,
                    ppm_precursor = 5,
                    ppm_products = 10,
                    rttol = 3,
                    adducts = c("2M+NH4", "2M+Na", "M+NH4", "M+Na"),
                    clfrags = c(369.3516, "fa_M+H-H2O"),
                    clrequired = c(F, F),
                    ftype = c("F", "BB"),
                    chainfrags_sn1 = c("fa_M+H-H2O"),
                    coelCutoff = 0.8,
                    verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "CE",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("CE" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious CE annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CE <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$CEdb, ppm = ppm_precursor,
                               rt = rt, adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol,
                               dbs = dbs, rawData = rawData,
                               coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=1, sn1)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules = c(), rates = c(),
                                   intrequired = c(), nchains=1,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb,
                           intrules = c(),
                           intConf, nchains = 1, class="CE",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CE <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CE$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CE$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CE$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CE$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$CE <- list()

# idDGpos
#' Diacylglycerols (DG) annotation for ESI+
#' DG identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for DG in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idDGpos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate DG as M+H-H2O, M+NH4 and M+Na. 2) Search of DG
#' class fragments: there are no class fragment by default. 3) Search of
#' specific fragments that inform about the FA chains (MGs as M+H-H2O
#' resulting from the loss of the FA chains). 4) Look for possible chains
#' structure based on the combination of chain fragments. 5) Check intensity
#' rules to confirm chains position: MG coming from the loss of the sn2 chain is
#' more intense than the one coming from the loss of sn1.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idDGpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idDGpos <- function(msobject,
                    ppm_precursor = 5,
                    ppm_products = 10,
                    rttol = 3,
                    adducts = c("M+H-H2O", "M+NH4", "M+Na"),
                    clfrags = c(),
                    clrequired = c(),
                    ftype = c(),
                    chainfrags_sn1 = c("mg_M+H-H2O"),
                    chainfrags_sn2 = c("mg_M+H-H2O"),
                    intrules = c("mg_sn1/mg_sn2"),
                    rates = c("1"),
                    intrequired = c(T),
                    coelCutoff = 0.8,
                    verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "DG",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("DG" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious DG annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$DG <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$dgdb, ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt,
                               adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=2, sn1, sn2)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 2, class="DG",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$DG <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$DG$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$DG$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$DG$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$DG$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$DG <- list()

# idTGpos
#' Triacylglycerols (TG) annotation for ESI+
#' TG identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for TG in ESI+. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn1 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param chainfrags_sn3 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn3 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn2 chains.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}. If some intensity rules should be employed to
#' identify the chains position but they are't known yet, use "Unknown". If it
#' isn't required, leave an empty vector.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates between fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idTGpos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate TG as M+NH4 and M+Na. 2) Search of TG class
#' fragments: there are no class fragment by default. 3) Search of specific
#' fragments that inform about the FA chains: DGs resulting from the loss of FA
#' chains as M+H-H2O.  4) Look for possible chains structure based on the
#' combination of chain fragments. 5) Check intensity rules to confirm chains
#' position. In the case of TG, DG resulting from the loss of sn2 if the most
#' intense, followed by the loss of sn1 and sn3, but this FA position level
#' still needs to be improved due to the high level of coelution for TG.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been written based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idTGpos(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
idTGpos <- function(msobject,
                    ppm_precursor = 5,
                    ppm_products = 10,
                    rttol = 3,
                    adducts = c("M+NH4", "M+Na"),
                    clfrags = c(),
                    clrequired = c(),
                    ftype = c(),
                    chainfrags_sn1 = c("cbdiff-dg_M+H-H2O"),
                    chainfrags_sn2 = c("cbdiff-dg_M+H-H2O"),
                    chainfrags_sn3 = c("cbdiff-dg_M+H-H2O"),
                    intrules = c("cbdiff-dg_sn2/cbdiff-dg_sn1",
                    rates = c("1", "1", "1"),
                    intrequired = c(T, T, T),
                    coelCutoff = 0.8,
                    verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "TG",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("TG" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious TG annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$TG <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$tgdb, ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt,
                               adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products,
                      candidates = candidates, sn1, dbs)
    sn3 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn3, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=3, sn1, sn2, sn3)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=3,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb,
                           intrules, intConf, nchains = 3, class="TG",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$TG <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$TG$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$TG$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$TG$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$TG$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$TG <- list()

# idAcylCerpos
#' Acylceramides (AcylCer) annotation for ESI+
#' AcylCer identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS DIA or DDA
#' data acquired in positive mode.
#' @param msobject an msobject returned by \link{dataProcessing}.
#' @param ppm_precursor mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.
#' @param ppm_products mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.
#' @param rttol total rt window for coelution between precursor and product
#' ions. By default, 3 seconds.
#' @param rt rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default,
#' it will search within all RT range in MS1.
#' @param adducts expected adducts for Cer in ESI-. Adducts allowed can
#' be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).
#' @param clfrags vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid
#' class. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param ftype character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags.
#' It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block).
#' See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param clrequired logical vector indicating if each class fragment is
#' required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be
#' present within the coeluting fragments. See \link{checkClass} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn1 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the sphingoid base. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param chainfrags_sn2 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the chain fragments in sn2 position. See \link{chainFrags} for details. If
#' empty, it will be estimated based on the difference between precursors and
#' sn1 chains.
#' @param chainfrags_sn3 character vector containing the fragmentation rules for
#' the acyl chain. See \link{chainFrags} for details.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected ratesbetween fragments given
#' as a string (e.g. "3/1"). See \link{checkIntensityRules}.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return annotated msobject (list with several elements). The results element
#' is a data frame that shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number of carbons
#' and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has
#' been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity), Adducts, ppm (mz error),
#' confidenceLevel (Subclass, FA level, where chains are known but not their
#' positions, or FA position level), peakID, and Score (parent-fragment coelution 
#' score mean in DIA data or relative sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used 
#' for the identification).
#' @details \code{idAcylCerpos} function involves 5 steps. 1) FullMS-based
#' identification of candidate AcylCer as M+H, M+H-H2O and M+Na. 2) Search of 
#' AcylCer class fragments: there are no class fragments by default. 3) Search of 
#' specific fragments that inform about the acyl chain (Cer as M+H, M+H-H2O or
#' M+H-2H2H), the sphingoid base (Sph as M+H-H2O or M+H-2H2O) and the FA chain 
#' (FA as M+H but with a N intead of an O, what results in a mass difference of 
#' 0.02329 with the Mn of the FA chain). 4) Look for possible chains structure 
#' based on the combination of chain fragments. 5) Check intensity rules to 
#' confirm chains position. In this case, Sph fragment must be twice more
#' intense than the loss of the acyl chain and at least 5 times more intense than
#' the FA chain from sn3.
#' Results data frame shows: ID, lipid class, CDB (total number
#' of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if
#' it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes
#' directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (mz error), confidenceLevel (Subclass,
#' FA level, where chains are known but not their positions, or FA position
#' level) and Score (parent-fragment coelution score mean in DIA data or relative 
#' sum intensity in DDA of all fragments used for the identification).
#' @note This function has been writen based on fragmentation patterns
#' observed for three different platforms (QTOF 6550 from Agilent, Synapt G2-Si
#' from Waters and Q-exactive from Thermo), but it may need to be customized for
#' other platforms or acquisition settings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' msobject <- idCerPneg(msobject)
#' }
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
idAcylCerpos <- function(msobject,
                         ppm_precursor = 5,
                         ppm_products = 10,
                         rttol = 3,
                         adducts = c("M+H", "M+H-H2O", "M+Na"),
                         clfrags = c(),
                         clrequired = c(),
                         ftype = c(),
                         chainfrags_sn1 = c("cbdiff-cer_M+H", "cbdiff-cer_M+H-H2O", "cbdiff-cer_M+H-2H2O"),
                         chainfrags_sn2 = c("sph_M+H-H2O", "sph_M+H-2H2O"),
                         chainfrags_sn3 = c("fa_Mn+0.02329"),
                         intrules = c("sph_sn2/cbdiff-cer_sn1", "sph_sn2/fa_sn3"),
                         rates = c("2/1", "5/1"),
                         intrequired = c(T, T),
                         coelCutoff = 0.8,
                         verbose = TRUE){
  # check arguments
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$polarity != "positive"){
    stop("Data wasn't acquired in positive mode")
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (!all(c("metaData", "processing", "rawData", "peaklist") %in% names(msobject))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!all(c("MS1", "MS2") %in% names(msobject$rawData))){
    stop("Wrong msobject format")
  if (!msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
    stop("Acquisition mode must be DIA or DDA")
  if (!all(adducts %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
    stop("Some adducts can't be found at the adductsTable. Add them.")
  if (length(clfrags) > 0){
    if (length(clfrags) != length(clrequired) | length(clfrags) !=
      stop("clfrags, clrequired and ftype should have the same length")
    if (!all(ftype %in% c("F", "NL", "BB"))){
      stop("ftype values allowed are: \"F\", \"NL\" or\"BB\"")
    strfrag <- which(grepl("_", clfrags))
    if (length(strfrag) > 0){
      d <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 1))
      a <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(clfrags[strfrag], "_"), "[[", 2))
      if (!all(a %in% dbs[["adductsTable"]]$adduct)){
        stop("Adducts employed in clfrags also need to be at adductsTable.")
      if (!all(paste(d, "db", sep="") %in% names(dbs))){
        stop("All required dbs must be supplied through dbs argument.")
  # extract data from msobject
  # Peaklist MS1: remove isotopes
  MS1 <- msobject$peaklist$MS1
  MS1 <- MS1[MS1$isotope %in% c("[M+0]"),
             !colnames(MS1) %in% c("isotope", "isoGroup")]
  # Peaklist MS2: 
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    MS2 <- msobject$rawData$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  } else {
    MS2 <- msobject$peaklist$MS2[,c("mz", "RT", "int", "peakID")]
  rawData <- rbind(msobject$rawData$MS1, msobject$rawData$MS2)
  # if acquisition mode is DDA, extract precursors
  if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
    precursors <- msobject$metaData$scansMetadata[msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$collisionEnergy > 0 &
                                                    msobject$metaData$scansMetadata$msLevel == 2,
                                                  c("RT", "precursor", "Scan")]
  # Remove previous ceramide annotations
  if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if (nrow(msobject$annotation$results) > 0){
      msobject$annotation$results <- msobject$annotation$results[msobject$annotation$results$Class != "AcylCer",]
  if ("detailsAnnotation" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
    if("AcylCer" %in% names(msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation)){
      if(verbose){cat("\nPrevious AcylCer annotations removed")}
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$AcylCer <- list()
  # set rt limits
  if (missing(rt)){
    rt <- c(min(MS1$RT), max(MS1$RT))
  # Start identification steps
  # candidates search
  candidates <- findCandidates(MS1, dbs$acylcerdb, ppm = ppm_precursor, rt = rt,
                               adducts = adducts, rttol = rttol, dbs = dbs,
                               rawData = rawData, coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
  if (nrow(candidates) > 0){
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
      if (nrow(rawData) == 0){
        coelCutoff <- 0 # if no rawData is supplied, coelution score between precursors and fragments will be ignored
      # isolation of coeluting fragments
      coelfrags <- coelutingFrags(candidates, MS2, rttol, rawData,
                                  coelCutoff = coelCutoff)
    } else if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      coelCutoff <- 0
      coelfrags <- ddaFrags(candidates, precursors, rawData, ppm = ppm_products)
    # check class fragments
    classConf <- checkClass(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, ftype, clrequired,
                            ppm_products, dbs)
    # search chains fragments
    sn1 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn1, ppm_products, dbs = dbs,
                      candidates = candidates)
    sn2 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn2, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    sn3 <- chainFrags(coelfrags, chainfrags_sn3, ppm_products, candidates, sn1,
    # combine chain fragments
    chainsComb <- combineChains(candidates, nchains=3, sn1, sn2, sn3)
    # check chains position based on intensity ratios
    intConf <- checkIntensityRules(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains=2,
    # prepare output
    res <- organizeResults(candidates, coelfrags, clfrags, classConf, chainsComb, intrules,
                           intConf, nchains = 3, class="AcylCer",
                           acquisitionmode = msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode)
    # update msobject
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$AcylCer <- list()
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$AcylCer$candidates <- candidates
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$AcylCer$classfragments <- classConf$fragments
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$AcylCer$chainfragments <- chainsComb$fragments
    if (msobject$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DDA"){
      msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$AcylCer$coelfrags <- coelfrags
  } else {
    res <- data.frame()
    if ("results" %in% names(msobject$annotation)){
      msobject$annotation$results <- rbind(msobject$annotation$results, res)
    } else {
      msobject$annotation$results <- res
    msobject$annotation$detailsAnnotation$AcylCer <- list()

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LipidMS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:24 a.m.