
Defines functions calc_TLLxTxRatio

Documented in calc_TLLxTxRatio

#'@title Calculate the Lx/Tx ratio for a given set of TL curves -beta version-
#'@description Calculate Lx/Tx ratio for a given set of TL curves.
#' **Uncertainty estimation**
#' The standard errors are calculated using the following generalised equation:
#' \deqn{SE_{signal} = abs(Signal_{net} * BG_f /BG_{signal})}
#' where \eqn{BG_f} is a term estimated by calculating the standard deviation of the sum of
#' the \eqn{L_x} background counts and the sum of the \eqn{T_x} background counts. However,
#' if both signals are similar the error becomes zero.
#' @param Lx.data.signal [RLum.Data.Curve-class] or [data.frame] (**required**):
#' TL data (x = temperature, y = counts) (TL signal)
#' @param Lx.data.background [RLum.Data.Curve-class] or [data.frame] (*optional*):
#' TL data (x = temperature, y = counts).
#' If no data are provided no background subtraction is performed.
#' @param Tx.data.signal [RLum.Data.Curve-class] or [data.frame] (**required**):
#' TL data (x = temperature, y = counts) (TL test signal)
#' @param Tx.data.background [RLum.Data.Curve-class] or [data.frame] (*optional*):
#' TL data (x = temperature, y = counts).
#' If no data are provided no background subtraction is performed.
#' @param signal.integral.min [integer] (**required**):
#' channel number for the lower signal integral bound
#' (e.g. `signal.integral.min = 100`)
#' @param signal.integral.max [integer] (**required**):
#' channel number for the upper signal integral bound
#' (e.g. `signal.integral.max = 200`)
#' @return
#' Returns an S4 object of type [RLum.Results-class].
#' Slot `data` contains a [list] with the following structure:
#' ```
#' $ LxTx.table
#' .. $ LnLx
#' .. $ LnLx.BG
#' .. $ TnTx
#' .. $ TnTx.BG
#' .. $ Net_LnLx
#' .. $ Net_LnLx.Error
#' ```
#' @note
#' **This function has still BETA status!** Please further note that a similar
#' background for both curves results in a zero error and is therefore set to `NA`.
#' @section Function version: 0.3.3
#' @author
#' Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany) \cr
#' Christoph Schmidt, University of Bayreuth (Germany)
#' @seealso [RLum.Results-class], [analyse_SAR.TL]
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#' ##load package example data
#' data(ExampleData.BINfileData, envir = environment())
#' ##convert Risoe.BINfileData into a curve object
#' temp <- Risoe.BINfileData2RLum.Analysis(TL.SAR.Data, pos = 3)
#' Lx.data.signal <- get_RLum(temp, record.id=1)
#' Lx.data.background <- get_RLum(temp, record.id=2)
#' Tx.data.signal <- get_RLum(temp, record.id=3)
#' Tx.data.background <- get_RLum(temp, record.id=4)
#' signal.integral.min <- 210
#' signal.integral.max <- 230
#' output <- calc_TLLxTxRatio(
#'  Lx.data.signal,
#'  Lx.data.background,
#'  Tx.data.signal,
#'  Tx.data.background,
#'  signal.integral.min,
#'  signal.integral.max)
#' get_RLum(output)
#' @md
#' @export
calc_TLLxTxRatio <- function(
  Lx.data.background = NULL,
  Tx.data.background = NULL,

  ##(1) - a few integrity check
   ##check DATA TYPE differences
   if(is(Lx.data.signal)[1] != is(Tx.data.signal)[1])
     stop("[calc_TLLxTxRatio()] Data types of Lx and Tx data differ!", call. = FALSE)

   ##check for allowed data.types
   if(!inherits(Lx.data.signal, "data.frame") &
      !inherits(Lx.data.signal, "RLum.Data.Curve")){
       stop("[calc_TLLxTxRatio()] Input data type for not allowed. Allowed are 'RLum.Data.Curve' and 'data.frame'",
            call. = FALSE)


  ## Type conversion (assuming that all input variables are of the same type)
  if(inherits(Lx.data.signal, "RLum.Data.Curve")){
    Lx.data.signal <- as(Lx.data.signal, "matrix")
    Tx.data.signal <- as(Tx.data.signal, "matrix")

    if(!missing(Lx.data.background) && !is.null(Lx.data.background))
      Lx.data.background <- as(Lx.data.background, "matrix")

    if(!missing(Tx.data.background) && !is.null(Tx.data.background))
      Tx.data.background <- as(Tx.data.background, "matrix")


  ##(d) - check if Lx and Tx curves have the same channel length
       stop("[calc_TLLxTxRatio()] Channel numbers differ for Lx and Tx data!", call. = FALSE)}

   ##(e) - check if signal integral is valid
   if(signal.integral.min < 1 | signal.integral.max > length(Lx.data.signal[,2])){
     stop("[calc_TLLxTxRatio()] signal.integral is not valid!", call. = FALSE)}

#  Background Consideration --------------------------------------------------
   LnLx.BG <- TnTx.BG <- NA

     LnLx.BG <- sum(Lx.data.background[signal.integral.min:signal.integral.max, 2])

     TnTx.BG <- sum(Tx.data.background[signal.integral.min:signal.integral.max, 2])

# Calculate Lx/Tx values --------------------------------------------------
    ## preset variables
    net_LnLx <- net_LnLx.Error <- net_TnTx <- net_TnTx.Error <- NA

    ## calculate values
    LnLx <- sum(Lx.data.signal[signal.integral.min:signal.integral.max, 2])
    TnTx <- sum(Tx.data.signal[signal.integral.min:signal.integral.max, 2])

     ##calculate standard deviation of background
     if(!is.na(LnLx.BG) & !is.na(TnTx.BG)){
       BG.Error <- sd(c(LnLx.BG, TnTx.BG))

       if(BG.Error == 0) {
           "[calc_TLLxTxRatio()] The background signals for Lx and Tx appear to be similar, no background error was calculated.",
           call. = FALSE
         BG.Error <- NA



    ## calculate net LnLx
      net_LnLx <-  LnLx - LnLx.BG
      net_LnLx.Error <- abs(net_LnLx * BG.Error/LnLx.BG)


    ## calculate net TnTx
         net_TnTx <-  TnTx - TnTx.BG
         net_TnTx.Error <- abs(net_TnTx * BG.Error/TnTx.BG)


    ## calculate LxTx
      LxTx <- LnLx/TnTx
      LxTx.Error <- NA

      LxTx <- net_LnLx/net_TnTx
      LxTx.Error <- abs(LxTx*((net_LnLx.Error/net_LnLx) + (net_TnTx.Error/net_TnTx)))


    ##COMBINE into a data.frame
    temp.results <- data.frame(

# Return values -----------------------------------------------------------
      class = "RLum.Results",
      data = list(LxTx.table = temp.results),
      info = list(call = sys.call())


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Luminescence documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:54 a.m.