
.exportNexus <-
  function (x, file, format = "standard", datablock = TRUE, interleaved = FALSE, 
            charsperline = NULL, gap = NULL, missing = NULL, 
            labels, weights, ...){
    if (!is.null(labels)){
      if (is.data.frame(labels)) labels <- labels[,1] # Convert to vector
      labels <- gsub(" ","_",labels)
      x <- split(x,labels) # Add labels to samples
    else {x <- split(x, 1:nrow(x))}
    indent <- "  "
    maxtax <- 5
    defcharsperline <- 80
    defgap <- "-"
    defmissing <- "?"
    ntax <- length(x)
    nchars <- length(x[[1]])
    zz <- file(file, "w")
    if (is.null(names(x))){
      names(x) <- as.character(1:ntax)
    "fcat" <- function(..., file = zz) {
      cat(..., file = file, sep = "", append = TRUE)
    "fcat2" <- function(..., file = zz) {
      cat(..., file = file, sep = " ", append = TRUE)
    "find.max.length" <- function(x) {
      max <- 0
      for (i in 1:length(x)) {
        val <- length((strsplit(x[i], split = NULL))[[1]])
        if (val > max) {
          max <- val
    "print.matrix" <- function(x, dindent = "    ") {
      Names <- names(x)
      printlength <- find.max.length(Names) + 2
      if (interleaved == FALSE) {
        for (i in 1:length(x)) {
          sequence <- paste(x[[i]], collapse = "")
          taxon <- Names[i]
          thestring <- sprintf("%-*s%s%s", printlength, 
                               taxon, dindent, sequence)
          fcat(indent, indent, thestring, "\n")
      else {
        ntimes <- ceiling(nchars/charsperline)
        start <- 1
        end <- charsperline
        for (j in 1:ntimes) {
          for (i in 1:length(x)) {
            sequence <- paste(x[[i]][start:end], collapse = "")
            taxon <- Names[i]
            thestring <- sprintf("%-*s%s%s", printlength, 
                                 taxon, dindent, sequence)
            fcat(indent, indent, thestring, "\n")
          if (j < ntimes) {
          start <- start + charsperline
          end <- end + charsperline
          if (end > nchars) {
            end <- nchars
    fcat("#NEXUS\n[File created on", " ", 
         date(), "]\n")
    NCHAR <- paste("NCHAR=", nchars, sep = "")
    NTAX <- paste("NTAX=", ntax, sep = "")
    if (format == "standard") {
    if (is.null(charsperline)) {
      if (nchars < defcharsperline) {
        charsperline <- nchars
        interleaved <- FALSE
      else {
        if (nchars > defcharsperline) {
          charsperline <- defcharsperline
    if (is.null(missing)) {
      MISSING <- paste("MISSING=", defmissing, sep = "")
    else {
      MISSING <- paste("MISSING=", missing, sep = "")
    if (is.null(gap)) {
      GAP <- paste("GAP=", defgap, sep = "")
    else {
      GAP <- paste("GAP=", gap, sep = "")
    if (interleaved == TRUE) {
    if (interleaved == FALSE) {
    if (datablock == TRUE) {
      fcat("BEGIN DATA;\n")
      fcat(indent, "DIMENSIONS", " ", NTAX, " ", NCHAR, ";\n")
      if (format %in% c("dna", "protein","standard")) {
        fcat(indent, "FORMAT", " ", DATATYPE, " ", MISSING, 
             " ", GAP, " ", INTERLEAVE, ";\n")
      if (!is.null(weights)) {
        fcat2(indent, "CHARWEIGHTS ",weights)
      fcat(indent, "MATRIX\n")
      fcat(indent, ";\n")
    else {
      fcat("BEGIN TAXA;\n")
      fcat(indent, "DIMENSIONS", " ", NTAX, ";\n")
      fcat(indent, "TAXLABELS\n")
      fcat(indent, indent)
      j <- 0
      for (i in 1:ntax) {
        fcat(names(x[i]), " ")
        j <- j + 1
        if (i == ntax) {
          fcat("\n", indent, ";\n")
        else {
          if (j == maxtax) {
            fcat("\n", indent, indent)
            j <- 0
      fcat("BEGIN CHARACTERS;\n")
      fcat(indent, "DIMENSIONS", " ", NCHAR, ";\n")
      if (format %in% c("dna", "protein","standard")) {
        fcat(indent, "FORMAT", " ", MISSING, " ", GAP, " ", 
             DATATYPE, " ", INTERLEAVE, ";\n")
      if (!is.null(weights)) {
        fcat2(indent, "CHARWEIGHTS ",weights)
      fcat(indent, "MATRIX\n")
      fcat(indent, ";")

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