Defines functions MARSSparamCIs

Documented in MARSSparamCIs

#   MARSSparamCIs function
#   This returns CIs for ML parameter estimates
#   If method='hessian', uses either Harvey1989 (analytical) or fdHess (numerical) or optim (numerical)
MARSSparamCIs <- function(MLEobj, method = "hessian", alpha = 0.05, nboot = 1000, silent = TRUE, hessian.fun = "Harvey1989") {
  # this function expects a marssMLE object
  # it will add standard errors, biases, low/up CIs to MLEobj
  if (!inherits(MLEobj, "marssMLE")) {
    stop("MARSSparamCIs: This function needs a marssMLE object.\n", call. = FALSE)
  if (!(method %in% c("hessian", "parametric", "innovations"))) stop("Stopped in MARSSparamCIs(). Current methods are hessian, parametric, innovations.\n", call. = FALSE)
  if (!(hessian.fun %in% c("Harvey1989", "fdHess", "optim"))) stop("Stopped in MARSSparamCIs(). Available functions for computing the Hessian are Harvey1989, fdHess, and optim.\n", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(MLEobj[["par"]])) {
    stop("Stopped in MARSSparamCIs(). The marssMLE object does not have the par element.  Most likely the model has not been fit.", call. = FALSE)
  if (MLEobj[["convergence"]] == 54 && !(method=="parametric")) {
    stop("Stopped in MARSSparamCIs(). MARSSkf (the Kalman filter/smoother) returns an error with the fitted model. Try MARSSinfo('optimerror54') for insight.", call. = FALSE)
  paramvec <- MARSSvectorizeparam(MLEobj)
  if (length(paramvec) == 0) stop("Stopped in MARSSparamCIs(). No estimated parameter elements.\n", call. = FALSE)

  paramnames <- names(paramvec)

  # default
  if (method == "hessian") {
    MLEobj <- MARSShessian(MLEobj, method = hessian.fun)

    vector.par.se <- rep(NA, length(paramvec))
    if (is.null(MLEobj$parSigma)) {
      warning("MARSSparamCIs: No parSigma element returned by Hessian function.  See marssMLE object errors (MLEobj$errors)")
    } else {
      is.neg <- diag(MLEobj$parSigma) < 0
      if (any(is.neg)) warning("MARSSparamCIs: parSigma element has negative values on the diagonal.  These are replaced with NA.")

      vector.par.se[!is.neg] <- try(sqrt(diag(MLEobj$parSigma)[!is.neg]), silent = TRUE) # wrap in a try() in case it fails
      if (inherits(vector.par.se, "try-error") || any(is.nan(vector.par.se))) {
        warning("MARSSparamCIs: Some of the Hessian diagonals cannot be square-rooted; NA is being returned")
    vector.par.upCI <- paramvec + qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) * vector.par.se
    vector.par.lowCI <- paramvec - qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) * vector.par.se
    vector.par.bias <- NULL
    par.CI.nboot <- NULL
  } # if method hessian

  if (method %in% c("parametric", "innovations")) {
    boot.params <- MARSSboot(MLEobj,
      nboot = nboot, output = "parameters", sim = method,
      param.gen = "MLE", silent = silent
    vector.par.lowCI <- apply(boot.params, 1, quantile, probs = alpha / 2)
    vector.par.upCI <- apply(boot.params, 1, quantile, probs = 1 - alpha / 2)
    vector.par.se <- sqrt(apply(boot.params, 1, var))
    paramvec <- MARSSvectorizeparam(MLEobj)
    vector.par.bias <- paramvec - apply(boot.params, 1, mean)
    par.CI.nboot <- nboot

  # Finalize the output
  names(vector.par.se) <- paramnames
  if (!is.null(vector.par.bias)) names(vector.par.bias) <- paramnames
  names(vector.par.upCI) <- paramnames
  names(vector.par.lowCI) <- paramnames
  for (val in c("par.se", "par.bias", "par.upCI", "par.lowCI")) {
    tmp.vec <- get(paste("vector.", val, sep = ""))
    if (!is.null(tmp.vec)) {
      MLEobj[[val]] <- MARSSvectorizeparam(MLEobj, tmp.vec)[["par"]]
    } else {
      MLEobj[[val]] <- NULL

  # add on information about how the CIs were constructed
  if (method == "hessian") MLEobj$par.CI.info <- list(alpha = alpha, method = method, hessian.fun = hessian.fun)
  if (method %in% c("parametric", "innovations")) MLEobj$par.CI.info <- list(alpha = alpha, method = method, nboot = par.CI.nboot)

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MARSS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:34 a.m.