
Defines functions MARSSresiduals.tT

Documented in MARSSresiduals.tT

MARSSresiduals.tT <- function(object, Harvey = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, silent = FALSE, fun.kf = c("MARSSkfas", "MARSSkfss")) {
  # These are the residuals and their variance conditioned on all the data
  # Harvey=TRUE uses Harvey et al (1998) algorithm to compute these
  # Harvey=FALSE uses the straight smoother output
  # model.residuals y(t|yT)-Zx(t|yT)-a
  # state.residuals x(t|yT)-Bx(t-1|yT)-u
  # var.residuals variance of above conditioned on y(1)
  # for missing values, Harvey=TRUE returns 0 for var for y_i missing and Harvey=FALSE returns R + Z VtT t(Z)
  # Note, I think there is a problem with the Harvey algorithm when the variance of the state residuals (Q)
  # is non-diagonal and there are missing values; it can become non-invertible

  # Set up variables
  MLEobj <- object
  if (missing(fun.kf)) {
    fun.kf <- MLEobj$fun.kf
  } else {
    MLEobj$fun.kf <- fun.kf
    # to ensure that MARSSkf, MARSShatyt and fitted() use the spec'd fun
  if (fun.kf == "MARSSkfas" && Harvey == TRUE) stop("MARSSresiduals.tT: Harvey=TRUE requires the Kalman gain thus MARSSkfss must be used. Pass in fun.kf='MARSSkfss'.\n", call. = FALSE)

  model.dims <- attr(MLEobj$marss, "model.dims")
  TT <- model.dims[["x"]][2]
  m <- model.dims[["x"]][1]
  n <- model.dims[["y"]][1]
  y <- MLEobj$marss$data
  # set up holders
  et <- st.et <- mar.st.et <- bchol.st.et <- matrix(0, n + m, TT)
  var.et <- array(0, dim = c(n + m, n + m, TT))
  msg <- NULL

  #### list of time-varying parameters
  time.varying <- is.timevarying(MLEobj)

  kf <- MARSSkf(MLEobj)
  Ey <- MARSShatyt(MLEobj)
  Rt <- parmat(MLEobj, "R", t = 1)$R # returns matrix
  Ht <- parmat(MLEobj, "H", t = 1)$H
  Rt <- Ht %*% tcrossprod(Rt, Ht)
  Zt <- parmat(MLEobj, "Z", t = 1)$Z
  Qtp <- parmat(MLEobj, "Q", t = 2)$Q
  Gtp <- parmat(MLEobj, "G", t = 2)$G
  Qtp <- Gtp %*% tcrossprod(Qtp, Gtp)
  Btp <- parmat(MLEobj, "B", t = 2)$B
  utp <- parmat(MLEobj, "U", t = 2)$U

  # Compute residuals via Holmes algorithm
  if (!Harvey) {
    # model.et will be 0 where no data E(y)-modeled(y)
    model.et <- Ey$ytT - fitted(MLEobj, type = "ytT", output = "matrix") # model residuals
    et[1:n, ] <- model.et

    for (t in 1:TT) {
      # model residuals
      if (time.varying$R) Rt <- parmat(MLEobj, "R", t = t)$R # returns matrix
      if (time.varying$H) Ht <- parmat(MLEobj, "H", t = t)$H
      if (time.varying$R || time.varying$H) Rt <- Ht %*% tcrossprod(Rt, Ht)
      if (time.varying$Z) Zt <- parmat(MLEobj, "Z", t = t)$Z

      # model.et defined outside for loop

      # compute the variance of the residuals and state.et
      St <- Ey$yxtT[, , t] - tcrossprod(Ey$ytT[, t, drop = FALSE], kf$xtT[, t, drop = FALSE])
      tmpvar.et <- Rt - Zt %*% tcrossprod(kf$VtT[, , t], Zt) + tcrossprod(St, Zt) + tcrossprod(Zt, St)

      if (t < TT) { # fill in var.et for t (model resid)
        if (time.varying$Q) Qtp <- parmat(MLEobj, "Q", t = t + 1)$Q
        if (time.varying$G) Gtp <- parmat(MLEobj, "G", t = t + 1)$G
        if (time.varying$Q || time.varying$G) Qtp <- Gtp %*% tcrossprod(Qtp, Gtp)

        if (time.varying$B) Btp <- parmat(MLEobj, "B", t = t + 1)$B
        if (time.varying$U) utp <- parmat(MLEobj, "U", t = t + 1)$U

        Sttp <- Ey$yxttpT[, , t] - tcrossprod(Ey$ytT[, t, drop = FALSE], kf$xtT[, t + 1, drop = FALSE])
        cov.et <- tcrossprod(Zt, kf$Vtt1T[, , t + 1]) - Zt %*% tcrossprod(kf$VtT[, , t], Btp) - Sttp + tcrossprod(St, Btp)
        tmpvar.state.et <- Qtp - kf$VtT[, , t + 1] - Btp %*% tcrossprod(kf$VtT[, , t], Btp) + tcrossprod(kf$Vtt1T[, , t + 1], Btp) + tcrossprod(Btp, kf$Vtt1T[, , t + 1])

        et[(n + 1):(n + m), t] <- kf$xtT[, t + 1] - Btp %*% kf$xtT[, t] - utp
      } else {
        cov.et <- matrix(0, n, m)
        tmpvar.state.et <- matrix(0, m, m)
      var.et[1:n, , t] <- cbind(tmpvar.et, cov.et)
      var.et[(n + 1):(n + m), , t] <- cbind(t(cov.et), tmpvar.state.et)

      if (normalize) {
        Qpinv <- matrix(0, m, n + m)
        Rinv <- matrix(0, n, n + m)
        if (t < TT) {
          if (time.varying$Q) Qtp <- parmat(MLEobj, "Q", t = t + 1)$Q
          Qpinv[, (n + 1):(n + m)] <- psolve(t(pchol(Qtp)))
        Rinv[, 1:n] <- psolve(t(pchol(Rt)))
        RQinv <- rbind(Rinv, Qpinv) # block diag matrix
        et[, t] <- RQinv %*% et[, t]
        var.et[, , t] <- RQinv %*% tcrossprod(var.et[, , t], RQinv)
  } else {
    # use Harvey algorithm
    # Reference page 112-133 in Messy Time Series
    # Reference de Jong and Penzer 1998; with model transformed so sigma^2 = 1
    # refs in man file
    # NOTATION here uses that in Messy Time Series (Harvey et al 1998) with some differences
    # MARSS uses Koopman's terminology where w_t = G%*%w, Harvey uses H%*%w
    # By definition residual = 0 at time t, where x_0 is defined at t=0 or t=1, **when x_0 is estimated**
    # because x_0 is estimated and the max L will be when residual is 0
    # x_TT = Bx_{TT-1}+u_{TT-1}+w_{TT-1}, so w_TT cannot be computed (you'd need X_{TT+1}
    # so state residual at t=TT is NA
    # The state residuals are diff(states) but scaled by t(chol(Q))
    rt <- matrix(0, m, TT)
    ut <- matrix(0, n, TT)
    Nt <- array(0, dim = c(m, m, TT))
    Mt <- array(0, dim = c(n, n, TT))
    Jt <- matrix(0, m, TT)
    vt <- kf$Innov
    # If they are time-varying, Q, G and B at t=T will not appear (cancelled out by r_T and N_T = 0).
    # Set for t=1. Will update in for loop if time-varying.
    pari <- parmat(MLEobj, t = 1)
    Qtp <- pari[["Q"]]
    Gtp <- pari[["G"]]
    Ttp <- pari[["B"]]
    Z <- pari[["Z"]] # base, will be modified if missing values
    R <- pari[["R"]] # base, will be modified if missing values
    Ht <- pari[["H"]]
    for (t in seq(TT, 1, -1)) {
      # define all the, potential time-varying, parameters
      if (t < TT) {
        if (time.varying[["Q"]]) Qtp <- parmat(MLEobj, "Q", t = t + 1)$Q
        if (time.varying[["G"]]) Gtp <- parmat(MLEobj, "G", t = t + 1)$G
        if (time.varying[["B"]]) Ttp <- parmat(MLEobj, "B", t = t + 1)$B
      # Zt and Rt modified in missing values case below so reset even
      # if time-varying
      if (time.varying[["Z"]]) {
        Zt <- parmat(MLEobj, "Z", t = t)$Z
      } else {
        Zt <- Z
      if (time.varying[["R"]]) {
        Rt <- parmat(MLEobj, "R", t = t)$R
      } else {
        Rt <- R
      if (time.varying[["H"]]) Ht <- parmat(MLEobj, "H", t = t)$H

      # implement missing values modifications per Shumway and Stoffer
      diag.Rt <- diag(Rt)
      Rt[is.na(y[, t]), ] <- 0
      Rt[, is.na(y[, t])] <- 0
      # diag(Rt)=diag.Rt
      Zt[is.na(y[, t]), ] <- 0

      # create the m x n+m and n x n+m matrices
      Rstar <- matrix(0, n, n + m)
      if (normalize) {
        Rstar[, 1:n] <- tcrossprod(Ht, pchol(Rt))
      } else {
        Rstar[, 1:n] <- Ht %*% tcrossprod(Rt, Ht)
      Qpstar <- matrix(0, m, n + m)
      # MARSS uses Koopman's terminology where w_t = G%*%w, Harvey uses H%*%w
      if (normalize) {
        Qpstar[, (n + 1):(n + m)] <- tcrossprod(Gtp, pchol(Qtp))
      } else {
        Qpstar[, (n + 1):(n + m)] <- Gtp %*% tcrossprod(Qtp, Gtp)

      # Don't use kf$Sigma since that has (i,i)=1
      Ftinv <- psolve(Zt %*% tcrossprod(kf$Vtt1[, , t], Zt) + Rt)

      # Harvey algorithm modified to return non-normalized errors
      Kt <- Ttp %*% matrix(kf$Kt[, , t], m, n) # R is dropping the dims so we force it to be mxn
      Lt <- Ttp - Kt %*% Zt
      Jt <- Qpstar - Kt %*% Rstar
      ut[, t] <- Ftinv %*% vt[, t, drop = FALSE] - t(Kt) %*% rt[, t, drop = FALSE]
      if (t > 1) rt[, t - 1] <- t(Zt) %*% ut[, t, drop = FALSE] + t(Ttp) %*% rt[, t, drop = FALSE]
      # Mt[,,t] = Ftinv + t(Kt)%*%Nt[,,t]%*%Kt #not used
      if (t > 1) Nt[, , t - 1] <- t(Zt) %*% Ftinv %*% Zt + t(Lt) %*% Nt[, , t] %*% Lt
      et[, t] <- t(Rstar) %*% ut[, t, drop = FALSE] + t(Qpstar) %*% rt[, t, drop = FALSE]
      # see deJong and Penzer 1998, page 800, right column, halfway down
      var.et[, , t] <- t(Rstar) %*% Ftinv %*% Rstar + t(Jt) %*% Nt[, , t] %*% Jt

  # prepare standardized residuals
  for (t in 1:TT) {
    tmpvar <- sub3D(var.et, t = t)
    resids <- et[, t, drop = FALSE]
    # don't includ values for resids if there is no residual (no data)
    # replace NAs with 0s
    is.miss <- c(is.na(y[, t]), rep(FALSE, m))
    resids[is.miss] <- 0

    tmpvar[abs(tmpvar) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)] <- 0

    # Marginal
    # inverse of diagonal of variance matrix for marginal standardization
    # psolve deals with 0s on diagonal
    tmpvarinv <- try(psolve(makediag(takediag(tmpvar))), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(tmpvarinv, "try-error")) {
      mar.st.et[, t] <- NA
      msg <- c(msg, paste('MARSSresiduals.tT warning: the diagonal matrix of the variance of the residuals at t =", t, "is not invertible.  NAs returned for mar.residuals at t =", t, "\n'))
    } else { # inverse of the diagonal is ok
      mar.st.et[, t] <- sqrt(tmpvarinv) %*% resids
      mar.st.et[is.miss, t] <- NA

    # Block Cholesky
    # psolve and pchol deal with 0s on diagonal
    tmpchol <- try(pchol(tmpvar[(n + 1):(n + m), (n + 1):(n + m), drop = FALSE]), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(tmpchol, "try-error")) {
      bchol.st.et[(n + 1):(n + m), t] <- NA
      msg <- c(msg, paste("MARSSresiduals.tT warning: the chol of the variance of the state residuals at t =", t, "returned errors.  NAs returned for bchol.std.residuals at t =", t, ". See MARSSinfo(\"residvarinv\")\n"))
    } else {
      # chol() returns the upper triangle. We need to lower triangle to t()
      tmpcholinv <- try(psolve(t(tmpchol)), silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(tmpcholinv, "try-error")) {
        bchol.st.et[(n + 1):(n + m), t] <- NA
        msg <- c(msg, paste("MARSSresiduals.tT warning: the variance of the state residuals at t =", t, "is not invertible.  NAs returned for bchol.std.residuals at t =", t, ". See MARSSinfo('residvarinv')\n"))
      } else {
        bchol.st.et[(n + 1):(n + m), t] <- tmpcholinv %*% resids[(n + 1):(n + m), 1, drop = FALSE]

    # Cholesky
    # psolve and pchol deal with 0s on diagonal
    tmpchol <- try(pchol(tmpvar), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(tmpchol, "try-error")) {
      st.et[, t] <- NA
      msg <- c(msg, paste("MARSSresiduals.tT warning: the chol of the variance of the residuals at t =", t, "returned errors.  NAs returned for std.residuals at t =", t, ". See MARSSinfo(\"residvarinv\")\n"))
    # chol() returns the upper triangle. We need the lower triangle so t()
    tmpcholinv <- try(psolve(t(tmpchol)), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(tmpcholinv, "try-error")) {
      st.et[, t] <- NA
      msg <- c(msg, paste("MARSSresiduals.tT warning: the variance of the residuals at t =", t, "is not invertible.  NAs returned for std.residuals at t =", t, ". See MARSSinfo('residvarinv')\n"))
    st.et[, t] <- tmpcholinv %*% resids
    st.et[is.miss, t] <- NA
  bchol.st.et[1:n, ] <- st.et[1:n, ] # because the upper right block of the lower tri is 0

  # NA at last time step
  # the state.residual at the last time step is NA because it is x(T+1) - f(x(T)) and T+1 does not exist.  For the same reason, the var.residuals at TT will have NAs
  et[(n + 1):(n + m), TT] <- NA
  var.et[, (n + 1):(n + m), TT] <- NA
  var.et[(n + 1):(n + m), , TT] <- NA
  st.et[, TT] <- NA
  mar.st.et[(n + 1):(n + m), TT] <- NA
  bchol.st.et[(n + 1):(n + m), TT] <- NA
  if (Harvey == TRUE) {
    # Harvey algorithm doesn't calculate var for missing data
    for (t in 1:TT) {
      is.miss <- c(is.na(y[, t]), rep(FALSE, m))
      var.et[is.miss, 1:n, t] <- NA
      var.et[1:n, is.miss, t] <- NA

  # Variance of missing values conditioned on the data
  # et is the expected value of the residuals conditioned on y(1)-the observed data
  E.obs.v <- et[1:n, , drop = FALSE]
  var.obs.v <- array(0, dim = c(n, n, TT))
  for (t in 1:TT) var.obs.v[, , t] <- Ey$OtT[, , t] - tcrossprod(Ey$ytT[, t])

  # the observed model residuals are data - E(data), so NA for missing data.
  model.et <- et[1:n, , drop = FALSE]
  model.et[is.na(y)] <- NA
  et[1:n, ] <- model.et

  # add rownames
  Y.names <- attr(MLEobj$model, "Y.names")
  X.names <- attr(MLEobj$model, "X.names")
  rownames(et) <- rownames(st.et) <- rownames(mar.st.et) <- rownames(bchol.st.et) <- rownames(var.et) <- colnames(var.et) <- c(Y.names, X.names)
  rownames(E.obs.v) <- Y.names
  rownames(var.obs.v) <- colnames(var.obs.v) <- Y.names

  # output any warnings
  if (!is.null(msg) && object[["control"]][["trace"]] >= 0 && !silent) cat("MARSSresiduals.tT reported warnings. See msg element or attribute of returned residuals object.\n")

    model.residuals = et[1:n, , drop = FALSE],
    state.residuals = et[(n + 1):(n + m), , drop = FALSE],
    residuals = et,
    var.residuals = var.et,
    std.residuals = st.et,
    mar.residuals = mar.st.et,
    bchol.residuals = bchol.st.et,
    E.obs.residuals = E.obs.v,
    var.obs.residuals = var.obs.v,
    msg = msg

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