
Defines functions aout accuracy.marssMLE accuracy.marssPredict

Documented in accuracy.marssMLE accuracy.marssPredict

accuracy.marssPredict <- function(object, x, test = NULL, type = "ytt1", verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  out <- accuracy.marssMLE(object$model, test = test, type = type, verbose = verbose)

  if (!missing(x)) {
    dotest <- TRUE
    if (object$h == 0) {
      message("Test data (x) passed in but object is not a forecast (h=0). Test data ignored.")
      dotest <- FALSE
    if (dotest) { # object is a marssPredict object
      # set up the predictions
      n <- attr(object$model$model, "model.dims")[["y"]][1]
      h <- object$h

      TT <- attr(object$model$model, "model.dims")[["x"]][2]
      loc <- which(colnames(object$pred) == "se")
      testset <- subset(object$pred, object$t > TT)[, c(".rownames", "y", "estimate")]
      colnames(testset) <- c(".rownames", "y", ".fitted")
      testset$t <- rep(1:h, n)

      if (is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
      if (inherits(x, "ts")) x <- t(x)
      if (!is.matrix(x) && !is.data.frame(x)) {
        stop("accuracy.marssMLE: Test data must be a matrix or data frame.\n", call. = FALSE)
      Y.names <- attr(object$model$model, "Y.names")
      if (is.matrix(x)) {
        if (nrow(x) != n) stop(paste0("accuracy.marssPredict: Test data must have the same number of rows (n=", n, ") as training data.\n"), call. = FALSE)
        if (ncol(x) != h) stop(paste0("accuracy.marssPredict: Test data must have the same columns as time steps (h=", h, ") as in the forecast.\n"), call. = FALSE)
        if (is.null(rownames(x))) {
          message("Training data rownames being used as rownames for test data.")
          rownames(x) <- attr(object$model$model, "Y.names")
        val <- Y.names %in% rownames(x)
        if (!all(val)) stop(paste0("accuracy.marssPredict: Test data is missing ", paste(Y.names[!val], collapse = " ,"), ".\n"), call. = FALSE)
        x <- x[match(Y.names, rownames(x)), , drop = FALSE] # match ordering if off
        x <- data.frame(
          .rownames = rep(rownames(x), each = h),
          y = vec(t(x)), t = rep(1:h, n),
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      } else {
        if (!all(c(".rownames", "y") %in% colnames(x))) stop("accuracy.marssPredict: If data frame, test data have rows .rownames and estimate.\n", call. = FALSE)
        val <- Y.names %in% x$.rownames
        if (!all(val)) stop(paste0("accuracy.marssPredict: Test data is missing ", paste(Y.names[!val], collapse = " ,"), ".\n"), call. = FALSE)
        if (nrow(x) != h * n) stop(paste0("accuracy.marssPredict: Test data must have the same number of time steps (h=", h, ") as the forecast.\n"), call. = FALSE)
        if (!all(x$.rownames == testset$.rownames)) {
          loc <- match(paste(testset$.rownames, testset$t), paste(x$.rownames, x$t))
        x <- x[loc, ]
      testset$y <- x$y
      testout <- aout(testset, test)
      rout <- "Test set"
      rownames(testout) <- rout
      if (verbose) {
        for (i in unique(testset$.rownames)) {
          testout <- rbind(testout, aout(subset(testset, testset$.rownames == i), test))
          rout <- c(rout, paste(" ", i))
        rownames(testout) <- rout
      out <- rbind(out, testout)

accuracy.marssMLE <- function(object, x = NULL, test = NULL, type = "ytt1", verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!missing(x)) {
    message("Test data (x) passed in but object is not a forecast. x ignored.")
  rout <- c("Training set")
  fx <- fitted(object, type = type)
  out <- aout(fx, test)
  rownames(out) <- rout
  n <- attr(object$model, "model.dims")[["y"]][1]
  if (!verbose && n != 1) {
  for (i in unique(fx$.rownames)) {
    out <- rbind(out, aout(subset(fx, fx$.rownames == i), test))
    rout <- c(rout, paste(" ", i))
  rownames(out) <- rout

aout <- function(fx, test) { # fx is a data frame
  dx <- fx$y
  fits <- fx$.fitted
  res <- dx - fits
  if (is.null(test)) {
    test <- unique(fx$t)
  if (!all(test %in% fx$t)) {
    stop("accuracy: test elements must be within sample.\n", call. = FALSE)
  res <- res[fx$t %in% test]
  dx <- dx[fx$t %in% test]
  pe <- res / dx * 100
  me <- mean(res, na.rm = TRUE)
  mse <- mean(res^2, na.rm = TRUE)
  mae <- mean(abs(res), na.rm = TRUE)
  mape <- mean(abs(pe), na.rm = TRUE)
  mpe <- mean(pe, na.rm = TRUE)
  scale <- mean(abs(dx - mean(dx, na.rm = TRUE)), na.rm = TRUE)
  mase <- mean(abs(res / scale), na.rm = TRUE)

  if (length(res) > 1) {
    r1 <- acf(res, plot = FALSE, lag.max = 2, na.action = na.pass)$acf[2, 1, 1]
  else {
    r1 <- NA
  out <- matrix(c(me, sqrt(mse), mae, mpe, mape, mase, r1), nrow = 1)
  colnames(out) <- c("ME", "RMSE", "MAE", "MPE", "MAPE", "MASE", "ACF1")

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MARSS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:34 a.m.