
Defines functions is.marssMLE

Documented in is.marssMLE

# is.marssMLE()
# Check that the marssMLE object has all the parts it needs
# and that these have the proper size and form
is.marssMLE <- function(MLEobj) {
  if (!inherits(MLEobj, "marssMLE")) stop("Stopped in is.marssMLE() because object class is not marssMLE.\n", call. = FALSE)

  msg <- c()
  ## Check for required components
  el <- c("marss", "model", "start", "control", "method")
  if (!all(el %in% names(MLEobj))) {
    msg <- c(msg, paste("Element", el[!(el %in% names(MLEobj))], "is missing from object.\n"))
  ## Break out now if there was a problem
  if (length(msg) != 0) {
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMLE()\n", msg)

  # here form="marss" since $marss is of that form
  msg <- is.marssMODEL(MLEobj[["marss"]], method = MLEobj[["method"]]) # returns TRUE or a vector of msgs
  ## Break out now if there was a problem with the model
  if (!isTRUE(msg)) {
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMLE() in the call to is.marssMODEL().\n", msg)

  # check that model object in the called form is ok too
  msg <- is.marssMODEL(MLEobj[["model"]], method = MLEobj[["method"]]) # returns TRUE or a vector of msgs
  ## Break out now if there was a problem with the model
  if (!isTRUE(msg)) {
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMLE() in the call to is.marssMODEL().\n", msg)

  ## is.wholenumber() borrowed from is.integer example
  is.wholenumber <-
    function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - round(x)) < tol

  msg <- c() # reset the messages

  ## If model is OK, check start
  model <- MLEobj[["marss"]]
  free <- model[["free"]]
  fixed <- model[["fixed"]]
  par.dims <- attr(model, "model.dims")
  en <- attr(model, "par.names")
  dat <- model[["data"]]

  init.null <- dim.init <- NULL

  # make sure each element of start is present and is numeric
  for (el in en) {
    init.null.flag <- (is.null(MLEobj[["start"]][[el]]) || !is.numeric(MLEobj[["start"]][[el]]))

    dim.init.flag <- FALSE
    if (!init.null.flag) { # element is present so check it's dimensions
      # true means there is a problem
      dim.init.flag <- (dim(free[[el]])[2] != dim(MLEobj[["start"]][[el]])[1]) || dim(MLEobj[["start"]][[el]])[2] != 1

    init.null <- c(init.null, init.null.flag)
    dim.init <- c(dim.init, dim.init.flag)
  problem <- any(c(init.null, dim.init))
  if (problem) {
    if (any(init.null)) {
      msg <- c(msg, paste("Missing or non-numeric initial value", en[init.null], "\n"))
    if (any(dim.init)) {
      msg <- c(msg, paste("Dims for initial value ", en[dim.init], " do not match model specification.\n", sep = ""))
  ## TEMPORARY UNTIL change Q and R to not allow 0s (with addition of G and H matrices)
  # make sure not 0s in par unless corresponding rows of D are all zero
  for (el in c("Q", "R", "V0")) {
    if (!is.fixed(free[[el]])) {
      bad.ts <- c()
      dvars <- free[[el]][1 + 0:(par.dims[[el]][1] - 1) * (par.dims[[el]][1] + 1), , , drop = FALSE]
      dvars.cols <- apply(dvars != 0, 2, sum) != 0 # those var rows that have values, give use the var columns
      Tmax <- max(dim(fixed[[el]])[3], dim(free[[el]])[3])
      for (i in 1:Tmax) {
        d <- sub3D(free[[el]], t = min(i, dim(free[[el]])[3]))
        if (any(colSums(d[, dvars.cols, drop = FALSE]) != 0 & MLEobj[["start"]][[el]][dvars.cols] == 0)) {
          bad.ts <- c(bad.ts, i)
      if (length(bad.ts) != 0) {
        if (length(bad.ts) < 5) {
          ts.char <- paste(bad.ts, collapse = ", ")
        } else {
          ts.char <- paste(paste(bad.ts[1:5], collapse = ", "), ",...")
        msg <- c(msg, paste("At t=", ts.char, ", one of the start$", el, " for a variance is 0,\n and the corresponding column of model$free$", el, "[,,t] matrix is not all zero.\n", sep = ""))

  ## Check params consistency if present
  if (!is.null(MLEobj[["par"]])) {
    dim.par <- NULL
    for (el in en) {
      dim.flag <- FALSE
      if (!is.null(MLEobj[["par"]][[el]])) {
        dim.flag <- isTRUE(dim(MLEobj[["par"]][[el]])[2] != 1)
        dim.flag <- dim.flag || isTRUE(dim(MLEobj[["par"]][[el]])[1] != dim(free[[el]])[2])
        dim.par <- c(dim.par, dim.flag)
    if (any(dim.par)) {
      msg <- c(msg, paste("par element for", en[dim.par], "is incorrect.  Should correspond to dim 2 of free.\n"))

  alldefaults <- get("alldefaults", envir = pkg_globals)
  ## Check controls
  if (!is.null(MLEobj[["control"]])) {
    if (!is.list(MLEobj[["control"]])) stop("Stopped in is.marssMLE() because control must be passed in as a list.\n", call. = FALSE)
    control <- MLEobj[["control"]]
    en <- names(alldefaults[[MLEobj[["method"]]]][["control"]])
    ok.null <- c(
      "REPORT", "reltol", "fnscale", "parscale", "ndeps", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "type", "lmm", "factr", "pgtol", "tmax", "temp", "lower", "upper",
      "abs.tol", "rel.tol", "x.tol", "xf.tol", "step.min", "step.max", "sing.tol", "scale.init", "diff.g"
    for (el in en) {
      null.flag <- (is.null(control[[el]]) && !(el %in% ok.null)) # those in ok.null can be NULL
      if (null.flag) msg <- c(msg, paste(el, "is missing from the control list\n"))

      if (!is.null(control[[el]])) {
        # everything must be numeric except these
        if (el %in% en[!(en %in% c("safe", "allow.degen", "demean.states", "sparse", "tmb.silent"))]) {
          null.flag <- (!is.numeric(control[[el]]))
          if (null.flag) msg <- c(msg, paste("control list element", el, "is non-numeric\n"))
        # everything must be positive or 0 except these
        if ((el %in% en[!(en %in% c("safe", "trace", "allow.degen", "demean.states", "sparse", "tmb.silent"))]) && is.numeric(control[[el]])) {
          null.flag <- (control[[el]] <= 0)
          if (null.flag) msg <- c(msg, paste("control list element", el, "less than or equal to zero\n"))
        # trace can be -1 but no smaller
        if ((el == "trace") && is.numeric(control[[el]])) {
          null.flag <- (control[[el]] < -1)
          if (null.flag) msg <- c(msg, paste("control list element trace must be an integer greater than or equal to -1.\n"))
        # these need to be whole numbers
        if (el %in% c("trace", "minit", "maxit", "min.iter.conv.test", "conv.test.deltaT", "min.degen.iter") && is.numeric(control[[el]])) {
          null.flag <- (!is.wholenumber(control[[el]]))
          if (null.flag) msg <- c(msg, paste("control list element", el, "is not a whole number\n"))
        # minit must be less than maxit
        if (el %in% c("minit") && !is.null(control[["maxit"]])) {
          if (!is.null(control[["minit"]]) && !is.null(control[["maxit"]]) && is.numeric(control$minit) && is.numeric(control$maxit) && is.wholenumber(control$minit) && is.wholenumber(control$maxit)) null.flag <- (control$minit > control$maxit)
          if (null.flag) msg <- c(msg, paste("control list element minit is greater than maxit\n"))
        # conv.test.deltaT can't be less than 2
        if (el %in% c("conv.test.deltaT") && is.numeric(control[[el]])) {
          null.flag <- (control[[el]] < 2)
          if (null.flag) msg <- c(msg, "control list element conv.test.deltaT must be greater than 2\n")
        if (el %in% c("safe", "allow.degen", "demean.states", "sparse", "tmb.silent")) {
          null.flag <- !(control[[el]] %in% c(TRUE, FALSE))
          if (null.flag) msg <- c(msg, paste("control list element", el, "is not TRUE or FALSE\n"))
      } # el is not null
    } # for el in en
  } # not null control

  ## if $diffuse, method="BFGS" and $tinitx=1
  if (identical(MLEobj$marss$diffuse, TRUE) & !(MLEobj$method == "BFGS" & MLEobj$marss$tinitx == 1)) {
    msg <- c(msg, "If you specify a diffuse prior, method must be BFGS and model$tinitx set to 1.\n")

  if (length(msg) == 0) {
  } else {
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMLE(). Type MARSSinfo() for more information.\n", msg)

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MARSS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:34 a.m.