
Defines functions is.marssMODEL

Documented in is.marssMODEL

# is.marssMODEL function
# Check that the MODELobj object has all the parts it needs
# data, fixed, free, and X.names
# and that these have the proper size and form
# That it has all its attributes and
# that the fixed and free matrices fit the specified attributes (internally consistent)
is.marssMODEL <- function(MODELobj, method = "kem") {
  if (!inherits(MODELobj, "marssMODEL")) stop("Stopped in is.marssMODEL() because object class is not marssMODEL.\n", call. = FALSE)
  msg <- NULL

  # First do some basic mode and presence tests so that the other tests work

  ## Check for required components
  el <- c("data", "fixed", "free", "tinitx", "diffuse")
  if (!all(el %in% names(MODELobj))) {
    msg <- c(msg, "Element", el[!(el %in% names(MODELobj))], "is missing from the model object.\n")
  if (!is.null(msg)) { # rest of the tests won't work so stop now
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL()\n", msg)

  ## Check that free and fixed are numeric matrices with no NA or Infs
  for (mat in c("fixed", "free")) {
    if (!is.list(MODELobj[[mat]])) msg <- c(msg, paste("MODELobj$", mat, " must be a list of matrices.\n", sep = ""))
    for (i in 1:length(MODELobj[[mat]])) {
      if (!is.array(MODELobj[[mat]][[i]]) && length(dim(MODELobj[[mat]][[i]])) != 3) {
        msg <- c(msg, paste("MODELobj$", mat, "$", names(MODELobj[[mat]])[i], " must be a 3D matrix.\n", sep = ""))
      if (mode(MODELobj[[mat]][[i]]) != "numeric" || any(is.na(MODELobj[[mat]][[i]])) || any(is.infinite(MODELobj[[mat]][[i]]))) {
        msg <- c(msg, paste("MODELobj$", mat, "$", names(MODELobj[[mat]])[i], " must be numeric, have no NAs, and no Infs.\n", sep = ""))

  if (length(dim(MODELobj$data)) != 2) {
    msg <- c(msg, "Data is not a 2D matrix.\n")
  ## check for T=1
  if (!is.numeric(MODELobj$data)) msg <- c(msg, "Data must be numeric.\n")
  if (dim(MODELobj$data)[2] == 1) msg <- c(msg, "Data has only one time point.\n")

  if (!is.null(msg)) { # rest of the tests won't work so stop now
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL()\n", msg)

  # Check that the attributes are complete and consistent
  el <- c("form", "model.dims", "par.names", "X.names", "Y.names", "equation", "obj.elements", "model.tsp")
  attr.names <- names(attributes(MODELobj))
  if (!all(el %in% attr.names)) {
    msg <- c(msg, "Element", el[!(el %in% attr.names)], "is missing from the attributes of the model object.\n")
  if (!is.null(msg)) { # rest of the tests won't work so stop now
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL()\n", msg)
  el <- c("par.names", "form", "X.names", "Y.names", "equation")
  for (elem in el) {
    fattr <- attr(MODELobj, elem)
    if (!is.vector(fattr) || !is.character(fattr)) {
      msg <- c("The ", elem, " attribute of the marssMODEL object needs to be a character vector.\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL()\n", msg, sep = "")
      return(msg) # the rest of the tests will hang so stop now

  par.names <- attr(MODELobj, "par.names")
  if (any(duplicated(par.names))) {
    msg <- c(msg, "par.names attribute of the model object has duplicated names.\n")
  # Check that fixed and free have all names in par.names
  # and that no names in fixed / free that aren't in par.names
  el <- c("fixed", "free")
  for (elem in el) {
    fnames <- names(MODELobj[[elem]])
    if (!all(par.names %in% fnames)) {
      msg <- c(msg, "Element ", par.names[!(par.names %in% fnames)], " is missing from the ", elem, " element of the model object.\n", sep = "")
    if (!all(fnames %in% par.names)) {
      msg <- c(msg, "Element ", fnames[!(fnames %in% par.names)], " in ", elem, " is missing from the par.names attribute of the model object.\n", sep = "")

  # Check that model dims have all the par.names
  model.dims <- attr(MODELobj, "model.dims")
  # the info in model.dims should be par.names and the extras
  model.dim.names <- c(par.names, "data", "x", "y", "w", "v")
  fnames <- names(model.dims)
  fnames <- fnames[!(fnames %in% c("data", "x", "y", "w", "v"))]
  if (!is.list(model.dims)) {
    msg <- c(msg, "model.dims attribute must be a list.\n")
  if (!all(par.names %in% fnames)) {
    msg <- c(msg, "Element", par.names[!(par.names %in% fnames)], "is missing from the model.dims attribute of the model object.\n", sep = "")
  if (!all(fnames %in% par.names)) {
    msg <- c(msg, "Element ", fnames[!(fnames %in% par.names)], " in model.dims attribute is missing from the par.names attribute of the model object.\n", sep = "")
  if (!is.null(msg)) { # rest of the tests won't work so stop now
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL()\n", msg)
  # Check that length of X.names matches first dim of model.dims$X
  # Check that length of Y.names matches first dim of model.dims$Y
  if (length(attr(MODELobj, "X.names")) != attr(MODELobj, "model.dims")$x[1]) {
    msg <- "The length of the X.names attribute of model object must equal the first element of the model.dims attribute x element.\n"
  if (length(attr(MODELobj, "Y.names")) != attr(MODELobj, "model.dims")$y[1]) {
    msg <- c(msg, "The length of the Y.names attribute of model object must equal the first element of the model.dims attribute y element.\n")
  # Check that 2nd dim of model.dims$x and model.dims$y equals the 2nd dim of data
  TT <- dim(MODELobj$data)[2]
  if (attr(MODELobj, "model.dims")$y[2] != TT || attr(MODELobj, "model.dims")$x[2] != TT ||
    attr(MODELobj, "model.dims")$w[2] != TT || attr(MODELobj, "model.dims")$v[2] != TT) {
    msg <- c(msg, "The 2nd element of the model.dims attribute for x, y, w, and v must equal the number of time points in the data.\n")

  if (!is.null(msg)) { # rest of the tests won't work so stop now
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL()\n", msg)

  # Check that fixed and free are 3D
  dim.fixed <- dim.free <- NULL
  free <- MODELobj$free
  fixed <- MODELobj$fixed
  for (elem in par.names) {
    dim.fixed.flag <- dim.free.flag <- FALSE
    if (length(dim(free[[elem]])) != 3) {
      dim.free.flag <- TRUE
    } # 3-dimensions
    if (length(dim(fixed[[elem]])) != 3) {
      dim.fixed.flag <- TRUE
    dim.fixed <- c(dim.fixed, dim.fixed.flag)
    dim.free <- c(dim.free, dim.free.flag)
  # stop now since the rest of the tests won't work
  if (any(c(dim.fixed, dim.free))) {
    if (any(dim.fixed)) {
      msg <- c(msg, paste("fixed", par.names[dim.fixed], "is not 3D.\n"))
    if (any(dim.free)) {
      msg <- c(msg, paste("free", par.names[dim.free], "is not 3D.\n"))
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL()\n", msg)

  # Check that 1st and 2nd dims of fixed ok, and 1st dim of free are ok
  dim.fixed.flag <- dim.free.flag <- nomatch.flag <- FALSE
  dim.fixed <- dim.free <- NULL

  for (elem in par.names) {
    ## Check for problems in the fixed/free pairs. Problems show up as TRUE
    # check dim
    dim.fixed.flag <- !isTRUE(all.equal(dim(fixed[[elem]])[1], model.dims[[elem]][1] * model.dims[[elem]][2]))
    dim.fixed.flag <- dim.fixed.flag || !isTRUE(all.equal(dim(fixed[[elem]])[2], 1))
    dim.free.flag <- !isTRUE(all.equal(dim(free[[elem]])[1], model.dims[[elem]][1] * model.dims[[elem]][2]))
    dim.fixed <- c(dim.fixed, dim.fixed.flag)
    dim.free <- c(dim.free, dim.free.flag)
  if (any(c(dim.fixed, dim.free))) { # There's a problem
    if (any(dim.fixed)) {
      bad.names <- par.names[dim.fixed]
      msg <- c(msg, paste("fixed ", bad.names, " dims are incorrect. Dims 1 and 2 should be (", unlist(lapply(model.dims[bad.names], function(x) {
      })), "x", unlist(lapply(model.dims[bad.names], function(x) {
      })), ", 1) based on data and other parameters.\n", sep = ""))
    if (any(dim.free)) {
      bad.names <- par.names[dim.free]
      msg <- c(msg, paste("free", bad.names, "dims are incorrect. Dim 1 be ", model.dims[bad.names], "x", model.dims[bad.names], "based on data and other parameters.\n"))

  # Check that 3rd dims of fixed and free are 1 or TT
  dim.fixed <- dim.free <- c()
  dim.fixed.flag <- dim.free.flag <- FALSE
  for (elem in par.names) {
    ## Check for problems in the fixed/free pairs. Problems show up as TRUE

    # test that dim3 is either 1 or TT
    dim.fixed.flag <- (!isTRUE(all.equal(dim(fixed[[elem]])[3], TT)) & !isTRUE(all.equal(dim(fixed[[elem]])[3], 1)))
    dim.free.flag <- (!isTRUE(all.equal(dim(free[[elem]])[3], TT)) & !isTRUE(all.equal(dim(free[[elem]])[3], 1)))
    dim.fixed <- c(dim.fixed, dim.fixed.flag)
    dim.free <- c(dim.free, dim.free.flag)

  if (any(c(dim.fixed, dim.free))) { # There's a problem
    if (any(dim.fixed)) {
      msg <- c(msg, paste("fixed", par.names[dim.fixed], "dims are incorrect. Dim 3 should be 1 or the number of time steps in the data.\n"))
    if (any(dim.free)) {
      msg <- c(msg, paste("free", par.names[dim.fixed], "dims are incorrect. Dim 3 should be 1 or the number of time steps in the data.\n"))
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL()\n", msg)

  # Check that free has column names since these are the parameter names
  no.colnames.free <- unlist(lapply(lapply(free[par.names], colnames), is.null)) & unlist(lapply(free[par.names], function(x) {
  })) != 0
  if (any(no.colnames.free)) {
    msg <- c(msg, paste("free", par.names[no.colnames.free], "is missing column names.\n"))

  # Check data and missing values consistency if data present
  # as.numeric(NA) is the missing value
  if (!is.numeric(MODELobj$data)) msg <- paste(msg, "Data must be numeric. \n")
  for (bad.val in c(NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf)) {
    if (!identical(bad.val, as.numeric(NA)) && (bad.val %in% MODELobj$data)) {
      msg <- c(msg, paste("Data cannot have ", bad.val, ". \n", sep = ""))

  # Y.names against rownames of data.  They should be identical; otherwise something got scrambled
  if (!identical(attr(MODELobj, "Y.names"), rownames(MODELobj$data))) {
    msg <- c(msg, paste("The rownames of the data and the attribute Y.names don't match.\n", sep = ""))

  # tsp is present and right length
  model.tsp <- attr(MODELobj, "model.tsp")
  if ((model.tsp[2] - model.tsp[1]) * model.tsp[3] + 1 != TT) {
    msg <- c(msg, paste("The model tsp attribute and the data length do not match.\n", sep = ""))

  # Check tinitx; must be 0 or 1
  if (!(MODELobj$tinitx %in% c(0, 1))) {
    msg <- c(msg, "tinitx (t associated with initial x) must be 0 or 1.\n")

  if (!is.null(msg)) { # next test won't work so stop now
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL()\n", msg)

  # Last Check that fixed, free, par.names are complete and consistent
  # This is form dependent so the MARSS.form file needs to include a is.marssMODEL_form() function
  form <- attr(MODELobj, "form")
  is.marssMODEL.fun <- paste("is.marssMODEL_", form[1], sep = "")
  tmp <- try(exists(is.marssMODEL.fun, mode = "function"), silent = TRUE)
  if (isTRUE(tmp)) {
    # the is.marssMODEL_form function runs tests and then returns msgs
    msg <- eval(call(is.marssMODEL.fun, MODELobj, method = method))
  } else {
    msg <- c(msg, paste("No is.marssMODEL_", form[1], " is available to test the model object.\n", sep = ""))

  # Check diffuse; must be TRUE or FALSE
  if (!(MODELobj$diffuse %in% c(FALSE, TRUE))) {
    msg <- c(msg, "diffuse must be TRUE or FALSE.\n")

  if (length(msg) == 0) {
  } else {
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL()\n", msg)

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