
### code chunk number 2: Cs_000_required_libraries

### code chunk number 3: Cs_001_example1_plot
plot(longley$Year, longley$Employed, type = "l", ylab = "Employed", xlab = "")

### code chunk number 4: Cs_002_example1-data
Employed <- matrix(longley$Employed, nrow = 1)

### code chunk number 5: Cs_003_example1-params
longley.model <- list()

### code chunk number 6: Cs_004_example1-params1
longley.model$U <- longley.model$Q <- "zero"
longley.model$C <- "zero"
longley.model$B <- longley.model$Z <- "identity"
longley.model$x0 <- "zero"
longley.model$tinitx <- 0

### code chunk number 7: Cs_005_example1-paramsR
longley.model$R <- matrix("r")

### code chunk number 8: Cs_006_example1-paramsD
longley.model$A <- matrix("intercept")
longley.model$D <- matrix(c("GNP", "Pop"), nrow = 1)

### code chunk number 9: Cs_007_example1-eVar
longley.model$d <- rbind(longley$GNP, longley$Population)

### code chunk number 10: Cs_008_example1-marss
mod1 <- MARSS(Employed, model = longley.model)

### code chunk number 11: Cs_009_example1-marss
coef(mod1, type = "vector")

### code chunk number 12: Cs_010_example1-lm
mod1.lm <- lm(Employed ~ GNP + Population, data = longley)

### code chunk number 13: Cs_011_example2-params
longley.ar1 <- longley.model
longley.ar1$B <- matrix("b")
longley.ar1$Q <- matrix("q")

### code chunk number 14: Cs_012_example2-marss
mod2 <- MARSS(Employed, model = longley.ar1)

### code chunk number 15: Cs_013_example2-marss-with-inits
inits <- list(A = coef(mod1)$A, D = coef(mod1)$D)
mod2 <- MARSS(Employed,
  model = longley.ar1, inits = inits,
  control = list(maxit = 1000)
ests.marss <- c(
  b = coef(mod2)$B, alpha = coef(mod2)$A,
  GNP = coef(mod2)$D[1], Population = coef(mod2)$D[2],
  logLik = logLik(mod2)

### code chunk number 16: Cs_014_example2-gls
mod2.gls <- gls(Employed ~ GNP + Population,
  correlation = corAR1(), data = longley, method = "ML"
mod2.gls.phi <- coef(mod2.gls$modelStruct[[1]], unconstrained = FALSE)
ests.gls <- c(
  b = mod2.gls.phi, alpha = coef(mod2.gls)[1],
  GNP = coef(mod2.gls)[2], Population = coef(mod2.gls)[3],
  logLik = logLik(mod2.gls)

### code chunk number 17: Cs_014b_compare_marss_gls
rbind(MARSS = ests.marss, GLS = ests.gls)

### code chunk number 18: Cs_015_example2-plot

### code chunk number 19: Cs_016_full-model-list
eVar.names <- colnames(longley)[-7]
eVar <- t(longley[, eVar.names])
longley.model <- list()
longley.model$U <- longley.model$Q <- "zero"
longley.model$C <- "zero"
longley.model$B <- longley.model$Z <- "identity"
longley.model$A <- matrix("intercept")
longley.model$R <- matrix("r")
longley.model$D <- matrix(eVar.names, nrow = 1)
longley.model$d <- eVar
longley.model$x0 <- "zero"
longley.model$tinitx <- 0

### code chunk number 20: Cs_017_full-model-fit
mod3.em <- MARSS(Employed, model = longley.model)
mod3.bfgs <- MARSS(Employed, model = longley.model, method = "BFGS")

### code chunk number 21: Cs_018_full-em-ests
par.names <- c("A.intercept", paste("D", eVar.names, sep = "."))
c(coef(mod3.em, type = "vector")[par.names], logLik = mod3.em$logLik)

### code chunk number 22: Cs_019_full-bfgs-ests
c(coef(mod3.bfgs, type = "vector")[par.names], logLik = mod3.bfgs$logLik)

### code chunk number 23: Cs_020_full-lm-ests
mod3.lm <- lm(Employed ~ 1 + GNP.deflator + GNP + Unemployed
  + Armed.Forces + Population + Year, data = longley)
c(coef(mod3.lm), logLik = logLik(mod3.lm))

### code chunk number 24: Cs_021_full-model-correrr
longley.correrr.model <- longley.model
longley.correrr.model$B <- matrix("b")
longley.correrr.model$Q <- matrix("q")

### code chunk number 25: Cs_022_full-correrr-fit-hide
inits <- list(A = coef(mod3.em)$A, D = coef(mod3.em)$D)
mod4.em <- MARSS(Employed, model = longley.correrr.model, inits = inits)
mod4.bfgs <- MARSS(Employed,
  model = longley.correrr.model,
  inits = inits, method = "BFGS"

### code chunk number 26: Cs_023_full-correrr-em-ests
c(coef(mod4.em, type = "vector")["B.b"], logLik = mod4.em$logLik)

### code chunk number 27: Cs_024_full-correrr-bfgs-ests
c(coef(mod4.bfgs, type = "vector")["B.b"], logLik = mod4.bfgs$logLik)

### code chunk number 28: Cs_025_full-gls-ests
mod4.gls <- gls(Employed ~ 1 + GNP.deflator + GNP + Unemployed
  + Armed.Forces + Population + Year,
correlation = corAR1(), data = longley, method = "ML"
mod4.gls.phi <- coef(mod4.gls$modelStruct[[1]], unconstrained = FALSE)
c(mod4.gls.phi, logLik = logLik(mod4.gls))

### code chunk number 29: Cs_026_loadsleep
data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")

### code chunk number 30: Cs_027_sleep-plot
xyplot(Reaction ~ Days | Subject, sleepstudy,
  type = c("g", "p", "r"),
  index = function(x, y) coef(lm(y ~ x))[1],
  xlab = "Days of sleep deprivation",
  ylab = "Average reaction time (ms)", aspect = "xy"

### code chunk number 31: Cs_028_setupdata
# number of subjects
nsub <- length(unique(sleepstudy$Subject))
ndays <- length(sleepstudy$Days) / nsub
dat <- matrix(sleepstudy$Reaction, nsub, ndays, byrow = TRUE)
rownames(dat) <- paste("sub", unique(sleepstudy$Subject), sep = ".")
exp.var <- matrix(sleepstudy$Days, 1, ndays, byrow = TRUE)

### code chunk number 32: Cs_029_sleepmod1
sleep.model <- list(
  A = "unequal", B = "zero", x0 = "zero", U = "zero",
  D = matrix("b1", nsub, 1), d = exp.var, tinitx = 0, Q = "zero"
sleep.mod1 <- MARSS(dat, model = sleep.model)

### code chunk number 33: Cs_030_sleepmod1-lm
sleep.lm1 <- lm(Reaction ~ -1 + Subject + Days, data = sleepstudy)

### code chunk number 34: Cs_031_sleepmod2
sleep.model <- list(
  A = "unequal", B = "zero", x0 = "zero", U = "zero",
  D = "unequal", d = exp.var, tinitx = 0, Q = "zero"
sleep.mod2 <- MARSS(dat, model = sleep.model, silent = TRUE)

### code chunk number 35: Cs_032_sleepmod2-lm
sleep.lm2 <- lm(Reaction ~ 0 + Subject + Days:Subject, data = sleepstudy)

### code chunk number 36: Cs_033_sleepmod3
sleep.model <- list(
  A = "unequal", B = "zero", x0 = "zero", U = "zero",
  D = "unequal", d = exp.var, tinitx = 0, Q = "zero",
  R = "diagonal and unequal"
sleep.mod3 <- MARSS(dat, model = sleep.model, silent = TRUE)

### code chunk number 37: Cs_034_sleepmod4
inits <- list(A = coef(sleep.mod3)$A, D = coef(sleep.mod3)$D)
# estimate a separate intercept for each but slope is the same
sleep.model <- list(
  A = "unequal", B = "diagonal and unequal", x0 = "zero", U = "zero",
  D = "unequal", d = exp.var, tinitx = 0, Q = "diagonal and unequal",
  R = "diagonal and unequal"
sleep.mod4 <- MARSS(dat, model = sleep.model, inits = inits, silent = TRUE)

### code chunk number 38: Cs_035_sleepmod5
inits <- list(A = coef(sleep.mod3)$A, D = coef(sleep.mod3)$D)
# estimate a separate intercept for each but slope is the same
sleep.model <- list(
  A = "unequal", B = "diagonal and equal", x0 = "zero", U = "zero",
  D = "unequal", d = exp.var, tinitx = 0, Q = "diagonal and equal",
  R = "diagonal and equal"
sleep.mod5 <- MARSS(dat, model = sleep.model, inits = inits, silent = TRUE)

### code chunk number 39: Cs_036_mod5-gls
sleep.mod5.gls <- gls(Reaction ~ 0 + Subject + Days:Subject,
  data = sleepstudy,
  correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | Subject), method = "ML"

### code chunk number 40: Cs_037_makemodeltable
if (!exists("tabledir")) tabledir <- ""
slope.names <- paste("D", rownames(dat), sep = ".")
phi.names <- names(coef(sleep.mod4, type = "vector"))[str_detect(names(coef(sleep.mod4, type = "vector")), "B.")] <- cbind(
  c(logLik(sleep.lm2), coef(sleep.lm2)[19:36], rep(NA, nsub)),
  c(sleep.mod2$logLik, coef(sleep.mod2, type = "vector")[slope.names], rep(NA, nsub)),
  c(sleep.mod3$logLik, coef(sleep.mod3, type = "vector")[slope.names], rep(NA, nsub)),
  c(sleep.mod4$logLik, coef(sleep.mod4, type = "vector")[c(slope.names, phi.names)]),
  c(sleep.mod5$logLik, coef(sleep.mod5, type = "vector")[c(slope.names, rep("B.diag", nsub))]),
  c(logLik(sleep.mod5.gls), coef(sleep.mod5.gls)[19:36], rep(coef(sleep.mod5.gls$modelStruct[[1]], unconstrained = FALSE), nsub))
rownames( <- c("logLik", paste("slope", unique(sleepstudy$Subject)), paste("phi", unique(sleepstudy$Subject)))
colnames( <- c("lm", "mod2 em", "mod3 em", "mod4 em", "mod5 em", "mod5 gls")
tmpaln <- "c" # figure out the number of cols automatically
for (i in 1:ncol( tmpaln <- paste(tmpaln, "c", sep = "")
thetable <- xtable(, caption = "Parameter estimates of different versions of the model where each subject has a separate intercept (response time on normal sleep) and different slope by day (increase in response time with each day of sleep deprivation).  The model types are discussed in the text.", label = "ref:tablesleepstudy", align = tmpaln, digits = 2)
print(thetable, type = "latex", file = paste(tabledir, "tablesleepstudy.tex", sep = ""), include.rownames = TRUE, include.colnames = TRUE, caption.placement = "top", table.placement = "htp", sanitize.text.function = function(x) {
}, hline.after = c(-1, 0, nrow(

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