
#' d for Z-test from Population Mean and SD
#' This function displays d for Z-test with the
#' population mean and standard deviation.
#' The normal confidence interval is also provided.
#' d is calculated by deducting the population mean from the sample study mean
#' and dividing by the alpha level.
#'      d = (m1 - mu) / sig
#' \href{https://www.aggieerin.com/shiny-server/tests/zm.html}{Learn more on our example page.}
#' @param mu population mean
#' @param m1 sample study mean
#' @param sig population standard deviation
#' @param sd1 standard deviation from the study
#' @param n sample size
#' @param a significance level
#' @return The effect size (Cohen's d) with associated confidence intervals
#' and relevant statistics.
#' \item{d}{effect size}
#' \item{dlow}{lower level confidence interval d value}
#' \item{dhigh}{upper level confidence interval d value}
#' \item{M1}{mean of sample}
#' \item{sd1}{standard deviation of sample}
#' \item{se1}{standard error of sample}
#' \item{M1low}{lower level confidence interval of the mean}
#' \item{M1high}{upper level confidence interval of the mean}
#' \item{Mu}{population mean}
#' \item{Sigma}{standard deviation of population}
#' \item{se2}{standard error of population}
#' \item{z}{z-statistic}
#' \item{p}{p-value}
#' \item{n}{sample size}
#' \item{estimate}{the d statistic and confidence interval in
#' APA style for markdown printing}
#' \item{statistic}{the Z-statistic in APA style for markdown printing}
#' @keywords effect size, z-test
#' @import MBESS
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #The average quiz test taking time for a 10 item test is 22.5
#' #minutes, with a standard deviation of 10 minutes. My class of
#' #25 students took 19 minutes on the test with a standard deviation of 5.
#' d.z.mean(mu = 22.5, m1 = 19, sig = 10, sd1 = 5, n = 25, a = .05)

d.z.mean <- function (mu, m1, sig, sd1, n, a = .05) {

  if (missing(m1)){
    stop("Be sure to include m1 for the sample mean.")

  if (missing(mu)){
    stop("Be sure to include mu for the population mean.")

  if (missing(sig)){
    stop("Be sure to include sig for the population standard deviation.")

  if (missing(sd1)){
    stop("Be sure to include sd1 for the sample standard deviation")

  if (missing(n)){
    stop("Be sure to include the sample size n for the sample.")

  if (a < 0 || a > 1) {
    stop("Alpha should be between 0 and 1.")

  d <- (m1 - mu) / sig
  se1 <- sig / sqrt(n)
  se2 <- sd1 / sqrt(n)
  dlow <- d-qnorm(a/2, lower.tail = F)*sig
  dhigh <- d+qnorm(a/2, lower.tail = F)*sig
  z <- (m1 - mu) / se1
  p <- pnorm(abs(z), lower.tail = FALSE)*2
  M1low <- m1 - se2 * qnorm(a/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  M1high <- m1 + se2 * qnorm(a/2, lower.tail = FALSE)

  if (p < .001) {reportp = "< .001"} else {reportp = paste("= ", apa(p,3,F), sep = "")}

  output = list("d" = d, #d stats
                "dlow" = dlow,
                "dhigh" = dhigh,
                "M1" = m1, #level 1 stats
                "sd1" = sd1,
                "se1" = se2,
                "M1low" = M1low,
                "M1high" = M1high,
                "Mu" = mu,#population stats
                "Sigma" = sig,
                "se2" = se1,
                "z" = z,
                "p" = p,
                "n" = n, #sample stats
                "estimate" = paste("$d$ = ", apa(d,2,T), ", ", (1-a)*100, "\\% CI [",
                                   apa(dlow,2,T), ", ", apa(dhigh,2,T), "]", sep = ""),
                "statistic" = paste("$Z$", " = ", apa(z,2,T), ", $p$ ",
                                    reportp, sep = "")


#' @rdname d.z.mean
#' @export

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