
Defines functions llrreg.mxm exporeg.mxm weibreg.mxm coxph.mxm beta.mxm lmrob.mxm rq.mxm lm.mxm ordinal.mxm multinom.mxm nb.mxm binom.mxm pois.mxm glm.mxm binomdev.mxm nbdev.mxm poisdev.mxm ciwr.mxm ci.mxm mae.mxm ord_mae.mxm pve.mxm mse.mxm acc_multinom.mxm acc.mxm sens.mxm spec.mxm euclid_sens.spec.mxm prec.mxm fscore.mxm auc.mxm cv.ses

Documented in acc_multinom.mxm acc.mxm auc.mxm beta.mxm ci.mxm ciwr.mxm coxph.mxm cv.ses euclid_sens.spec.mxm exporeg.mxm fscore.mxm glm.mxm llrreg.mxm lm.mxm lmrob.mxm mae.mxm mse.mxm multinom.mxm nbdev.mxm nb.mxm ordinal.mxm ord_mae.mxm poisdev.mxm pois.mxm prec.mxm pve.mxm rq.mxm sens.mxm spec.mxm weibreg.mxm

#Cross Validation for SES
#target as in SES
#dataset as in SES
#kfolds: number of folds (integer)
#folds: already defined folds of the data to use (a list). If NULL the folds created internally with the same function
#alphas: vector of SES alphas hyper parameters used in CV. Default is c(0.1, 0.05, 0.01)
#maxk_s: vector of SES max_ks parameters used in CV. Default is c(3, 2)
#task: character, it can be "C" for classification (logistic regression classifier), "R" for regression (linear regression classifier), "S" for cox survival analysis (cox regression classifier)
#metric: a metric function provided by the user or auto defined due to the task. It may be NULL or a function in the form of other metric functions (e.g., mse.mxm). For example the default for the classification task is auc.mxm but the user can also define acc.mxm (based on the accuracy metric) that is supported on the package. Or the user can make his own metric function that follows the signature and the inputs, outputs of ours.
#modeler: a modeling function provided by the user or auto defined due to the task if it is NULL (e.g., lm.mxm)
#ses_test: A function object that defines the test used in the SES function (see SES help page for more). If it is NULL, its is auto defined due to the task.
#a list called best_model with the below slots
#cv_results_all: a list with the predictions, performances and the signatures for each fold of each configuration (i.e cv_results_all[[3]]$performances[1] indicates the performance of the 1st fold with the 3d configuration of SES)
#best_performance: numeric, the best average performance
#best_configuration: the best configuration of SES (a list with the slots id, a, max_k)
cv.ses <- function(target, dataset, wei = NULL, kfolds = 10, folds = NULL, alphas = c(0.1, 0.05, 0.01), max_ks = c(3, 2), task = NULL, 
                   metric = NULL, metricbbc = NULL, modeler = NULL, ses_test = NULL, ncores = 1, B = 1)
  if ( ncores > 1 ) {  ## multi-threaded task
    result <- cvses.par(target, dataset, wei = wei, kfolds = kfolds, folds = folds, alphas = alphas, max_ks = max_ks, task = task, 
                       metric = metric, modeler = modeler, ses_test = ses_test, ncores = ncores)

  } else { ## one core task     
  if ( identical(ses_test, "testIndClogit") ) {
      result <- clogit.cv.ses(target = target, dataset = dataset, kfolds = kfolds, folds = folds, alphas = alphas, max_ks = max_ks, 
                                          metricbbc = NULL, B = 1, ncores = 1)
  } else {
  if ( is.null(alphas) )  alphas <- c(0.1, 0.05, 0.01)
  if ( is.null(max_ks) )  max_ks <- c(3, 2)  
  alphas = sort(alphas, decreasing = TRUE)
  max_ks = sort(max_ks, decreasing = TRUE)
  nAlpha <- length(alphas);
  nMax_ks <- length(max_ks);
  #defining the SES configurations
  nSESConfs <- nAlpha*nMax_ks;
  SES_configurations <- vector("list" , nSESConfs);
  i <- 0;
  for (a in alphas) {
    for (k in max_ks) {
      configuration <- NULL;
      i <- i + 1;
      configuration$id <- i;
      configuration$a <- a;
      configuration$max_k <- k;
      SES_configurations[[i]] <- configuration;
  if ( is.null(folds) ) {
    if (task == "R" ) {
      folds <- generatefolds(target, nfolds = kfolds, stratified = FALSE, seed = FALSE)
    } else if (task == "S") {
      folds <- generatefolds(target[, 1], nfolds = kfolds, stratified = FALSE, seed = FALSE)
    } else   folds <- generatefolds(target, nfolds = kfolds, stratified = TRUE, seed = FALSE)
  } else  kfolds <- length( folds );
  if ( is.null(task) ) {
    stop("Please provide a valid task argument 'C'-classification, 'R'-regression, 'S'-survival.")
    #to do: select automatically the appropriate task due to the data, target
  } else if (task == 'C'){
    #Classification task (logistic regression)
    if ( is.null(metric) ) {
      metricFunction <- auc.mxm;
    } else   metricFunction <- metric;
    if ( is.null(modeler) ) {
      modelerFunction <- glm.mxm;
    } else   modelerFunction <- modeler;
    if ( is.null(ses_test) ) {
      test <- 'testIndLogistic';
    } else  test <- ses_test;
  } else if(task == 'R'){
    #Regression task (logistic regression)
    if ( is.null(metric) ) {
      metricFunction <- mse.mxm;
    } else  metricFunction <- metric;
    if ( is.null(modeler) ) {
      modelerFunction <- lm.mxm;
    } else  modelerFunction <- modeler;
    if ( is.null(ses_test) ) {
      test = 'testIndFisher';
    } else  test <- ses_test;
  } else if (task == 'S') {
    #cox survival analysis (cox regression)
    if ( is.null(metric) ) {
      metricFunction <- ci.mxm;
    } else  metricFunction <- metric;
    if ( is.null(modeler) ) {
      modelerFunction <- coxph.mxm;
    } else  modelerFunction <- modeler;
    if ( is.null(ses_test) ) {
      test = "censIndCR";
    } else  test <- ses_test;
  } else  stop("Please provide a valid task argument 'C'-classification, 'R'-regression, 'S'-survival.")
  nSESConfs = length(SES_configurations)
  #merging SES configuration lists and create the general cv results list
  conf_ses <- vector("list", nSESConfs)
  for(i in 1:nSESConfs){
    conf_ses[[i]]$configuration <- SES_configurations[[i]]
    conf_ses[[i]]$preds <- vector('list', kfolds)
    conf_ses[[i]]$performances <- vector('numeric', kfolds)
    conf_ses[[i]]$signatures <- vector('list', kfolds)
  ## Start the CV procedure
  tic <- proc.time()
  for (k in 1:kfolds) {
    #print(paste('CV: Fold', k, 'of', kfolds));
    train_samples <- c();
    for ( i in which(c(1:kfolds) != k) )   train_samples = c( train_samples, folds[[ i ]] )
    #leave one fold out each time as a test set and the rest as train set
    train_set <- dataset[train_samples, ] #Set the training set
    train_target <- target[train_samples]
	  wtrain <- wei[train_samples]
    test_set <- dataset[folds[[k]], ] #Set the validation set
    test_target <- target[ folds[[k]] ]
    #SES hashmap
    SESHashMap = NULL;
    sesini = NULL
    #for each conf of SES
    for(ses_conf_id in 1:nSESConfs){
      #SES options
      threshold <- SES_configurations[[ses_conf_id]]$a;
      max_k <- SES_configurations[[ses_conf_id]]$max_k;
      #running SES
      results <- SES(train_target, train_set, max_k, threshold, test = test, ini = sesini, wei = wtrain, hash = TRUE, hashObject = SESHashMap)
      sesini <- results@univ
      SESHashMap <- results@hashObject;
      signatures <- results@signatures;
      #recording the selected signatures
      conf_ses[[ses_conf_id]]$signatures[[k]] <- signatures;
      #get the data of the reference signature (i.e the selected variables)
      curr_sign <- as.matrix(signatures[1, ])
      #curr_sign <- as.matrix(results@selectedVars) #in case that the signature slot is not returned due to lack of memory. See InternalSES final part.
      sign_data <- train_set[, curr_sign, drop = FALSE]
      sign_test <- test_set[, curr_sign, drop = FALSE]
      if ( dim(signatures)[1] >= 1 & length(results@selectedVars ) > 0 ) {
        #generate a model due to the task and find the performance
        #logistic model for a classification task, linear model for the regression task and a cox model for the survival task
        moda <- modelerFunction(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei = wtrain)
        preds <- moda$preds
        theta <- moda$theta
      } else  {
        moda <- modelerFunction(train_target, rep(1, nrow(sign_data)), rep(1, nrow(sign_test)), wei = wtrain)
        preds <- moda$preds
        theta <- moda$theta
        if ( is.null(preds) ) {
          conf_ses[[ses_conf_id]]$preds[[k]] <- NULL
          conf_ses[[ses_conf_id]]$performances[k] <- NA
        } else {
          performance = metricFunction(preds, test_target, theta)
          conf_ses[[ses_conf_id]]$preds[[k]] <- preds
          conf_ses[[ses_conf_id]]$performances[k] <- performance
    #clear the hashmap and garbages
    if ( !is.null(SESHashMap$pvalue_hash) )   SESHashMap$pvalue_hash <- NULL
    if ( !is.null(SESHashMap$stat_hash) )     SESHashMap$stat_hash <- NULL
  #finding the best performance for the metric  
  index = 1;
  best_perf = mean(conf_ses[[1]]$performances, na.rm = TRUE);
  for ( i in 2:length(conf_ses) ) {
    averagePerf <- mean( conf_ses[[i]]$performances, na.rm = TRUE );
    if ( !is.na(averagePerf)   &  !is.na(best_perf) ) {
      if ( averagePerf < best_perf ) {
        best_perf <- averagePerf;
        index <- i;
  #recording the best results
  best_model <- NULL
  best_model$cv_results_all <- conf_ses;
  best_model$best_performance <- best_perf
  mat <- matrix(nrow = length(best_model[[ 1 ]]), ncol = kfolds)
  for ( i in 1:dim(mat)[1] )  mat[i, ] <- as.vector( best_model[[ 1 ]][[ i ]]$performances )  
  opti <- rowMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
  bestpar <- which.max(opti)
  best_model$best_configuration <- conf_ses[[bestpar]]$configuration
  best_model$best_performance <- max( opti )
  best_model$bbc_best_performance <- NULL
  if ( B > 1) {
    if (task == "S")  {
      n <- 0.5 * length(target) 
    } else  n <- length(target)
    predictions <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = nSESConfs)
    for (i in 1:nSESConfs)  predictions[, i] <- unlist( best_model$cv_results_all[[ i ]]$preds )
    best_model$bbc_best_performance <- MXM::bbc(predictions, target[unlist(folds)], metric = metricbbc, B = B )$bbc.perf
  best_model$runtime <- proc.time() - tic 
  result <- best_model
  }  ##  end if (test == "testIndClogit") {
}  ## end  if ( ncores > 1 ) {


# metric functions
# input : #predictions,test_target

# output : the metric value (numeric)

# auc (binary)
auc.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  test_target <- as.numeric( as.factor(test_target) )
  ri <- rank(predictions)
  up <- max(test_target)
  n <- length(predictions)
  n1 <- sum( test_target == up )
  n0 <- n - n1
  s1 <- sum( ri[test_target == up ] )
  ( s1 - 0.5 * ( n1 * (n1 + 1) ) ) / (n0 * n1)

# F score (binary)
fscore.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  test_target <- as.numeric( as.factor(test_target) ) - 1
  predictions <- round(predictions) 
  tab <- table(test_target, predictions)
  prec <- tab[2, 2]/(tab[2, 2] + tab[1, 2])
  rec <- tab[2, 2] / (tab[2, 2] + tab[2, 1])
  2 * prec * rec / (prec + rec)

# precision (binary)
prec.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  test_target <- as.numeric( as.factor(test_target) ) - 1
  predictions <- round(predictions) 
  tab <- table(test_target, predictions)
  tab[2, 2]/(tab[2, 2] + tab[1, 2])

# euclid_sens.spec score (binary)
euclid_sens.spec.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  test_target <- as.numeric( as.factor(test_target) ) - 1
  predictions <- round(predictions) 
  tab <- table(test_target, predictions)
  spec <- tab[1, 1]/(tab[1, 1] + tab[1, 2])
  sens <- tab[2, 2] / (tab[2, 2] + tab[2, 1])
  sqrt( (1 - sens)^2 + (1 - spec)^2 )

# specificity (binary)
spec.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  test_target <- as.numeric( as.factor(test_target) ) - 1
  predictions <- round(predictions) 
  tab <- table(test_target, predictions)
  tab[1, 1]/(tab[1, 1] + tab[1, 2])

# sensitivity or recall (binary)
sens.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  test_target <- as.numeric( as.factor(test_target) ) - 1
  predictions <- round(predictions) 
  tab <- table(test_target, predictions)
  tab[2, 2] / (tab[2, 2] + tab[2, 1])

# accuracy (binary)
acc.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  test_target <- as.numeric( as.factor(test_target) ) - 1
  sum( (predictions > 0.5) == test_target ) / length(test_target)

acc_multinom.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  sum( predictions == test_target ) / length(test_target)

#mse lower values indicate better performance so we multiply with -1 in order to have higher values for better performances
mse.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  - sum( (predictions - test_target)^2 ) / length(test_target)

#mse lower values indicate better performance so we multiply with -1 in order to have higher values for better performances
pve.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  co <- length(test_target) - 1
  1 - sum( (predictions - test_target)^2 ) / ( co * Rfast::Var(test_target) )

#mean absolute error lower values indicate better performance so we multiply with -1 in order to have higher values for better performances
ord_mae.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  - sum( abs(as.numeric(predictions) - as.numeric(test_target)) ) / length(test_target)

#mean absolute error lower values indicate better performance so we multiply with -1 in order to have higher values for better performances
mae.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  - sum( abs(predictions - test_target) ) / length(test_target)

ci.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  1 - Hmisc::rcorr.cens(test_target, predictions)[1]
  #survival::survConcordance(test_target ~ predictions)$concordance

#cindex for weibull, exponential and log-logistic regession 
ciwr.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  Hmisc::rcorr.cens(test_target, predictions)[1]
  #1 - survival::survConcordance(test_target ~ predictions)$concordance

#Poisson deviance. Lower values indicate better performance so we multiply with -1 in order to have higher values for better performances
poisdev.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
 - 2 * sum( test_target * log(test_target / predictions), na.rm = TRUE ) 

#Negative binomial deviance. Lower values indicate better performance so we multiply with -1 in order to have higher values for better performances
nbdev.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta) {
   - 2 * sum( test_target * log(test_target / predictions), na.rm = TRUE ) +
     2 * sum( ( test_target + theta ) * log( (test_target + theta) / (predictions + theta) ) )

#Binomial deviance. Lower values indicate better performance so we multiply with -1 in order to have higher values for better performances
 binomdev.mxm <- function(predictions, test_target, theta = NULL) {
  ya = test_target[, 1]     ;    N = test_target[, 2]
  yb = N - ya   
  esta = predictions     ;    estb = N - esta
   - 2 * sum( ya * log(ya / esta), na.rm = TRUE ) - 2 * sum( yb * log(yb / estb), na.rm = TRUE ) 

# Modeling Functions

# input : train_target, sign_data, sign_test 
# output : preds

## binary logistic regression
glm.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) {
    #using this variable x to overcome the structure naming problems when we have just one variable as a sign_data. For more on this contact athineo ;)
    x <- sign_data
    sign_model <- glm( train_target ~ ., data = data.frame(x), family = binomial(), weights = wei );
    x <- sign_test
    preds <- predict( sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x), type = 'response' )
#   preds[ preds>=0.5 ] = 1
#   preds[ preds<0.5 ] = 0
    list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)
#  }

## poisson regression
pois.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) {
  #using this variable x to overcome the structure naming problems when we have just one variable as a sign_data. For more on this contact athineou ;)
  x <- sign_data
  sign_model <- glm( train_target ~ ., data = data.frame(x), family = poisson(), weights = wei );
  x <- sign_test
  preds <-predict( sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x), type = 'response' )
  list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)

## binomial regression
binom.mxm <-  function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test){
  #using this variable x to overcome the structure naming problems when we have just one variable as a sign_data. For more on this contact athineou ;)
  y1 = train_target[, 1]
  N1 = train_target[, 2]
  x <- sign_data
  sign_model <- glm( y1 / N1 ~ ., data = data.frame(x), weights = N1, family = binomial );
  x <- sign_test
  preds <- predict( sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x), type = 'response' ) * N1 
  list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)

## negative binomial regression
nb.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) {
  #using this variable x to overcome the structure naming problems when we have just one variable as a sign_data. For more on this contact athineou ;)
  x <- sign_data
  sign_model <- MASS::glm.nb( train_target ~ ., data = data.frame(x), weights = wei );
  x <- sign_test
  preds <- predict( sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x), type = 'response' )
  list(preds = preds, theta = sign_model$theta)

## multinomial regression
multinom.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) {
  #using this variable x to overcome the structure naming problems when we have just one variable as a sign_data. For more on this contact athineou ;)
  x <- sign_data
  sign_model <- nnet::multinom( train_target ~ ., data = data.frame(x), trace = FALSE, weights = wei );
  x <- sign_test
  preds <- predict( sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x) )
  list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)

## oridnal regression
ordinal.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) {
  x <- sign_data
  sign_model <- ordinal::clm( train_target ~ ., data = data.frame(x), trace = FALSE, weights = wei );
  x <- sign_test
  preds <- predict( sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x), type = "class" )$fit
  list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)

## linear regression
lm.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) { ## used for univariate and multivariate target in classical regression
  x <- sign_data
  sign_model <- lm( train_target ~ ., data = data.frame(x), weights = wei );
  x <- sign_test
  preds <- predict( sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x) )
  preds <- list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)

## quantile (median) regression
rq.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) { ## used for univariate and multivariate target in classical regression
  x <- sign_data
  sign_model <- quantreg::rq( train_target ~ ., data = data.frame(x), weights = wei);
  x <- sign_test
  preds <- predict( sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x) )
  list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)

## robust linear regression
lmrob.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) { ## used for univariate and multivariate target in classical regression
  x <- sign_data
  sign_model <- MASS::rlm( train_target ~ ., data = data.frame(x), maxit = 2000, weights = wei, method = "MM" );
  x <- sign_test
  preds <- predict( sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x) )
  list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)

## beta regression
beta.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) { ## used for univariate and multivariate target in classical regression
    preds <- beta.mod( train_target, sign_data, wei = wei, xnew = sign_test )$est
    preds <- log( preds / (1 - preds) )  ## logit transformation to make it comparable with the normal regression
    list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)

## cox regression
coxph.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) {
  x <- sign_data
  sign_model <- survival::coxph(train_target~., data = data.frame(x), weights = wei)
  x <- sign_test
  preds <- predict(sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x), type = "risk")
  list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)

## weibull regression
weibreg.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) {
  x <- sign_data
  sign_model <- survival::survreg(train_target~., data = data.frame(x), weights = wei)
  x <- sign_test
  preds <- predict(sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x) )
  list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)

## exponential regression
exporeg.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) {
  x <- sign_data
  sign_model <- survreg(train_target~., data = data.frame(x), weights = wei, dist = "exponential")
  x <- sign_test
  x <- model.frame
  preds <- predict(sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x) )
  list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)

## weibull regression
llrreg.mxm <- function(train_target, sign_data, sign_test, wei) {
  x <- sign_data
  sign_model <- survival::survreg(train_target~., data = data.frame(x), weights = wei, dist = "loglogistic")
  x <- sign_test
  preds <- predict(sign_model, newdata = data.frame(x) )
  list(preds = preds, theta = NULL)

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