WarblerP: Seychelles Warbler Phenotypes

WarblerPR Documentation

Seychelles Warbler Phenotypes


Phenotypic data collected by David Richardson from Cousin Island in 1999. The data are almost a complete sample of those birds that existed in the population at that time.


a table with 307 rows and 7 columns. The columns, from left to right are: 1) a unique identifier for each bird; 2) a binary variable inbdicating whether the record belongs to an offspring; 3) the sex of each bird; 4) the territory on which the bird was recorded; 5 and 6) the latitude and longitude of that territory; 7) the behavioural status of each bird (Dominant or Subordinate)


Richardson D.S.


Richardson et.al. (2001) Molecular Ecology 10 2263-2273 Hadfield J.D. et al (2006) Molecular Ecology 15 3715-31

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