
### Main Shiny server function

resd_default <- resd_dsl

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

    values <- reactiveValues(selected=TRUE,  ## Current data subset selection

    ## Things to do when changing the base dataset

    ## Button handler: set random effects SE to zero
        if (input$zeroresd > 0 || input$egger){
            updateNumericInput(session, "resd", value=0)

    ## Button handler: reset random effects SE to data value
        if (input$resetresd > 0) {
            dat <- getdata_static()
            updateNumericInput(session, "resd", value=resd_default(dat))

    ## Return the full dataset currently chosen
    getdata_base <- reactive({
        globals$newdata <<- NULL # note global assignment <<-
        dat <- switch(input$select,
                      "5"={ ## user-uploaded dataset
            output$filechoiceui <- renderUI({ list(
                                                  checkboxInput('header', 'Header', TRUE),
                                                  radioButtons('sep', 'Separator',
                                                               c(Comma=',', Semicolon=';', Tab='\t'),
                                                               selected=',', inline=TRUE
                                                  radioButtons('quote', 'Quote',
                                                               c(None='', 'Double Quote'='"', 'Single Quote'="'"),
                                                               selected='"', inline=TRUE)
                                              ) })
            inFile <- input$data
            validate( need(inFile != "", "Please select a dataset") ) ## needed to avoid function returning before data chosen
            if (is.null(inFile)) userdata <- NULL
            else userdata <- read.csv(inFile$datapath, header = input$header,
                                      sep = input$sep, quote = input$quote)
            ## Silence if error occurs - but maybe that's OK - can switch to another data set.
            validate(need(ncol(userdata)>=3, "Need at least 3 columns in the data"))
            names(userdata)[1:3] <- c("name","est","se")
            validate(need(is.numeric(userdata$est), "Second column (estimate) should be numeric"))
            validate(need(is.numeric(userdata$se), "Second column (SE) should be numeric"))
        "6" = {
            if (exists("userdata", envir = MetaAnalyser:::.dat_env))
                get("userdata", envir = MetaAnalyser:::.dat_env) else NULL

    ## Add user-added studies to base data, append meta-analysis summary statistics
    getdata_static <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_base()
        get_newstudy <- reactive({
            if (input$submitnewdata == 0) return(NULL)
                res <- data.frame(name=input$newname, est=input$newest, se=input$newse)
                if (is.null(input$newest) || is.null(input$newse) ||
          $est) ||$se)) res <- NULL
        globals$newdata <<- rbind(globals$newdata, get_newstudy())  # note global assignment <<-
        if (!is.null(globals$newdata)){
            dat <- rbind(dat, globals$newdata)
            updateNumericInput(session, "newname", value="")
            updateNumericInput(session, "newest", value="")
            updateNumericInput(session, "newse", value="")
        n <- nrow(dat)
        dat$key <- 1:n
        dat$wtfe <- (1/dat$se^2)
        dat$pwtfe <- dat$wtfe / sum(1/dat$se^2)
        resd <- if (input$egger) 0 else resd_default(dat)
        updateNumericInput(session, "resd", value=resd)
        sm <- metasumm(dat, resd, input$egger)
        dat$est <- sm$est
        dat$pwtre <- sm$pwtre
        attr(dat, "pool") <- sm$pool
        globals$pool <<- sm$pool
        attr(dat, "poolse") <- sm$poolse
        attr(dat, "poolci") <- sm$poolci

        values$selected <- rep(TRUE, n)
#        proxy = dataTableProxy('datatables')
#        selectRows(proxy, numeric()) # this doesn't work at resetting selection when changing data

        attr(dat, "plotkeys") <- rep(c("points","strings","topbar","baseline_vertical","baseline_horiz","current_vertical","current_horiz","pivot","baseline_point","current_point"),
                                     c(n, n, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1))

    ## Update the study-selection indicator in the data after clicking,
    ## and recompute meta-analysis summary statistics
    ## TODO nicer dplyr like syntax for defining data

    getdata_dynamic <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_static()
        n <- nrow(dat)

        dat$selected <- factor(rep("No", n), levels=c("Yes","No")) # ggvis prefers grouping variable to be factor
        dat$selected[values$selected] <- "Yes"
        summ <- metasumm(dat[values$selected,,drop=FALSE], input$resd, input$egger)
        dat$est[values$selected] <- summ$est
        dat$wtfe <- 1/(dat$se^2)
        dat$wtre <- 1/(dat$se^2 + input$resd^2)
        dat$holesize <- 100*(dat$wtfe - dat$wtre)/sum(dat$wtfe)

        dat$percwtfe <- 100*dat$wtfe/sum(dat$wtfe)
        dat$percwtre <- 100*dat$wtre/sum(dat$wtre)

        dat$yfe <- switch(input$ytype, perc=dat$percwtfe, var=dat$wtfe)
        dat$yre <- switch(input$ytype, perc=dat$percwtre, var=dat$wtre)

        aspect_ratio <- default_options()$width / default_options()$height
        if (is.null(input$yrange)) {top <- 100; bottom <- 0}
        else {
            top <- input$yrange[2]
            bottom <- input$yrange[1] - (top - input$yrange[1])/40
        bottomdyn <- bottom # + 0.01*(top-bottom)

        xex <- 0.1
        dxr <- diff(range(dat$est))
        xrange <- range(dat$est) + c(-1, 1)*xex*dxr
        yrange <- c(0, top)
        ## TODO choose default point size more intelligently
        sqsize <- dxr / 100 * input$pointsize
        dat$dx <- sqsize*sqrt(dat$wtfe)
        dat$dy <- dat$dx/diff(xrange)*diff(yrange)*aspect_ratio
        dat$dxre <- sqsize*sqrt(dat$wtfe - dat$wtre)
        dat$dyre <- dat$dxre/diff(xrange)*diff(yrange)*aspect_ratio

        pool.static <- attr(dat, "pool")
        pool.dyn <- summ$pool
        is_biased <- if (!isTRUE(all.equal(input$resd, resd_default(dat))) ||
                         !all(values$selected)) "Yes" else "No"

        ### Tilt the top bar proportional to bias, up to certain maximum angle
        bias <- (globals$pool - pool.dyn) / (dxr/2)
        degrees_tilt <- sign(bias * values$anglemax) * min(values$anglemax, abs(bias * values$anglemax))
        globals$pool <<- pool.dyn
        angle <- degrees_tilt * pi/180
        hl <- pool.dyn - min(dat$est)
        hr <- max(dat$est) - pool.dyn
        xltilt <- pool.dyn - hl*cos(angle)
        xrtilt <- pool.dyn + hr*cos(angle)
        yr <- top; xr <- dxr # adjust for differently-scaled x/y axes
        ybtilt <- top - hl*sin(angle)*yr/xr
        yttilt <- top + hr*sin(angle)*yr/xr
        dat$stringtop <- top + (dat$est - pool.dyn)*sin(angle)*yr/xr
        dat$estplot <- dat$est + (pool.dyn - dat$est)*(1 - cos(angle)) # plotted x position, different from actual estimate if bar is tilted
        vtop <- top + (pool.static - pool.dyn)*sin(angle)*yr/xr

        pivot.dx <- dxr / 25
        pivot.dy <- 0.04*top <- 0.99*top

        ## Append plot coordinates to pass to ggvis, based on selected data

        auxdata <- list(
            ## List of data frames to make into reactive data sources
            topbar = data.frame(x = c(xltilt, xrtilt), y = c(ybtilt, yttilt), key=2*n+1:2),
            baseline_vertical = data.frame(x = rep(pool.static, 2), y = c(bottom, vtop-pivot.dy), key=2*n+3:4, is_biased=is_biased),
            baseline_horiz = data.frame(x = attr(dat, "poolci"),
                                  y = rep(bottom, 2), key=2*n+5:6, is_biased=is_biased),
            current_vertical = data.frame(x = rep(pool.dyn, 2), y = c(bottomdyn, top-pivot.dy), key=2*n+7:8),
            current_horiz= data.frame(x = summ$poolci,
                              y = rep(bottomdyn, 2), key=2*n+9:10),
            current_pivot = data.frame(x=c(pool.dyn, pool.dyn-pivot.dx/2, pool.dyn+pivot.dx/2),
                               y=c(,,, key=2*n+11:13),
            baseline_pivot = data.frame(x=c(pool.static, pool.static-pivot.dx/2, pool.static+pivot.dx/2),
                               y=c(,,, key=2*n+11:13, is_biased=is_biased),
            baseline_point = data.frame(x=pool.static, y=bottom, key=2*n+14),
            current_point = data.frame(x=pool.dyn, y=bottom, key=2*n+15)
        for (i in seq(along=auxdata))
            auxdata[[i]]$show_scales <- if (input$show_scales) "Yes" else "No"

        attr(dat, "summ") <- summ
        attr(dat, "aux") <- c(list(xrange=xrange), auxdata)


    ## Reactive data sources to enable animation in ggvis
    getdata_string <- function(i){
            dat <- getdata_dynamic()
            n <- nrow(dat)
            dat <- dat[i,,drop=FALSE]
            ret <- data.frame(x=rep(dat$estplot, 2), y=c(dat$stringtop, dat$yre+dat$dy),
                              selected=rep(dat$selected, 2), key=n + 1:2)
            if (!input$show_scales) ret$selected <- "No"

    getdata_allstrings <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        res <- data.frame(x=rep(dat$estplot, each=2),
                   y=as.numeric(rbind(dat$stringtop, dat$yre+dat$dx)),
                   selected=rep(dat$selected, each=2),
                   key=nrow(dat) + 1:(2*nrow(dat)), # TODO rejig keys
                   group=rep(1:nrow(dat), each=2)) %>% group_by(group)

    getdata_topbar <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        ret <- attr(dat, "aux")$topbar
    getdata_baseline_vertical <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        ret <- attr(dat, "aux")$baseline_vertical
        ret$show_scales <- if (input$show_scales) "Yes" else "No"
        if (!input$show_scales) ret$is_biased <- "Noscales"
    getdata_baseline_horiz <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        ret <- attr(dat, "aux")$baseline_horiz
    getdata_current_vertical <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        ret <- attr(dat, "aux")$current_vertical
    getdata_current_horiz <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        ret <- attr(dat, "aux")$current_horiz
    getdata_baseline_pivot <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        ret <- attr(dat, "aux")$baseline_pivot
        ret$show_scales <- if (input$show_scales) "Yes" else "No"
        if (!input$show_scales) ret$is_biased <- "Noscales"
    getdata_current_pivot <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        ret <- attr(dat, "aux")$current_pivot
    getdata_baseline_point <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        ret <- attr(dat, "aux")$baseline_point
    getdata_current_point <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        ret <- attr(dat, "aux")$current_point
    ## fix the axis ranges so they don't wiggle when dataset is perturbed
    getdata_xdomain <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        ret <- attr(dat, "aux")$xrange
    getdata_ydomain <- reactive({
    getdata_holescale <- reactive({
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        c(0, max(dat$yfe))

    ## Change the limits of the y-axis range selector according to
    ## whether percentage weights or absolute weights selected
        if (input$ytype == "perc"){
            ymin <- 0; ymax <- 100
            lab <- "y-axis range (percentage weight)"
        } else {
            dat <- getdata_static()
            yex <- 0.1
            ymax <- signif(max(dat$wtfe)*(1 + yex), 3)
            ymin <- 0
            lab <- "y-axis range (inverse variance)"
        output$yslider <- renderUI({
            sliderInput("yrange", label = h4(lab),
                        min = ymin, max = ymax, value = c(ymin, ymax))

    ## Print the data table, with excluded studies greyed out, and other summary info
        dat <- getdata_dynamic()
        sel <- (dat$selected=="Yes")
        summ <- attr(dat, "summ")
        Isq <- summ$Isq
        digits <- 3 # let user choose?
        if (sum(sel) > 0) {
            dat <- dat[,c("name","est","se","wtre","wtfe","percwtre","percwtfe")]
            dat$name <- as.character(dat$name)
            for (i in c("est","se","wtre","wtfe","percwtre","percwtfe"))
                dat[,i] <- formatC(dat[,i], digits=digits, format="f")
            names(dat) <- c("Name", "Estimate", "SE",
                            "Inverse variance", "Inverse variance (fixed effects)",
                            "Weight (%)", "Weight (%, fixed effects)")
            ## Table responds to clicks on plot - but this requires
            ## devel version of DT >=0.1.16 on github not CRAN.

            ## Plot doesn't respond to clicks on table
            ## below line breaks both things
            ## todo MRE with mtcars

            ## FIXME if exclude in one dataset, should reset selection when changing data
            ## difficult to reproduce this
            ## isolate(values$selected <- !(1:nrow(dat) %in% input$datatables_rows_selected))

            output$datatables =  DT::renderDataTable(dat, server = (nrow(dat)>100))
            proxy = dataTableProxy('datatables')
            selectRows(proxy, which(!sel))

            output$Isq = renderUI({
                div(paste("I-squared =",round(100*Isq,1),"%"))
            output$pooled <- renderUI({
                div(paste("Pooled estimate = ", round(summ$pool, digits=digits), " (",
                          round(summ$poolci[1], digits), ", ",
                          round(summ$poolci[2], digits), ")", sep=""))
        output$invisible <- renderUI({
                             ## used for animated tilt/untilt
                             checkboxInput("tilt", label=NULL, value = FALSE)

    ## Combine reactive value and hidden input to achieve animated tilt/untilt - unclear why need both.
        if (isTRUE(input$tilt)) {
            invalidateLater(1000, session)
        updateCheckboxInput(session, "tilt", value=FALSE)
        values$anglemax <- 0

    hover_fn <- function(df){
        alldata <- isolate(getdata_static())
        keys <- attr(alldata, "plotkeys")
        if (df$key %in% which(keys=="points")){
            dat <- alldata[alldata$key == df$key,]
            sprintf("%s, estimate %s<br>Click to include / exclude", dat$name, round(as.numeric(dat$est), 3))
                                        #else if (df$key %in% which(keys=="strings"))
                                        #else if (df$key %in% which(keys=="topbar"))
        else if (df$key %in% which(keys=="baseline_vertical"))
            sprintf("\"Baseline\" pooled estimate")
        else if (df$key %in% which(keys=="baseline_horiz"))
            sprintf("95%% confidence interval for \"baseline\" pooled estimate")
        else if (df$key %in% which(keys=="current_vertical") && input$show_scales)
            sprintf("\"Current\" pooled estimate")
        else if (df$key %in% which(keys=="current_horiz"))
            sprintf("95%% confidence interval for \"current\" pooled estimate")
        else if (df$key %in% which(keys=="topbar") && input$show_scales)
            sprintf("Top bar spans the range of study results")

    click_fn <- function(data, location, session) {
        alldata <- isolate(getdata_static())
        keys <- attr(alldata, "plotkeys")
        if (data$key %in% which(keys=="points")){
            isolate(values$selected[data$key] <- !values$selected[data$key])
            isolate(values$anglemax <- 20)
            updateNumericInput(session, "resd", value = resd_default(alldata[values$selected,]))
            updateCheckboxInput(session, "tilt", value=TRUE)

    ## Draw the actual plot.
    p <- ggvis(x=~estplot, y=~yre, key:=~key, data=getdata_dynamic) %>%
      scale_numeric("x", domain = getdata_xdomain)  %>%
      scale_numeric("y", domain = getdata_ydomain)

    bias_fill <- prop("fill", ~ is_biased, scale="scale_biaspoolcolor")
    bias_stroke <- prop("stroke", ~ is_biased, scale="scale_biaspoolcolor")
    show_scales_stroke <- prop("stroke", ~ show_scales, scale="scale_showscalescolor")
    show_scales_fill <- prop("fill", ~ show_scales, scale="scale_showscalescolor")
    show_scales_strokewidth <- prop("strokeWidth", ~ show_scales, scale="scale_pooledstroke")
    p <- p %>%
      ## add original estimate and CI in gray
      layer_paths(x = ~x, y = ~y, data=getdata_baseline_vertical, strokeWidth:=3, bias_stroke) %>%
      layer_paths(x = ~x, y = ~y, data=getdata_baseline_horiz, show_scales_strokewidth, bias_stroke) %>%
      ## current estimate in black
      layer_paths(x = ~x, y = ~y, data=getdata_current_vertical, strokeWidth:=3, show_scales_stroke) %>%
      layer_paths(x = ~x, y = ~y, data=getdata_current_horiz, show_scales_strokewidth) %>%
      ## top bar
      layer_paths(x = ~x, y = ~y, data=getdata_topbar, strokeWidth:=6, show_scales_stroke) %>%
      layer_paths(x = ~x, y = ~y, data=getdata_baseline_pivot, bias_fill, bias_stroke) %>%
      layer_paths(x = ~x, y = ~y, data=getdata_current_pivot, show_scales_fill, show_scales_stroke) %>%
      layer_points(x = ~x, y = ~y, data=getdata_baseline_point, fill:="grey") %>%
      layer_points(x = ~x, y = ~y, data=getdata_current_point, fill:="black") %>%
      scale_nominal("scale_pooledstroke", domain = c("Yes", "No"), range = c(10, 3)) %>%
      scale_nominal("scale_showscalescolor", domain = c("Yes", "No"), range = c("black", "white")) %>%
      scale_nominal("scale_stringcolor", domain = c("Yes", "No"), range = c("lightgray", "white")) %>%
      scale_nominal("scale_biaspoolcolor", domain = c("Yes", "No", "Noscales"), range = c("lightgray", "black", "white"))

    ## Draw strings
    ## Hard-code the maximum number of strings that can be drawn.
    ## unclear how else to let the upper limit of the loop react to a
    ## change in the number of rows in the base dataset, while retaining animations.
    ## geom_segment would make this cleaner, but not implemented yet.
    ## feed dplyr grouped data to layer_paths?
    max_rows <- 50
    for (i in seq_len(max_rows)){
        ai <- getdata_string(i)
        p <- layer_paths(p, x = ~x, y = ~y, data=ai,
                         prop("stroke", ~ selected, scale="scale_stringcolor"), opacity := 0.5)

    ## if put key in layer_points but not string layer, then hover doesn't know key
    ## if put key in both, then draws only one
    ## need key for hover and click

#    p <- layer_paths(p, x = ~x, y = ~y, key:=~key, data=getdata_allstrings, prop("stroke", ~ selected, scale="scale_stringcolor"), opacity := 0.5)
    a_props <- axis_props(title=list(fontSize=15), labels=list(fontSize=14))

    p <- p %>%
      add_tooltip(hover_fn) %>%
      handle_click(click_fn) %>%
      add_axis("x", title="Estimate", grid=FALSE, properties=a_props)  %>%
      add_axis("y", title="Study weight", grid=FALSE, properties=a_props) %>%
      ## Implement the plot symbol as four adjacent rectangles
      ## top rectangle
      layer_rects(x=~est-dx, y=~yre+dyre, x2=~est+dx, y2=~yre+dy, fill=~selected, strokeWidth:=0, opacity:=0.5) %>%
      ## left rectangle
      layer_rects(x=~est-dx, y=~yre-dyre, x2=~est-dxre, y2=~yre+dyre, fill=~selected, strokeWidth:=0, opacity:=0.5) %>%
      ## bottom rectangle
      layer_rects(x=~est-dx, y=~yre-dy, x2=~est+dx, y2=~yre-dyre, fill=~selected, strokeWidth:=0, opacity:=0.5) %>%
      ## right rectangle
      layer_rects(x=~est+dxre, y=~yre-dyre, x2=~est+dx, y2=~yre+dyre, fill=~selected, strokeWidth:=0, opacity:=0.5) %>%
      ## and an invisible one in the middle that can be hovered / clicked
      layer_rects(x=~est-dxre, y=~yre-dyre, x2=~est+dxre, y2=~yre+dyre, strokeWidth:=0, opacity:=0) %>%
      hide_legend("size") %>%
      scale_nominal("fill", range = c("blue", "lightgray")) %>%
      hide_legend("fill") %>%
      scale_nominal("stroke", range = c("black", "lightgray")) %>%
      hide_legend("stroke") %>%
      set_options(duration = 500) ## animation transition duration
    observe({ # don't draw plot until RE SD has been computed from data
            bind_shiny(p, "ggvis")



## Selection doesn't get reset when changing the base dataset
## This bug was there before moving to datatables

## datatables: make selection color darker

## Egger reincludes all points

## get strings group_by thing working.  some bug or misunderstanding with key
## after update of shiny, Ok for static plot but strings go away on reclick
## Posted to ggvis forum (but not github issue yet)
## could try to debug manually

## button horiz alignment is a fudge and breaks on some screens

## Y axis title can't be changed dynamically

Try the MetaAnalyser package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

MetaAnalyser documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:11 p.m.