Defines functions MiBiClassGBODT

Documented in MiBiClassGBODT

#' Binary classification using gradient boosting over desicion trees
#' This function conducts a binary classification of specimens based on microarray gene (transcript) expression data.
#' Gradient boosting over desicion trees algorithm is used.
#' Several generalized boosted regression models are fitted during cross-validation, for each model
#' measurements of classification quality and feature importance are returned.
#'@param Matrix numeric matrix of expression data where each row corresponds to a probe (gene, transcript),
#'  and each column correspondes to a specimen (patient).
#'@param specimens factor vector with two levels specifying specimens in the columns of the \code{Matrix}.
#'@param n.crossval integer specifying number of cross-validation folds.
#'@param ntrees integer specifying the total number of decision trees (boosting iterations).
#'@param shrinkage numeric specifying the learning rate. Scales the step size in the gradient descent procedure.
#'@param intdepth integer specifying the maximum depth of each tree.
#'@param n.terminal integer specifying the actual minimum number of observations in the terminal nodes of the trees.
#'@param bag.frac the fraction of the training set observations randomly selected to propose the next tree in the expansion.
#'\code{Matrix} must contain specimens from two classification groups only. To sample expression matrix
#'use \code{\link{MiDataSample}}.
#'The order of the variables in \code{specimens} and the columns of \code{Matrix} must be the same. Levels of
#' \code{specimens} are two classification groups. To sample specimens use \code{\link{MiSpecimenSample}}.
#' \cr
#' Number of cross-validation folders defines number of models to be fitted. For example,
#'if n.crossval=5 then all specimens are divided into 5 folders, each of them is later used for model testing,
#'so 5 models are fitted. See \code{\link{createFolds}} for details.
#'While boosting, basis functions are iteratively adding in a greedy fashion
#'so that each additional basis function further reduces the selected loss function.
#'Gaussian distribution (squared error) is used.
#'\code{ntrees}, \code{shrinkage}, \code{intdepth} are parameters for model tuning.
#'\code{bag.frac} introduces randomnesses into the model fit.
#'If \code{bag.frac} < 1 then running the same model twice will result in similar but different fits.
#'Number of specimens in train sample must be enough to provide the minimum number of observations in terminal nodes.I.e.
#'\cr(1-1/\code{n.crossval})*\code{bag.frac} > \code{n.terminal}.
#'See \code{\link{gbm}} for details.
#'@return list of 2:
#' \code{QC} - matrix containing quality measures for each fitted model and their summary.
#' Accur - accuracy (percentage of correct predictions),
#' AUC - area under ROC curve (see \code{\link{roc}}),
#' MCC - Mattew's correlation coefficient
#' \cr
#' formula ((TP*TN)-(FP*FN))/sqrt((TP+FP)*(TP+FN)*(TN+FP)*(TN+FN)),
#' \cr
#' F1sc - F1 score
#' \cr
#' formula 2xPresxRec/(Pres+Rec).
#' \cr
#' If all the data points from one class are misclassified into other, MCC and F1 score may get NaN values.
#' \cr
#' \cr
#' \code{Importance} - list of data frames containing for each fitted model:
#' \code{var} - probe ID and \code{rel.inf} - its feature importance for classification (relative influence).
#' \cr
#' Feature importance (relative influence) graphs are also produced.
#' #get gene expression and specimen data
#' data("IMexpression");data("IMspecimen")
#' #sample expression matrix and specimen data for binary classification,
#' #only "NORM" and "EBV" specimens are left
#' SampleMatrix<-MiDataSample(IMexpression, IMspecimen$diagnosis,"norm", "ebv")
#' SampleSpecimen<-MiSpecimenSample(IMspecimen$diagnosis, "norm", "ebv")
#' #Fitting, low tuning for faster running
#' BoostRes<-MiBiClassGBODT(SampleMatrix, SampleSpecimen, n.crossval = 3,
#'                        ntrees = 10, shrinkage = 1, intdepth = 2)
#' BoostRes[[1]] # QC values for n.crossval = 3 models and its summary
#' length(BoostRes[[2]]) # n.crossval = 3 data frames of probes feature importance for classification
#'@seealso \code{\link{createFolds}}, \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{MiSpecimenSample}}, \code{\link{MiDataSample}},
#' @author Elena N. Filatova
#' @export

MiBiClassGBODT <- function(Matrix, specimens, n.crossval=5, ntrees=10000, shrinkage=0.1, intdepth=2,
                           n.terminal=10, bag.frac=0.5){
  myF1Score <- function(actual, predicted){ #F1Score count. Positive is factor of higher level (first in alphabetical order)
    param <- levels(actual)
    TP <- sum(actual == param[1] & predicted == param[1])
    FP <- sum(actual == param[2] & predicted == param[1])
    FN <- sum(actual == param[1] & predicted == param[2])
    Pres <- TP/(TP+FP)
    Rec <- TP/(TP+FN)
    f1s <- 2*Pres*Rec/(Pres+Rec)
  myMCC <- function (actual, predicted){ # Matthews correlation coefficient. Positive is factor of higher level (first in alphabetical order)
    param <- levels(actual)
    TP <- sum(actual == param[1] & predicted == param[1])
    TN <- sum(actual == param[2] & predicted == param[2])
    FP <- sum(actual == param[2] & predicted == param[1])
    FN <- sum(actual == param[1] & predicted == param[2])
    mcc <- ((TP*TN)-(FP*FN)) / sqrt((TP+FP)*(TP+FN)*(TN+FP)*(TN+FN))
  datakross <- as.data.frame(t(Matrix)) # change matrix to dataframe and transpose for making specimens in rows.
  idx <- c(); accur <- c(); roctest <- c();  ffscore <- c(); matcor <- c()
  infltest <- list()
  idx <- caret::createFolds(specimens, k = n.crossval) # specimens for cross-validation
  for (i in 1:n.crossval){
    Model <- gbm::gbm(specimens[-idx[[i]]]~., datakross[-idx[[i]],], distribution = "gaussian",
               n.trees = ntrees, shrinkage = shrinkage, interaction.depth = intdepth,
               n.minobsinnode = n.terminal, bag.fraction = bag.frac) # Model
    infltest[[i]] <- summary(Model) # influence of parameters
    Pred <- stats::predict(Model, datakross[idx[[i]],], n.trees = ntrees)
    Pred <- round(Pred); Pred <- factor(Pred, levels = c(1,2), labels = levels(specimens)) # turn prediction from number to factor
    ffscore[i] <- myF1Score(specimens[idx[[i]]], Pred) # F1Score
    matcor[i] <- myMCC(specimens[idx[[i]]], Pred) # Matthews cor coeff
    accur[i] <- 1-mean(specimens[idx[[i]]] != Pred) # Accuracy
    testROC <- ordered(specimens[idx[[i]]]); PredROC <- ordered(Pred) #AUC-ROC
    roctest[i] <- as.numeric(pROC::roc(testROC, PredROC)$auc)
  Accur <- c(accur, as.numeric(summary(accur)[1:6]), sd = stats::sd(accur, na.rm = T))# create metrics data - how good model is
  AUC <- c(roctest, as.numeric(summary(roctest)[1:6]), sd = stats::sd(roctest, na.rm = T))
  MCC <- c(matcor, as.numeric(summary(matcor)[1:6]), sd = stats::sd(matcor, na.rm = T))
  F1sc <- c(ffscore, as.numeric(summary(ffscore)[1:6]), sd = stats::sd(ffscore, na.rm = T))
  QCdata <- rbind(Accur, AUC, MCC, F1sc)
  modnames<-paste("Model", 1:n.crossval)
  colnames(QCdata)<-c(modnames, "Min", "1st Qu", "Median", "Mean", "3rd Qu", "Max", "SD")
  reslist <- list("QC"=QCdata, "Importance"=infltest) # create list of results

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MiDA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:06 p.m.