
Defines functions covW print.typprob typprobClass typprob

Documented in covW typprob typprobClass

#' calculate typicality probabilities
#' get the probability for an observation belonging to a given multivariate
#' nromal distribution
#' @title calculate typicality probabilities
#' @param x vector or matrix of data the probability is to be calculated.
#' @param data Reference data set. If missing x will be used.
#' @param groups vector containing grouping information.
#' @param small adjustion of Mahalanobis D^2 for small sample sizes as
#' suggested by Wilson (1981), only takes effect when method="wilson".
#' @param method select method for probability estimation. Available options
#' are "chisquare" (or any abbreviation) or "wilson". "chisquare" exploits
#' simply the chisquare distribution of the mahalanobisdistance, while "wilson"
#' uses the methods suggested by Wilson(1981). Results will be similar in
#' general.
#' @param outlier probability threshold below which a specimen will not be
#' assigned to any group-
#' @param sep logical: if TRUE, probability will be calculated from the pooled
#' within group covariance matrix.
#' @param center vector: specify custom vector to calculate distance to. If not
#' defined, group mean will be used.
#' @param cova covariance matrix to calculate mahalanobis-distance: specify
#' custom covariance matrix to calculate distance.
#' @param robust character: determines covariance estimation methods, allowing for robust estimations using \code{MASS::cov.rob}. Default is the standard product-moment covariance matrix.
#' @param cv logical: if data is missing and \code{cv=TRUE}, the resulting classification will be validated by leaving-one-out crossvalidation.
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to \code{MASS::cov.rob} for robust covariance and mean estimations.
#' @return typprob: returns a vector of probabilities.
#' typprobClass:
#' \item{probs }{matrix of probabilities for each group}
#' \item{groupaffin }{vector of groups each specimen has been assigned to. Outliers are classified "none"}
#' \item{probsCV }{cross-validated matrix of probabilities for each group}
#' \item{groupaffinCV }{cross-validated vector of groups each specimen has been assigned to. Outliers are classified "none"}
#' \item{self }{logical: if TRUE, the data has been classified by self-inference.}
#' @author Stefan Schlager
#' @references Albrecht G. 1992. Assessing the affinities of fossils using
#' canonical variates and generalized distances Human Evolution 7:49-69.
#' Wilson S. 1981. On comparing fossil specimens with population samples
#' Journal of Human Evolution 10:207 - 214.
#' @examples
#' if (require(shapes)) {
#' data <- procSym(gorf.dat)$PCscores[,1:3]
#' probas <- typprob(data,data,small=TRUE)### get probability for each specimen
#' ### now we check how this behaves compared to the mahalanobis distance
#' maha <- mahalanobis(data,colMeans(data),cov(data))
#' plot(probas,maha,xlab="Probability",ylab="Mahalanobis D^2")
#' data2 <- procSym(abind(gorf.dat,gorm.dat))$PCscores[,1:3]
#' fac <- as.factor(c(rep("female",dim(gorf.dat)[3]),rep("male",dim(gorm.dat)[3])))
#' typClass <- typprobClass(data2,groups=fac,method="w",small=TRUE,cv=TRUE)
#' ## only 59 specimen is rather small.
#' typClass2 <- typprobClass(data2,groups=fac,method="c",cv=TRUE)## use default settings
#' ### check results for first method:
#' typClass
#' ### check results for second method:
#' typClass2
#' }
#' @rdname typprob
#' @importFrom MASS cov.rob
#' @export
typprob <- function(x,data,small=FALSE, method=c("chisquare","wilson"), center=NULL, cova=NULL,robust=c("classical", "mve", "mcd"),...) {
    robust <- robust[1]
    method <- substr(method[1],1L,1L)
    if (is.matrix(x))
        nx <- dim(x)[2]
        nx <- length(x)

    ndata <- dim(data)[1]
    ## case covariance matrix is provided, but no center
    if (is.null(center) && !is.null(cova))
        center <- colMeans(data)
    ## case covariance is to be estimated
    if (is.null(cova)) {
        covarobust <- cov.rob(data,method = robust,...)
        cova <- covarobust$cov
        if (is.null(center))
            center <- covarobust$center
    dists <- mahalanobis(x, center=center, cov=cova)
    if (method == "w")
        if (small)
            dists <- ndata*log(1+(dists*ndata/(ndata^2-1)))
        t2 <- ndata*dists/(ndata+1)
        f <- t2*(ndata-nx)/(nx*(ndata-1))
        alpha <- pf(f,nx,(ndata-nx),lower.tail=T)
        alpha <- 1-alpha
    else if (method == "c")
        alpha <- pchisq(dists,nx,lower.tail=F)
        stop("please chose valid method")

#' @rdname typprob
#' @export
typprobClass <- function(x,data,groups,small=FALSE,method=c("chisquare","wilson"),outlier=0.01,sep=FALSE,cv=TRUE,robust=c("classical", "mve", "mcd"),...) {
    robust <- robust[1]
    if (!is.factor(groups)) {
        groups <- as.factor(groups)
        warning("groups coerced to factors")
    self <- FALSE
    if (missing(data)) {
        data <- x
        self <- TRUE
    probs <- NULL
    groups <- factor(groups)
    glev <- levels(groups)
    nlev <- length(glev)
    cova <- NULL
    if (!sep)
        cova <- covW(data,groups,robust = robust,...)
    for( i in 1:nlev)
        if (sep)# use separate covariance matrices for scaling
            tmp <- typprob(x,data[groups==glev[i],,drop=FALSE],small=small,method=method,robust=robust)
        else { #used pooled within group covariance
            center <- attributes(cova)$means[i,,drop=FALSE]
            tmp <- typprob(x,data,small=small,method=method,center=center,cova=cova)
        probs <- cbind(probs,tmp)
    colnames(probs) <- as.character(glev)
    classify <- apply(probs,1,function(x){out <- which(x==max(x));return(out)})
    glev <- c(glev,"none")
    outsider <- which(apply(probs,1,max) < outlier)
    classify[outsider] <- nlev+1
    groupaffin <- as.factor(glev[classify])
    CV <- probsCV <- gaffinCV <- NULL
    if (cv && self) {
        probsCV <- probs
        gaffinCV <- as.character(groupaffin)
        for(i in 1:length(groups)) {
            tmp <- typprobClass(data[i,],data[-i,,drop=FALSE],groups=groups[-i],small=small,method=method,outlier = outlier, sep=sep,cv=FALSE,robust=robust,...)
            probsCV[i,] <- tmp$probs
            gaffinCV[i] <- as.character(tmp$groupaffin)
    } else
        cv <- FALSE
    out <- (list(probs=probs,groupaffin=groupaffin,cv=cv,self=self))
    out$probsCV <- probsCV
    out$groupaffinCV <- factor(gaffinCV)
    out$groups <- groups
    class(out) <- "typprob"

#' @export
print.typprob <- function(x,...) {

#' calculate the pooled within groups covariance matrix
#' calculate the pooled within groups covariance matrix
#' @param data a matrix containing data
#' @param groups grouping variables
#' @param robust character: determines covariance estimation methods in case \code{sep=TRUE}, when covariance matrices and group means can be estimated robustly using \code{MASS::cov.rob}. Default is the standard product-moment covariance matrix.
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to \code{MASS::cov.rob} for robust covariance and mean estimations.
#' @return Returns the pooled within group covariance matrix. The attributes contain the entry means, containing the respective group means.
#' @author Stefan Schlager
#' @seealso \code{\link{cov}}, \code{\link{typprobClass}}
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' poolCov <- covW(iris[,1:4],iris[,5])
#' @importFrom MASS cov.rob
#' @export
covW <- function(data, groups,robust=c("classical", "mve", "mcd"),...) {
    robust <- match.arg(robust[1],c("classical", "mve", "mcd"))
    if (!is.factor(groups)) {
        groups <- as.factor(groups)
        warning("groups coerced to factors")
    ndata <- nrow(data)
    p <- ncol(data)
    groups <- factor(groups)
    glev <- levels(groups)
    nlev <- length(glev)
    gsizes <- as.vector(tapply(groups, groups, length))
    covWithin <- 0
    means <- NULL
    nsmallerp <- FALSE
    for (i in 1:nlev)
        if (gsizes[i] > 1) {
            if (gsizes[i] >= p + 1) {
                covtmp <- cov.rob(data[groups==glev[i],,drop=FALSE],method=robust)
                means <- rbind(means,covtmp$center)
                covWithin <- covWithin + (covtmp$cov * (gsizes[i]-1))
            } else {
                nsmallerp <- TRUE
                covtmp <- cov(data[groups==glev[i],,drop=FALSE])
                means <- rbind(means,colMeans(data[groups==glev[i],,drop=FALSE]))
                covWithin <- covWithin + (covtmp * (gsizes[i]-1))
        } else {
            means <- rbind(means,data[groups==glev[i],,drop=FALSE])
    rownames(means) <- glev
    if (robust != "classical" && nsmallerp)
        message("In some cases robust estimation have been disabled as number of variables exceed group size.")
    covWithin <- covWithin/(ndata - nlev)
    attributes(covWithin) <- append(attributes(covWithin),list(means=means))

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