
Defines functions Muller.plot

Documented in Muller.plot

#' Muller.plot
#' @description Generates Muller plot from data of population/abundance/frequency dynamics and
#' parental/genealogy/phylogeny relation
#' @param attributes A matrix or dataframe with two or three columns which contains information
#' about name, parent and color of OTUs. See details.
#' @details attributes:
#'  First column (character or
#'  numeric) must contain OTU names, the second column (character or numeric) must contain
#'  parents of corresponding OTUs and the third column (optional) can contain colors of corresponding OTUs.
#'  The order of OTUs in the first column determines the order of sister OTUs (OTUs with the same parent)
#'  in the Muller plot. Those parents which are not present in the OTU list
#'  (first column) or in the population dynamics must be substituted by NA. At least one NA
#'  must exist in the second column. All the OTUs present in the rownames of population.data
#'  must exist in the first column of attributes (names). If third column is not provided, random color
#'  will be assigned to OTUs.
#' @param population.data a matrix or data frame which contains information about
#' population/abundance/frequency dynamics. See details.
#' @details population.data:
#' When data.method is "list" population.data must have 3 columns. The first column
#' (character or numeric) contains OTU names. The second column (numeric) contains
#' times or generations. The third column (character) contains abundances of
#' corresponding OTU at corresponding time.
#' When data.method is "table" population.data must be an OTU table. rownames of
#' population.data must be OTU names and colnames of it must be times or
#' generations. Each column contains abundance of OTUs at that time/generation.
#' @param data.method determines the method which is used for population.data. This must
#' be one of "list" or "table". See details of population.data.
#' @param time.interval.method determines the method which is used for scale of time/generation axis.
#' This must be one of "linear" or "equal". See details.
#' @details time.interval.method:
#' "linear" means that distances between subsequent time points on time/generation axis is
#' linear. "equal" means that regardless of the values in time/generation points, subsequent
#' time points have equal distance.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed as graphical parameters (see par).
#' @return OTU names and corresponding colors will be returned.
#' @examples
#'  # load information of population/abundance/frequency dynamics as list
#'  data(PopulationDataList)
#'  # load attributes of OTUs (contains name, parent and color of OTUs)
#'  data(Attributes)
#'  # Muller plot
#'  Muller.plot(attributes = Attributes, population.data = PopulationDataList,data.method = "list",
#'              time.interval.method = "linear")
#'  # load information of population/abundance/frequency dynamics as table
#'  data(PopulationDataTable)
#'  # Muller plot
#'  Muller.plot(attributes = Attributes, population.data = PopulationDataTable,data.method = "table")
#' @export Muller.plot
Muller.plot <- function(attributes,population.data,data.method,time.interval.method="linear",...) {

  # Error handling for false inputs
  if (!(time.interval.method %in% c("linear","equal"))) {
    base::stop("time.interval.method must be one of \"linear\" or \"equal\".")
  if (base::ncol(attributes) == 3) {
    parent.list <- attributes[,c(1,2)]
    color.list <- attributes[,3]
  } else if (base::ncol(attributes) == 2) {
    parent.list <- attributes[,c(1,2)]
    color.list <- NA
  } else {
    base::stop("attributes must have 2 or 3 columns containing OTU names, parents and colors (optional), respectively.")
  num.ssp <- base::nrow(parent.list)
  if (base::all(base::is.na(color.list))) {
    if (num.ssp>12) {
      color.list <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Paired"))(num.ssp)
    } else {
      color.list <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(num.ssp, "Paired")
  } else {
    if (base::length(color.list)!=num.ssp) {
      base::stop("Length of color.list doesn't match the number of OTUs.")
  if (base::length(unique(color.list))<length(color.list)) {
    base::warning("Some OTUs have the same color in attributes. It may cause confusion in the final plot.")

  # Reading data from input and prepare them and Error handling
  if (data.method == "list") {
    if (base::ncol(population.data)!=3) {
      base::stop("population.data must have 3 columns containing OTU names, time/generation and abundances, respectively.")
    base::colnames(population.data) <- c("names","times","abundances")
    species.name.pop <- base::unique(base::as.character(population.data$names))
    if (base::nrow(base::unique(population.data))!=base::nrow(population.data)) {
      base::stop("There are some repeated rows in population.data.")
    if(base::any(base::is.na(base::as.numeric(population.data$times)))) {
      base::stop("Second column of population.data must be numbers (time steps or generations).")
  } else if (data.method == "table") {
    if (base::length(base::rownames(population.data))<base::nrow(population.data)) {
      base::stop("rownames of population.data must be OUT names.")
    } else {
      species.name.pop <- base::rownames(population.data)
    if (base::length(base::which(base::table(species.name.pop)!=1))>0) {
      base::stop("There are some repeated entry in the rownames of population.data.")
    if (base::length(base::colnames(population.data))<base::ncol(population.data)) {
      base::stop("colnames of population.data must be time steps or generations. Each column should have a name which must be time/generation.")
    } else {
      time.points.input <- base::as.numeric(base::colnames(population.data))
    if(base::any(base::is.na(time.points.input))) {
      base::stop("colnames of population.data must be numbers (time steps or generations).")
    if (base::length(base::which(base::table(base::as.numeric(base::colnames(population.data)))!=1))>0) {
      base::stop("There are some repeated entry in the colnames of population.data.")
    num.step <- base::length(time.points.input)
    pop.data.name <- c()
    pop.data.time <- c()
    pop.data.abundace <- c()
    for (t in 1:num.step) {
      time <- base::as.numeric(time.points.input[t])
      live.id <- base::which(population.data[,t]>0)
      pop.data.name <- base::c(pop.data.name,base::rownames(population.data)[live.id])
      pop.data.time <- base::c(pop.data.time,base::rep(time,base::length(live.id)))
      pop.data.abundace <- base::c(pop.data.abundace,base::as.numeric(population.data[live.id,t]))
      if (base::any(pop.data.abundace<0) || base::any(base::is.na(pop.data.abundace))) {
        base::stop("Abundance of species must be numbers greater than or equal to zero.")
    population.data <- base::data.frame(names=pop.data.name,times=pop.data.time,abundances=pop.data.abundace)
  } else {
    base::stop("data.method must be one of \"list\" or \"table\".")
  f <- FALSE
  for (i in 1:num.ssp) {
    if (!base::any(population.data$abundances[which(population.data$names==species.name.pop[i])]!=0)) {
      f <- TRUE
      population.data <- population.data[base::which(population.data$names!=species.name.pop[i]),]
  if (f) {
    warning("Abundances of some OTUs are always zero and they will be ignored.",immediate. = TRUE)
    species.name.pop <- base::unique(base::as.character(population.data$names))
  parent.list <- base::as.data.frame(parent.list)
  base::colnames(parent.list) <- c("names","parent")
  species.name.par <- base::unique(base::as.character(parent.list$names))

  # Error handling for false inputs
  if (base::length(base::intersect(species.name.pop,species.name.par))==0) {
    base::stop("OTUs names in attributes (first column) and population.data (rownames) do not match.")
  if (!base::all(species.name.pop %in% species.name.par)) {
    base::stop("Parents of some OTUs are not specified. Please Specify all the parents and put NA for those OTUs which have not a parent in the present data.")
  if (base::length(base::which(base::table(base::as.character(parent.list$names))!=1))>0) {
    base::stop("There are some repeated entry in the OTUs of parent list.")
  if (!base::all(base::unique(base::as.character(parent.list$parent)) %in% base::c(NA,base::unique(base::as.character(parent.list$names))))) {
    base::stop("Parents of some OTUs are not from the OTU list. Please put NA as parent of those OTUs which their parents are not present in the population dynamics. Please check attributes.")

  # Elimination of species which are not present in population dynamics
  if (base::all(!base::is.na(parent.list$parent))) {
    base::stop("Parent of at least one OUTs (ancesstor of other) must be NA. Please check attributes.")

  if (!base::all(species.name.par %in% species.name.pop)) {
    not.present <- base::as.character(parent.list$names[base::which(!(species.name.par %in% species.name.pop))])
    base::warning("These OTUs are not present in the dynamics and will be ignored:",immediate. = TRUE)
    for (sp in not.present) {
      base::message(paste(sp," "),appendLF = FALSE)
    for (sp in not.present) {
      parent.list$parent[base::which(parent.list$parent==sp)] <- parent.list$parent[base::which(parent.list$names==sp)]
    parent.list <- parent.list[-base::which(!(species.name.par %in% species.name.pop)),]
    color.list <- color.list[-base::which(!(species.name.par %in% species.name.pop))]
  num.ssp <- base::length(species.name.pop) #number of species after omiting those which are not present in dynamics
  for (i in 1:num.ssp) {
    if (!(parent.list$parent[i] %in% parent.list$names)) {
      parent.list$parent[i] <- NA

  # Saving information to match color and id of species
  name.color <- base::data.frame(name=base::as.character(parent.list$names),color=color.list)
  tempid.name <- base::data.frame(temp.ids=1:num.ssp,name=species.name.pop)
  parent.tempid.list <- base::data.frame(temp.id=base::as.numeric(tempid.name$temp.ids[base::match(x=base::as.character(parent.list$names),base::as.character(tempid.name$name))]),

  # Sort species based on parental relation
  orphan.list <- base::as.numeric(parent.tempid.list$temp.id[base::which(base::is.na(base::as.numeric(parent.tempid.list$parent.id)))])
  tempid.order <- orphan.list
  for (ssp in orphan.list) {
    base::environment(FillOrderList) <- environment()
    tempid.order <- FillOrderList(ssp,tempid.order)

  # Find emergence and extinction time of species
  temp.ids <- base::match(x=population.data$names,species.name.pop)
  pop.dyn <- base::as.data.frame(cbind(temp.ids,population.data[,-1]))

  time.points <- base::sort(base::unique(pop.dyn$times),decreasing = FALSE) #distinct time points present in population dynamics
  start <- base::min(time.points) #first generation present on the population dynamics
  num.step <- base::length(time.points) #number of distincts generations present on the population dynamics

  emergence.time <- c()
  extinction.time <- c()
  for (i in 1:num.ssp) {
    time.point.sp <- pop.dyn$times[base::intersect(base::which(pop.dyn$temp.ids==i),base::which(pop.dyn$abundances>0))]
    if (base::length(base::unique(time.point.sp))<base::length(time.point.sp)) {
      base::stop("There is at least one repeated time point for at least one OTU. Please check population.data.")
    emergence.time <- base::c(emergence.time,min(time.point.sp))
    extinction.time <- base::c(extinction.time,max(time.point.sp))
  temp.ids <- 1:num.ssp
  species.info <- base::as.data.frame(base::cbind(temp.ids,emergence.time,extinction.time)) #contains information about emergence and extinction of species

  # Error handling for false inputs related to time steps
  sp.t.lost <- c()
  t.lost.total <- c()
  for (i in 1:num.ssp) {
    time.seri <- time.points[base::which(time.points==species.info$emergence.time[i]):base::which(time.points==species.info$extinction.time[i])]
    time.seri.sp <- base::sort(pop.dyn$times[base::which(pop.dyn$temp.ids==i)],decreasing = FALSE)
    t.lost <- time.seri[base::which(!(time.seri %in% time.seri.sp))]
    if (base::length(t.lost)>0) {
      t.lost.total <- base::c(t.lost.total,list(t.lost))
      sp.t.lost <- base::c(sp.t.lost,i)
  if (base::length(sp.t.lost)>0) {
    base::message("Please provide these missing data points:")
    for (i in 1:base::length(sp.t.lost)) {
      base::message(paste("OTU",sp.t.lost[i],"lacks these time points:",t.lost.total[i],sep = " "))
    base::stop("Some time points are missing for at least one OTUs or at least one zero abundance occures between two other non-zeros.")

  for (i in 1:num.ssp) {
    name <- base::as.character(tempid.name$name[i])
    par <- base::which(base::as.character(tempid.name$name)==base::as.character(parent.list$parent[base::which(parent.list$names==name)]))
    if (base::length(par)>0) {
      if (species.info$emergence.time[i]<species.info$emergence.time[par]) {
        base::stop("Emergence time of at least one OTU is smaller than its parent. Please check attributes or population.data.")
    if (!(base::is.na(as.character(parent.list$parent[i])))) {
      if (base::as.character(parent.list$names[i])==base::as.character(parent.list$parent[i])) {
        base::stop("Name of at least one OTU is equal to its parent. Please check attributes.")

  # Sort species based on parental relation
  sp.id <- 1:num.ssp
  species.info <- base::as.data.frame(base::cbind(sp.id,species.info[base::match(x=tempid.order,species.info$temp.ids),]))
  temp.to.real.id <- base::as.data.frame(base::cbind(species.info$temp.ids,species.info$sp.id))
  base::colnames(temp.to.real.id) <- c("temp.ids","sp.id")
  temp.to.real.id <- temp.to.real.id[base::order(temp.to.real.id$temp.ids),]

  color.list.sorted <- base::as.character(name.color$color[base::match(x=base::as.character(tempid.name$name[base::match(x=tempid.order,tempid.name$temp.ids)]),base::as.character(name.color$name))])

  sp.id <- base::rep(NA,base::dim(population.data)[1])
  pop.dyn <- base::cbind(sp.id,pop.dyn)
  for (id in  1:num.ssp) {
    pop.dyn$sp.id[base::which(pop.dyn$temp.ids==species.info$temp.ids[id])] <- species.info$sp.id[id]
  pop.dyn <- pop.dyn[base::order(pop.dyn$times),]
  pop.dyn <- pop.dyn[base::order(pop.dyn$sp.id),]

  species.info <- species.info[-2]
  pop.dyn <- pop.dyn[-2]

  #find population of each time step/generation and normalize population
  for (i in 1:num.step) {
    times <- base::which(pop.dyn$times==time.points[i])
    tot.pop <- base::sum(pop.dyn$abundances[times])
    pop.dyn$abundances[times] <- pop.dyn$abundances[times]/tot.pop

  #change name to id for parent list
  p.list <- base::rep(NA,num.ssp)
  s.list <- base::rep(NA,num.ssp)
  for (i in 1:num.ssp) {
    s.list[i] <- temp.to.real.id$sp.id[base::which(species.name.pop==base::as.character(parent.list$names)[i])]
    p <- temp.to.real.id$sp.id[base::which(species.name.pop==base::as.character(parent.list$parent)[i])]
    if (base::length(p)!=0) p.list[i]=p
  parent.id.list <- base::as.data.frame(base::cbind(s.list,p.list))
  parent.id.list <- parent.id.list[base::order(parent.id.list$s.list),]


  #find successors of each species
  for (i in 1:num.ssp) {
    ssp.children.list[i] <- base::list(base::which(parent.id.list$p.list==i))
  ssp.parent <- parent.id.list$p.list
  ssp.parent[base::is.na(ssp.parent)] <- 0

  polygon.pos=base::matrix(list(c()),nrow = num.step, ncol = num.ssp) #contains information about polygons
  total.pop=base::matrix(0,nrow = num.step, ncol = num.ssp) #contains information about population.

  base::cat("Processing time steps:\n")
  for (t in 1:num.step) {
    base::cat(time.points[t]," |")

    # find species which are present in the current time step
    live.ssp <- 1:num.ssp
    orphan.list <- base::which(ssp.parent==0)
    if (t>1) {
      min.pos <- c()
      for (ssp in live.ssp) {
        if(!base::is.null(polygon.pos[t-1,ssp][[1]])) {
          min.pos <- c(min.pos,base::min(polygon.pos[t-1,ssp][[1]]))
        } else {
          min.pos <- c(min.pos,2)
      live.ssp <- live.ssp[base::order(min.pos,decreasing = FALSE)]

    # find successors of each species which are present in current time step
    live.child <- base::rep(base::list(c()),num.ssp)
    for (ssp in live.ssp) {
      base::environment(FindLiveSuccessors) <- base::environment()
      live.child <- FindLiveSuccessors(ssp,live.child)

    # find species which are present in the first time step
    start.list <- c()
    for (ssp in live.ssp) {
      ssp.temp <- ssp
      while(!(ssp.parent[ssp.temp] %in% live.ssp) && ssp.parent[ssp.temp]>0) {
        ssp.temp <- ssp.parent[ssp.temp]
      if (ssp.temp %in% orphan.list) {
        start.list <- base::c(start.list,ssp)

    # find total population of each species (ssp + its successors)  which are present in the first time step
    for (ssp in start.list) {
      base::environment(FindTotalpop) <- base::environment()
      total.pop <- FindTotalpop(ssp,total.pop)

    # find position of the corners of the polygon of each species starting from the first level of hirarchy
    list.poly <- list(0,polygon.pos)
    for (ssp in start.list) {
      list.poly[[2]][t,ssp][[1]] <- base::c(list.poly[[2]][t,ssp][[1]],list.poly[[1]])
      base::environment(FindPolygonPos) <- base::environment()
      list.poly <- FindPolygonPos(ssp,list.poly)
    polygon.pos <- list.poly[[2]]

  # Delete data from polygon.pos which correspond to points with abundance of 0
  polygon.pos.temp <- polygon.pos
  polygon.pos=base::matrix(base::list(c()),nrow = num.step, ncol = num.ssp) #contains information about polygons
  for (i in 1:num.ssp) {
    t <- 1
    if (!(base::all(!base::is.null(polygon.pos.temp[t,i][[1]]),
            (polygon.pos.temp[t+1,i][[1]][1]==polygon.pos.temp[t+1,i][[1]][2])))) {
      polygon.pos[t,i][[1]] <- polygon.pos.temp[t,i][[1]]
    for (t in 2:(num.step-1)) {
      if (!(base::all(!base::is.null(polygon.pos.temp[t,i][[1]]),
                   ))))) {
        polygon.pos[t,i][[1]] <- polygon.pos.temp[t,i][[1]]
    t <- num.step
    if (!(base::all(!base::is.null(polygon.pos.temp[t,i][[1]]),
            (polygon.pos.temp[t-1,i][[1]][1]==polygon.pos.temp[t-1,i][[1]][2])))) {
      polygon.pos[t,i][[1]] <- polygon.pos.temp[t,i][[1]]

  # find the first/last occurance of each species and add a point before/after that
  first.time <- base::rep(0,num.ssp)
  last.time <- base::rep(0,num.ssp)
  for (ssp in 1:num.ssp) {
    first.time[ssp] <- base::which(time.points==base::min(pop.dyn$times[base::intersect(base::which(pop.dyn$sp.id==ssp),base::which(pop.dyn$abundances!=0))]))-1
    last.time[ssp] <- base::which(time.points==base::max(pop.dyn$times[base::intersect(base::which(pop.dyn$sp.id==ssp),base::which(pop.dyn$abundances!=0))]))+1
  first.time[first.time==0] <- 1
  last.time[last.time==num.step+1] <- num.step

  # main plot
  if (time.interval.method == "linear") {
    x.lim.last <- time.points[num.step]
    x.lim.first <- time.points[1]
  } else {
    x.lim.last <- num.step
    x.lim.first <- 1
  orphan.list.main <- parent.id.list$s.list[base::which(base::is.na(parent.id.list$p.list))]
  for (ssp in orphan.list.main) {
    base::environment(PlotPopulationDynamic) <- base::environment()

  # Return color list
  color.list.final <- base::as.data.frame(base::cbind(base::as.character(tempid.name$name[base::order(temp.to.real.id$sp.id)]),color.list.sorted))
  base::colnames(color.list.final) <- c("name","color")

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MullerPlot documentation built on April 27, 2022, 5:08 p.m.