Defines functions zoomMove setFocus setQuality setSpin setRock addRepresentation stageParameters NGLVieweR

Documented in addRepresentation NGLVieweR setFocus setQuality setRock setSpin stageParameters zoomMove

#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @export

#' Create a NGLVieweR
#' NGLVieweR can be used to visualize and interact with Protein Data Bank (PDB) and structural files in R and Shiny applications.
#' It includes a set of API functions to manipulate the viewer after creation in Shiny.
#'The package is based on the \href{http://nglviewer.org/ngl/api/}{NGL.js} JavaScript library.
#'To see the full set of features please read the official manual of NGL.js.
#'@param data PDB file or PDB entry code
#'@param format Input format (.mmcif, .cif, .mcif, .pdb, .ent, .pqr, 
#'.gro, .sdf, .sd, .mol2, .mmtf). Needed when no file extension is provided.
#'@param width,height Must be a valid CSS unit (like \code{'100\%'},
#' \code{'400px'}, \code{'auto'}) or a number, which will be coerced to a
#' string and have \code{'px'} appended.
#'@param elementId optional element Id
#'@return A \code{NGLVieweR} \code{htmlwidgets} object.
#'* [NGLVieweR_proxy()] for handling of API calls after rendering.
#'* [NGLVieweR_example()] See example "API" and "basic".
#' # Example 1: Most Basic
#'NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'  addRepresentation("cartoon", param = list(name = "cartoon", colorScheme="residueindex"))
#' # Example 2: Advanced
#' NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'   stageParameters(backgroundColor = "white") %>%
#'   setQuality("high") %>%
#'   setSpin(FALSE) %>%
#'   addRepresentation("cartoon",
#'     param = list(
#'       name = "cartoon",
#'       colorScheme = "residueindex"
#'     )
#'   ) %>%
#'   addRepresentation("ball+stick",
#'     param = list(
#'       name = "ball+stick",
#'       colorValue = "red",
#'       colorScheme = "element",
#'       sele = "200"
#'     )
#'   ) %>%
#'   addRepresentation("label",
#'     param = list(
#'       name = "label", sele = "200:A.O",
#'       showBackground = TRUE,
#'       backgroundColor = "black",
#'       backgroundMargin = 2,
#'       backgroundOpacity = 0.5,
#'       showBorder = TRUE,
#'       colorValue = "white"
#'     )
#'   ) %>%
#'   addRepresentation("surface",
#'     param = list(
#'       name = "surface",
#'       colorValue = "white",
#'       opacity = 0.1
#'     )
#'   ) %>%
#'   zoomMove("200", "200", 2000, -20)
#' #---------------------Using Shiny-------------------------
#' # App 1: Basic Example
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   ui <- fluidPage(NGLVieweROutput("structure"))
#'   server <- function(input, output) {
#'     output$structure <- renderNGLVieweR({
#'       NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'         addRepresentation("cartoon",
#'           param = list(
#'             name = "cartoon",
#'             colorScheme = "residueindex"
#'           )
#'         ) %>%
#'         addRepresentation("ball+stick",
#'           param = list(
#'             name = "cartoon",
#'             sele = "1-20",
#'             colorScheme = "element"
#'           )
#'         ) %>%
#'         stageParameters(backgroundColor = "black") %>%
#'         setQuality("high") %>%
#'         setFocus(0) %>%
#'         setSpin(TRUE)
#'     })
#'   }
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#'# App 2: Example with API calls
#'if (interactive()) {
#' library(shiny)
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   titlePanel("Viewer with API inputs"),
#'   sidebarLayout(
#'     sidebarPanel(
#'       textInput("selection", "Selection", "1-20"),
#'       selectInput("type", "Type", c("ball+stick", "cartoon", "backbone")),
#'       selectInput("color", "Color", c("orange", "grey", "white")),
#'       actionButton("add", "Add"),
#'       actionButton("remove", "Remove")
#'     ),
#'     mainPanel(
#'       NGLVieweROutput("structure")
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output) {
#'   output$structure <- renderNGLVieweR({
#'     NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'       addRepresentation("cartoon",
#'         param = list(name = "cartoon", colorScheme = "residueindex")
#'       ) %>%
#'       stageParameters(backgroundColor = input$backgroundColor) %>%
#'       setQuality("high") %>%
#'       setFocus(0) %>%
#'       setSpin(TRUE)
#'   })
#'   observeEvent(input$add, {
#'     NGLVieweR_proxy("structure") %>%
#'       addSelection(isolate(input$type),
#'         param =
#'           list(
#'             name = "sel1",
#'             sele = isolate(input$selection),
#'             colorValue = isolate(input$color)
#'           )
#'       )
#'   })
#'   observeEvent(input$remove, {
#'     NGLVieweR_proxy("structure") %>%
#'       removeSelection("sel1")
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#'@importFrom htmlwidgets createWidget
NGLVieweR <- function(data, format = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, elementId = NULL) {

  # Validate data input
  if (missing(data)) {
    stop("NGLVieweR: Please specify a PDB entry code or file",
      call. = FALSE
  if (nchar(data) > 8 && tools::file_ext(data) == "" && is.null(format)) {
    stop("NGLVieweR: Please specify the file format",
      call. = FALSE

  type <- NULL
  file_ext <- format
  # Read PDB file
  if (file.exists(data) && nchar(data) > 8) {
    if (is.null(format)) {
      file_ext <- tools::file_ext(data)
    data <- paste(readLines(data), collapse = "\n")
    type <- "file"
    # Read directly from R editor
  } else if (nchar(data) > 8 && tools::file_ext(data) == "") {
    type <- "file"
    file_ext <- format
    data <- paste(data, collapse = "\n")
    # Read from PDB code
  } else {
    type <- "code"
    data <- sprintf("rcsb://%s.pdb", data)
  # forward options using x
  x <- list()
  x$file_ext <- file_ext
  x$data <- data
  x$type <- type

  # Data from functions
  x$stageParameters <- list()
  x$addRepresentation <- list()
  x$addRepresentation$type <- list()
  x$addRepresentation$values <- list()
  x$setQuality <- "medium"
  x$setRock <- FALSE
  x$toggleRock <- FALSE
  x$setSpin <- FALSE
  x$setFocus <- 0
  x$toggleSpin <- FALSE
  x$zoomMove <- list()

  # create widget
    name = "NGLVieweR",
    width = width,
    height = height,
    package = "NGLVieweR",
    elementId = elementId

#' Set stage parameters
#'Set stage parameters.
#'@param NGLVieweR A NGLVieweR object.
#'@param ... Options controlling the stage. Most common options are \code{backgroundColor}, \code{rotateSpeed}, \code{zoomSpeed},
#'\code{hoverTimeout} and \code{lightIntensity}. For a full list of options, see the "stageParameters" method in the official
#'\href{http://nglviewer.org/ngl/api/}{NGL.js} manual.
#'@return Returns list of stage parameters to \code{NGLVieweR} \code{htmlwidgets} object.
#'* [updateStage()]
#'* [NGLVieweR_example()] See example "basic".
#'NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'  stageParameters(backgroundColor = "white", zoomSpeed = 1) %>%
#'  addRepresentation("cartoon", param = list(name = "cartoon", colorScheme="residueindex"))
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   ui <- fluidPage(NGLVieweROutput("structure"))
#'   server <- function(input, output) {
#'     output$structure <- renderNGLVieweR({
#'       NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'         stageParameters(backgroundColor = "white", zoomSpeed = 1) %>%
#'         addRepresentation("cartoon",
#'           param = list(name = "cartoon", colorScheme = "residueindex")
#'         )
#'     })
#'   }
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
stageParameters <- function(NGLVieweR, ...) {

  NGLVieweR$x$stageParameters <- list(...)


#'Add representation
#'Add a representation and its parameters.
#'@param NGLVieweR A NGLVieweR object.
#'@param type Type of representation. Most common options are "cartoon", "ball+stick", "line", "surface", "ribbon" and "label".
#'For a full list of options, see the "structureRepresentation" method in the official \href{http://nglviewer.org/ngl/api/}{NGL.js} manual.
#'@param param Options for the different types of representations. Most common options are \code{name}, \code{opacity}, \code{colorScheme}, \code{sele}, \code{colorValue} and \code{visibility}.
#'For a full list of options, see the general "RepresentationParameters" method and type specific Label-, Structure- and Surface- RepresentationParameters in the official \href{http://nglviewer.org/ngl/api/}{NGL.js} manual.
#'@return List of representation parameters to \code{NGLVieweR} \code{htmlwidgets} object.
#'* [addSelection()]
#'* [NGLVieweR_example()] See example "basic".
#' NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'   stageParameters(backgroundColor = "black") %>%
#'   addRepresentation("cartoon", param = list(name = "cartoon", colorValue = "blue")) %>%
#'   addRepresentation("ball+stick", param = list(
#'     name = "ball+stick", sele = "241",
#'     colorScheme = "element", colorValue = "yellow"
#'   )) %>%
#'   addRepresentation("label",
#'     param = list(
#'       name = "label",
#'       showBackground = TRUE,
#'       labelType = "res",
#'       color = "black",
#'       backgroundColor = "white",
#'       backgroundOpacity = 0.8,
#'       sele = ":A and 241 and .CG"
#'     )
#'   )
#' # Shiny context
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   ui <- fluidPage(NGLVieweROutput("structure"))
#'   server <- function(input, output) {
#'     output$structure <- renderNGLVieweR({
#'       NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'         stageParameters(backgroundColor = "black") %>%
#'         addRepresentation("cartoon",
#'           param = list(name = "cartoon", colorValue = "blue")
#'         ) %>%
#'         addRepresentation("ball+stick",
#'           param = list(
#'             name = "ball+stick", sele = "241",
#'             colorScheme = "element"
#'           )
#'         ) %>%
#'         addRepresentation("label",
#'           param = list(
#'             name = "label",
#'             showBackground = TRUE,
#'             labelType = "res",
#'             colorValue = "black",
#'             backgroundColor = "white",
#'             backgroundOpacity = 0.8,
#'             sele = ":A and 241 and .CG"
#'           )
#'         )
#'     })
#'   }
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
addRepresentation <- function(NGLVieweR, type, param = list()) {

  NGLVieweR$x$addRepresentation$type <- append(NGLVieweR$x$addRepresentation$type, type)
  NGLVieweR$x$addRepresentation$values <- append(NGLVieweR$x$addRepresentation$values, list(param))

#'Set rock
#'Set rock animation
#'@param NGLVieweR A NGLVieweR object.
#'@param rock If \code{TRUE} (default), start rocking and stop spinning.
#'@return setRock parameter to \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} in \code{NGLVieweR} \code{htmlwidgets} object.
#'@family animations
#'* [setSpin()]
#'* [updateRock()]
#'NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'  addRepresentation("cartoon", param=list(name="cartoon", colorValue="blue")) %>%
#'  setRock(TRUE)
setRock <- function(NGLVieweR, rock = TRUE) {

  NGLVieweR$x$setRock <- rock

#'Set Spin
#'Set Spin animation
#'@param NGLVieweR A NGLVieweR object.
#'@param spin If \code{TRUE} (default), start spinning and stop rocking
#'@return setSpin parameter to \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} in \code{NGLVieweR} \code{htmlwidgets} object.
#'@family animations
#'* [setRock()]
#'* [updateSpin()]
#'NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'  addRepresentation("cartoon", param=list(name="cartoon", colorValue="blue")) %>%
#'  setSpin(TRUE)
setSpin <- function(NGLVieweR, spin = TRUE) {

  NGLVieweR$x$setSpin <- spin

#'Set Quality
#'Set Quality
#'@param NGLVieweR A NGLVieweR object.
#'@param quality Set rendering quality. Can be "low", "medium" (default) or "high".
#'@return setQuality parameter in \code{NGLVieweR} \code{htmlwidgets} object.
#'@family options
#'NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'   addRepresentation("cartoon", param=list(name="cartoon", colorValue="blue")) %>%
#'   setQuality("medium")
setQuality <- function(NGLVieweR, quality = "medium") {

  NGLVieweR$x$setQuality <- quality
#'Set Focus
#'Set Focus
#'@param NGLVieweR A NGLVieweR object.
#'@param focus Set focus between 0 (default) to 100.
#'@return setFocus parameter in \code{NGLVieweR} \code{htmlwidgets} object.
#'@seealso [updateFocus()]
#'@family options
#'NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'   addRepresentation("cartoon", param=list(name="cartoon", colorValue="blue")) %>%
#'   setFocus(0)
#' @export
setFocus <- function(NGLVieweR, focus = 0) {

  NGLVieweR$x$setFocus <- focus
#'Set zoomMove
#'Add a zoom animation
#'@param NGLVieweR A NGLVieweR object.
#'@param center Target distance of selected atoms/residues.
#'See the section "selection-language" in the official \href{https://nglviewer.org/}{NGL.js} manual.
#'@param zoom Target zoom of selected atoms/residues.
#'See the section "selection-language" in the official \href{https://nglviewer.org/}{NGL.js} manual.
#'@param duration Optional animation time in milliseconds (default = 0).
#'@param z_offSet Optional zoom offset value (default = 0).
#'@return List of zoomMove parameters to \code{NGLVieweR} \code{htmlwidgets} object.
#'@family animations
#'NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
#'stageParameters(backgroundColor = "white") %>%
#'  addRepresentation("cartoon", param=list(name="cartoon", colorValue="red")) %>%
#'  addRepresentation("ball+stick", param=list(name="ball+stick",
#'                                             colorValue="yellow",
#'                                             colorScheme="element",
#'                                             sele="200")) %>%
#'  zoomMove("200:A.C", "200:A.C", 2000, -20)
zoomMove <- function(NGLVieweR, center, zoom, duration = 0, z_offSet = 0){
  opts <- list(center = center, zoom = zoom, duration = duration, z_offSet = z_offSet)
  NGLVieweR$x$zoomMove <- opts

Try the NGLVieweR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

NGLVieweR documentation built on June 1, 2021, 9:08 a.m.