##' Execute Nonmem and archive input data with model files
##' Execute Nonmem from within R - optionally but by default in
##' parallel. Archiving the input data ensures that postprocessing can
##' still be reproduced if the input data files should be updated.
##' @param files File paths to the models (control streams) to run
##' nonmem on. See file.pattern too.
##' @param file.pattern Alternatively to files, you can supply a
##' regular expression which will be passed to list.files as the
##' pattern argument. If this is used, use dir argument as
##' well. Also see data.file to only process models that use a
##' specific data file.
##' @param dir If file.pattern is used, dir is the directory to search
##' for control streams in.
##' @param sge Use the sge queing system. Default is TRUE. Disable for
##' quick models not to wait for the queue to run the job.
##' @param input.archive A function of the model file path to generate
##' the path in which to archive the input data as RDS. Set to
##' NULL not to archive the data.
##' @param nc Number of cores to use if sending to the cluster. This
##' will only be used if \code{method.execute="psn"}, and
##' \code{sge=TRUE}. Default is 64.
##' @param The directory in which the data file is
##' stored. This is normally not needed as data will be found
##' using the path in the control stream. This argument may be
##' removed in the future since it should not be needed.
##' @param wait Wait for process to finish before making R console
##' available again? This is useful if calling NMexec from a
##' function that needs to wait for the output of the Nonmem run
##' to be available for further processing.
##' @param args.psn.execute A character string with arguments passed
##' to execute. Default is
##' "-model_dir_name -nm_output=coi,cor,cov,ext,phi,shk,xml".
##' @param update.only Only run model(s) if control stream or data
##' updated since last run?
##' @param nmquiet Suppress terminal output from `Nonmem`. This is
##' likely to only work on linux/unix systems.
##' @param method.execute How to run Nonmem. Must be one of 'psn',
##' 'nmsim', or 'direct'.
##' \itemize{
##' \item psn PSN's execute is used. This supports parallel Nonmem
##' runs. Use the \code{nc} argument to control how many cores to use
##' for each job. For estimation runs, this is most likely the better
##' choice, if you have PSN installed. See \code{dir.psn} argument
##' too.
##' \item nmsim Creates a temporary directory and runs Nonmem
##' inside that directory before copying relevant results files back
##' to the folder where the input control stream was. If
##' \code{sge=TRUE}, the job will be submitted to a cluster, but
##' parallel execution of the job itself is not supported. See
##' \code{path.nonmem} argument too.
##' \item direct Nonmem is called directly on the control stream. This
##' is the simplest method and is the least convenient in most
##' cases. It does not offer parallel runs and leaves all the Nonmem
##' output files next to the control streams.
##' }
##' See `sge` as well.
##' @param dir.psn The directory in which to find PSN
##' executables. This is only needed if these are not searchable
##' in the system path, or if the user should want to be explicit
##' about where to find them (i.e. want to use a specific
##' installed version of PSN).
##' @param path.nonmem The path to the nonmem executable. Only used if
##' \code{method.execute="direct"} or
##' \code{method.execute="nmsim"} (which is not default). If this
##' argument is not supplied, NMexec will try to run nmfe75,
##' i.e. this has to be available in the path of the underlying
##' shell. The default value can be modified using
##' \code{NMdata::NMdataConf}, like
##' \code{NMdataConf(path.nonmem="/path/to/nonmem")}
##' @param files.needed In case method.execute="nmsim", this argument
##' specifies files to be copied into the temporary directory
##' before Nonmem is run. Input control stream and simulation
##' input data does not need to be specified.
##' @param system.type A charachter string, either \"windows\" or
##' \"linux\" - case insensitive. Windows is only experimentally
##' supported. Default is to use \code{[["sysname"]]}.
##' @param clean The degree of cleaning (file removal) to do after
##' Nonmem execution. If `method.execute=="psn"`, this is passed
##' to PSN's `execute`. If `method.execute=="nmsim"` a similar
##' behavior is applied, even though not as granular. NMsim's
##' internal method only distinguishes between 0 (no cleaning),
##' any integer 1-4 (default, quite a bit of cleaning) and 5
##' (remove temporary dir completely).
##' @param backup Before running, should existing results files be
##' backed up in a sub directory? If not, the files will be
##' deleted before running.
##' @param quiet Suppress messages on what NMexec is doing? Default is
##' FALSE.
##' @details Use this to read the archived input data when retrieving
##' the nonmem results:
##' \code{NMdataConf(}
##' Since `NMexec` will typically not be used for simulations directly
##' (`NMsim` is the natural interface for that purpose), the default
##' method for `NMexec` is currently to use `method.execute="psn"`
##' which is at this point the only of the methods that allow for
##' multi-core execution of a single Nonmem job (NB:
##' `method.execute="NMsim"` can run multiple jobs in parallel which
##' is normally sufficient for simulations).
##' @return NULL (invisibly)
##' @import NMdata
##' @importFrom utils packageVersion
##' @importFrom R.utils getAbsolutePath
##' @examples
##' file.mod <- "run001.mod"
##' \dontrun{
##' ## run locally - not on cluster
##' NMexec(file.mod,sge=FALSE)
##' ## run on cluster with 16 cores. 64 cores is default
##' NMexec(file.mod,nc=16)
##' ## submit multiple models to cluster
##' multiple.models <- c("run001.mod","run002.mod")
##' NMexec(multiple.models,nc=16)
##' ## run all models called run001.mod - run099.mod if updated. 64 cores to each.
##' NMexec(file.pattern="run0..\\.mod",dir="models",nc=16,update.only=TRUE)
##' }
##' @export
NMexec <- function(files,file.pattern,dir,sge=TRUE,input.archive,
nc=64,,wait=FALSE, args.psn.execute,
#### Section start: Dummy variables, only not to get NOTE's in pacakge checks ####
nid <- NULL
input <- NULL
result <- NULL
name <- NULL
### Section end: Dummy variables, only not to get NOTE's in pacakge checks
if(missing(dir.psn)) dir.psn <- NULL
if(missing(path.nonmem)) path.nonmem <- NULL
if(missing(method.execute)) method.execute <- NULL
if(missing(system.type)) system.type <- NULL
if(missing(files.needed)) files.needed <- NULL
NMsimConf <- NMsimTestConf(path.nonmem=path.nonmem,method.execute=method.execute,system.type=system.type)
## todo integrate in NMsimTestConf
cmd.execute <- file.psn(NMsimConf$dir.psn,"execute")
## system.type <- getSystemType(system.type)
input.archive <- inputArchiveDefault
input.archive <- function(file) FALSE
if(missing(nc)) nc <- NULL
nc <- NMdata:::NMdataDecideOption("nc",nc,allow.unknown = TRUE)
## not needed with NMdata 0.1.6 or 0.1.7
if(is.null(nc)) nc <- 64
## if(NMsimConf$method.execute=="nmsim" && nc>1){message("\nNotice: nc>1 still does not work with method.execute=\"nmsim\". Expect single-core performance. Notice there are other and most often more efficient methods to speed up simulations. See discussions on the NMsim website.")}
## args.psn.execute
if(missing(args.psn.execute)) args.psn.execute <- NULL
args.psn.execute <- simpleCharArg("args.psn.execute"
,default=sprintf("-clean=%s -model_dir_name -nm_output=coi,cor,cov,ext,phi,shk,xml",clean)
if(missing(files)) files <- NULL
if(missing(dir)) dir <- NULL
dir <- simpleCharArg("dir"
if(missing(file.pattern)) file.pattern <- NULL
file.pattern <- simpleCharArg("file.pattern"
if(is.null(files) && is.null(file.pattern)) file.pattern <- ".+\\.mod"
files.all <- NMdata:::getFilePaths(files=files,file.pattern=file.pattern,dir=dir,quiet=TRUE)
files.exec <- files.all
## files.exec <- findUpdated(fnExtension(files.all,"lst"))
files.exec <- findUpdated(files.all)
message(length(files.exec)," model(s) to be executed:\n",paste(files.exec,collapse=",\n"),"\n")
for(file.mod in files.exec){
file.mod <- NMdata:::filePathSimple(file.mod)
if(!quiet) message(paste0("Executing ",file.mod))
stop(paste("Could not find file:",file.mod))
### cat(file.mod,"\n")
## replace extension of fn.input based on path.input - prefer rds
rundir <- dirname(file.mod)
exts <- c("\\.cov","\\.cor","\\.coi","\\.ext","\\.lst",".*msf","\\.msfi","\\.msfo","\\.phi","_input\\.rds","\\.shk","\\.xml")
exts.string <- paste0("(",paste(exts,collapse="|"),")")
### backup previous results if any:
files.found <- c(
## make sure files.found does not contain input control stream or input data
dir.backup <- file.path(rundir,paste0("backup_",fnExtension(basename(file.mod),"")))
lapply(c(files.found),function(f) file.rename(
} else {
fn.input <- input.archive(file.mod)
## copy input data
dat.inp <- NMscanInput(file=file.mod,file.mod=file.mod,translate=FALSE,apply.filters = FALSE,"extract",quiet=TRUE)
##if((sge && nc > 1)||(sge && NMsimConf$method.execute=="psn")){
if( sge ){
file.pnm <- file.path(rundir,fnExtension(basename(file.mod),"pnm"))
pnm <- NMgenPNM(nc=nc,file=file.pnm)
files.needed <- unique(c(files.needed,pnm) )
} else {
## for nc=1, the pnm file setup does not seem to work.
if(!quiet) message("sge is disabled because nc=1")
sge <- FALSE
string.cmd <- sprintf('cd "%s"; "%s" %s',rundir,cmd.execute ,args.psn.execute)
## if(system.type=="windows"){
## pas
## }
string.cmd <- paste0(string.cmd," -run_on_sge")
string.cmd <- paste0(string.cmd," -sge_prepend_flags=\"-pe orte ",nc," -V\" -parafile=",basename(pnm)," -nodes=",nc)
string.cmd <- paste(string.cmd,basename(file.mod))
string.cmd <- NMexecDirectory(file.mod,NMsimConf$path.nonmem,files.needed=files.needed,system.type=NMsimConf$system.type,,clean=clean,sge,nc,pnm=pnm)
dir.tmp <- dirname(string.cmd)
## if(sge) {
## string.cmd <- sprintf("cd %s; qsub -terse -wd \'%s\' %s",getwd(),dirname(string.cmd),string.cmd)
## I am not sure if absolute path is needed here.
string.cmd <- sprintf('cd "%s"; qsub -terse -wd \'%s\' %s',
## string.cmd <- paste0("CURWD=",getwd()," ",string.cmd)
##### for nc>1 this can be used <nc> is nc evaluated
## qsub -pe orte <nc> -V -N <name for qstat> -j y -cwd -b y /opt/NONMEM/nm75/run/nmfe75 psn.mod psn.lst -background -parafile=/path/to/pnm [nodes]=<nc>
} else {
### executing from getwd()
## string.cmd <- sprintf('cd %s; qsub -pe orte %s -V -N NMsim -j y -cwd -b y %s %s %s -background -parafile=%s [nodes]=%s' ,getwd(),nc,path.nonmem,file.mod,fnExtension(file.mod,"lst"),pnm,nc)
## executing from model execution dir.
jobname <- basename(file.mod)
## qsub does not allow a jobname to start in a numeric
if(grepl("^ *[0-9]",jobname)) {
jobname <- paste0("NMsim_",jobname)
string.cmd <- sprintf('cd \"%s\"; qsub -pe orte %s -V -N \"%s\" -j y -cwd -b y \"./%s\" -background -parafile=%s [nodes]=%s; cd \"%s\"'
wait <- TRUE
## } else {
string.cmd <- sprintf("cd \"%s\"; \"./%s\"",dirname(string.cmd),basename(string.cmd))
string.cmd <- sprintf("CD \"%s\";call \"%s\"",dirname(string.cmd),basename(string.cmd))
## }
## contents.bat <- gsub(";","\n",string.cmd)
## cat(contents.bat,file=path.script)
path.script <- file.path(dirname(file.mod),"NMsim_exec.bat")
contents.bat <-
shell(shQuote(paste("call", path.script),type="cmd") )
if(nmquiet) string.cmd <- paste(string.cmd, ">/dev/null 2>&1")
if(!wait) string.cmd <- paste(string.cmd,"&")
if(exists("dir.tmp") && !is.null(dir.tmp)) {
procres <- system(string.cmd,ignore.stdout=nmquiet)
if(procres!=0) stop("Nonmem failed. Exiting.")
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