Defines functions NMsim_EBE

Documented in NMsim_EBE

##' Use emperical Bayes estimates to simulate re-using ETAs
##' Simulation reusing ETA values from
##' estimation run or otherwise specified ETA values. For observed subjects, this is refered to as emperical Bayes
##' estimates (EBE). The .phi file from the estimation run must be found
##' next to the .lst file from the estimation.This means that ID
##' values in the (simulation) input data must be ID values that were
##' used in the estimation too. Runs an \code{$ESTIMATION MAXEVAL=0}
##' but pulls in ETAs for the ID's found in data. No
##' \code{$SIMULATION} step is run which may affect how for instance
##' residual variability is simulated, if at all. You can also specify a different \code{.phi} file which can be a simulation result.
##' @param file.sim The path to the control stream to be edited. This function overwrites the contents of the file pointed to by file.sim.
##' @param file.mod Path to the path to the original input control stream provided as `file.mod` to `NMsim()`.
##' @param data.sim Included for compatibility with `NMsim()`. Not used.
##' @param data.sim See \code{?NMsim}.
##' @param file.phi A phi file to take the known subjects from. The
##'     default is to replace the filename extension on file.mod with
##'     .phi. A different .phi file would be used if you want to reuse
##'     subjects simulated in a previous simulation.
##' @param return.text If TRUE, just the text will be returned, and
##'     resulting control stream is not written to file.
##' @import NMdata
##' @import data.table
##' @return Path to simulation control stream
##' @seealso simPopEtas
##' @export

NMsim_EBE <- function(file.sim,file.mod,data.sim,file.phi,return.text=FALSE){
#### Section start: Dummy variables, only not to get NOTE's in pacakge checks ####

    . <- NULL
    rowtmp <- NULL
    ID <- NULL
    n <- NULL
    is.data <- NULL
    tableStart <- NULL
    text <- NULL
    textmod <- NULL
    par.type <- NULL

### Section end: Dummy variables, only not to get NOTE's in pacakge checks
        file.phi <- fnExtension(file.mod,".phi")

    path.phi.sim <- fnAppend(fnExtension(file.sim,".phi"),"input")
    files.needed.def <- NMsim_default(file.sim=file.sim,file.mod=file.mod,data.sim=data.sim)

    lines.sim <- readLines(file.sim)
### prepare simulation control stream
    ## get rid of any $ETAS sections
    lines.sim <- NMdata:::NMwriteSectionOne(lines=lines.sim,section="$ETAS",newlines="",backup=FALSE,quiet=TRUE)
### $SIM ONLYSIM does not work in combination with $ESTIM, so we have to drop ONLYSIM
    lines.section.sim <- NMreadSection(lines=lines.sim,section="SIM")
    lines.section.sim <- sub("ONLYSIM(ULATION)*","",lines.section.sim)
    lines.sim <- NMdata:::NMwriteSectionOne(lines=lines.sim,section="SIM",newlines=lines.section.sim,backup=FALSE,quiet=TRUE)

###### todo
    ## cant allow disjoint id's in data
    ## fail if ID's are non-unique in phi
    ## only one table in orig phi supported
    ## only type.mod="est" allowed (phi is used)

    ## phi file required
### read estimation phi file and select subjects to be simulated
### generate new phi file
    dt.id.order <- data.sim[,.SD[1],by=.(ID=as.character(ID)),.SDcols=cc(rowtmp)]

#### try to read phi file to see if it reads and has ETAs
    etasFromTabs <- FALSE
    res.phi <- try(NMreadPhi(file.phi,as.fun="data.table"))
    if(inherits(res.phi,"try-error")) {
        etasFromTabs <- TRUE
    } else {
            etasFromTabs <- TRUE
        ## Could we just read tables and assume we can find an ID? Or how can NMscanData be informed with col.row etc?
        dt.res <- NMscanData(file.mod,quiet=TRUE)
        file.phi <- tempfile()

#### NMreadPhi converts to long format R-friendly format. We prefer to manipulate the raw text lines for now. The alternative would be to read using NMreadPhi, then use genPhiFile(). However, that adds steps that may change format. For now, it is considered safer to just use the phi lines.
###### using the last table found in .phi to generate lines for a new .phi file. 
    phi.lines <- data.table(text=readLines(file.phi))
    ## Accepting E and R which can be in numbers (R?)
    phi.lines[is.data==TRUE,textmod:=gsub(" +"," ",text)]
    phi.lines[is.data==TRUE,textmod:=gsub("^ +","",textmod)]
    phi.lines[is.data==TRUE,ID:=strsplit(textmod,split=" ")[[1]][2],by=.(n)]
    ## phi.lines
    ## picking last table - for SAEM+IMP that means we use IMP phi's
    phi.lines[grepl("^ *TABLE NO\\..*",text),tableStart:=TRUE]
    phi.lines <- phi.lines[TABLE.NO==max(TABLE.NO)]

    phi.use <- mergeCheck(dt.id.order[,.(ID)],phi.lines[,.(ID,text)],by=cc(ID),all.x=TRUE,quiet=TRUE)

### Error if subjects in data are not found in phi
        message("IDs not found in nonmem results (phi file): ", paste(phi.use[is.na(text),ID],collapse=", "))
        phi.use <- phi.use[!is.na(text)]
    phi.use <- rbind(phi.lines[is.data==FALSE,.(text)],phi.use,fill=TRUE)

    lines.phi <- phi.use[,text]
    path.phi.sim <- fnAppend(fnExtension(file.sim,".phi"),"input")

### udpate simulation control stream
    lines.new <- sprintf("$ETAS FILE=%s FORMAT=s1pE15.8 TBLN=1
    lines.sim <- NMdata:::NMwriteSectionOne(lines=lines.sim,section="TABLE",location="before",

#### .mod done


    files.needed <- data.table(path.sim=file.sim,files.needed=path.phi.sim)

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NMsim documentation built on Nov. 2, 2024, 9:06 a.m.