##' Simulate with parameter variability using the NONMEM NWPRI subroutine
##' @description Modify control stream for simulation with uncertainty
##' using inverse-Wishart distribution for OMEGA and SIGMA
##' parameters
##' This function does not run any simulations. To simulate, using
##' this method, see `NMsim()`. See examples.
##' @param file.sim The path to the control stream to be edited. This function overwrites the contents of the file pointed to by file.sim.
##' @param file.mod Path to the path to the original input control stream provided as `file.mod` to `NMsim()`.
##' @param data.sim Included for compatibility with `NMsim()`. Not used.
##' @param PLEV Used in \code{$PRIOR NWPRI PLEV=0.999}. This is a
##' NONMEM argument to the NWPRI subroutine. When PLEV < 1, a
##' value of THETA will actually be obtained using a truncated
##' multivariate normal distribution, i.e. from an ellipsoidal
##' region R1 over which only a fraction of mass of the
##' normal occurs. This fraction is given by PLEV.
##' @return Path to simulation control stream
##' @details Simulate with parameter uncertainty. THETA parameters are
##' sampled from a multivariate normal distribution while OMEGA
##' and SIGMA are simulated from the inverse-Wishart
##' distribution. Correlations of OMEGA and SIGMA parameters will
##' only be applied within modeled "blocks".
##' @references \href{\%2Fpsp4.12422&file=psp412422-sup-0001-Supinfo1.pdf}{inverse-Wishart degrees of freedom calculation for OMEGA and SIGMA: NONMEM tutorial part II, supplement 1, part C.}
##' @seealso NMsim_VarCov
##' @import NMdata
##' @import data.table
##' @author Brian Reilly, Philip Delff
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' simres <- NMsim(file.path,method.sim=NMsim_WPRI,typical=TRUE,subproblems=500)
##' }
##' @export
NMsim_NWPRI <- function(file.sim,file.mod,data.sim,PLEV=0.999){
NMdata:::messageWrap("\nNMsim_NWPRI() currently only reliably simulates typical THETAs. Simulation with variability on OMEGA and SIGMA cannot be trusted. Always run this method in NMsim with `typical=TRUE`",fun.msg=message)
stop("NMsim_NWPRI requires NMdata 0.1.7 or later.")
### done add OMEGA/SIGMA blocks
. <- NULL
blocksize <- NULL
est <- NULL
i <- NULL
imin <- NULL
iblock <- NULL
j <- NULL
line <- NULL <- NULL
par.type <- NULL
par.type.i <- NULL
par.type.j <- NULL
parameter <- NULL
parameter.i <- NULL
parameter.j <- NULL
return.text <- NULL
se <- NULL
value <- NULL
### NMsim_default() is run because it inserts $SIMULATION instead of
### $ESTIMATION and a few other things that are always needed.
files.needed.def <- NMsim_default(file.sim=file.sim,file.mod,data.sim)
lines.sim <- readLines(file.sim)
cov <- NMreadCov(fnExtension(file.mod,".cov"))
pars <- NMreadExt(file.mod,return="pars","data.table")[,value:=est]
### Skipping add OMEGA block information based on off diagonal values - relying on NMdata::NMreadExt()
nwpri_df <- NWPRI_df(pars)
nwpri_df[,line := paste0("$", par.type,"PD ", DF2, " FIX")]
### done add degrees of freedom
## derive the different sets of new lines needed
## $THETAP section
thetas <- pars[par.type=="THETA"][order(i)]
lines.thetap <- c("$THETAP", paste(thetas[,est], "FIX"))
cov.l <- mat2dt(cov,"data.table")
cov.l <- addParType(cov.l,suffix="i")
cov.l <- addParType(cov.l,suffix="j")
lines.thetapv <-
NMcreateMatLines(cov.l[par.type.i=="THETA"&par.type.j=="THETA", .(i=j, j=i, value, parameter.i, parameter.j, par.type.i,, par.type.j)], type="OMEGA")
lines.thetapv <- sub("\\$OMEGA","\\$THETAPV",lines.thetapv)
lines.thetapv = prettyMatLines(lines.thetapv)
## note: set 0 FIXED sigmas/omegas to 1e-30 to avoid non-semi-positive definite matrices error
lines.omegap <- NMcreateMatLines(pars[par.type=="OMEGA",.(par.type,parameter,,i,j,FIX,value=ifelse(value==0,1e-30,value))],type="OMEGA")
lines.omegap <- sub("\\$OMEGA","\\$OMEGAP",lines.omegap)
## below was for previous version of NMcreateMatLines where it would not add FIX after non-block omegas. This was updated (in testing now)
## lines.omegap = sapply(lines.omegap, FUN = function(.x) ifelse((!grepl("BLOCK",.x)&!grepl("FIX",.x)), paste0(.x, " FIX"), .x), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
lines.omegap <- lapply(X=lines.omegap, FUN=function(.x) ifelse(grepl("BLOCK",.x), return(prettyMatLines(block_mat_string = .x)), return(.x)))
lines.omegap <- unlist(lines.omegap)
lines.omegapd = nwpri_df[par.type=="OMEGA"]$line
## note: set 0 FIXED sigmas/omegas to 1e-30 to avoid non-semi-positive definite matrices error
lines.sigmap <- NMcreateMatLines(pars[par.type=="SIGMA",.(par.type,parameter,,i,j,FIX,value=ifelse(value==0,1e-30,value))],type="SIGMA")
lines.sigmap <- sub("\\$SIGMA","\\$SIGMAP",lines.sigmap)
## lines.sigmap = sapply(lines.sigmap, FUN = function(.x) ifelse((!grepl("BLOCK",.x)&!grepl("FIX",.x)), paste0(.x, " FIX"), .x), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
lines.sigmap <- lapply(X=lines.sigmap, FUN=function(.x) ifelse(grepl("BLOCK",.x), return(prettyMatLines(block_mat_string = .x)), return(.x)))
lines.sigmap <- unlist(lines.sigmap)
lines.sigmapd = nwpri_df[par.type=="SIGMA"]$line
lines.prior = sprintf("$PRIOR NWPRI PLEV=%f",PLEV)
all.lines = c(lines.prior, lines.thetap, lines.thetapv, lines.omegap, lines.omegapd, lines.sigmap, lines.sigmapd)
## insert the lines into file.sim using NMdata::NMwriteSection(). Please see other simulation methods for inspiration - NMsim_typical is a simple one that shows the drill.
lines.sim <- NMdata:::NMwriteSectionOne(lines=lines.sim, section="SIMULATION", location="before", newlines=all.lines, backup=FALSE,quiet=TRUE)
lines.sim <- NMdata:::NMwriteSectionOne(lines=lines.sim,section="SIMULATION",location="after",newlines="TRUE=PRIOR",backup=FALSE,quiet=TRUE)
### update the simulation control stream
## if(return.text){
## return(lines.sim)
## }
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