
Defines functions plot_DPMst

Documented in plot_DPMst

#'Plot of a Dirichlet process mixture of skew t-distribution partition
#'@param z data matrix \code{d x n} with \code{d} dimensions in rows
#'and \code{n} observations in columns.
#'@param c allocation vector of length \code{n} indicating which observation belongs to which
#'@param alpha current value of the DP concentration parameter.
#'@param U_SS a list containing \code{"xi"}, \code{"psi"}, \code{"S"}, and \code{"df"}.
#'@param i current MCMC iteration number.
#'@param dims2plot index vector, subset of \code{1:d} indicating which dimensions should be drawn.
#'Default is all of them.
#'@param ellipses a logical flag indicating whether ellipses should be drawn around clusters. Default
#'is \code{TRUE} if only 2 dimensions are plotted, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#'@param gg.add
#'A list of instructions to add to the \code{ggplot2} instruction (see \code{\link[ggplot2]{gg-add}}).
#'Default is \code{list(theme())}, which adds nothing to the plot.
#'@param nbsim_dens number of simulated points used for computing clusters density contours in 2D
#'plots. Default is \code{1000} points.
#'@param nice logical flag changing the plot looks. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#'@author Boris Hejblum
#'@import ggplot2
#'@import reshape2
#'@importFrom truncnorm rtruncnorm
#'@importFrom stats dnorm pnorm rgamma rnorm
#' @export

plot_DPMst <- function(z, c, i="", alpha="?", U_SS,
                       gg.add=list(theme()), nbsim_dens=1000, nice=FALSE){
  mean_sn01 <- (stats::dnorm(0)-stats::dnorm(Inf))/(stats::pnorm(Inf)-stats::pnorm(0))
  z <- z[dims2plot,]
  n <- ncol(z)
  p <- nrow(z)
  m <- numeric(n) # number of observations in each cluster
  m[unique(c)] <- table(c)[as.character(unique(c))]
  fullCl <- which(m!=0)
  U_xi2plot=sapply(U_SS, "[[", "xi")
  U_psi2plot=sapply(U_SS, "[[", "psi")
  U_Sigma2plot=lapply(U_SS, "[[", "S")
  U_nu2plot=lapply(U_SS, "[[", "df")
  U_SS2plot <- U_SS
  U_mu2plot <- U_xi2plot + U_psi2plot*mean_sn01
  rownames(U_mu2plot) <- rownames(z)
  zClusters <- factor(c, levels=as.character(fullCl), ordered=TRUE)
  expK <- ifelse(is.numeric(alpha), round(alpha*(digamma(alpha+n)-digamma(alpha))), NA)
  alpha2print <- ifelse(is.numeric(alpha), formatC(alpha, digits=2), alpha)
    zDplot <- melt(cbind.data.frame("ID"=as.character(1:n),
    id.vars=c("ID", "Cluster"),
    variable.name = "dimensionX",
    zDplotfull <- zDplot
    zDplotfull$Y <- zDplot$X
    zDplotfull$dimensionY <- zDplot$dimensionX
    lev <- as.character(1:length(levels(zDplot$dimensionX)))
    for(l in 2:length(lev)){
      move <- which(as.numeric(zDplot$dimensionX)<l)
      zDplottemp <- rbind.data.frame(zDplot[-move,], zDplot[move,])
      zDplottemp$Y <- zDplot$X
      zDplottemp$dimensionY <- zDplot$dimensionX
      zDplotfull <- rbind.data.frame(
        zDplotfull, zDplottemp)
    UDplot <- melt(cbind.data.frame(t(U_mu2plot),
    variable.name = "dimensionX",
    UDplotfull <- UDplot
    UDplotfull$Y <- UDplotfull$X
    UDplotfull$dimensionY <- UDplotfull$dimensionX
    lev <- levels(UDplotfull$dimensionX)
    for(l in 2:length(lev)){
      move <- which(as.numeric(UDplotfull$dimensionX)<l)
      UDplottemp <- rbind.data.frame(UDplotfull[-move,], UDplotfull[move,])
      UDplottemp$Y <- UDplotfull$X
      UDplottemp$dimensionY <- UDplotfull$dimensionX
      UDplotfull <- rbind.data.frame(
        UDplotfull, UDplottemp)
    p <- (ggplot(zDplotfull) + theme_bw()
          + facet_grid(dimensionY~dimensionX, scales="free")
          + geom_point(aes_string(x="X", y="Y", colour="Cluster"),
                       data=zDplotfull, alpha=0.15, size=2/(0.4*log(n)))
          #               + geom_polygon(aes_string(x="X", y="Y", fill="Cluster", colour="Cluster"),
          #                              data=ellipse95, size=0.5, linetype=2, colour="black", alpha=.3)
          + geom_point(aes_string(x="X", y="Y", fill="Cluster"),
                       data=UDplotfull, alpha = 0.5, shape=22, size=5/(0.3*log(n)))
          + ggtitle(paste(n, " obs.",
                          "\niteration ", i, " : ",
                          length(fullCl)," clusters",
                          "\nexpected number of clusters: ", expK,
                          " (alpha = ", alpha2print, ")",
          + scale_fill_viridis_d(guide=FALSE) #, option = "magma")
          #+ scale_color_viridis_d(option = "magma")
          + guides(colour=guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype=0, size=6, alpha=1)))#, shape=15)))
          + xlab("") + ylab("")
          + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, hjust = 1))
    z2plot <- cbind.data.frame("D1"=z[1,],"D2"=z[2,],"Cluster"=zClusters)
    U2plot <- cbind.data.frame("D1"=U_mu2plot[1,],
    xi2plot <- cbind.data.frame("D1"=U_xi2plot[1,],
    U2plot$Center="sampled mean"
    xi2plot$Center="xi param"
      p <- (ggplot(z2plot) + theme_bw()
            + geom_point(aes_string(x="D1", y="D2", colour="Cluster", fill="Cluster"), alpha=0.7,
                         data=z2plot, size=2/(0.3*log(n)))
            + scale_alpha_continuous(guide=FALSE)
            #+ scale_fill_discrete(guide=FALSE)
            + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 6, alpha=1)))
            + ggtitle(paste(n, " obs.",
                            "\niteration ", i, " : ",
                            length(fullCl)," clusters",
                            "\nexpected number of clusters: ", expK,
                            " (alpha = ", alpha2print, ")",
      #empirical mean of the clusters
      zmean2plot<- cbind.data.frame(D1=tapply(X=z2plot[,1], INDEX=z2plot$Cluster, FUN=mean),
                                    D2=tapply(X=z2plot[,2], INDEX=z2plot$Cluster, FUN=mean)
      zmean2plot <- cbind.data.frame(zmean2plot, Cluster=rownames(zmean2plot))
      zmean2plot$Center="observed mean"
      p <- (ggplot(z2plot) + theme_bw()
            + geom_point(aes_string(x="D1", y="D2", colour="Cluster", shape="Cluster", fill="Cluster"), alpha=min(0.9, max(0.9*6/n^0.3, 0.3)),
                         data=z2plot, size=2)
            + scale_alpha_continuous(guide=FALSE)
      simuDens <- NULL
      for(g in 1:length(fullCl)){
        glabel <- levels(zClusters)[g]
        #gind <- as.numeric(glabel)
        w <- stats::rgamma(n=nbsim_dens, shape=U_nu2plot[[g]]/2, rate=U_nu2plot[[g]]/2)
        ltnz <- truncnorm::rtruncnorm(n=nbsim_dens, a=0, sd=1/sqrt(w))
        eps <- t(sapply(w, function(a){matrix(stats::rnorm(2), ncol=2)%*%chol(U_Sigma2plot[[g]]/a)}))
        #eps <- matrix(NA, nrow=nbsim_dens, ncol=2)
        #for(i in 1:nbsim_dens){
        #    eps[i,] <- matrix(rnorm(2), ncol=2)%*%chol(U_Sigma2plot[[g]]/w[i])
        simuDenstemp <- data.frame("D1"=U_xi2plot[1,g]+U_psi2plot[1,g]*ltnz+eps[,1],
                                   "Cluster"=rep(glabel, nbsim_dens))
        simuDens <- rbind.data.frame(simuDens, simuDenstemp)
      simuDens$Type <- "DensContour"
      p <- (p
            + stat_density2d(data=simuDens, aes_string(x="D1", y="D2", colour="Cluster", linetype="Type"))
            + scale_linetype_manual(values=c(1),
                                    labels=c("simulations derived\n from sampled parameters"),
                                    name="Density contour")
            + guides(linetype=guide_legend(override.aes = list(color="black")),
                     colour=guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype=0, size=6, alpha=1, shape=15)))
      if(length(unique(z2plot$Cluster) < 6)){
        p <- (p
              + scale_shape_manual(values=c(21:(20+length(unique(z2plot$Cluster)))))
        p <- (p
              + scale_shape_manual(values=rep(21,length(unique(z2plot$Cluster))))
      p <- (p
            + guides(colour=guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 4, alpha=0.8, linetype=0)))
      p <- (p + geom_point(aes_string(x="D1", y="D2", fill="Cluster", shape="Center"),
                           data=zmean2plot, size=5)
            + geom_point(aes_string(x="D1", y="D2", fill="Cluster", shape="Center"),
                         data=U2plot, size=5)
            + geom_point(aes_string(x="D1", y="D2", fill="Cluster", shape="Center"),
                         data=xi2plot, size=5)
            + scale_fill_viridis_d(guide=FALSE)
            + scale_shape_manual(values=c(24,22,23),
                                 breaks=c("observed mean", "sampled mean", "xi param"),
                                 labels=c("observed mean", "sampled mean", "xi param"),
  for (a in gg.add) {
    p <- p + a

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