Defines functions A.matrix cond.cdf cpdf d2Pk.db d2Pk.dbdsig d2Pk.dsig d2f.dbdsig d2f.dsig d2lc.dbdb d2lc.dbdpis d2lc.dbdsig d2lc.dpidpi d2lc.dpisdsig d2lc.dsig d2p.dbdpi d2p.dbdsig d2p.dpis d2p.dpisdsig d2p.dsig d2pdb dPk.db dPk.dsig dfdb dfdsig dlc.db dlc.dpis dlc.dsig dpdb dpdpis dpdsig grad.lc hessian.lc npmle odsmle se.spmle

Documented in odsmle se.spmle

## code written by Mark Weaver ##
## modified by Yinghao Pan ##
## implements the empirical likelihood method described in Zhou et al. (2002) ##

A.matrix <- function(alpha,dl.dpi)
  tot <- 1 + sum(exp(alpha))

  A <- matrix(0,ncol=length(alpha),nrow=length(alpha))
  for (i in 1:nrow(A)){
    for (j in 1:ncol(A)){

      d2pi <- rep(0,length(dl.dpi))

      if (i == j){
        for (l in 1:(length(d2pi)-1)){
          if(l== i){
            d2pi[l] <- (exp(alpha[i])*tot-exp(2*alpha[i]))*(tot-2*exp(alpha[i]))/tot^3}
            d2pi[l] <- (-exp(alpha[l]+alpha[i])*tot+2*exp(2*alpha[i]+alpha[l]))/tot^3}

        d2pi[length(d2pi)] <-
          (-exp(alpha[i]) * tot + 2*exp(2*alpha[i]))/tot^3


        for (l in 1:(length(d2pi)-1)){
          if(l ==i){
            d2pi[l] <- (2*exp(2*alpha[i]+alpha[j])-exp(alpha[i]+alpha[j])*tot)/tot^3}
          else if(l == j){
            d2pi[l] <- (2*exp(2*alpha[j]+alpha[i])-exp(alpha[i]+alpha[j])*tot)/tot^3}
          else {
            d2pi[l] <- 2*exp(alpha[l] + alpha[i] + alpha[j])/tot^3 }

        d2pi[length(d2pi)] <- 2*exp(alpha[i]+alpha[j])/tot^3

      A[i,j] <- t(as.matrix(d2pi)) %*% as.matrix(dl.dpi)


cond.cdf <- function(x, beta, sig, a)
  #Calculates the conditional CDF for all cut points, including +- infinity
  #This is general for any number of strata
  a <- c(-Inf, a, Inf)
  nstrata <- length(a) -1
  Z <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(x), ncol=length(a))

  for (j in 1:length(a))
    Z[,j] <- ((a[j] - x%*%beta)/sqrt(sig))

  probs <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=nstrata)

  for (j in 1:nstrata)
    probs[,j] <- stats::pnorm(Z[,j+1])-stats::pnorm(Z[,j])

cpdf <- function(y,x,beta,sig)
  #  Input:  y response vector, x the covariate matrix (with constant),
  #          current estimate for beta and sigma squared.
  #  Output:  Vector of conditional pdf values.
  func <- 1/(sqrt(2*pi*sig)) * exp(-1/(2*sig) * ( y - x%*%beta)^2)

d2Pk.db <- function(a,x,beta,sig,strat)
  #This function is required for some that follow.  It gives the differences
  #required for the second derivatives of the conditional strata probs
  #Must multiply by -xtx/sig
  a <- c(-Inf,a,Inf)
  Z <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=length(a))
  for(k in 1:ncol(Z)){
    if (abs(a[k]) != Inf){
      Z[,k] <- (a[k]-x%*%beta)*cpdf(y=a[k],x,beta,sig)}
    else Z[,k] <- 0
  diff <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(x),ncol=length(a)-1)
  for (k in 1:ncol(diff)){
    diff[,k] <- Z[,k+1]-Z[,k]

  diff.use <- diff[,strat]

d2Pk.dbdsig <- function(a,x,beta,sig,strat)
  #  Derivative of the conditional stratum probabilities wrt sigma^2
  #  Actually, only gives the differences.  Must multiply by -x
  a <- c(-Inf,a,Inf)
  Z <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=length(a))
  for(k in 1:ncol(Z)){
    if(abs(a[k]) != Inf){
      Z[,k] <- c(dfdsig(y=a[k],x,beta,sig))}
    else Z[,k] <- 0
  diff <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=(length(a) - 1))
  for(k in 1:ncol(diff)){
    diff[,k] <- Z[,k+1] - Z[,k]}

  diff.use <- diff[,strat]

d2Pk.dsig <- function(a,x,beta,sig,strat)
  #  Derivative of the conditional stratum probabilities wrt sigma^2
  a <- c(-Inf,a,Inf)
  Z <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=length(a))
  for(k in 1:ncol(Z)){
    if(abs(a[k]) != Inf){
      Z[,k] <- -(a[k]-x%*%beta)*
    else Z[,k] <- 0
  diff <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=(length(a) - 1))
  for(k in 1:ncol(diff)){
    diff[,k] <- Z[,k+1] - Z[,k]}

  diff.use <- diff[,strat]

d2f.dbdsig <- function(y,x,beta,sig)
  #  Second deriv of cpdf wrt beta and sigma^2
  pdf <- cpdf(y,x,beta,sig)
  df <- dfdsig(y,x,beta,sig)
  temp <- (y-x%*% beta)
  func <- -x * c(temp*pdf/(sig^2)) + x*c(temp*df/sig)


d2f.dsig <- function(y,x,beta,sig)
  #  Second derivative of cpdf wrt sigma ^2
  pdf <- cpdf(y,x,beta,sig)
  temp <- (y - x%*% beta)^2
  func <- c(pdf) * ((1/(2*sig^2)-temp/(sig^3)) +
                      (-1/(2*sig) + temp/(2*sig^2))^2)


d2lc.dbdb <- function(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #  The second derivative matrix with respect to beta
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  temp3 <- dpdb(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  func <- -crossprod(x)/sig + d2pdb(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat) -


d2lc.dbdpis <- function(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  temp1 <- d2p.dbdpi(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  temp2 <- dpdpis(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  temp3 <- dpdb(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  temp4 <- temp2/c(p.i^2)
  temp5 <- crossprod(temp3,temp4)
  func <- temp1 - temp5

d2lc.dbdsig <- function(y, x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #  Second derivative of ods likelihood wrt beta and sigma^2
  d2f <- d2f.dbdsig(y,x,beta,sig)
  df <- dfdsig(y,x,beta,sig)
  pdf <- cpdf(y,x,beta,sig)
  df.db <- dfdb(y,x,beta,sig)
  d2p <- d2p.dbdsig(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  dp <- dpdsig(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  dp.db <- dpdb(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  first <- (d2f*c(pdf) - df.db*c(df))/c(pdf^2)
  first <- apply(first,2,sum)
  second <- (d2p*c(p.i) - dp.db*c(dp))/c(p.i^2)
  second <- apply(second,2,sum)
  func <- first + second


d2lc.dpidpi<- function(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  temp1 <- d2p.dpis(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  temp1 <- as.matrix(temp1)
  temp2 <- dpdpis(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  temp3 <- temp2/c(p.i^2)
  temp4 <- crossprod(temp2,temp3)

  rhos <- rhos[strat]/pis[strat]
  func <- temp1 - temp4  + diag(rhos, nrow=length(rhos))

d2lc.dpisdsig <- function(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #  Second deriv of ods likelihood wrt sigma^2
  d2p <- d2p.dpisdsig(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  dp <- dpdpis(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  dp.ds <- dpdsig(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  func <- (d2p * c( p.i) - dp * c(dp.ds))/c(p.i^2)
  func <- as.matrix(func)
  func <- apply(func,2,sum)


d2lc.dsig <- function(y, x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #  Second derivative of ods likelihood wrt sigma ^2
  d2f <- d2f.dsig(y,x,beta,sig)
  df <- dfdsig(y,x,beta,sig)
  pdf <- cpdf(y,x,beta,sig)
  dp <- dpdsig(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  d2p <- d2p.dsig(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  first <- (c(d2f) * c(pdf)- c(df^2))/c(pdf^2)
  second <- (c(d2p)*c(p.i) - c(dp^2))/c(p.i^2)
  func <- sum(first) + sum(second)


d2p.dbdpi <- function(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #The second derivative matrix of p.i wrt to beta and pis
  dp.db <- dpdb(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  rhos <- as.matrix(rhos[strat]/pis[strat])
  dPk <- as.matrix(dPk.db(a,x,beta,sig,strat))
  probs <- cond.cdf(x,beta,sig,a)
  probs <- as.matrix(probs[,strat])

  d2p <- matrix(0,nrow=length(beta),ncol=length(strat))
  for(k in 1:length(rhos)){
    func <- rhos[k]*c(p.i)*dPk[,k]*(-x) + 2*rhos[k]*c(probs[,k])*dp.db
    func <- as.matrix(func)
    d2p[,k] <- apply(func,2,sum)

d2p.dbdsig <- function(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #  second deriv of NPMLE wrt to beta and sigma^2
  dPkdb <- dPk.db(a,x,beta,sig,strat)
  dPkds <- dPk.dsig(a,x,beta,sig,strat)
  d2Pk <- d2Pk.dbdsig(a,x,beta,sig,strat)
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  rhos <- as.matrix(rhos[strat])

  func <- -x*


d2p.dpis <- function(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #This function computes the second derivative matrix for p.is wrt pis
  #It is general and can be used for any number of strata
  probs <- cond.cdf(x,beta,sig,a)
  probs <- as.matrix(probs[,strat])
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  rhos <- as.matrix(rhos[strat]/pis[strat])
  d2p <- matrix(0,nrow=length(rhos),ncol=length(rhos))
  for(i in 1:nrow(d2p)){
    for(j in 1:ncol(d2p)){
        d2p[i,j] <-
      else d2p[i,j] <- sum(2*rhos[i]*rhos[j]*c(probs[,i])*c(probs[,j])*c(p.i^2))

d2p.dpisdsig <- function(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #  Second deriv of NPMLE wrt pis and sigma^2
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  rhos <- as.matrix(rhos[strat])
  probs <- cond.cdf(x,beta,sig,a)
  temp <- as.matrix(probs[,strat])
  dPk <- as.matrix(dPk.dsig(a,x,beta,sig,strat))
  for (k in 1:ncol(temp)){
    temp[,k] <- (rhos[k]/pis[strat[k]])*dPk[,k]*c(p.i^2) +


d2p.dsig <- function(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #  Second derivative of NPMLE wrt sigma^2
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  rhos <- as.matrix(rhos[strat])
  dPk <- dPk.dsig(a,x,beta,sig,strat)
  d2Pk <- d2Pk.dsig(a,x,beta,sig,strat)
  func <- 2*c(p.i^3)*(dPk%*%(-rhos))^2 + c(p.i^2)*(d2Pk%*%(-rhos))


d2pdb <- function(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #This function gives the second derivative matrix for the p.i's wrt beta
  #Actually gives second derivatives with p.is divided out as required
  #This function is general

  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)

  x1.prime <- x*c(p.i) *
  x2.prime <- x*c(p.i^2) *

  func <- crossprod(x1.prime,x) + crossprod(x2.prime,x)


dPk.db <- function(a,x,beta,sig,strat)
  #This function provides the matrix of differences between the cpdf in
  #the intervals.  It is necessary for functions which follow
  #Note that this is not the entire dPk.db.  Must multiply by -x!!
  a <- c(-Inf,a,Inf)
  Z <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=length(a))
  for(k in 1:ncol(Z)){
    Z[,k] <- cpdf(y=a[k],x,beta,sig)
  diff <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(x),ncol=length(a)-1)
  for (k in 1:ncol(diff)){
    diff[,k] <- Z[,k+1]-Z[,k]

  diff.use <- diff[,strat]


dPk.dsig <- function(a,x,beta,sig,strat)
  #  Derivative of the conditional stratum probabilities wrt sigma^2
  a <- c(-Inf,a,Inf)
  Z <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=length(a))
  for(k in 1:ncol(Z)){
    if(abs(a[k]) != Inf){
      Z[,k] <- -(a[k]-x%*%beta)*cpdf(y=a[k],x,beta,sig)*1/(2*sig)
    else Z[,k] <- 0
  diff <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=(length(a) - 1))
  for(k in 1:ncol(diff)){
    diff[,k] <- Z[,k+1] -Z[,k]}

  diff.use <- diff[,strat]

dfdb <- function(y,x,beta,sig)
  #The derivative of the conditional pdf wrt beta
  #General for any number of strata (does not depend on strata)

  func <- c(cpdf(y,x,beta,sig))* x* c((y-x%*%beta)/sig)


dfdsig <- function(y,x,beta,sig)
  # The derivative of the cpdf wrt sigma2
  pdf <- cpdf(y,x,beta,sig)
  temp <- (y - x%*% beta)^2
  func <- c(-1/(2*sig) + temp/(2*sig^2)) * pdf

dlc.db <- function(y,x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #This function gets the part of the gradient coresponding to the betas
  #It is general, as long as the component functions are general!

  temp2 <- dfdb(y,x,beta,sig)/c(cpdf(y,x,beta,sig))
  func1 <- apply(temp2,2,sum)

  func2 <- dpdb(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)/
    c( npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat))
  func2 <- apply(func2,2,sum)

  func <- func1 + func2

dlc.dpis <- function(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  # Computes the part of the gradient corresponding to the pis
  # This is general, as long as the components are all general!
  func <- dpdpis(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)/
  func <- as.matrix(func)
  func <- apply(func,2,sum)
  func <- func - rhos[strat]

dlc.dsig <- function(y, x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  # Gradient coresponding to sigma^2
  first <- dfdsig(y,x,beta,sig)/c(cpdf(y,x,beta,sig))
  first <- sum(first)
  second <- dpdsig(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)/
  second <- sum(second)
  func <- first + second


dpdb <- function(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #This function gives the first derivative of p.i wr to beta
  #This is general for any number of strata
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  rhos <- as.matrix(rhos[strat])
  func <- -(-x * c(dPk.db(a,x,beta,sig,strat)%*%(rhos))*c(p.i^2))


dpdpis <- function(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #This function gives the first derivative of p.i wr to the pis
  #This is now general for any number of strata
  temp2 <- rhos[strat] / pis[strat]
  temp3 <- cond.cdf(x,beta,sig,a)
  temp3 <- as.matrix(temp3[,strat])

  for(k in 1:ncol(temp3)){
    temp3[,k] <- temp3[,k]*temp2[k]
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  func <- temp3 * c(p.i)^2


dpdsig <- function(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #  Derivative of NPMLE wrt sigma^2
  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  rhos <- as.matrix(rhos[strat])
  func <- c(p.i^2) * (dPk.dsig(a,x,beta,sig,strat) %*% (-rhos))


dpis.dalpha <- function (alpha)
  # First, the derivatives of the pis wrt the alphas, the new parms.
  den <- (1 + sum(exp(alpha)))^2

  func <- matrix(0,nrow=(length(alpha)+1),ncol=length(alpha))

  for(i in 1:ncol(func)){
    for (j in 1:ncol(func)){
      if (i == j){
        func[i,j] <- (exp(alpha[i])*(1+sum(exp(alpha))) - exp(2*alpha[i]))/ den
        func[i,j] <- -exp(alpha[i] + alpha[j]) / den }

  for(i in 1:ncol(func)){
    func[nrow(func),i] <- -exp(alpha[i])/den


grad.lc <- function(y,x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #  The Gradient function
  temp1 <- dlc.db(y,x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  temp2 <- dlc.dpis(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  temp3 <- dlc.dsig(y,x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  func <- as.matrix(c(temp1,temp3,temp2))

hessian.lc <- function(y,x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #The Hessian matrix.  this is a general function
  cols <- length(beta)+length(pis[strat])+1
  b <- length(beta)
  b1 <- length(beta)+1
  b2 <- b1+1
  hess <- matrix(0,ncol=cols,nrow=cols)
  hess[1:b,1:b]<- d2lc.dbdb(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  hess[1:b,b1] <- d2lc.dbdsig(y,x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  hess[1:b,b2:cols]<- d2lc.dbdpis(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  hess[b1,1:b] <- t(hess[1:b,b1])
  hess[b1,b1] <- d2lc.dsig(y,x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  hess[b1,b2:cols] <- d2lc.dpisdsig(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  hess[b2:cols,1:b]<- t(hess[1:b,b2:cols])
  hess[b2:cols,b1] <- t(hess[b1,b2:cols])
  hess[b2:cols,b2:cols]<- d2lc.dpidpi(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)


npmle <- function(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)
  #The npmle of G_x.  General for any number of strata
  cdf <- cond.cdf(x,beta,sig,a)     #Matrix of conditional interval probs
  cdf <- as.matrix(cdf[,strat])

  rhos <- as.matrix(rhos[strat])
  p.i <- 1/(N.edf + cdf%*%rhos)


#Main call routines
#Main call routines

#'MSELE estimator for analyzing the primary outcome in ODS design
#'\code{odsmle} provides a maximum semiparametric empirical likelihood estimator
#'(MSELE) for analyzing the primary outcome Y with respect to expensive exposure
#'and other covariates in ODS design (Zhou et al. 2002).
#'We assume that in the population, the primary outcome variable Y follows the
#'following model: \deqn{Y=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1}X+\epsilon,}{Y = beta0 + beta1*X +
#'epsilon,} where X are the covariates, and epsilon has variance sig. In ODS
#'design, a simple random sample is taken from the full cohort, then two
#'supplemental samples are taken from two tails of Y, i.e. (-Infty, mu_Y -
#'a*sig_Y) and (mu_Y + a*sig_Y, +Infty). Because ODS data has biased sampling
#'nature, naive regression analysis will yield biased estimates of the
#'population parameters. Zhou et al. (2002) describes a semiparametric empirical
#'likelihood estimator for estimating the parameters in the primary outcome
#'@param Y vector for the primary response
#'@param X the design matrix with a column of 1's for the intercept
#'@param beta starting parameter values for the regression coefficients that
#'  relate Y to X.
#'@param sig starting parameter values for the error variance of the regression.
#'@param pis starting parameter values for the stratum probabilities (the
#'  probability that Y belongs to certain stratum) e.g. pis = c(0.1, 0.8, 0.1).
#'@param a vector of cutpoints for the primary response (e.g., a = c(-2.5,2))
#'@param rs.size size of the SRS (simple random sample)
#'@param size vector of the stratum sizes of the supplemental samples (e.g. size
#'  = c(50,0,50) represents that two supplemental samples each of size 50 are
#'  taken from the upper and lower tail of Y.)
#'@param strat vector that indicates the stratum numbers (e.g. strat = c(1,2,3)
#'  represents that there are three stratums).
#'@return A list which contains the parameter estimates for the primary response
#'  model: \deqn{Y=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1}X+\epsilon,}{Y = beta0 + beta1*X +
#'  epsilon,} where epsilon has variance sig. The list contains the following
#'  components: \item{beta}{parameter estimates for beta} \item{sig}{estimates
#'  for sig} \item{pis}{estimates for the stratum probabilities}
#'  \item{grad}{gradient} \item{hess}{hessian} \item{converge}{whether the
#'  algorithm converges: True or False} \item{i}{Number of iterations}
#' @examples
#' # take the example data from the ODS package
#' # please see the documentation for details about the data set ods_data
#' Y <- ods_data[,1]
#' X <- cbind(rep(1,length(Y)), ods_data[,2:5])
#' # use the simple random sample to get an initial estimate of beta, sig #
#' # perform an ordinary least squares #
#' SRS <- ods_data[1:200,]
#' OLS.srs <- lm(SRS[,1] ~ SRS[,2:5])
#' OLS.srs.summary <- summary(OLS.srs)
#' beta <- coefficients(OLS.srs)
#' sig <- OLS.srs.summary$sigma^2
#' pis <- c(0.1,0.8,0.1)
#' # the cut points for this data is Y < 0.162, Y > 2.59.
#' a <- c(0.162,2.59)
#' rs.size <- 200
#' size <- c(100,0,100)
#' strat <- c(1,2,3)
#' odsmle(Y,X,beta,sig,pis,a,rs.size,size,strat)

odsmle <- function(Y,X,beta,sig,pis,a,rs.size,size,strat)
  # This function get the semiparametric MLE given an ODS sample has already
  # been obtained.


  #  strat <- c(1,3)

  b <- length(beta)
  b1 <- b+1
  b2 <- b + 2

  k1 <- length(pis) - 1
  alpha <- rep(0,k1)
  den.alpha <- 1 - sum(pis[1:k1])
  for(i in 1:k1)
    alpha[i] <- log(pis[i]/den.alpha)

  #  alpha <- rep(0,2)
  #  alpha[1] <- log(pis[1]/(1-pis[1]-pis[3]))
  #  alpha[2] <- log(pis[3]/(1-pis[1]-pis[3]))

  grad <- grad.lc(Y,X,beta,sig,pis,a,
  hess <- hessian.lc(Y,X,beta,sig,pis,a,

  dpi.da <- dpis.dalpha(alpha)
  temp.grad <- t(dpi.da) %*% as.matrix(grad[b2:length(grad)])
  A <- A.matrix(alpha,grad[b2:length(grad)])
  temp.hess <-t(dpi.da)%*%hess[b2:length(grad),b2:length(grad)]%*%dpi.da
  temp2.hess <- hess[1:b1,b2:length(grad)]%*%dpi.da
  grad <- c(grad[1:b1],temp.grad)
  hess <- rbind(cbind(hess[1:b1,1:b1],temp2.hess),

  eta <- c(beta,sig,alpha)

  #eta <- c(beta,sig,pis[strat])

  converge <- F

  det <- prod(svd(hess,nu=0,nv=0)$d)
  if(det <= 1.0e-06){

  delta <- max(abs(grad))
  if ( delta < 1.0e-04)
    converge <- T

  for(i in 1:20)
    eta.new <- eta - solve(hess)%*%grad
    gamma <- eta - eta.new
    eta <- eta.new
    beta <- eta[1:length(beta)]
    sig <- eta[(length(beta)+1)]
    #  pis[strat] <- eta[(length(beta)+2):length(eta)]
    #  pis[2] <- 1-pis[1]-pis[3]
    alpha <- eta[(b1+1):length(eta)]
    for(j in 1:k1){
      pis[j] <- exp(alpha[j])/(1 + sum(exp(alpha)))
    pis[length(pis)] <- 1 - sum(pis[1:k1])

    # pis[1] <- exp(alpha[1])/(1+exp(alpha[1])+exp(alpha[2]))
    #  pis[3] <- exp(alpha[2])/(1+exp(alpha[1])+exp(alpha[2]))
    #  pis[2] <- 1-pis[1]-pis[3]
    grad <- grad.lc(Y,X,beta,sig,pis,a,
    hess <- hessian.lc(Y,X,beta,sig,pis,a,

    dpi.da <- dpis.dalpha(alpha)
    temp.grad <- t(dpi.da) %*% as.matrix(grad[b2:length(grad)])
    A <- A.matrix(alpha,grad[b2:length(grad)])
    temp.hess <-t(dpi.da)%*%hess[b2:length(grad),b2:length(grad)]%*%dpi.da
    temp2.hess <- hess[1:b1,b2:length(grad)]%*%dpi.da
    grad <- c(grad[1:b1],temp.grad)
    hess <- rbind(cbind(hess[1:b1,1:b1],temp2.hess),

    det <- prod(svd(hess,nu=0,nv=0)$d)
    if(det <= 1.0e-06){

    delta <- max(abs(grad))
    gamma <- max(abs(gamma))
    if ( delta < 1.0e-04 || gamma < 1.0e-04)
      converge <- T


#' standard error for MSELE estimator
#' \code{se.spmle} calculates the standard error for MSELE estimator in Zhou et
#' al. 2002
#' @export
#' @param y vector of the primary response
#' @param x the design matrix with a column of 1's for the intercept
#' @param beta final estimates of the regression coefficients obtained from
#'   odsmle
#' @param sig final estimate of the error variance obtained from odsmle
#' @param pis final estimates of the stratum probabilities obtained from odsmle
#' @param a vector of cutpoints for the primary response (e.g., a = c(-2.5,2))
#' @param N.edf should be the size of the SRS (simple random sample)
#' @param rhos which is size/pis, where size is a vector representing the
#'   stratum sizes of supplemental samples. e.g. size = c(100, 0, 100), and pis
#'   are the final estimates obtained from odsmle.
#' @param strat vector that indicates the stratum numbers of supplemental
#'   samples, except that you should only list stratum with size > 0. (e.g. if
#'   the supplemental size is c(100, 0, 100), then the strat vector should be
#'   c(1,3))
#' @param size.nc total size of the validation sample (SRS plus supplemental
#'   samples)
#' @return A list which contains the standard error estimates for betas in the
#'   model : \deqn{Y=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1}X+\epsilon,}{Y = beta0 + beta1*X +
#'   epsilon,} where epsilon has variance sig.
#' @examples
#' library(ODS)
#' # take the example data from the ODS package
#' # please see the documentation for details about the data set ods_data
#' Y <- ods_data[,1]
#' X <- cbind(rep(1,length(Y)), ods_data[,2:5])
#' # use the simple random sample to get an initial estimate of beta, sig #
#' # perform an ordinary least squares #
#' SRS <- ods_data[1:200,]
#' OLS.srs <- lm(SRS[,1] ~ SRS[,2:5])
#' OLS.srs.summary <- summary(OLS.srs)
#' beta <- coefficients(OLS.srs)
#' sig <- OLS.srs.summary$sigma^2
#' pis <- c(0.1,0.8,0.1)
#' # the cut points for this data is Y < 0.162, Y > 2.59.
#' a <- c(0.162,2.59)
#' rs.size <- 200
#' size <- c(100,0,100)
#' strat <- c(1,2,3)
#' # obtain the parameter estimates
#' ODS.model = odsmle(Y,X,beta,sig,pis,a,rs.size,size,strat)
#' # calculate the standard error estimate
#' y <- Y
#' x <- X
#' beta <- ODS.model$beta
#' sig <- ODS.model$sig
#' pis <- ODS.model$pis
#' a <- c(0.162,2.59)
#' N.edf <- rs.size
#' rhos <- size/pis
#' strat <- c(1,3)
#' size.nc <- length(y)
#' se = se.spmle(y, x, beta, sig, pis, a, N.edf, rhos, strat, size.nc)
#' # summarize the result
#' ODS.tvalue <- ODS.model$beta / se
#' ODS.pvalue <- 2 * pt( - abs(ODS.tvalue), sum(rs.size, size)-2)
#' ODS.results <- cbind(ODS.model$beta, se, ODS.tvalue, ODS.pvalue)
#' dimnames(ODS.results)[[2]] <- c("Beta","SEbeta","tvalue","Pr(>|t|)")
#' row.names(ODS.results) <- c("(Intercept)","X","Z1","Z2","Z3")
#' ODS.results

se.spmle <- function(y,x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat,size.nc)
  #  Computes the standard error estimator

  p.i <- npmle(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)

  temp1 <- dfdb(y,x,beta,sig)/c(cpdf(y,x,beta,sig))
  temp1a <- dfdsig(y,x,beta,sig)/c(cpdf(y,x,beta,sig))
  temp2 <- dpdb(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)/c(p.i)
  temp2a <- dpdsig(x,beta,sig,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)/c(p.i)
  dlcdb <- temp1 + temp2
  dlcds <- temp1a + temp2a

  temp3 <- dpdpis(x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat)/c(p.i)
  dlcdpis <- temp3 - rhos[strat]/size.nc

  dlc <- cbind(dlcdb,dlcds,dlcdpis)

  U <- crossprod(dlc)/size.nc

  A <- -(hessian.lc(y,x,beta,sig,pis,a,N.edf,rhos,strat))/size.nc

  A.inv <- solve(A)

  var <- (A.inv %*% U %*% A.inv)/size.nc

  se <- sqrt(diag(var))

  se.beta <- se[1:ncol(x)]


#' Data example for analyzing the primary response in ODS design
#' Data example for analyzing the primary response in ODS design (zhou et al.
#' 2002)
#' @format A matrix with 400 rows and 5 columns. The first 200 observations are
#'   from the simple random sample, while 2 supplemental samples each with size
#'   100 are taken from one standard deviation above the mean and below the
#'   mean, i.e. (Y1 < 0.162) and (Y1 > 2.59). \describe{ \item{Y1}{primary
#'   outcome for which the ODS sampling scheme is based on} \item{X}{expensive
#'   exposure} \item{Z1}{a simulated covariate} \item{Z2}{a simulated covariate}
#'   \item{Z3}{a simulated covariate} }
#' @source A simulated data set

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