
Defines functions ZEST.final ZEST.stop ZEST.step ZEST.start ZEST ZEST.entropy ZEST.stdev

Documented in ZEST ZEST.final ZEST.start ZEST.step ZEST.stop

# ZEST algorithm that maintains state in a list - good for interleaved.
# Includes
#     ZEST          # just for a single location
#     ZEST.start    # initialise list state
#     ZEST.step     # take state, present stim, update and return state
#     ZEST.stop     # boolean - true if state is finished
#     ZEST.final    # return final estimate from state
# Author: Andrew Turpin
# Date: August 2012
# Modified Tue 21 Mar 2023: changed licence from gnu to Apache 2.0
# Copyright [2022] [Andrew Turpin]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# little helper functions
ZEST.stdev <- function(state) { sqrt(sum(state$pdf*state$domain*state$domain) - sum(state$pdf * state$domain)^2) }

ZEST.entropy <- function(state) {
    z <- which(state$pdf > 0)
    return(-sum(state$pdf[z] * log2(state$pdf[z])))

#' @rdname ZEST
#' @title ZEST
#' @description An implementation of the Bayesian test procedures of King-Smith et al.
#' and Watson and Pelli. Note that we use the term \code{pdf} throughout as in the
#' original paper, even though they are discrete probability functions in this
#' implementation.
#' @param domain Vector of values over which pdf is kept.
#' @param prior Starting probability distribution over domain. Same length as \code{domain}.
#' @param likelihood Matrix where \code{likelihood[s,t]} is likelihood of seeing \code{s}
#'   given \code{t} is the true threshold. That is, Pr(s|t) where \code{s} and \code{t} are
#'   indexes into \code{domain}.
#' @param stopType \code{N}, for number of presentations; \code{S}, for standard deviation
#'   of the pdf; and \code{H}, for the entropy  of the pdf.
#' @param stopValue Value for number of presentations (\code{stopType=N}), standard deviation
#'   (\code{stopType=S)} or Entropy (\code{stopType=H}).
#' @param minStimulus The smallest stimuli that will be presented. Could be different from
#'   \code{domain[1]}.
#' @param maxStimulus The largest stimuli that will be presented. Could be different from
#'   \code{tail(domain,1)}.
#' @param minNotSeenLimit Will terminate if \code{minStimulus} value is not seen this many times.
#' @param maxSeenLimit Will terminate if \code{maxStimulus} value is seen this many times.
#' @param maxPresentations Maximum number of presentations regardless of \code{stopType}.
#' @param minInterStimInterval If both \code{minInterStimInterval} and \code{maxInterStimInterval}
#'   are not \code{NA}, then between each stimuli there is a random wait period drawn uniformly
#'   between \code{minInterStimInterval} and \code{maxInterStimInterval}.
#' @param maxInterStimInterval \code{minInterStimInterval}.
#' @param verbose \code{verbose=0} does nothing, \code{verbose=1} stores pdfs for returning,
#'   and \code{verbose=2} stores pdfs and also prints each presentation.
#' @param makeStim A function that takes a dB value and numPresentations and returns an OPI datatype
#' ready for passing to opiPresent. See examples.
#' @param stimChoice A true ZEST procedure uses the \code{"mean"} of the current pdf as the stimulus,
#' but \code{"median"} and \code{"mode"} (as used in a QUEST procedure) are provided for your
#' enjoyment.
#' @param ... Extra parameters to pass to the opiPresent function
#' @details   This is an implementation of King-Smith et al.'s ZEST procedure and Watson and Pelli's
#' QUEST procedure. All presentations are rounded to an element of the supplied domain.
#' Note this function will repeatedly call \code{opiPresent} for a stimulus until \code{opiPresent}
#' returns \code{NULL} (ie no error occurred).
#' The \code{checkFixationOK} function is called (if present in stim made from \code{makeStim})
#' after each presentation, and if it returns FALSE, the pdf for that location is not changed
#' (ie the presentation is ignored), but the stim, number of presentations etc is recorded in
#' the state.
#' If more than one ZEST is to be interleaved (for example, testing multiple locations), then the
#' \code{ZEST.start}, \code{ZEST.step}, \code{ZEST.stop} and \code{ZEST.final} calls can maintain
#' the state of the ZEST after each presentation, and should be used. If only a single ZEST is
#' required, then the simpler \code{ZEST} can be used, which is a wrapper for the four functions
#' that maintain state. See examples below.
#' @return
#' ## Single location
#'   \code{ZEST} returns a list containing
#'   * \code{npres} Total number of presentations used.
#'   * \code{respSeq} Response sequence stored as a matrix: row 1 is dB values of stimuli, row 2
#'   *   is 1/0 for seen/not-seen, row 3 is fixated 1/0 (always 1 if \code{checkFixationOK} not
#'   *   present in stim objects returned from \code{makeStim}).
#'   * \code{pdfs} If \code{verbose} is bigger than 0, then this is a list of the pdfs used for each presentation, otherwise NULL.
#'   * \code{final} The mean/median/mode of the final pdf, depending on \code{stimChoice}, which is the determined threshold.
#'   * \code{opiResp} A list of responses received from each successful call to \code{opiPresent} within \code{ZEST}.
#' ## Multilple locations
#'   \code{ZEST.start} returns a list that can be passed to \code{ZEST.step}, \code{ZEST.stop}, and
#'   \code{ZEST.final}. It represents the state of a ZEST at a single location at a point in time
#'   and contains the following.
#'    * \code{name} \code{ZEST}.
#'    * \code{pdf} Current pdf: vector of probabilities the same length as \code{domain}.
#'    * \code{numPresentations} The number of times \code{ZEST.step} has been called on this state.
#'    * \code{stimuli} A vector containing the stimuli used at each call of \code{ZEST.step}.
#'    * \code{responses} A vector containing the responses received at each call of \code{ZEST.step}.
#'    * \code{responseTimes} A vector containing the response times received at each call of \code{ZEST.step}.
#'    * \code{fixated} A vector containing TRUE/FALSE if fixation was OK according to
#'       \code{checkFixationOK} for each call of \code{ZEST.step} (defaults to TRUE if
#'       \code{checkFixationOK} not present).
#'    * \code{opiResp} A list of responses received from each call to \code{opiPresent} within \code{ZEST.step}.
#'    * A copy of all of the parameters supplied to ZEST.start: \code{domain},
#'       \code{likelihood}, \code{stopType}, \code{stopValue}, \code{minStimulus}, \code{maxStimulus},
#'       \code{maxSeenLimit}, \code{minNotSeenLimit}, \code{maxPresentations}, \code{makeStim},
#'       \code{stimChoice}, \code{currSeenLimit}, \code{currNotSeenLimit}, and \code{opiParams}.
#'   \code{ZEST.step} returns a list containing
#'     * \code{state} The new state after presenting a stimuli and getting a response.
#'     * \code{resp} The return from the \code{opiPresent} call that was made.
#'   \code{ZEST.stop} returns \code{TRUE} if the ZEST has reached its stopping criteria, and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#'   \code{ZEST.final} returns an estimate of threshold based on state. If \code{state$stimChoice}
#'   is \code{mean} then the mean is returned. If \code{state$stimChoice} is \code{mode} then the
#'   mode is returned. If \code{state$stimChoice} is \code{median} then the median is returned.
#' @references
#' P.E. King-Smith, S.S. Grigsny, A.J. Vingrys, S.C. Benes, and A. Supowit. "Efficient and Unbiased
#' Modifications of the QUEST Threshold Method: Theory, Simulations, Experimental Evaluation and
#' Practical Implementation", Vision Research 34(7) 1994. Pages 885-912.
#' A.B. Watson and D.G. Pelli. "QUEST: A Bayesian adaptive psychophysical method", Perception and
#' Psychophysics 33 1983. Pages 113-l20.
#' A. Turpin, P.H. Artes and A.M. McKendrick "The Open Perimetry Interface: An enabling tool for
#' clinical visual psychophysics", Journal of Vision 12(11) 2012.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dbTocd}}, \code{\link{opiPresent}}
#' @examples
#' chooseOpi("SimHenson")
#' if(!is.null(opiInitialize(type="C", cap=6)))
#'   stop("opiInitialize failed")
#' ##############################################
#' # This section is for single location ZESTs
#' ##############################################
#' # Stimulus is Size III white-on-white as in the HFA
#' makeStim <- function(db, n) {
#'   s <- list(x=9, y=9, level=dbTocd(db), size=0.43, color="white",
#'             duration=200, responseWindow=1500, checkFixationOK=NULL)
#'   class(s) <- "opiStaticStimulus"
#'   return(s)
#' }
#' repp <- function(...) sapply(1:50, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, ...))
#' a <- repp(stopType="H", stopValue=  3, verbose=0, tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#' b <- repp(stopType="S", stopValue=1.5, verbose=0, tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#' c <- repp(stopType="S", stopValue=2.0, verbose=0, tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#' d <- repp(stopType="N", stopValue= 50, verbose=0, tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#' e <- repp(prior=dnorm(0:40,m=0,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#' f <- repp(prior=dnorm(0:40,m=10,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#' g <- repp(prior=dnorm(0:40,m=20,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#' h <- repp(prior=dnorm(0:40,m=30,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#' layout(matrix(1:2,1,2))
#' boxplot(lapply(list(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h), function(x) unlist(x["final",])))
#' boxplot(lapply(list(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h), function(x) unlist(x["npres",])))
#' ##############################################
#' # This section is for multiple ZESTs
#' ##############################################
#' makeStimHelper <- function(db,n, x, y) {  # returns a function of (db,n)
#'   ff <- function(db, n) db+n
#'   body(ff) <- substitute({
#'     s <- list(x=x, y=y, level=dbTocd(db), size=0.43, color="white",
#'               duration=200, responseWindow=1500, checkFixationOK=NULL)
#'     class(s) <- "opiStaticStimulus"
#'     return(s)
#'   }, list(x=x,y=y))
#'   return(ff)
#' }
#' # List of (x, y, true threshold) triples
#' locations <- list(c(9,9,30), c(-9,-9,32), c(9,-9,31), c(-9,9,33))
#' # Setup starting states for each location
#' states <- lapply(locations, function(loc) {
#'   ZEST.start(
#'     domain=-5:45,
#'     minStimulus=0,
#'     maxStimulus=40,
#'     makeStim=makeStimHelper(db,n,loc[1],loc[2]),
#'     stopType="S", stopValue= 1.5, tt=loc[3], fpr=0.03, fnr=0.01)})
#' # Loop through until all states are "stop"
#' while(!all(st <- unlist(lapply(states, ZEST.stop)))) {
#'   i <- which(!st)                         # choose a random,
#'   i <- i[runif(1, min=1, max=length(i))]  # unstopped state
#'   r <- ZEST.step(states[[i]])             # step it
#'   states[[i]] <- r$state                  # update the states
#' }
#' finals <- lapply(states, ZEST.final)    # get final estimates of threshold
#' for(i in 1:length(locations)) {
#'   #cat(sprintf("Location (%+2d,%+2d) ",locations[[i]][1], locations[[i]][2]))
#'   #cat(sprintf("has threshold %4.2f\n", finals[[i]]))
#' }
#' if (!is.null(opiClose()))
#'   warning("opiClose() failed")
#' @export
ZEST <- function(domain = 0:40, prior = rep(1 / length(domain),length(domain)),
                 likelihood = sapply(domain, function(tt) 0.03 + (1-0.03-0.03)*(1-stats::pnorm(domain, tt, 1))),
                 stopValue = 1.5,
                 minStimulus = utils::head(domain, 1),
                 maxStimulus = utils::tail(domain, 1),
                 maxSeenLimit = 2,
                 minNotSeenLimit = 2,
                 maxPresentations = 100,
                 minInterStimInterval = NA,
                 maxInterStimInterval = NA,
                 verbose = 0, makeStim,
                 ...) {
    state <- ZEST.start(domain, prior, likelihood, stopType, stopValue,
                        minStimulus, maxStimulus,
                        makeStim,stimChoice, ...)

    pdfs <- NULL
    while(!ZEST.stop(state)) {
        r <- ZEST.step(state)
        state <- r$state
        if (verbose == 2) {
            cat(sprintf("Presentation %2d: ", state$numPresentations))
            cat(sprintf("stim= %5s response=%s ", utils::tail(state$stimuli,1), utils::tail(state$responses,1)))
            cat(sprintf("fixation= %1.0g ", utils::tail(state$fixated,1)))
            cat(sprintf("stdev= %8.4g H= %8.4g\n", ZEST.stdev(state), ZEST.entropy(state)))
        if (verbose > 0)
            pdfs <- c(pdfs, list(state$pdf))

        if (!is.na(minInterStimInterval) && !is.na(maxInterStimInterval))
            Sys.sleep(stats::runif(1, min = minInterStimInterval, max = maxInterStimInterval)/1000)

        npres = utils::tail(state$numPresentations,1),        # number of presentations
        respSeq = mapply(c, state$stimuli, state$responses, state$fixated), # response sequence (list of triples)
        pdfs = pdfs,                                   # list of pdfs used (if verbose > 0)
        final = ZEST.final(state),                     # final threshold estimate
        opiResp = state$opiResp                        # list of all responses from opiPresent

#' @rdname ZEST
#' @export
ZEST.start <- function(domain = 0:40, prior = rep(1 / length(domain),length(domain)),
            likelihood = sapply(domain, function(tt) 0.03 + (1-0.03-0.03)*(1-stats::pnorm(domain, tt, 1))),
            stopType = "S",
            stopValue = 1.5,
            minStimulus = utils::head(domain, 1),
            maxStimulus = utils::tail(domain, 1),
            maxSeenLimit = 2,
            minNotSeenLimit = 2,
            maxPresentations = 100,
            stimChoice = "mean",
            ...) {
    # Validate params
    if (!is.element(stopType, c("S", "H", "N")))
        stop("ZEST.start: stopType must be one of 'S', 'N', or 'H'")
    if (nrow(likelihood) != length(domain))
        stop(paste("ZEST.start: not enough rows in likelihood. Expect", length(domain)))
    if (ncol(likelihood) != length(domain))
        stop(paste("ZEST.start: not enough cols in likelihood. Expect", length(domain)))

    if (!is.element(minStimulus, domain))
        stop(paste("ZEST.start: you specified minStimulus =", minStimulus, "but it is not in 'domain'."))
    if (!is.element(maxStimulus, domain))
        stop(paste("ZEST.start: you specified maxStimulus =", maxStimulus, "but it is not in 'domain'."))

    pdf <- prior/sum(prior)

    return(list(name = "ZEST",
                domain = domain,
                pdf = pdf,
                likelihood = likelihood,
                stopType = stopType,
                stopValue = stopValue,
                minStimulus = minStimulus,
                maxStimulus = maxStimulus,
                maxSeenLimit = maxSeenLimit,
                minNotSeenLimit = minNotSeenLimit,
                maxPresentations = maxPresentations,
                makeStim = makeStim,
                stimChoice = stimChoice,
                currSeenLimit = 0,                    # number of times maxStimulus seen
                currNotSeenLimit = 0,                 # number of times minStimulus not seen
                numPresentations = 0,                 # number of presentations so far
                stimuli = NULL,                       # vector of stims shown
                responses = NULL,                     # vector of responses (1 seen, 0 not)
                responseTimes = NULL,                 # vector of response times
                fixated = NULL,                       # vector of true/false for fixated one per stimuli
                opiResp = NULL,                       # list of opiPresent return values
                opiParams = list(...)                 # the extra params
}# ZEST.start

#' @rdname ZEST
#' @param state Current state of the ZEST returned by \code{ZEST.start} and \code{ZEST.step}.
#' @param nextStim A valid object for \code{opiPresent} to use as its \code{nextStim}.
#' @param fixedStimValue A number in \code{state$domain} that, is \code{!is.na}, will be used as the stimulus value
#'                       overriding \code{state$minStimulus}, \code{state$maxStimulus} and \code{state$stimChoice}.
#' @export
ZEST.step <- function(state, nextStim = NULL, fixedStimValue = NA) {
    if (!is.na(fixedStimValue)) {
        if (fixedStimValue %in% state$domain) {
            stim <- fixedStimValue
        } else {
            stop(paste("ZEST.step: fixedStimValue = ", fixedStimValue,"is not in 'domain'."))
    } else {
        if (state$stimChoice == "mean") {
            stimIndex <- which.min(abs(state$domain - sum(state$pdf * state$domain)))
        } else if (state$stimChoice == "mode") {
            stimIndex <- which.max(state$pdf)
        } else if (state$stimChoice == "median") {
            stimIndex <- which.min(abs(cumsum(state$pdf) - 0.5))
        } else {
            stop(paste("ZEST.step: stimChoice = ",state$stimChoice," not implemented."))

        stim <- state$domain[stimIndex]

        if (stim < state$minStimulus)
            stim <- state$minStimulus

        if (stim > state$maxStimulus) 
            stim <- state$maxStimulus
    stimIndex <- which(stim == state$domain) # in case it changed via fixed, min or max

    params <- c(list(stim = state$makeStim(stim, state$numPresentations), nextStim = nextStim), state$opiParams)
    opiResp <- do.call(opiPresent, params)
    if (!is.null(opiResp$err))
        return(list(state = state, resp = opiResp))

    fixation_is_good <- TRUE
    if (!is.null(params$stim$checkFixationOK)) {
        fixation_is_good <- params$stim$checkFixationOK(opiResp)

    state$stimuli          <- c(state$stimuli, stim)
    state$responses        <- c(state$responses, opiResp$seen)
    state$responseTimes    <- c(state$responseTimes, opiResp$time)
    state$numPresentations <- state$numPresentations + 1
    state$fixated          <- c(state$fixated, fixation_is_good)
    state$opiResp          <- c(state$opiResp, list(opiResp))

    if (fixation_is_good) {  # update the pdf
        if(opiResp$seen) {
            if (stim == state$maxStimulus) state$currSeenLimit <- state$currSeenLimit + 1
            state$pdf <- state$pdf * state$likelihood[stimIndex, ]
        } else {
            if (stim == state$minStimulus) state$currNotSeenLimit <- state$currNotSeenLimit + 1
            state$pdf <- state$pdf * (1 - state$likelihood[stimIndex, ])
        state$pdf <- state$pdf/sum(state$pdf)
    } else {
        warning("ZEST.step: fixation lost during presentation, pdf not updated")

    return(list(state = state, resp = opiResp))

#' @rdname ZEST
#' @export
ZEST.stop <- function(state) {
    keepGoing <- (
        (state$numPresentations < state$maxPresentations) &&
        (state$currNotSeenLimit < state$minNotSeenLimit) &&
        (state$currSeenLimit    < state$maxSeenLimit) &&
           ((state$stopType == "S") && (ZEST.stdev(state) > state$stopValue))
        || ((state$stopType == "H") && (ZEST.entropy(state) > state$stopValue))
        || ((state$stopType == "N") && (state$numPresentations < state$stopValue))

#' @rdname ZEST
#' @export
ZEST.final <- function(state) {
    if (state$stimChoice == "mean") {
        final <- sum(state$pdf*state$domain)
    } else if (state$stimChoice == "mode") {
        final <- state$domain[which.max(state$pdf)]
    } else if (state$stimChoice == "median") {
        final <- state$domain[which.min(abs(cumsum(state$pdf) - 0.5))]


# Tests
#makeStim <- function(db, n) {
#         s <- list(x=9, y=9, level=dbTocd(db,10000/pi), size=0.43,
#                  color="white",
#                  duration=200, responseWindow=1500,
#                   checkFixationOK=NULL)
#         class(s) <- "opiStaticStimulus"
#         return(s)
#     }
#makeNextStim <- function(x,y) {
#         s <- list(x=9, y=9, level=dbTocd(db,10000/pi), size=0.43, color="white",
#                  duration=200, responseWindow=1500, checkFixationOK=NULL)
#         class(s) <- "opiStaticStimulus"
#         return(s)
#     }
#state <- ZEST.start(domain=-5:45, maxStimulus=40, minStimulus=0, makeStim=makeStim, stopType="S", stopValue= 1.5, tt=0, fpr=0.30)
#while(!ZEST.stop(state)) {
#    r <- ZEST.step(state)
#    cat(sprintf("%2d %s\n",tail(r$state$stimuli,1), r$resp$seen))
#    state <- r$state
#makeStimHelper <- function(db,n, x, y) {
#    ff <- function(db, n) db+n
#    body(ff) <- substitute(
#        {s <- list(x=x, y=y, level=dbTocd(db,10000/pi), size=0.43, color="white",
#                  duration=200, responseWindow=1500, checkFixationOK=NULL)
#         class(s) <- "opiStaticStimulus"
#         return(s)
#        }
#        , list(x=x,y=y))
#    return(ff)
#    # list of (x, y, true threshold) triples
#locations <- list(c(9,9,30), c(-9,-9,32), c(9,-9,31), c(-9,9,33))
#    # setup starting states for each location
#states <- lapply(locations, function(loc) {
#    ZEST.start(domain=-5:45,
#        makeStim=makeStimHelper(db,n,loc[1],loc[2]),
#        maxStimulus=40, minStimulus=0,
#        stopType="S", stopValue= 1.5, tt=loc[3], fpr=0.03, fn=0.01)
#    # loop through until all states are "stop"
#while(!all(st <- unlist(lapply(states, ZEST.stop)))) {
#    i <- sample(which(!st), 1)  # choose a random, unstopped state
#    r <- ZEST.step(states[[i]]) # step it
#    states[[i]] <- r$state      # update the states
#finals <- lapply(states, ZEST.final)    # get final estimates of threshold
#for(i in 1:length(locations))
#    cat(sprintf("Location (%+2d,%+2d) has threshold %4.2f\n",locations[[i]][1], locations[[i]][2], finals[[i]]))
#a <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, stopType="H", stopValue=  3, verbose=0, tt=20, fpr=0.03))
#b <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, stopType="S", stopValue=1.5, verbose=0, tt=20, fpr=0.03))
#c <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, stopType="S", stopValue=2.0, verbose=0, tt=20, fpr=0.03))
#d <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, stopType="N", stopValue= 50, verbose=0, tt=20, fpr=0.03))
#a <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, stimChoice="mean", tt=20, fpr=0.03))
#b <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, stimChoice="mode", tt=20, fpr=0.03))
#c <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, stimChoice="median", tt=20, fpr=0.03))
#d <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, stimChoice="mean", tt=20, fpr=0.03))
#boxplot(lapply(list(a,b,c,d), function(x) unlist(x["final",])))
#boxplot(lapply(list(a,b,c,d), function(x) unlist(x["npres",])))
#a <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, prior=dnorm(0:40,m=0,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03))
#b <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, prior=dnorm(0:40,m=10,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03))
#c <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, prior=dnorm(0:40,m=20,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03))
#d <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, prior=dnorm(0:40,m=30,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03))
#boxplot(lapply(list(a,b,c,d), function(x) unlist(x["final",])))
#boxplot(lapply(list(a,b,c,d), function(x) unlist(x["npres",])))
#repp <- function(...) sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, ...))
#a <- repp(stopType="H", stopValue=  3, verbose=0, tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#b <- repp(stopType="S", stopValue=1.5, verbose=0, tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#c <- repp(stopType="S", stopValue=2.0, verbose=0, tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#d <- repp(stopType="N", stopValue= 50, verbose=0, tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#e <- repp(prior=dnorm(0:40,m=0,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#f <- repp(prior=dnorm(0:40,m=10,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#g <- repp(prior=dnorm(0:40,m=20,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#h <- repp(prior=dnorm(0:40,m=30,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03)
#boxplot(lapply(list(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h), function(x) unlist(x["final",])))
#boxplot(lapply(list(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h), function(x) unlist(x["npres",])))
#a <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, prior=dnorm(0:40,m=30,s=5), tt=00, fpr=0.03))
#b <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, prior=dnorm(0:40,m=30,s=5), tt=10, fpr=0.03))
#c <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, prior=dnorm(0:40,m=30,s=5), tt=20, fpr=0.03))
#d <- sapply(1:100, function(i) ZEST(makeStim=makeStim, prior=dnorm(0:40,m=30,s=5), tt=30, fpr=0.03))
#boxplot(lapply(list(a,b,c,d), function(x) unlist(x["final",])))
#boxplot(lapply(list(a,b,c,d), function(x) unlist(x["npres",])))

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OPI documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 9:06 a.m.