
SWIG_update_daily_fraction = update_daily_fraction

#' R6Class Network
#' @description
#' Wrapper class for the \code{network} C struct (\emph{network.h}).
#' Network object has information about a specific network.
Network <- R6Class( classname = 'Network', cloneable = FALSE,

  private = list(
    #' the network ID
    id        = NULL,

    #' .c_network External pointer, reference to \code{network} C struct.
    .c_network = NULL,

    #' the C network R pointer object
    c_network_ptr = function() {
      return( self$c_network@ref )

    #' check the C network still exists
    c_network_valid = function() {
      return( !is_null_xptr( private$.c_network@ref ))

  active = list(
    #' @field c_network the C network R pointer object (SWIG wrapped)
    c_network = function( val = NULL )
      if( is.null( val ) )
        if( private$c_network_valid() )
          return( private$.c_network )
        stop( "c_network is no longer valid - create a new netwrok")
        stop( "cannot set c_network" )

  public = list(

    #' @param model R6 Model object
    #' @param network_id The network ID.
    initialize = function( model, network_id )
      if( !is.R6(model) || !inherits( model, "Model"))
        stop( "model must be a R6 class of type Model")

      # check we're asking for a valid network
      n_ids = model$get_network_ids()
      if( !max( n_ids == network_id ) )
        stop( "network_id does not exist in this model")

      private$.c_network <- get_network_by_id( model$c_model, network_id )
      private$id         <- network_id

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{network_n_edges}.
    #' @return Number of edges
    n_edges = function() {
      return(network_n_edges( self$c_network ))

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{network_n_vertices}.
    #' @return Number of vertices
    n_vertices = function() {
      return(network_n_vertices( self$c_network ))

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{network_name}.
    #' @return The network name
    name = function() {
      return(network_name( self$c_network ))

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{get_network_by_id}
    #' @return The network ID
    network_id = function() {

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{network_skip_hospitalised}.
    #' @return \code{TRUE} if interactions are skipped for hospitalised
    #' persons.
    skip_hospitalised = function() {
      return(network_skip_hospitalised( self$c_network ))

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{network_skip_quarantined}.
    #' @return \code{TRUE} if interactions are skipped for quarantined
    #' persons.
    skip_quarantined = function() {
      return(network_skip_quarantined( self$c_network ))

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{network_type}.
    #' @return Network type: 0 (household), 1 (occupation), or 2 (random)
    type = function() {
      return(network_type( self$c_network ))

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{network_daily_fraction}.
    #' @return The fraction of edges on the network present each day (i.e.
    #' down-sampling the network). Value between 0 and 1.
    daily_fraction = function() {
      return(network_daily_fraction( self$c_network ))

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{network_transmission_multiplier}.
    #' @return The transmission multiplier for this network
    transmission_multiplier = function() {
      return(network_transmission_multiplier( self$c_network ))

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{set_network_transmission_multiplier}.
    #' @param val New tranmission multiplier value to set.
    #' @return Sets the transmission multiplier for this network
    set_transmission_multiplier = function( val ) {

      if( !is.numeric( val ) || val < 0 )
        stop( "tranmsission multiplier must be non-negative")

      return(set_network_transmission_multiplier( self$c_network, val ))

    #' @description Wrapper for C API \code{update_daily_fraction}.
    #' @param daily_fraction New fraction value; a value between 0 and 1.
    #' @return \code{TRUE} on success, \code{FALSE} on failure.
    update_daily_fraction = function(daily_fraction) {
      res <- SWIG_update_daily_fraction( self$c_network, daily_fraction )

    #' @description Print the object
    print = function() {
      pad <- function(x) { return(strtrim(paste(x,'                 '),17)) }
      keys <- c(
        'network_id', 'name','n_edges','n_vertices', 'skip_hospitalised',
      for (k in keys)
        v <- self[[k]]()
        cat(paste( pad(k), '=', v, '\n' ))

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OpenABMCovid19 documentation built on July 20, 2021, 5:08 p.m.