
Defines functions confint.MxModel omxRunCI omxParallelCI removeAllIntervals expandConfidenceIntervalsHelper createSimilarInterval expandConfidenceIntervals displayInterval generateIntervalListHelper makeIntervalReference generateIntervalList modelRemoveIntervals modelAddIntervals confidenceIntervalHelper mxCI expandIntervals expandSingleInterval createNewInterval

Documented in mxCI omxParallelCI omxRunCI

#   Copyright 2007-2021 by the individuals mentioned in the source code history
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

##' MxInterval
##' @description
##' This is an internal class and should not be used directly.
##' @aliases
##' $,MxInterval-method
##' $<-,MxInterval-method
##' print,MxInterval-method
##' show,MxInterval-method
##' @seealso
##' \link{mxCI}
##' @rdname MxInterval-class
setClass(Class = "MxInterval",
	representation = representation(
		reference = "character",
		lowerdelta = "numeric",
		upperdelta = "numeric",
		boundAdj = "logical"

setMethod("initialize", "MxInterval",
	function(.Object, reference, lowerdelta, upperdelta, boundAdj) {
		.Object@reference <- reference
		.Object@lowerdelta <- lowerdelta
		.Object@upperdelta <- upperdelta
		.Object@boundAdj <- boundAdj

createNewInterval <- function(reference, lowerdelta, upperdelta, boundAdj) {
	return(new("MxInterval", reference, lowerdelta, upperdelta, boundAdj))

setMethod("$", "MxInterval", imxExtractSlot)

setReplaceMethod("$", "MxInterval",
	function(x, name, value) {
		return(imxReplaceSlot(x, name, value, check=TRUE))

setMethod("names", "MxInterval", slotNames)

expandSingleInterval <- function(interval) {
	references <- interval@reference
	if (length(references) == 1) {
	} else {
		return(lapply(references, createNewInterval,
			interval@lowerdelta, interval@upperdelta, interval@boundAdj))

expandIntervals <- function(intervals) {
	if (length(intervals) == 0) {
	retval <- lapply(intervals, expandSingleInterval)
	retval <- unlist(retval)

mxCI <- function(reference, interval = 0.95, type = c('both', 'lower', 'upper'), ..., boundAdj=TRUE) {
	if (!is.numeric(interval) || interval < 0 || interval > 1) {
		stop("'interval' must be a numeric value between 0 and 1")
	if (identical(type, c('both', 'lower', 'upper'))) {
		type <- 'both'
	if (!is.character(type) || length(type) != 1 || !(type %in% c('both', 'lower', 'upper'))) {
		stop("'type' must be either 'both' or 'lower' or 'upper'")
	if (type == 'both') {
		lowerValue <- qchisq(interval, 1)
		upperValue <- qchisq(interval, 1)
	} else if (type == 'lower') {
		lowerValue <- qchisq(interval, 1)
		upperValue <- as.numeric(NA)
	} else if (type == 'upper') {
		lowerValue <- as.numeric(NA)
		upperValue <- qchisq(interval, 1)
	return(confidenceIntervalHelper(reference, lowerValue, upperValue, boundAdj))

confidenceIntervalHelper <- function(reference, lowerdelta, upperdelta, boundAdj) {
	if (single.na(lowerdelta)) { lowerdelta <- as.numeric(NA) }
	if (single.na(upperdelta)) { upperdelta <- as.numeric(NA) }
	if (!is.character(reference) || length(reference) < 1 || any(is.na(reference))) {
		stop("'reference' argument must be a character vector")
	if (!is.na(lowerdelta) && (!is.numeric(lowerdelta) || length(lowerdelta) != 1 || lowerdelta < 0)) {
		stop("'lowerdelta' argument must be a non-negative numeric value")
	if (!is.na(upperdelta) && (!is.numeric(upperdelta) || length(upperdelta) != 1 || upperdelta < 0)) {
		stop("'upperdelta' argument must be a non-negative numeric value")
	retval <- createNewInterval(reference, lowerdelta, upperdelta, as.logical(boundAdj))

modelAddIntervals <- function(model, intervals) {
	if (length(intervals) == 0) {
	iNames <- names(intervals)
	for(i in 1:length(intervals)) {
		model@intervals[[iNames[[i]]]] <- intervals[[i]]

modelRemoveIntervals <- function(model, intervals) {
	if (length(intervals) == 0) {
	iNames <- names(intervals)
	for(i in 1:length(intervals)) {
		model@intervals[[iNames[[i]]]] <- NULL

generateIntervalList <- function(flatModel, modelname, parameters, labelsData) {
	retval <- lapply(flatModel@intervals, generateIntervalListHelper,
		flatModel, modelname, parameters, labelsData)
	names(retval) <- NULL
	retval <- unlist(retval, recursive = FALSE)
	# Might have requested a CI of the same parameter in different submodels
	retval <- retval[!duplicated(names(retval))]
	if (length(retval) > 0) {
		approveWLSIntervals(flatModel, modelname)

makeIntervalReference <- function(entityNumber, row, col, iobj) {
	return(c(entityNumber, row - 1, col - 1, iobj@lowerdelta, iobj@upperdelta, iobj@boundAdj))

generateIntervalListHelper <- function(interval, flatModel, modelname,
			parameters, labelsData) {
	reference <- interval@reference
					# length(reference)==1 because of expandSingleInterval
	pindex <- match(reference, names(parameters))
	if (!is.na(pindex)) {
		location <- parameters[[pindex]][[5]]
		location[[1]] <- - location[[1]] - 1
		retval <- list()
		retval[[reference]] <-
		    c(location, interval@lowerdelta, interval@upperdelta, interval@boundAdj)
	entity <- flatModel[[reference]]
	retval <- list()
	if (!is.null(entity)) {
		entityNumber <- imxLocateIndex(flatModel, reference,
					       paste("confidence interval", reference))
		if (is(entity, "MxAlgebra")) {
			newName <- reference
			retval[[newName]] <- makeIntervalReference(entityNumber, 0L, 0L, interval)
		} else {
			rows <- nrow(entity)
			cols <- ncol(entity)
			free <- entity@free
			for(i in 1:rows) {
				for(j in 1:cols) {
					if (imxSymmetricMatrix(entity) && i > j) next
					if (!free[i, j]) next
					if(!is.na(entity@labels[i,j]) ){
						newName <- entity@labels[i,j]
					} else {
						newName <- paste(reference, '[', i, ',', j, ']', sep = '')
					retval[[newName]] <- makeIntervalReference(entityNumber, i, j, interval)
	} else if (hasSquareBrackets(reference)) {
		components <- splitSubstitution(reference)
		entityName <- components[[1]]
		rows <- eval(parse(text = components[[2]]), envir = globalenv())
		cols <- eval(parse(text = components[[3]]), envir = globalenv())
		entityValue <- eval(substitute(mxEval(x, flatModel, compute=TRUE, .extraBack=7L),
			list(x = as.symbol(entityName))))
		if (is.null(rows)) {
			rows <- 1:nrow(entityValue)
		if (is.null(cols)) {
			cols <- 1:ncol(entityValue)
		entity <- flatModel[[entityName]]
		entityNumber <- imxLocateIndex(flatModel, entityName,
			paste("confidence interval", reference))
		retval <- list()
		for(i in rows) {
			for(j in cols) {
				newName <- paste(entityName, '[', i, ',', j, ']', sep = '')
				retval[[newName]] <- makeIntervalReference(entityNumber, i, j, interval)
	} else {
		for (entityName in names(flatModel@matrices)) {
			entity <- flatModel[[entityName]]
			free <- entity@free
			rows <- nrow(free)
			cols <- ncol(free)
			for(i in 1:rows) {
				for(j in 1:cols) {
					if (free[i, j]) next
					label <- entity@labels[i,j]
					if (is.na(label) || label != reference) next
					entityNumber <- imxLocateIndex(flatModel, entityName,
								       paste("confidence interval", reference))
					retval[[label]] <- makeIntervalReference(entityNumber, i, j, interval)
		stop(paste("Unknown reference to", omxQuotes(reference),
			"detected in a confidence interval",
			"specification in model", omxQuotes(modelname),
			"\nYou should check spelling (case-sensitive), and also addressing the right model: to refer to an algebra",
			"\nSee help(mxCI) to see how to refer to an algebra in a submodel.\n",
			"FYI, I got as far as: ", deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, sys.call(-3))), call. = FALSE)

displayInterval <- function(object) {
	cat("MxInterval", '\n')
	cat("$reference: ", object@reference, '\n')
	cat("$lowerdelta: ", object@lowerdelta, '\n')
	cat("$upperdelta: ", object@upperdelta, '\n')
	cat("$boundAdj: ", object@boundAdj, '\n')

setMethod("print", "MxInterval", function(x,...) { displayInterval(x) })
setMethod("show", "MxInterval", function(object) { displayInterval(object) })

expandConfidenceIntervals <- function(model, intervals) {
	expansion <- lapply(intervals, expandConfidenceIntervalsHelper, model)

createSimilarInterval <- function(name, template) {
	new("MxInterval", name, template@lowerdelta, template@upperdelta, template@boundAdj)

expandConfidenceIntervalsHelper <- function(interval, model) {
	reference <- interval@reference
	entity <- model[[reference]]
	retval <- list()
	if(!is.null(entity)) {
		entityValue <- eval(substitute(mxEval(x, model, compute=TRUE),
			list(x = as.symbol(reference))))
		rows <- nrow(entityValue)
		cols <- ncol(entityValue)
		if (is(entity, "MxMatrix")) {
			free <- entity@free
			if (imxSymmetricMatrix(entity)) {
				free[lower.tri(free, diag=FALSE)] <- FALSE
		} else {
			free <- matrix(TRUE, rows, cols)
		for(i in 1:rows) {
			for(j in 1:cols) {
				if (free[i, j]) {
					newName <- paste(reference, '[', i, ',', j, ']', sep = '')
					retval <- c(retval, createSimilarInterval(newName, interval))
	} else if (hasSquareBrackets(reference)) {
		components <- splitSubstitution(reference)
		entityName <- components[[1]]
		rows <- eval(parse(text = components[[2]]), envir = globalenv())
		cols <- eval(parse(text = components[[3]]), envir = globalenv())
		entityValue <- eval(substitute(mxEval(x, model, compute=TRUE),
			list(x = as.symbol(entityName))))
		if (is.null(rows)) {
			rows <- 1:nrow(entityValue)
		if (is.null(cols)) {
			cols <- 1:ncol(entityValue)
		entity <- model[[entityName]]
		if (is.null(rows)) {
			rows <- 1:nrow(entityValue)
		if (is.null(cols)) {
			cols <- 1:ncol(entityValue)
		entity <- model[[entityName]]
		if (is(entity, "MxMatrix")) {
			free <- entity@free
			if (imxSymmetricMatrix(entity)) {
				free[lower.tri(free, diag=FALSE)] <- FALSE
		} else {
			free <- matrix(TRUE, max(rows), max(cols))
		for(i in rows) {
			for(j in cols) {
				if (free[i, j]) {
					newName <- paste(entityName, '[', i, ',', j, ']', sep = '')
					retval <- c(retval, createSimilarInterval(newName, interval))
	} else {
		retval <- interval

removeAllIntervals <- function(model) {
	model@intervals <- list()
	model@submodels <- lapply(model@submodels, removeAllIntervals)

omxParallelCI <- function(model, run = TRUE, verbose=0L, independentSubmodels=TRUE,
													optimizer=mxOption(NULL,"Default optimizer")) {
	if(missing(model) || !is(model, "MxModel")) {
		stop("first argument must be a MxModel object")
	if(length(model@output) == 0) {
		stop("'model' argument to omxParallelCI must be a fitted model")
	if( !(optimizer %in%c("NPSOL","CSOLNP","SLSQP")) ){
		stop("argument 'optimizer' must be one of 'NPSOL', 'CSOLNP', or 'SLSQP'")
		optionList <- generateOptionsList(model, TRUE)
		ctype <- ifelse(optimizer=="SLSQP","ineq","none")
		ciOpt <- mxComputeGradientDescent(
			verbose=verbose, engine=optimizer,
			gradientAlgo=optionList[['Gradient algorithm']],
			gradientIterations=imxAutoOptionValue('Gradient iterations',optionList),
			gradientStepSize=imxAutoOptionValue('Gradient step size',optionList))
		if (ctype == 'ineq') {
			ciOpt <- mxComputeTryHard(plan=ciOpt, scale=0.05, verbose=verbose)
		pciplan <- mxComputeSequence(
		model <- mxModel(model, pciplan)
		model <- mxRun(model, suppressWarnings=TRUE)
		model@compute@.persist <- FALSE
		namespace <- imxGenerateNamespace(model)
		flatModel <- imxFlattenModel(model, namespace, FALSE)
		intervals <- flatModel@intervals
		if (length(intervals) == 0) return(model)
		intervals <- expandConfidenceIntervals(model, intervals)
		template <- model
		template <- removeAllIntervals(template)
		optionList <- generateOptionsList(model, TRUE)
		ctype <- ifelse(optimizer=="SLSQP","ineq","none")
		ciOpt <- mxComputeGradientDescent(
			verbose=verbose, engine=optimizer,
			gradientAlgo=optionList[['Gradient algorithm']],
			gradientIterations=imxAutoOptionValue('Gradient iterations',optionList),
			gradientStepSize=imxAutoOptionValue('Gradient step size',optionList))
		if (ctype == 'ineq') {
			ciOpt <- mxComputeTryHard(plan=ciOpt, scale=0.05, verbose=verbose)
		pciplan <- mxComputeSequence(
		modelname <- model@name
		container <- mxModel(paste(modelname, "container", sep = "_"))
		submodels <- list()
		for(i in 1:length(intervals)) {
			interval <- intervals[[i]]
			newmodel <- mxModel(template, interval, pciplan, independent = TRUE)
			newmodel <- mxRename(newmodel, paste("interval", i, sep = ""))
			newmodel <- mxOption(newmodel, "Number of Threads", 1)
			submodels <- c(submodels, newmodel)
		container <- mxModel(container, submodels)
		if (!run) {
		container <- mxRun(container, intervals = TRUE, suppressWarnings = TRUE)
		tableCI <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), 0, 3)
		tableCodes <- matrix(0, 0, 2)
		dimnames(tableCI) <- list(NULL, c('lbound', 'estimate', 'ubound'))
		dimnames(tableCodes) <- list(NULL, c('lbound', 'ubound'))
		submodels <- container@submodels
		for(i in 1:length(submodels)) {
			submodel <- submodels[[i]]
			submodel <- mxRename(submodel, modelname)
			tableCI <- rbind(tableCI, submodel@output$confidenceIntervals)
			tableCodes <- rbind(tableCodes, submodel@output$confidenceIntervalCodes)
		model@output$confidenceIntervals <- tableCI
		model@output$confidenceIntervalCodes <- tableCodes
		model@output$frontendTime <- container@output$frontendTime
		model@output$backendTime <- container@output$backendTime
		model@output$independentTime <- container@output$independentTime
		model@output$wallTime <- container@output$wallTime
		model@output$timestamp <- container@output$timestamp
		model@output$cpuTime <- container@output$cpuTime

omxRunCI <- function(model, verbose=0L, optimizer="SLSQP"){
	return(omxParallelCI(model=model, run=TRUE, verbose=verbose, independentSubmodels=FALSE, optimizer=optimizer))

confint.MxModel <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...) {
	allParam <- names(coef(object))
	if (missing(parm)) parm <- allParam
	se <- c(object$output[['standardErrors']])
	if (is.null(se)) stop("No standard errors are available")
	names(se) <- allParam
	notFound <- is.na(match(parm, allParam))
	if (any(notFound)) {
		stop(paste("Parameter", omxQuotes(parm[notFound]),
			   "not recognized"))
	se <- se[parm]
	if (any(is.na(se))) stop(paste("Some standard errors are NA:",
	est <- coef(object)[parm]
	alpha <- (1-level)/2
	thresh <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
	df <- data.frame(lower=est - se * thresh,
			 upper=est + se * thresh)
	rownames(df) <- names(est)
	colnames(df) <- sapply(c(alpha, 1-alpha),
			       function(x) sprintf("%.1f%%", round(100*min(x), 1)))
	message("Wald type confidence intervals (see ?mxCI for likelihood-based CIs)")

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