
Defines functions displayMatrix imxGentleResize generateMatrixValuesHelper matrixDefinitions matchDefinitionVariable generateParameterListHelper matrixCheckErrors matrixCheckArgument as.numeric.preserve mxMatrix matrixCheckDims .mxMatSetLayer .mxMatGetLayer imxConDecMatrixSlots populateMatrixSlot verifySquare is.condenseSlots single.false isAllFalse isAllNa single.na nnzero

Documented in imxConDecMatrixSlots imxGentleResize mxMatrix

#   Copyright 2007-2019 by the individuals mentioned in the source code history
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

nnzero <- function(matrix) {
	return(length(which(matrix != 0)))

single.na <- function(a) {
	return((length(a) == 1) && 
		(is.list(a) || is.vector(a) || is.matrix(a)) && 
		(is.na(a) == TRUE))

isAllNa <- function(a) {
	return((length(a) > 0) &&
		(is.list(a) || is.vector(a) || is.matrix(a)) && 
		(all(sapply(a, is.na))))	

isAllFalse <- function(a){
  return( (length(a) > 0) &&
                   (is.list(a) || is.vector(a) || is.matrix(a)) && 
                   (!any(a)) )

single.false <- function(a) {
  return((length(a) == 1) && 
           (is.list(a) || is.vector(a) || is.matrix(a)) && 

is.condenseSlots <- function(matrix){
  return( class(try(matrix@.condenseSlots,silent=T))!="try-error" && matrix@.condenseSlots[1] )

verifySquare <- function(.Object) {
	if (nrow(.Object@labels) != ncol(.Object@labels)) { 
		stop(paste("'labels' matrix of MxMatrix", 
				omxQuotes(.Object@name), "is not square"), call.=FALSE)
	if (nrow(.Object@values) != ncol(.Object@values)) {
		stop(paste("'values' matrix of MxMatrix", 
				omxQuotes(.Object@name), "is not square"), call.=FALSE)
	if (nrow(.Object@free) != ncol(.Object@free)) { 
		stop(paste("'free' matrix of MxMatrix", 
				omxQuotes(.Object@name), "is not square"), call.=FALSE)

##' imxVerifyMatrix
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param .Object .Object
##' @aliases
##' imxVerifyMatrix,DiagMatrix-method
##' imxVerifyMatrix,FullMatrix-method
##' imxVerifyMatrix,IdenMatrix-method
##' imxVerifyMatrix,LowerMatrix-method
##' imxVerifyMatrix,MxMatrix-method
##' imxVerifyMatrix,SdiagMatrix-method
##' imxVerifyMatrix,StandMatrix-method
##' imxVerifyMatrix,SymmMatrix-method
##' imxVerifyMatrix,UnitMatrix-method
##' imxVerifyMatrix,ZeroMatrix-method
setGeneric("imxVerifyMatrix", function(.Object) { 
} )

##' imxSymmetricMatrix
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param .Object .Object
##' @aliases
##' imxSymmetricMatrix,LowerMatrix-method
##' imxSymmetricMatrix,MxMatrix-method
##' imxSymmetricMatrix,SdiagMatrix-method
##' imxSymmetricMatrix,StandMatrix-method
##' imxSymmetricMatrix,SymmMatrix-method
setGeneric("imxSymmetricMatrix", function(.Object) {

##' imxSquareMatrix
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param .Object .Object
##' @aliases
##' imxSquareMatrix,DiagMatrix-method
##' imxSquareMatrix,IdenMatrix-method
##' imxSquareMatrix,LowerMatrix-method
##' imxSquareMatrix,MxMatrix-method
##' imxSquareMatrix,SdiagMatrix-method
##' imxSquareMatrix,StandMatrix-method
##' imxSquareMatrix,SymmMatrix-method
setGeneric("imxSquareMatrix", function(.Object) {

##' Create a matrix
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param .Object the matrix
##' @param labels labels
##' @param values values
##' @param free free
##' @param lbound lbound
##' @param ubound ubound
##' @param nrow nrow
##' @param ncol ncol
##' @param byrow byrow
##' @param name name
##' @param condenseSlots condenseSlots
##' @param joinKey joinKey
##' @param joinModel joinModel
##' @aliases
##' imxCreateMatrix,MxMatrix-method
##' imxCreateMatrix,DiagMatrix-method
##' imxCreateMatrix,FullMatrix-method
##' imxCreateMatrix,IdenMatrix-method
##' imxCreateMatrix,LowerMatrix-method
##' imxCreateMatrix,SdiagMatrix-method
##' imxCreateMatrix,StandMatrix-method
##' imxCreateMatrix,SymmMatrix-method
##' imxCreateMatrix,UnitMatrix-method
##' imxCreateMatrix,ZeroMatrix-method
	   function(.Object, labels, values, free, lbound, ubound, nrow, ncol, byrow, name,
		    condenseSlots, joinKey, joinModel) {

# The Matrix package returns a non-symmetric matrix
# when you modify a symmetric matrix.
# This prevents us from using symmetric matrices from the package.
setClass(Class = "MxMatrix",
	representation = representation(
	  name = "character", 
    values = "matrix", labels = "matrix", free = "matrix", 
    lbound = "matrix", ubound = "matrix",
		.squareBrackets = "matrix", .persist = "logical", .condenseSlots="logical",
	    display = "character", dependencies = "integer",
	    joinModel = "MxCharOrNumber",
	    joinKey = "MxCharOrNumber",

setMethod("imxCreateMatrix", "MxMatrix",
	function(.Object, labels, values, free, lbound, ubound, nrow, ncol, byrow, name,
		    condenseSlots, joinKey, joinModel) {
	  .Object@.condenseSlots <- condenseSlots
    .Object <- populateMatrixSlot(.Object, "values", values, nrow, ncol)
    if(condenseSlots && isAllFalse(free) && isAllNa(labels)){
      .Object <- populateMatrixSlot(.Object, "free", FALSE, 1, 1)
      .Object <- populateMatrixSlot(.Object, "labels", as.character(NA), 1, 1)
      .Object <- populateMatrixSlot(.Object, "free", free, nrow, ncol)
      .Object <- populateMatrixSlot(.Object, "labels", labels, nrow, ncol)  
		if(condenseSlots && isAllNa(lbound)){.Object <- populateMatrixSlot(.Object, "lbound", as.numeric(NA), 1, 1)}
    else{.Object <- populateMatrixSlot(.Object, "lbound", lbound, nrow, ncol)}
    if(condenseSlots && isAllNa(ubound)){.Object <- populateMatrixSlot(.Object, "ubound", as.numeric(NA), 1, 1)}
    else{.Object <- populateMatrixSlot(.Object, "ubound", ubound, nrow, ncol)}
		.Object@name <- name
	  .Object@.persist <- TRUE
	  .Object@joinKey <- joinKey
	  .Object@joinModel <- joinModel

#If argument repop=TRUE, then the function assumes that all slots have already been populated, and the slot in
#question is being repopulated.  That is, repop=TRUE is intended for modifying, not constructing, an MxMatrix:
populateMatrixSlot <- function(object, slotName, vals, nr, nc, repop=FALSE) {
  lendat <- length(vals)
	if (lendat > 1 && (nr * nc) %% lendat != 0) {
		if (((lendat > nr) && (lendat %/% nr) * nr != lendat) ||
			((lendat < nr) && (nr %/% lendat) * lendat != nr))
				warning(paste("data length", lendat, "is not a sub-multiple",
					"or multiple of the number of rows", nr,
					"for argument", omxQuotes(slotName), "in",
					deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
		else if (((lendat > nc) && (lendat %/% nc) * nc != lendat) ||
			     ((lendat < nc) && (nc %/% lendat) * lendat != nc))
				warning(paste("data length", lendat, "is not a sub-multiple",
					"or multiple of the number of columns", nc,
					"for argument", omxQuotes(slotName), "in", 
					deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
  dnSave <- dimnames(object)
	slot(object, slotName) <- suppressWarnings(matrix(vals, nr, nc))
  #We care if 'free' or 'labels' has been repopulated in a way causing them have different dimensions:
  if( repop && !identical(dim(object@free),dim(object@labels)) ){
    if(single.false(object@free)){object@free <- matrix(FALSE,nrow(object),ncol(object))}
    if(single.na(object@labels)){object@labels <- matrix(as.character(NA),nrow(object),ncol(object))}
  dimnames(object) <- dnSave

##' Condense/de-condense slots of an MxMatrix
##' This is an internal function exported for those people who know
##' what they are doing.
##' @param object of class MxMatrix
##' @aliases
##' imxConDecMatrixSlots,MxMatrix-method
imxConDecMatrixSlots <- function(object){ #<--This function assumes that the 4 condensible slots have been populated.
    if(isAllFalse(object@free)){object@free <- matrix(FALSE,nrow(object),ncol(object),dimnames=dimnames(object))}
    if(isAllNa(object@labels)){object@labels <- matrix(as.character(NA),nrow(object),ncol(object),dimnames=dimnames(object))}
    if(isAllNa(object@lbound)){object@lbound <- matrix(as.numeric(NA),nrow(object),ncol(object),dimnames=dimnames(object))}
    if(isAllNa(object@ubound)){object@ubound <- matrix(as.numeric(NA),nrow(object),ncol(object),dimnames=dimnames(object))}
    if(isAllFalse(object@free) && isAllNa(object@labels)){
      object@labels <- matrix(as.character(NA),1,1)
      object@free <- matrix(FALSE,1,1)
    if(isAllNa(object@lbound)){object@lbound <- matrix(as.numeric(NA),1,1)}
    if(isAllNa(object@ubound)){object@ubound <- matrix(as.numeric(NA),1,1)}

setMethod("imxVerifyMatrix", "MxMatrix",
	function(.Object) {
	  if( (!is.condenseSlots(.Object) || !isAllNa(.Object@labels)) && !all(dim(.Object@labels) == dim(.Object@values)) ){
	    stop(paste("'labels' and 'values' matrices of", 
	               "have different dimensions"), call.=FALSE)
	  if( (!is.condenseSlots(.Object) || !isAllFalse(.Object@free)) && !all(dim(.Object@free) == dim(.Object@values))){
	    stop(paste("'values' and 'free' matrices of", 
	               "have different dimensions"), call.=FALSE)
	  if( (!is.condenseSlots(.Object) || !isAllNa(.Object@lbound)) && !all(dim(.Object@lbound) == dim(.Object@values)) ){
	    stop(paste("'lbound' and 'values' matrices of", 
	               "have different dimensions"), call.=FALSE)
	  if( (!is.condenseSlots(.Object) || !isAllNa(.Object@ubound)) && !all(dim(.Object@ubound) == dim(.Object@values)) ){
	    stop(paste("'ubound' and 'values' matrices of", 
	               "have different dimensions"), call.=FALSE)
	  if (!all(dim(.Object@labels) == dim(.Object@free))) { #<--Dims of labels and free should always match
	    stop(paste("'labels' and 'free' matrices of", 
	               "have different dimensions"), call.=FALSE)
		select <- .Object@.squareBrackets
      subs <- .Object$labels[select] 
		  lapply(subs, verifySquareBracket, .Object@name)
		if (imxSquareMatrix(.Object)) {

setMethod("imxSymmetricMatrix", "MxMatrix",
	function(.Object) { return(FALSE) }

setMethod("imxSquareMatrix", "MxMatrix",
	function(.Object) { return(FALSE) }

setMethod("nrow", "MxMatrix",
	function(x) {

setMethod("ncol", "MxMatrix",
	function(x) {

setMethod("dim", "MxMatrix",
	function(x) {

setMethod("length", "MxMatrix",
	function(x) {
	    return(nrow(x) * ncol(x))

setMethod("[", "MxMatrix",
	function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
		if(!is.null(match.call()$name)) {
			name <- match.call()$name
		} else {
			name <- x@name
		values <- as.matrix(x@values[i, j, drop = drop])
    if(is.condenseSlots(x) && isAllNa(x@labels) && isAllFalse(x@free)){
      labels <- matrix(as.character(NA),1,1)
      free <- matrix(FALSE,1,1)
      #Use $ here...?:
      labels <- as.matrix(x@labels[i, j, drop = drop])
      free <- as.matrix(x@free[i, j, drop = drop])
		if(is.condenseSlots(x) && isAllNa(x@lbound)){lbound <- matrix(NA,1,1)}
    else{lbound <- as.matrix(x@lbound[i, j, drop = drop])}
    if(is.condenseSlots(x) && isAllNa(x@ubound)){ubound <- matrix(NA,1,1)}
    else{ubound <- as.matrix(x@ubound[i, j, drop = drop])}
		type <- substr(class(x)[[1]],1,nchar(class(x)[[1]])-6)
		nrow <- nrow(values)
		ncol <- ncol(values)
		dnames <- dimnames(values)
		newMatrix <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(
			mxMatrix(type, nrow, ncol, free, values, labels, 
				lbound, ubound, FALSE, dnames, name, condenseSlots=is.condenseSlots(x))),
				error = function(e) mxMatrix("Full",
					nrow, ncol, free, values, labels,
					lbound, ubound, FALSE, dnames, name, condenseSlots=is.condenseSlots(x))) 
		#newMatrix <- imxConDecMatrixSlots(newMatrix)

setReplaceMethod("[", "MxMatrix", 
	function(x, i, j, value) {
		if(!is(value,"MxMatrix")) {
			stop("right-hand side must be MxMatrix object")
		x@values[i,j] <- value@values
      x@free[i,j] <- value@free
      x@labels[i,j] <- value@labels
      x@lbound[i,j] <- value@lbound
      x@ubound[i,j] <- value@ubound
      if( single.false(x@free) && single.na(x@labels) ){
        x@free <- value@free
        x@labels <- value@labels
        x@free[i,j] <- value@free
        x@labels[i,j] <- value@labels
      if(single.na(x@lbound)){x@lbound <- value@lbound}
      else{x@lbound[i,j] <- value@lbound}
  		if(single.na(x@ubound)){x@ubound <- value@ubound}
  		else{x@ubound[i,j] <- value@ubound}
    x <- imxConDecMatrixSlots(x)

setMethod("dimnames", "MxMatrix",
	function(x) { return(dimnames(x@values)) }

setReplaceMethod("dimnames", "MxMatrix",
	function(x, value) {
		if (!is.null(value)) {
			if (length(value) != 2) {
				msg <- paste("the 'dimnames' argument to MxMatrix",
					omxQuotes(x@name), "must have a length of 2")
				stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
			if (!is.null(value[[1]]) && length(value[[1]]) != nrow(x) || 
				!is.null(value[[2]]) && length(value[[2]]) != ncol(x)) {
				msg <- paste("the MxMatrix object", omxQuotes(x@name), 
					"has specified dimnames with dimensions",
					length(value[[1]]), "x", length(value[[2]]), "but the matrix",
					"is of dimensions", nrow(x), "x", ncol(x))
				stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
		dimnames(x@values) <- value
		if( identical(dim(x@free),dim(x@values)) ){dimnames(x@free) <- value}
		if( identical(dim(x@labels),dim(x@values)) ){dimnames(x@labels) <- value}
		if( identical(dim(x@lbound),dim(x@values)) ){dimnames(x@lbound) <- value}
		if( identical(dim(x@ubound),dim(x@values)) ){dimnames(x@ubound) <- value}

.mxMatGetLayer <- function(x,name) {
  if (!.hasSlot(x, name)) {
  if( (name %in% c("free","labels","lbound","ubound")) ){

setMethod("$", "MxMatrix", .mxMatGetLayer)
setMethod("[[", "MxMatrix", function(x,i,exact) { .mxMatGetLayer(x,i) })

.mxMatSetLayer <- function(x, name, value) {
        if(name %in% c("labels","values","free","lbound","ubound")) {
		return(imxConDecMatrixSlots(populateMatrixSlot(x, name, value, nrow(x), ncol(x),repop=TRUE)))
        return(imxConDecMatrixSlots(imxReplaceSlot(x, name, value, check=TRUE)))

setReplaceMethod("$", "MxMatrix", .mxMatSetLayer)
setReplaceMethod("[[", "MxMatrix", function(x,i,value) { .mxMatSetLayer(x,i,value) })

setMethod("names", "MxMatrix", slotNames)

matrixTypes <- c("Full", "Diag", "Iden", "Lower", "Sdiag", "Stand", "Symm", "Unit", "Zero")
squareMatrices <- c("Diag", "Iden", "Lower", "Stand", "Sdiag", "Symm")
fixedMatrices <- c("Iden","Unit","Zero")

matrixCheckDims <- function(type, values, free, labels, lbound, ubound, nrow, ncol) {
	inputs <- list(values, free, labels, lbound, ubound)
	areMatrices <- sapply(inputs, is.matrix)
	theMatrices <- inputs[areMatrices] 
	if (length(theMatrices) > 1) {
		matches <- sapply(theMatrices, function(x) { identical(dim(x), dim(theMatrices[[1]])) })
		if (!all(matches)) {
			if (is.na(nrow) && is.na(ncol)) {
				stop(paste("Two or more matrix inputs have different dimensions.",
					"Use the 'nrow' and 'ncol' arguments in",
					deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
			if (!(type %in% squareMatrices) && (is.na(nrow) || is.na(ncol))) {
				stop(paste("Two or more matrix inputs have different dimensions.",
					"Use the 'nrow' and 'ncol' arguments in",
					deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
	if (is.na(nrow) && is.na(ncol)) {
		if(length(theMatrices) == 0) {
			stop(paste("you must specify 'nrow' and 'ncol' arguments in",
					deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
		nrow <- dim(theMatrices[[1]])[[1]]
		ncol <- dim(theMatrices[[1]])[[2]]
	if ((is.na(nrow) || is.na(ncol)) && (type %in% squareMatrices)) {
		if (is.na(nrow)) nrow <- ncol
		if (is.na(ncol)) ncol <- nrow
	return(c(nrow, ncol))

mxMatrix <- function(type = c("Full", 'Diag', 'Iden', 'Lower',
	'Sdiag', 'Stand', 'Symm', 'Unit', 'Zero'),
		     nrow = NA, ncol = NA, 
	free = FALSE, values = NA, labels = NA, 
	lbound = NA, ubound = NA, byrow = getOption('mxByrow'), 
		     dimnames = NA, name = NA, condenseSlots=getOption('mxCondenseMatrixSlots'),
		     ..., joinKey=as.character(NA), joinModel=as.character(NA)) {
	type <- match.barg(as.character(type), choices=matrixTypes)
	if (missing(dimnames) && !missing(values) && !is.null(dimnames(values))) {
		dimnames <- dimnames(values)
	if (isAllNa(values)) { values <- as.numeric(values) }
	if (isAllNa(labels)) { labels <- as.character(labels) }
	if (isAllNa(lbound)) { lbound <- as.numeric(lbound) }
	if (isAllNa(ubound)) { ubound <- as.numeric(ubound) }
	if (isAllNa(nrow)) { nrow <- as.numeric(nrow) }
	if (isAllNa(ncol)) { ncol <- as.numeric(ncol) }
	if (single.na(name)) {
		name <- imxUntitledName()
	if (!is.character(name)) {
	  stop(paste("'name' argument must",
	             "be a character vector in", 
	             deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
  imxVerifyName(name, 0)
	condenseSlots <- as.logical(condenseSlots[1])
	matrixCheckErrors(type, values, free, labels, lbound, ubound, nrow, ncol, name, condenseSlots)
	checkDims <- matrixCheckDims(type, values, free, labels, lbound, ubound, nrow, ncol)
	nrow <- checkDims[[1]]
	ncol <- checkDims[[2]]
	if (type %in% squareMatrices) { 
		if (is.na(nrow) && is.na(ncol)) {
			stop(paste("either 'nrow' or 'ncol'",
				"must be specified on a",
				"square MxMatrix in", 
				deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
		} else if (is.na(nrow)) {
			nrow <- ncol
		} else if (is.na(ncol)) {
			ncol <- nrow
	} else if (is.na(nrow) || is.na(ncol)) {
		stop(paste("both 'nrow' and 'ncol'",
					"must be specified on a",
					"non-square MxMatrix in",
					deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
	values <- as.numeric.preserve(values)
	lbound <- as.numeric.preserve(lbound)
	ubound <- as.numeric.preserve(ubound)
	typeName <- paste(type, "Matrix", sep="")
	newMatrix <- new(typeName)
	newMatrix <- imxCreateMatrix(newMatrix, labels, values, 
		free, lbound, ubound, nrow, ncol, byrow, name, condenseSlots,
				     joinKey=joinKey, joinModel=joinModel)
	if(length(dimnames) == 1 && is.na(dimnames)) {
	} else {
		dimnames(newMatrix) <- dimnames

as.numeric.preserve <- function(x, ...) {
	if (is.matrix(x)) {
		return(matrix(as.numeric(x, ...), nrow(x), ncol(x)))
	} else {
		return(as.numeric(x, ...))

matrixCheckArgument <- function(arg, name) {
	if (is.list(arg) || isS4(arg)) {
		stop(paste(omxQuotes(name), "argument to mxMatrix function",
			"must be a scalar, a vector, or a matrix in",
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)

matrixCheckErrors <- function(type, values, free, labels, lbound, ubound, nrow, ncol, name, condenseSlots) {
	if (is.na(match(type, matrixTypes))) {
		stop(paste("'type' must be one of:", 
			paste(matrixTypes, collapse=" "),
			"in", deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
	matrixCheckArgument(values, 'values')
	matrixCheckArgument(free, 'free')
	matrixCheckArgument(labels, 'labels')
	matrixCheckArgument(lbound, 'lbound')
	matrixCheckArgument(ubound, 'ubound')
	matrixCheckArgument(condenseSlots, 'condenseSlots')
	if (!is.numeric(values)) {
		stop(paste("'values' argument to mxMatrix function",
			"must be of numeric type in", 
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
	if (!is.logical(free)) {
		stop(paste("'free' argument to mxMatrix function",
			"must be of logical type in", 
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
	if (!is.character(labels)) {
		stop(paste("'labels' argument to mxMatrix function",
			"must be of character type in", 
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
	if (!is.numeric(lbound)) {
		stop(paste("'lbound' argument to mxMatrix function",
			"must be of numeric type in", 
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
	if (!is.numeric(ubound)) {
		stop(paste("'ubound' argument to mxMatrix function",
			"must be of numeric type in", 
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
	if (!is.logical(condenseSlots)) {
	  stop(paste("'condenseSlots' argument to mxMatrix function",
	             "must be of logical type in", 
	             deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
	lapply(labels, imxVerifyReference, -2)
	if(any(is.na(free))) {
		stop(paste("'free' argument to mxMatrix function",
			"cannot contain an NA in",
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
	if(any(is.na(condenseSlots))) {
	  stop(paste("'condenseSlots' argument to mxMatrix function",
	             "cannot contain an NA in",
	             deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
	if (length(nrow) != 1 || !is.numeric(nrow)) {
		stop(paste("'nrow' argument to mxMatrix function",
			"must be either NA or a single numeric value in",
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)
	if (length(ncol) != 1 || !is.numeric(ncol)) {
		stop(paste("'ncol' argument to mxMatrix function",
			"must be either NA or a single numeric value in",
			deparse(width.cutoff = 400L, imxLocateFunction("mxMatrix"))), call. = FALSE)

generateParameterListHelper <- function(mxMatrix, result, matrixNumber, freeVarGroups) {

	free <- mxMatrix@free
	labels <- mxMatrix@labels
	lbound <- mxMatrix@lbound
	ubound <- mxMatrix@ubound
	isSymmetric <- imxSymmetricMatrix(mxMatrix)

	group <- c(0L)
	if (length(freeVarGroups)) for (gx in seq(2, length(freeVarGroups), 2)) {
		if (any(mxMatrix@name %in% freeVarGroups[[gx]])) {
			group <- union(group, freeVarGroups[[gx - 1L]])

	if (all(free == FALSE)) {
	if (isSymmetric) {
		triangle <- upper.tri(free, diag=TRUE)
		select <- free & triangle
	} else {
		select <- free
	parameterNames <- labels[select]
	rows <- row(labels)[select]
	cols <- col(labels)[select]
	lbound <- lbound[select]
	ubound <- ubound[select]
	for(i in 1:length(parameterNames)) {
		parameterName <- parameterNames[i]
		row <- rows[i] - 1L
		col <- cols[i] - 1L
		minBounds <- lbound[i]
		maxBounds <- ubound[i]
		if (is.na(parameterName)) {
			entry <- list(minBounds, maxBounds, group,
				      c(matrixNumber, row, col))
			if (isSymmetric && row != col) {
				entry[[length(entry) + 1]] <- c(matrixNumber, col, row)
			result[[length(result)+1]] <- entry
			names(result)[[length(result)]] <- paste(mxMatrix@name, 
				"[", rows[i], ",", cols[i], "]", sep ="")
		} else if (length(grep(imxSeparatorChar, parameterName, fixed = TRUE)) == 0) {
			if (!is.null(result[[parameterName]])) {
				original <- result[[parameterName]]
				original[[3]] <- union(original[[3]], group)
				original[[length(original) + 1]] <- c(matrixNumber, row, col)
				if (isSymmetric && row != col) {
					original[[length(original) + 1]] <- c(matrixNumber, col, row)
				result[[parameterName]] <- original
			} else {
				entry <- list(minBounds, maxBounds, group, c(matrixNumber, row, col))
				if (isSymmetric && row != col) {
					entry[[length(entry) + 1]] <- c(matrixNumber, col, row)
				result[[parameterName]] <- entry

matchDefinitionVariable <- function(parameterName) {
	# definition variables are of the form paste(modelname,"data",colname, sep=".")
	return(grep(".data.", parameterName, fixed=TRUE, value=TRUE))

# Definition variables is a list:
# each entry of the list is a sublist of length 3 or more
# first entry of the sublist: data number
# second entry of the sublist: column number
# remaining entries of the sublist: c(matrix number, row, column)
matrixDefinitions <- function(flatModel, mxMatrix, result, matrixNumber) {
	labels <- mxMatrix@labels
	select <- !is.na(labels) & !mxMatrix@free
	if (all(select == FALSE)) {
	parameterNames <- labels[select]
	rows <- row(labels)[select]
	cols <- col(labels)[select]
	for(px in 1:length(parameterNames)) {
		defVariables <- matchDefinitionVariable(parameterNames[px])
		if (length(defVariables) == 0) next

		row <- rows[px] - 1L
		col <- cols[px] - 1L
		defVariable <- defVariables[[1]]
		if (!is.null(result[[defVariable]])) {
			original <- result[[defVariable]]
			result[[ length(result) + 1L ]] <- c(original[1:2], matrixNumber, row, col)
		} else {
			components <- unlist(strsplit(defVariable, imxSeparatorChar, fixed = TRUE))
			dataname <- paste(components[1:2], collapse=".")
			dataNumber <- match(dataname, names(flatModel@datasets))
			if (is.na(dataNumber)) {
				stop(paste("Dataset", omxQuotes(dataname), "not found.",
					   "Referred to by definition variable",
					   omxQuotes(defVariable), "in matrix", omxQuotes(mxMatrix@name)))
			mxdata <- flatModel@datasets[[dataNumber]]
			if (!.hasSlot(mxdata, 'observed')) {
				stop(paste("Definition variable", omxQuotes(defVariable),
					   "in matrix", omxQuotes(mxMatrix@name),
					   "refers to", omxQuotes(dataname),
					   "but this mxData has no observed data"))
			observed <- mxdata@observed
			columnNumber <- match(components[3], colnames(observed))
			if (is.na(columnNumber)) {
				stop(paste("Definition variable", omxQuotes(defVariable),
					   "in matrix", omxQuotes(mxMatrix@name),
					   "refers to column", omxQuotes(components[3]),
					   "but this column is not found"))
			result[[defVariable]] <- list(dataNumber - 1L, columnNumber - 1L,
						      matrixNumber, row, col)

generateMatrixValuesHelper <- function(mxMatrix) {

#' Resize an MxMatrix while preserving entries
#' @param matrix the MxMatrix to resize
#' @param dimnames desired dimnames for the new matrix
#' @return a resized MxMatrix
#' @examples
#' m1 <- mxMatrix(values=1:9, nrow=3, ncol=3,
#'                dimnames=list(paste0('r',1:3), paste0('c',1:3)))
#' imxGentleResize(m1, dimnames=list(paste0('r',c(1,3,5)),
#'                                   paste0('c',c(2,4,6))))
imxGentleResize <- function(matrix, dimnames) {
	if (identical(dimnames(matrix), dimnames)) return(matrix)

	nm <- new(class(matrix))
	nm@name <- matrix@name
	nm@joinKey <- matrix@joinKey
	nm@joinModel <- matrix@joinModel
	nm@.condenseSlots <- matrix@.condenseSlots
	rn <- dimnames[[1]]
	cn <- dimnames[[2]]
	sharedRn <- intersect(rn, rownames(matrix))
	sharedCn <- intersect(cn, colnames(matrix))
	for (layer in c('values', 'labels', 'free', 'lbound', 'ubound')) {
		l1 <- slot(matrix, layer)
		if (matrix@.condenseSlots && all(dim(l1) == 1) && is.null(dimnames(l1))) {
			nm <- l1
		} else {
			if (layer == 'free')        { val <- FALSE }
			else if (layer == 'labels') { val <- as.character(NA) }
			else if (layer == 'values') { val <- 0.0 }
			else                        { val <- as.numeric(NA) }
			l2 <- matrix(val, length(rn), length(cn), dimnames=dimnames)
			l2[sharedRn, sharedCn] <- l1[sharedRn, sharedCn]
		slot(nm, layer) <- l2

displayMatrix <- function(mxMatrix) {
	type <- class(mxMatrix)[[1]]
	cat(type, omxQuotes(mxMatrix@name), '\n')
	nolabels <- all(is.na(mxMatrix@labels))
	if(nolabels == FALSE) {
	} else {
		cat("$labels: No labels assigned.\n\n")
	noFree <- all(mxMatrix@free == FALSE)
	if(noFree == FALSE) {
	} else {
		cat("$free: No free parameters.\n\n")
	if(!all(is.na(mxMatrix@lbound))) {
	} else {
		cat("$lbound: No lower bounds assigned.\n\n")
	if(!all(is.na(mxMatrix@ubound))) {
	} else {
		cat("$ubound: No upper bounds assigned.\n\n")
	if (.hasSlot(mxMatrix, 'joinModel') && !is.na(mxMatrix@joinModel)) {
		cat("$joinModel : ", omxQuotes(mxMatrix@joinModel), fill=TRUE)
	if (.hasSlot(mxMatrix, 'joinKey') && !is.na(mxMatrix@joinKey)) {
		cat("$joinKey : ", omxQuotes(mxMatrix@joinKey), fill=TRUE)

setMethod("print", "MxMatrix", function(x,...) { displayMatrix(x) })
setMethod("show", "MxMatrix", function(object) { displayMatrix(object) })

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OpenMx documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:31 a.m.