
Defines functions od_A_KL

Documented in od_A_KL

od_A_KL <- function(Fx, N, Phi.app, w1, K, L, rest.max, t.max, track) {
  n <- nrow(Fx); m <- ncol(Fx); one.m <- rep(1, m)
  next.sec <- 0; n.ex <- 0; n.rest <- 0 
  if (is.null(Phi.app))
    Phi.app <- N * od_REX(Fx, crit = "A", track = FALSE)$Phi.best 
  start <- as.numeric(proc.time()[3])
  if (track) {
    info <- paste("Running od_A_KL for cca", t.max, "seconds")
    info <- paste(info, " starting at ", Sys.time(), ".", sep = "") 
    print(info, quote = FALSE)
    info <- paste("The problem size is n=", n, sep = "")
    info <- paste(info, ", m=", m, ", N=", N, sep = "") 
    print(info, quote = FALSE)
  if (is.null(K))
    K <- max(10, min(ceiling(sqrt(c(N, n)))))
  if (is.null(L))
    L <- max(10, ceiling(sqrt(n)))
  if (track) print(paste("Setting K=", K, ", L=", L, sep = ""), quote = FALSE)
  A <- array(0, dim = c(n, m, m))
  for (i in 1:n) A[i, , ] <- tcrossprod(Fx[i, ])
  finish.all <- FALSE; trMinv.best <- Inf
  while (!finish.all && n.rest < rest.max) {
    n.rest <- n.rest + 1 
    if (is.null(w1)) {
      w <- od_PIN(Fx, echo = FALSE)$w.pin
      M <- crossprod(sqrt(w)*Fx)
      if (N > m) {
        for (k in 1:(N - m)) {
          i.supp <- sample(1:n, 1)
          w[i.supp] <- w[i.supp] + 1
          M <- M + A[i.supp, , ]
    } else {
      w <- w1; M <- crossprod(sqrt(w)*Fx)
      w1 <- NULL  # Start the second run from a "pinned" design
    trMinv <- sum(diag(solve(M)))
    if (trMinv.best > trMinv) {
      w.best <- w; M.best <- M; trMinv.best <- trMinv
    finish.all <- finish <- as.numeric(proc.time()[3]) > start + t.max
    while (!finish) {
      tm <- as.numeric(proc.time()[3]) - start
      if (tm > next.sec) {
        Phi.best <- m / trMinv.best
        info <- paste("od_A_KL Time:", round(tm, 1), "Value:",
                      round(Phi.best, 6), "Efficiency:",
                      round(Phi.best/Phi.app, 6))
        print(info, quote = FALSE); next.sec <- ceiling(tm)
      a.fun <- ((Fx %*% solve(M))^2) %*% one.m; supp <- (1:n)[w > 0.5]
      Kact <- min(length(supp), K); Lact <- min(n, L)
      Kind <- supp[order(a.fun[supp])][1:Kact]
      Lind <- order(a.fun)[(n - Lact + 1):n]
      imp <- FALSE
      for (iL in Lact:1) {
        for (iK in 1:Kact) {
          M.temp <- M + A[Lind[iL], , ] - A[Kind[iK], , ]
          if (rcond(M.temp) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
            trMinv.temp <- sum(diag(solve(M.temp)))
          } else {
            trMinv.temp <- Inf
          if (trMinv.temp < trMinv) {
            w[Lind[iL]] <- w[Lind[iL]] + 1
            w[Kind[iK]] <- w[Kind[iK]] - 1
            M <- M.temp; trMinv <- trMinv.temp
            n.ex <- n.ex + 1; imp <- TRUE
        if (imp) break
      if (as.numeric(proc.time()[3]) > start + t.max) finish.all <- TRUE
      if (finish.all || !imp) finish <- TRUE
    M <- crossprod(sqrt(w)*Fx); trMinv <- sum(diag(solve(M)))
    if (trMinv < trMinv.best) {
      w.best <- w; M.best <- M; trMinv.best <- trMinv
  t.act <- round(as.numeric(proc.time()[3]) - start, 2)
  if (track) {
    info <- paste("od_A_KL finished after", t.act, "seconds at", Sys.time())
    print(info, quote = FALSE)
    info <- paste("with", n.rest, "restarts and", n.ex, "exchanges.")
    print(info, quote = FALSE)
  Phi.best <- optcrit(Fx, w.best, crit = "A", echo = FALSE)
  return(list(w.best = w.best, Phi.best = Phi.best, eff.best = Phi.best/Phi.app,
              n.ex = n.ex, n.rest = n.rest, t.act = t.act))

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OptimalDesign documentation built on March 26, 2020, 9:35 p.m.