.binning <- function(deg_penmax, G = 100) {
# deg_penmax: the penultimate degree
# G: number of bins from 0 to deg.penmax, including deg.penmax
start_deg <- 0
if (G <= deg_penmax - start_deg + 1) {
if (1 == G) {
base <- deg_penmax - start_deg + 1
interval_length <- deg_penmax - start_deg + 1
else {
is.warn <- options()$warn
options(warn = -1)
ff <- function(x) {
deg_penmax - start_deg + 1 - sum(floor(x^(0:(G -
base <- uniroot(ff, interval = c(1 + 1e-15, deg_penmax -
start_deg + G + 1.1), tol = .Machine$double.eps)$root
options(warn = is.warn)
#print(deg_penmax - start_deg + 1)
interval_length <- as.integer(floor(base^(0:(G - 1))))
if (sum(interval_length) != deg_penmax - start_deg + 1) {
interval_length[G] <- interval_length[G] + deg_penmax - start_deg + 1 - sum(interval_length)
#print(sum(floor(base^(0:(G - 1)))))
else if ( (0 == G) || (G > deg_penmax - start_deg + 1)) {
G <- deg_penmax - start_deg + 1
interval_length <- rep(1, G)
base <- 1
######## first set #########
bin_small <- rep(G + start_deg - 1, deg_penmax + 1)
b_deg_small <- c(start_deg, start_deg + cumsum(interval_length)[-G])
e_deg_small <- b_deg_small + interval_length - 1
if (start_deg > 0)
bin_small[1:start_deg] <- 0:(start_deg - 1)
for (i in 1:G) bin_small[(b_deg_small[i]:e_deg_small[i]) + 1] <- i + start_deg - 1
names(bin_small) <- 0:(length(bin_small) - 1)
if (start_deg > 1) {
c_bin_small <- c(0:(start_deg - 1),sqrt(b_deg_small * e_deg_small))
} else c_bin_small <- sqrt(b_deg_small * e_deg_small)
return(list(bin = bin_small, center_bin = c_bin_small,
start = b_deg_small, end = e_deg_small, G_small = G,
base = base, interval_length = interval_length))
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