to_networkDynamic <- function(net_object) {
oopts <- options(scipen = 999)
net <- net_object
if (!is(net,"PAFit_net")) {
stop("net must be an object of class PAFit_net.")
T <- length(unique(net$graph[,3]))
unique_time <- sort(unique(net$graph[,3]))
graph <- net$graph[order(net$graph[,3]),]
time <- graph[,3]
list_net <- list(length = T)
current_node <- NULL
if (net$type == "directed") {
directed <- TRUE
}else directed <- FALSE
edge_portion <- graph[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
out_node <- edge_portion[edge_portion[,1] != -1, 1] # source node
in_node <- edge_portion[edge_portion[,2] != -1, 2] # destination node
appear_node <- edge_portion[edge_portion[,2] == -1, 1] # isolated nodes at this time
current_node <- unique(c(in_node,out_node,appear_node))
N <- length(current_node)
ajc_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = N)
rownames(ajc_matrix) <- as.character(as.numeric(current_node))
colnames(ajc_matrix) <- as.character(as.numeric(current_node))
current_node <- NULL
for (t in 1:T) {
edge_portion <- graph[time == unique_time[t], 1:2, drop = FALSE]
out_node <- edge_portion[edge_portion[, 1] != -1, 1] # source node
in_node <- edge_portion[edge_portion[, 2] != -1, 2] # destination node
appear_node <- edge_portion[edge_portion[, 2] == -1, 1] # isolated nodes at this time
current_node <- sort(unique(c(current_node,union(c(in_node,out_node),appear_node))))
edge_portion <-
repeat_vec <- ddply(edge_portion,.(edge_portion[,1],edge_portion[,2]), nrow)
index <- matrix(c(as.character(as.numeric(repeat_vec[,1])),
as.character(as.numeric(repeat_vec[,2]))), ncol = 2)
ajc_matrix[index] <- ajc_matrix[index] + repeat_vec[,3]
if (directed == FALSE) {
index <- matrix(c(as.character(as.numeric(repeat_vec[,2])),
as.character(as.numeric(repeat_vec[,1]))), ncol = 2)
ajc_matrix[index] <- ajc_matrix[index] + repeat_vec[,3]
list_net[[t]] <-[as.character(as.numeric(current_node)),
directed = directed, loops = TRUE, multiple = TRUE)
# the whole to_networkDynamic function is slow, but the bottleneck is in the final step: converting list of nets to networkDynamic
# so there is little things I can do now
result <- networkDynamic(network.list = list_net, = "vertex.names", verbose = FALSE)
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