Defines functions PCMSpecify.JOU PCMListParameterizations.JOU PCMDescribeParameters.JOU PCMDescribe.JOU PCMCond.JOU PCMParentClasses.JOU

# Copyright 2016 Venelin Mitov
# This file is part of PCMBase.
# PCMBase is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PCMBase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PCMBase.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @export
PCMParentClasses.JOU <- function(model) {
  c("GaussianPCM", "PCM")

#' @export
PCMCond.JOU <- function(
  tree, model, r=1,
  metaI=PCMInfo(NULL, tree, model, verbose = verbose),
  verbose=FALSE) {
  H <- if(is.Global(model$H)) as.matrix(model$H) else as.matrix(model$H[,, r])

  Theta <- if(is.Global(model$Theta)) as.vector(model$Theta) else model$Theta[, r]

  Sigma_x <- GetSigma_x(model, "Sigma", r)
  Sigma <- Sigma_x %*% t(Sigma_x)

  Sigmaj_x <- GetSigma_x(model, "Sigmaj", r)
  Sigmaj <- Sigmaj_x %*% t(Sigmaj_x)

  mj <- if(is.Global(model$mj)) as.vector(model$mj) else model$mj[, r]

  if(!is.null(model$Sigmae_x)) {
    Sigmae_x <- GetSigma_x(model, "Sigmae", r)

    Sigmae <- Sigmae_x %*% t(Sigmae_x)
  } else {
    Sigmae <- NULL

  if(!is.null(model$Sigmae)) {
    Sigmae <- as.matrix(model$Sigmae_x[,,r]) %*% t(as.matrix(model$Sigmae_x[,,r]))
  } else {
    Sigmae <- NULL

  xi <- metaI$xi

  V <- PCMCondVOU(H, Sigma, Sigmae, Sigmaj, xi, threshold.Lambda_ij = metaI$PCMBase.Threshold.Lambda_ij)
  omega <- function(t, edgeIndex, metaI, e_Ht = NULL) {
    if(is.null(e_Ht)) {
      e_Ht <- expm(-t*H)
    I <- diag(nrow(H))
    xi[edgeIndex] * e_Ht%*%mj +  (I-e_Ht)%*%Theta
  Phi <- function(t, edgeIndex, metaI, e_Ht = NULL) {
    if(is.null(e_Ht)) {
    } else {
  list(omega = omega, Phi = Phi, V = V)

#' @export
PCMDescribe.JOU <- function(model, ...) {
  "Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model with jumps"

#' @export
PCMDescribeParameters.JOU <- function(model, ...) {
    X0 = "trait values at the root",
    H = "adaptation rate matrix",
    Theta = "long-term optimum",
    Sigma_x = "factor of the unit-time variance rate",
    mj = "jump mean vector",
    Sigmaj_x = "factor of the jump variance-covariance matrix",
    Sigmae_x = "factor of the non-heritable variance or the variance of the measurement error")

#' @export
PCMListParameterizations.JOU <- function(model, ...) {
    X0 = list(
      c("VectorParameter", "_Global"),
      c("VectorParameter", "_Fixed", "_Global"),
      c("VectorParameter", "_AllEqual", "_Global"),
      c("VectorParameter", "_Omitted")),
    H = list(
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Fixed"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Symmetric"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Diagonal"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_ScalarDiagonal"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Diagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_ScalarDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Schur", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Transformable"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Schur", "_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Transformable"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Schur", "_Diagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Transformable"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Schur", "_ScalarDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Transformable"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Fixed", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Symmetric", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Diagonal", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_ScalarDiagonal", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Diagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_ScalarDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Schur", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Transformable", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Schur", "_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Transformable", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Schur", "_Diagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Transformable", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Schur", "_ScalarDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Transformable", "_Global")),
    Theta = list(
      c("VectorParameter", "_Fixed"),
      c("VectorParameter", "_AllEqual")),

    Sigma_x = list(
      c("MatrixParameter", "_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Diagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_ScalarDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal")),
    mj = list(
      c("VectorParameter", "_Zeros"),
      c("VectorParameter", "_Fixed"),
      c("VectorParameter", "_AllEqual"),
      c("VectorParameter", "_Global"),
      c("VectorParameter", "_Zeros", "_Global"),
      c("VectorParameter", "_Fixed", "_Global"),
      c("VectorParameter", "_AllEqual", "_Global")),
    Sigmaj_x = list(
      c("MatrixParameter", "_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Diagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_ScalarDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal")),
    Sigmae_x = list(
      c("MatrixParameter", "_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Diagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_ScalarDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Diagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_ScalarDiagonal", "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_Global"),
      c("MatrixParameter", "_Omitted"))

#' @export
PCMSpecify.JOU <- function(model, ...) {
  spec <- list(
    X0 = structure(0.0, class = c('VectorParameter', '_Global'),
                   description = 'trait values at the root'),
    H = structure(0.0, class = c('MatrixParameter'),
                  description = 'adaptation rate matrix'),
    Theta = structure(0.0, class = c('VectorParameter'),
                      description = 'long-term optimum'),
    Sigma_x = structure(0.0, class = c('MatrixParameter', '_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal', '_WithNonNegativeDiagonal'),
                        description = 'factor of the unit-time variance rate'),
    mj = structure(0.0, class = c('VectorParameter'),
                   description = 'jump mean vector'),
    Sigmaj_x = structure(0.0, class = c('MatrixParameter', '_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal', '_WithNonNegativeDiagonal'),
                         description = 'factor of the jump variance-covariance matrix'),
    Sigmae_x = structure(0.0, class = c('MatrixParameter', '_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal', '_WithNonNegativeDiagonal'),
                         description = 'factor of the non-heritable variance or the variance of the measurement error'))
  attributes(spec) <- attributes(model)
  if(is.null(names(spec))) names(spec) <- c('X0', 'H', 'Theta', 'Sigma_x', 'mj', 'Sigmaj_x', 'Sigmae_x')
  if(any(sapply(spec, is.Transformable))) class(spec) <- c(class(spec), '_Transformable')

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PCMBase documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:39 a.m.