
Defines functions GetSigma_x PCMApplyTransformation._Schur PCMApplyTransformation._CholeskyFactor PCMDefaultObject.MatrixParameter PCMDefaultObject.VectorParameter PCMDefaultObject.ScalarParameter PCMParamRandomVecParams.default PCMParamRandomVecParams PCMParamUpperLimit.default PCMParamUpperLimit.PCM PCMParamUpperLimit PCMParamLowerLimit._WithNonNegativeDiagonal PCMParamLowerLimit._NonNegative PCMParamLowerLimit.default PCMParamLowerLimit.PCM PCMParamLowerLimit PCMParamSetByName.PCM PCMParamSetByName PCMParamLocateInShortVector PCMParamGetShortVector.default PCMParamGetShortVector.PCM PCMParamGetShortVector PCMParamCount.PCM PCMParamCount.MatrixParameter PCMParamCount.VectorParameter PCMParamCount.ScalarParameter PCMParamCount PCMParamLoadOrStore.PCM PCMParamLoadOrStore.MatrixParameter PCMParamLoadOrStore.VectorParameter PCMParamLoadOrStore.ScalarParameter PCMParamLoadOrStore `%store%` is.SemiPositiveDefinite is.Transformed is.Transformable is.Schur is.CholeskyFactor is.Omitted is.LowerTriangularWithDiagonal is.LowerTriangular is.WithNonNegativeDiagonal is.UpperTriangularWithDiagonal is.UpperTriangular is.Symmetric is.ScalarDiagonal is.Diagonal is.NonNegative is.AllEqual is.Identity is.Ones is.Zeros is.Fixed is.WithCustomVecParams PCMExtractRegimes.MatrixParameter PCMExtractDimensions.MatrixParameter PCMNumRegimes.MatrixParameter PCMNumTraits.MatrixParameter is.MatrixParameter PCMExtractRegimes.VectorParameter PCMExtractDimensions.VectorParameter PCMNumRegimes.VectorParameter PCMNumTraits.VectorParameter is.VectorParameter PCMExtractRegimes.ScalarParameter PCMExtractDimensions.ScalarParameter PCMNumRegimes.ScalarParameter PCMNumTraits.ScalarParameter is.ScalarParameter is.Global is.Local

Documented in is.AllEqual is.CholeskyFactor is.Diagonal is.Fixed is.Global is.Identity is.Local is.LowerTriangular is.LowerTriangularWithDiagonal is.MatrixParameter is.NonNegative is.Omitted is.Ones is.ScalarDiagonal is.ScalarParameter is.Schur is.SemiPositiveDefinite is.Symmetric is.Transformable is.Transformed is.UpperTriangular is.UpperTriangularWithDiagonal is.VectorParameter is.WithCustomVecParams is.WithNonNegativeDiagonal is.Zeros PCMParamCount PCMParamGetShortVector PCMParamLoadOrStore PCMParamLocateInShortVector PCMParamLowerLimit PCMParamRandomVecParams PCMParamSetByName PCMParamUpperLimit

# Copyright 2016-2019 Venelin Mitov
# This file is part of PCMBase.
# PCMBase is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PCMBase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PCMBase.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## API for loading or storing parameters from/to a vector ----------------------

#' @name PCMParam
#' @title Module PCMParam
#' @description Global and S3 generic functions for manipulating model parameters.
#' The parameters in a PCM are named objects with a class attribute specifying
#' the main type and optional properties (tags).
#' S3 generic functions:
#' \describe{
#' \item{PCMParamCount()}{Counting the number of actual numeric parameters (used,
#'  e.g. for calculating information scores, e.g. AIC);}
#' \item{PCMParamLoadOrStore(), PCMParamLoadOrStore()}{Storing/loading a parameter
#' to/from a numerical vector;}
#' \item{PCMParamLowerLimit(),PCMParamUpperLimit()}{Specifying parameter upper and lower limits;}
#' \item{PCMParamRandomVecParams()}{Generating a random parameter vector;}
#' }
#' For all the above properties, check-functions are defined, e.g. `is.Local(o)`,
#' `is.Global(o)`, `is.ScalarParameter(o)`, `is.VectorParameter`, etc.

#' Parameter types
#' @name PCMParamType
#' @description The parameter types are divided in the following categories:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Main type}{These are the "ScalarParameter", "VectorParameter" and "MatrixParameter"
#' classes. Each model parameter must have a main type.}
#' \item{Scope/Omission}{These are the "_Global" and "_Omitted" classes. Every
#' parameter can be global for all regimes or local for a single regime. If not
#' specified, local scope is assumed. In some special cases a parameter (e.g.
#' Sigmae can be omitted from a model. This is done by adding "_Omitted" to its
#' class attribute.}
#' \item{Constancy (optional)}{These are the "_Fixed", "_Ones", "_Identity" and
#' "_Zeros" classes.}
#' \item{Transformation (optional)}{These are the "_Transformable", "_CholeskyFactor"
#'  and "_Schur" classes. }
#' \item{Other properties (optional)}{These are the "_NonNegative",
#' "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal", "_LowerTriangular", "_AllEqual", "_ScalarDiagonal",
#' "_Symmetric", "_UpperTriangular", "_LowerTriangularWithDiagonal" and
#' "_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal" classes.}
#' }
#' @param o an object, i.e. a PCM or a parameter object.
#' @return logical indicating if the object passed is from the type appearing in
#' the function-name.

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.Local <- function(o) { !inherits(o, "_Global") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.Global <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_Global") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.ScalarParameter <- function(o) { inherits(o, "ScalarParameter") }

#' @export
PCMNumTraits.ScalarParameter <- function(model) {

#' @export
PCMNumRegimes.ScalarParameter <- function(obj) {
  if(is.Global(obj)) {
  } else {

#' @export
PCMExtractDimensions.ScalarParameter <- function(
  dims = seq_len(PCMNumTraits(obj)),
  nRepBlocks = 1L) {

#' @export
PCMExtractRegimes.ScalarParameter <- function(obj, regimes = seq_len(PCMNumRegimes(obj))) {
  if(is.Global(obj)) {
  } else {
    regimes <- as.integer(regimes)
    if(isTRUE(any(regimes > PCMNumRegimes(obj) | regimes < 1))) {
        "PCMExtractRegimes.ScalarParameter:: some of regimes are outside the",
        " range 1:R; regimes=(", toString(regimes), "); R=", PCMNumRegimes(obj)))
    } else {
      # obj is local scope, so a matrix
      obj2 <- obj[regimes]
      class(obj2) <- class(obj)
      attr(obj2, "description") <- attr(obj, "description", exact = TRUE)

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.VectorParameter <- function(o) { inherits(o, "VectorParameter") }

#' @export
PCMNumTraits.VectorParameter <- function(model) {
  if(is.Global(model)) {
  } else {

#' @export
PCMNumRegimes.VectorParameter <- function(obj) {
  if(is.Global(obj)) {
  } else {

#' @export
PCMExtractDimensions.VectorParameter <- function(
  dims = seq_len(PCMNumTraits(obj)),
  nRepBlocks = 1L) {
  dims <- unique(as.integer(dims))
  if(isTRUE(any(dims > PCMNumTraits(obj) | dims < 1))) {
      "PCMExtractDimensions.VectorParameter:: some of dims are outside the",
      " range 1:k; dims=(", toString(dims), "); k=", PCMNumTraits(obj)))
  if(is.Global(obj)) {
    obj2 <- obj[rep(dims, nRepBlocks)]
  } else {
    # obj is local scope, so a matrix
    obj2 <- obj[rep(dims, nRepBlocks), , drop = FALSE]
  class(obj2) <- class(obj)
  attr(obj2, "description") <- attr(obj, "description", exact = TRUE)


#' @export
PCMExtractRegimes.VectorParameter <- function(obj, regimes = seq_len(PCMNumRegimes(obj))) {
  if(is.Global(obj)) {
  } else {
    regimes <- as.integer(regimes)
    if(isTRUE(any(regimes > PCMNumRegimes(obj) | regimes < 1))) {
        "PCMExtractRegimes.VectorParameter:: some of regimes are outside the",
        " range 1:R; regimes=(", toString(regimes), "); R=", PCMNumRegimes(obj)))
    } else {
      # obj is local scope, so a matrix
      obj2 <- obj[, regimes, drop=FALSE]
      class(obj2) <- class(obj)
      attr(obj2, "description") <- attr(obj, "description", exact = TRUE)

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.MatrixParameter <- function(o) { inherits(o, "MatrixParameter") }

#' @export
PCMNumTraits.MatrixParameter <- function(model) {

#' @export
PCMNumRegimes.MatrixParameter <- function(obj) {
  if(is.Global(obj)) {
  } else {

#' @export
PCMExtractDimensions.MatrixParameter <- function(
  dims = seq_len(PCMNumTraits(obj)),
  nRepBlocks = 1L) {
  dims <- unique(as.integer(dims))
  if(isTRUE(any(dims > PCMNumTraits(obj) | dims < 1))) {
      "PCMExtractDimensions.MatrixParameter:: some of dims are outside the",
      " range 1:k; dims=(", toString(dims), "); k=", PCMNumTraits(obj)))
  obj2 <- if(is.Global(obj)) {
    kronecker(diag(1, nRepBlocks), obj[dims, dims, drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    # obj is local scope, so an array
    kronecker(diag(1, nRepBlocks), obj[dims, dims, , drop = FALSE])
  class(obj2) <- class(obj)
  attr(obj2, "description") <- attr(obj, "description", exact = TRUE)
  attr(obj2, "dimnames") <- attr(obj, "dimnames", exact = TRUE)

#' @export
PCMExtractRegimes.MatrixParameter <- function(obj, regimes = seq_len(PCMNumRegimes(obj))) {
  if(is.Global(obj)) {
  } else {
    regimes <- as.integer(regimes)
    if(isTRUE(any(regimes > PCMNumRegimes(obj) | regimes < 1))) {
        "PCMExtractRegimes.MatrixParameter:: some of regimes are outside the",
        " range 1:R; regimes=(", toString(regimes), "); R=", PCMNumRegimes(obj)))
    } else {
      # obj is local scope, so a array
      obj2 <- obj[, , regimes, drop=FALSE]
      class(obj2) <- class(obj)
      attr(obj2, "description") <- attr(obj, "description", exact = TRUE)

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.WithCustomVecParams <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_WithCustomVecParams") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.Fixed <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_Fixed") || inherits(o, "_Zeros") || inherits(o, "_Ones") || inherits(o, "_Identity") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.Zeros <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_Zeros") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.Ones <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_Ones") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.Identity <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_Identity") }

## Properties

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.AllEqual <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_AllEqual") || inherits(o, "_ScalarDiagonal") || inherits(o, "ScalarParameter") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.NonNegative <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_NonNegative") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.Diagonal <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_Diagonal") || inherits(o, "_ScalarDiagonal") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.ScalarDiagonal <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_ScalarDiagonal") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.Symmetric <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_Symmetric") }

# upper triangular excluding diagonal
#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.UpperTriangular <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_UpperTriangular") }

# upper triangular including diagonal
#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.UpperTriangularWithDiagonal <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal") || inherits(o, "_CholeskyFactor") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.WithNonNegativeDiagonal <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_WithNonNegativeDiagonal") || inherits(o, "_CholeskyFactor") }

# lower triangular excluding diagonal
#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.LowerTriangular <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_LowerTriangular") }
# lower triangular with diagonal
#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.LowerTriangularWithDiagonal <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_LowerTriangularWithDiagonal") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.Omitted <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_Omitted") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.CholeskyFactor <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_CholeskyFactor") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.Schur <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_Schur") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.Transformable <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_Transformable") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.Transformed <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_Transformed") }

#' @describeIn PCMParamType
#' @export
is.SemiPositiveDefinite <- function(o) { inherits(o, "_SemiPositiveDefinite") }

### .. Overwrite `base::diag<-` for the case of k=1
`diag<-` <- function (x, value)
  dx <- dim(x)
  if( is.null(dx) ) {
    # x is a vector, assign the first element
    if(length(value) != 1) {
      stop("replacement diagonal has wrong length")
    } else {
      x[1] <- value
  } else if (length(dx) != 2L) {
    stop("only matrix diagonals can be replaced")
  } else {
    len.i <- min(dx)
    len.v <- length(value)
    if (len.v != 1L && len.v != len.i)
      stop("replacement diagonal has wrong length")
    if (len.i) {
      i <- seq_len(len.i)
      x[cbind(i, i)] <- value

### ..Load a from b -----------
`%load%` <- `<-`

### ..Store a to b ------------
`%store%` <- function(a,b) eval(substitute(b<-a), parent.frame())

#' Load (or store) a PCM parameter from (or to) a vector of the variable parameters in a model.
#' @inheritParams PCMParamCount
#' @param vecParams a numeric vector.
#' @param load logical indicating if parameters should be loaded from vecParams into o (TRUE)
#' or stored to vecParams from o (FALSE).
#' @details This S3 generic function has both, a returned value and side effects.
#' @return an integer equaling the number of elements read from vecParams.
#' In the case of type=="custom", the number of indices bigger than offset returned by the function indices(offset, k).
#' @export
PCMParamLoadOrStore <- function(o, vecParams, offset, k, R, load, parentModel = NULL) {
  UseMethod("PCMParamLoadOrStore", o)

#' @export
PCMParamLoadOrStore.ScalarParameter <- function(o, vecParams, offset, k, R, load, parentModel = NULL) {
  `%op%` <- if(load) `%load%` else `%store%`
  if(is.Fixed(o) || is.Omitted(o)) {
    # do nothing
    num <- 0L
  } else if(is.WithCustomVecParams(o)) {
    indices <- attr(o, "indices")
    if(is.function(indices)) {

      if(is.Global(o)) {
        ind <- indices(offset, k)
        eval(substitute(o[] %op% vecParams[ind]), parent.frame())
        num <- length(unique(ind[ind > offset]))
      } else {
        num <- 0L
        for(r in 1:R) {
          ind <- indices(offset + num, k)
          eval(substitute(o[r] %op% vecParams[ind]), parent.frame())
          num <- num + length(unique(ind[ind > offset + num]))
    } else {
      stop("PCMParamLoadOrStore.ScalarParameter:: indices should be a function(offset, k) returning an integer.")
  } else {
    if(is.Global(o)) {
      eval(substitute(o[] %op% vecParams[offset + num]), parent.frame())
      num <- 1L
    } else {
      eval(substitute(o[1:R] %op% vecParams[offset + (1:R)]), parent.frame())
      num <- R

#' @export
PCMParamLoadOrStore.VectorParameter <- function(o, vecParams, offset, k, R, load, parentModel = NULL) {
  `%op%` <- if(load) `%load%` else `%store%`

  if(is.Fixed(o) || is.Omitted(o)) {
    num <- 0
  } else if(is.WithCustomVecParams(o)) {
    indices <- attr(o, "indices", exact = TRUE)
    mask <- attr(o, "mask", exact=TRUE)
    if(is.function(indices)) {

      if(is.Global(o)) {
        ind <- indices(offset, k)
        eval(substitute(o[mask] %op% vecParams[ind]), parent.frame())
        num <- length(unique(ind[ind > offset]))
      } else {
        num <- 0L
        for(r in 1:R) {
          ind <- indices(offset + num, k)
          eval(substitute(o[mask, r] %op% vecParams[ind]), parent.frame())
          num <- num + length(unique(ind[ind > offset + num]))
    } else {
      stop("PCMParamLoadOrStore.VectorParameter:: indices should be a function(offset, k) returning an integer vector.")
  } else if(is.AllEqual(o)) {
    if(load) {
      mask <- rep(TRUE, k)
    } else {
      mask <- rep(FALSE, k)
      mask[1L] <- TRUE

    if(is.Global(o)) {
      eval(substitute(o[mask] %op% vecParams[offset + 1L]), parent.frame())
      num <- 1L
    } else {
      num <- 0L
      for(r in 1:R) {
        eval(substitute(o[mask, r] %op% vecParams[offset + num + 1L]), parent.frame())
        num <- num + 1L
  } else {
    # type = Full

    mask <- rep(TRUE, k)
    if(is.Global(o)) {
      eval(substitute(o[mask] %op% vecParams[offset + (1:k)]), parent.frame())
      num <- k
    } else {
      num <- 0L
      for(r in 1:R) {
        eval(substitute(o[, r][mask] %op% vecParams[offset + num + (1:k)]), parent.frame())
        num <- num + k

#' @export
PCMParamLoadOrStore.MatrixParameter <- function(o, vecParams, offset, k, R, load, parentModel = NULL) {
  `%op%` <- if(load) `%load%` else `%store%`

  if(is.Fixed(o) || is.Omitted(o)) {
    # nothing to do
    num <- 0L
  } else if(is.WithCustomVecParams(o)) {
    indices <- attr(o, "indices", exact = TRUE)
    mask <- attr(o, "mask", exact=TRUE)
    if(is.function(indices)) {
      if(is.Global(o)) {
        ind <- indices(offset, k)
        eval(substitute(o[mask] %op% vecParams[ind]), parent.frame())
        num <- length(unique(ind[ind > offset]))
      } else {
        num <- 0L
        for(r in 1:R) {
          ind <- indices(offset + num, k)
          eval(substitute(o[,,r][mask] %op% vecParams[ind]), parent.frame())
          num <- num + length(unique(ind[ind > offset + num]))
    } else {
      stop("PCMParamLoadOrStore.MatrixParameter:: indices should be a function(offset, k) returning an integer vector.")
  } else if(is.ScalarDiagonal(o)) {
    if(load) {
      mask <- diag(TRUE, k, k)
    } else {
      mask <- matrix(FALSE, k, k)
      mask[1L, 1L] <- TRUE
    if(is.Global(o)) {
      eval(substitute(o[mask] %op% vecParams[offset + 1L]), parent.frame())
      num <- 1L
    } else {
      num <- 0L
      for(r in 1:R) {
        eval(substitute(o[, , r][mask] %op% vecParams[offset + num + 1L]), parent.frame())
        num <- num + 1L
  } else if(is.Diagonal(o)) {
    mask <- diag(TRUE, k, k)
    if(is.Global(o)) {
      eval(substitute(o[mask] %op% vecParams[offset + (1:k)]), parent.frame())
      num <- k
    } else {
      num <- 0L
      for(r in 1:R) {
        eval(substitute(o[,, r][mask] %op% vecParams[offset + num + (1:k)]), parent.frame())
        num <- num + k
  } else if(is.UpperTriangular(o)) {
    # without diagonal
    numForOneMatrix <- k*(k-1)/2
    if(is.Global(o)) {
      mask <- upper.tri(o)
      eval(substitute(o[mask] %op% vecParams[offset + (1:numForOneMatrix)]), parent.frame())
      num <- numForOneMatrix
    } else {
      mask <- upper.tri(o[,,1L])
      num <- 0L
      for(r in 1:R) {
        eval(substitute(o[,,r][mask] %op% vecParams[offset + num + (1:numForOneMatrix)]), parent.frame())
        num <- num + numForOneMatrix
  } else if(is.UpperTriangularWithDiagonal(o)) {
    numForOneMatrix <- k*(k+1)/2
    if(is.Global(o)) {
      mask <- upper.tri(o, diag = TRUE)
      eval(substitute(o[mask] %op% vecParams[offset + (1:numForOneMatrix)]), parent.frame())
      num <- numForOneMatrix
    } else {
      mask <- upper.tri(o[,,1L], diag = TRUE)
      num <- 0L
      for(r in 1:R) {
        eval(substitute(o[,,r][mask] %op% vecParams[offset + num + (1:numForOneMatrix)]), parent.frame())
        num <- num + numForOneMatrix
  } else if(is.LowerTriangular(o)) {
    # without diagonal
    numForOneMatrix <- k*(k-1)/2
    if(is.Global(o)) {
      mask <- lower.tri(o)
      eval(substitute(o[mask] %op% vecParams[offset + (1:numForOneMatrix)]), parent.frame())
      num <- numForOneMatrix
    } else {
      mask <- lower.tri(o[,,1L])
      num <- 0L
      for(r in 1:R) {
        eval(substitute(o[,,r][mask] %op% vecParams[offset + num + (1:numForOneMatrix)]), parent.frame())
        num <- num + numForOneMatrix
  } else if(is.LowerTriangularWithDiagonal(o)) {
    numForOneMatrix <- k*(k+1)/2
    if(is.Global(o)) {
      mask <- lower.tri(o, diag = TRUE)
      eval(substitute(o[mask] %op% vecParams[offset + (1:numForOneMatrix)]), parent.frame())
      num <- numForOneMatrix
    } else {
      mask <- lower.tri(o[,,1L], diag = TRUE)
      num <- 0L
      for(r in 1:R) {
        eval(substitute(o[,,r][mask] %op% vecParams[offset + num + (1:numForOneMatrix)]), parent.frame())
        num <- num + numForOneMatrix
  } else if(is.Symmetric(o)) {
    numForOneMatrix <- k*(k+1)/2
    if(is.Global(o)) {
      mask <- upper.tri(o, diag = TRUE)
      maskLower <- lower.tri(o)
      eval(substitute(o[mask] %op% vecParams[offset + (1:numForOneMatrix)]), parent.frame())
      if(load) {
          o[maskLower] <- 0.0
          o <- o + t(o)
          diag(o) <- 0.5 * diag(o)
        }), parent.frame())
      num <- numForOneMatrix
    } else {
      mask <- upper.tri(o[,,1L], diag = TRUE)
      maskLower <- lower.tri(o[,,1L])
      num <- 0L
      for(r in 1:R) {
        eval(substitute(o[,,r][mask] %op% vecParams[offset + num + (1:numForOneMatrix)]), parent.frame())
        if(load) {
            o[,,r][maskLower] <- 0.0
            o[,,r] <- o[,,r] + t(o[,,r])
            diag(o[,,r]) <- 0.5 * diag(o[,,r])
          }), parent.frame())
        num <- num + numForOneMatrix
  } else {
    # Full matrix
    numForOneMatrix <- k * k
    mask <- matrix(TRUE, k, k)

    if(is.Global(o)) {
      eval(substitute(o[mask] %op% vecParams[offset + (1:numForOneMatrix)]), parent.frame())
      num <- numForOneMatrix
    } else {
      num <- 0L
      for(r in 1:R) {
        eval(substitute(o[,,r][mask] %op% vecParams[offset +  num + (1:numForOneMatrix)]), parent.frame())
        num <- num + numForOneMatrix

#' @export
PCMParamLoadOrStore.PCM <- function(o, vecParams, offset, k, R, load, parentModel = NULL) {
  k <- PCMNumTraits(o)
  R <- PCMNumRegimes(o)

  p <- 0

  if(is.Fixed(o) || is.Omitted(o)) {
    # do nothing
  } else {
    for(name in names(o)) {
      if(is.Global(o[[name]]) && !is.null(parentModel)) {
        # this is a nested model of parentModel, hence
        # o[[name]] must have been loaded by the parentModel, because all global
        # parameters by convention should precede the other entries.
        if(load) {
          eval(substitute( o[[name]][] <- parentModel[[name]][] ),
               parent.frame() )
          # no need to update p
        } else {
          # nothing to do because the parentModel should already have taken
          # care to store the parameter into vecParams.
      } else {
        # naming the first parameter (o) seems to fail:
        # p <- p + eval(substitute(PCMParamLoadOrStore(
        #   o = o[[name]],
        #   vecParams = vecParams,
        #   offset = offset + p,
        #   k = k,
        #   R = R,
        #   load = load)), parent.frame())
        p <- p + eval(substitute(PCMParamLoadOrStore(
          offset + p,
          o)), parent.frame())


#' Count the number of free parameters associated with a PCM or a PCM-parameter
#' @param o a PCM model object or a parameter of a PCM object
#' @param countRegimeChanges logical indicating if regime changes should be
#' counted. If TRUE, the default implementation would add
#' \code{PCMNumRegimes(model) - 1}. Default FALSE.
#' @param countModelTypes logical indicating whether the model type should be
#'  counted. If TRUE the default implementation will add +1 only if there are
#'  more than one modelTypes
#'  (\code{length(attr(model, "modelTypes", exact = TRUE)) > 1}),
#'  assuming that all regimes are regimes of the same model type (e.g. OU). The
#'  implementation for MRG models will add +1 for every regime if there are more
#'  than one modelTypes. Default FALSE.
#' @param offset an integer denoting an offset count from which to start counting
#' (internally used). Default: 0.
#' @param k an integer denoting the number of modeled traits. Default: 1.
#' @param R an integer denoting the number of regimes in the model. Default: 1.
#' @param parentModel NULL or a PCM object. Default: NULL.
#' @return an integer
#' @export
PCMParamCount <- function(o, countRegimeChanges = FALSE, countModelTypes = FALSE, offset = 0L, k = 1L, R = 1L, parentModel = NULL) {
  UseMethod("PCMParamCount", o)

#' @export
PCMParamCount.ScalarParameter <- function(o, countRegimeChanges = FALSE, countModelTypes = FALSE,  offset = 0L, k = 1L, R = 1L, parentModel = NULL) {
  if(is.Fixed(o)) {
  } else if(is.WithCustomVecParams(o)) {
    indices <- attr(o, "indices", exact = TRUE)
    p0 <- offset
    if(is.Global(o)) {
      ind <- indices(offset, k)
      offset <- offset + length(unique(ind[ind > offset]))
    } else {
      for(r in 1:R) {
        ind <- indices(offset, k)
        offset <- offset + length(unique(ind[ind > offset]))
    offset - p0
  } else {
    if(is.Global(o)) {
    } else {

#' @export
PCMParamCount.VectorParameter <- function(o, countRegimeChanges = FALSE, countModelTypes = FALSE, offset = 0L, k = 1L, R = 1L, parentModel = NULL) {
  if(is.Fixed(o) || is.Omitted(o)) {
  } else if(is.AllEqual(o)) {
    if(is.Global(o)) {
    } else {
  } else if(is.WithCustomVecParams(o)) {
    indices <- attr(o, "indices", exact = TRUE)
    if(is.function(indices)) {
      p0 <- offset
      if(is.Global(o)) {
        ind <- indices(offset, k)
        offset <- offset + length(unique(ind[ind > offset]))
      } else {
        for(r in 1:R) {
          ind <- indices(offset, k)
          offset <- offset + length(unique(ind[ind > offset]))
      offset - p0
    } else {
      stop("ERR:02731:PCMBase:PCMParam.R:PCMParamCount.VectorParameter:: indices should be a function(offset, k) returning an integer vector.")
  } else {
    if(is.Global(o)) {
    } else {
      as.integer(R * k)

#' @export
PCMParamCount.MatrixParameter <- function(o, countRegimeChanges = FALSE, countModelTypes = FALSE,  offset = 0L, k = 1L, R = 1L, parentModel = NULL) {
  if(is.Fixed(o) || is.Omitted(o)) {
    # nothing to do
  } else if(is.WithCustomVecParams(o)) {
    indices <- attr(o, "indices", exact = TRUE)
    if(is.function(indices) ) {
      p0 <- offset
      if(is.Global(o)) {
        ind <- indices(offset, k)
        offset <- offset + length(unique(ind[ind > offset]))
      } else {
        for(r in 1:R) {
          ind <- indices(offset, k)
          offset <- offset + length(unique(ind[ind > offset]))
      offset - p0
    } else {
      stop("ERR:02741:PCMBase:PCMParam.R:PCMParamCount.MatrixParameter:: indices should be a function(offset, k) returning an integer vector.")
  } else if(is.ScalarDiagonal(o)) {
    if(is.Global(o)) {
    } else {
  } else if(is.Diagonal(o)) {
    if(is.Global(o)) {
    } else {
      as.integer(R * k)
  } else if(is.UpperTriangular(o)) {
    # without diagonal
    if(is.Global(o)) {
    } else {
      as.integer(R * k*(k-1)/2)
  } else if(is.UpperTriangularWithDiagonal(o)) {
    # with diagonal
    if(is.Global(o)) {
    } else {
      as.integer(R * k*(k+1)/2)
  } else if(is.LowerTriangular(o)) {
    # without diagonal
    if(is.Global(o)) {
    } else {
      as.integer(R * k*(k-1)/2)
  } else if(is.LowerTriangularWithDiagonal(o)) {
    if(is.Global(o)) {
    } else {
      as.integer(R * k*(k+1)/2)
  } else if(is.Symmetric(o)) {
    if(is.Global(o)) {
    } else {
      as.integer(R * k*(k+1)/2)
  } else {
    # Full matrix
    if(is.Global(o)) {
    } else {
      as.integer(R * k*k)

#' @export
PCMParamCount.PCM <- function(
  o, countRegimeChanges = FALSE, countModelTypes = FALSE, offset = 0L, k = 1L,
  R = 1L, parentModel = NULL) {

  k <- PCMNumTraits(o)
  R <- PCMNumRegimes(o)

  p0 <- as.integer(offset)
  if(is.Fixed(o) || is.Omitted(o)) {
    # do nothing
  } else {
    for(name in names(o)) {
      if(is.Global(o[[name]]) && !is.null(parentModel)) {
        # Global parameters are already counted in the parentModel, so don't
        # recount them
      } else {
        offset <- offset + PCMParamCount(
          o[[name]], offset = offset, k = k, R = R, parentModel = o)
    if(countRegimeChanges) {
      # we don't count the root as a parameters, tha'ts why we substract one.
      offset <- offset + PCMNumRegimes.PCM(o) - 1L
    if(countModelTypes) {
      # assume that all regimes have the same model-type. If there is only one
      # model type than this is not counted as a parameter.
      if(length(attr(o, "modelTypes", exact = TRUE)) > 1L) {
        offset <- offset + 1L
  unname(as.integer(offset - p0))

#' Get a vector of the variable numeric parameters in a model
#' @inheritParams PCMParamCount
#' @param ... other arguments that could be used by implementing methods.
#' @return a numeric vector of length equal to
#' `PCMParamCount(o, FALSE, FALSE, 0L, k, R)`.
#' @description The short vector of the model parameters does not include the
#' nodes in the tree where a regime change occurs, nor the the model types
#' associated with each regime.
#' @export
PCMParamGetShortVector <- function(o, k = 1L, R = 1L, ...) {
  UseMethod("PCMParamGetShortVector", o)

#' @export
PCMParamGetShortVector.PCM <- function(o, k, R, ...) {
  k <- PCMNumTraits(o)
  R <- PCMNumRegimes(o)

  vec <- double(PCMParamCount(o, FALSE, FALSE, 0L, k, R))
    o, vecParams = vec, offset = 0L, k = k, R = R, load = FALSE)

#' @export
PCMParamGetShortVector.default <- function(o, k, R, ...) {
  vec <- double(PCMParamCount(o, FALSE, FALSE, 0L, k, R))
    o, vecParams = vec, offset = 0L, k = k, R = R, load = FALSE)

#' Locate a named parameter in the short vector representation of a model
#' @param o a PCM model object.
#' @param accessExpr a character string used to access the parameter, e.g.
#' \code{"$Theta[,,1]"} or \code{"[['Theta']][,,1]"}.
#' @param enclos a character string containing the symbol '?', e.g.
#' \code{'diag(?)'}. The meaning of this symbol is to be replaced by the matching
#' accessExpr (see examples). Default value : \code{'?'}.
#' @return an integer vector of length \code{PCMParamCount(o)} with NAs
#' everywhere except at the coordinates corresponding to the parameter in
#' question.
#' @examples
#' model <- PCM(PCMDefaultModelTypes()["D"], k = 3, regimes = c("a", "b"))
#' # The parameter H is a diagonal 3x3 matrix. If this matrix is considered as
#' # a vector the indices of its diagonal elements are 1, 5 and 9. These indices
#' # are indicated as the non-NA entries in the returned vector.
#' PCMParamLocateInShortVector(model, "$H[,,1]")
#' PCMParamLocateInShortVector(model, "$H[,,'a']")
#' PCMParamLocateInShortVector(model, "$H[,,'b']")
#' PCMParamLocateInShortVector(model, "$Sigma_x[,,'b']", enclos = 'diag(?)')
#' PCMParamLocateInShortVector(model, "$Sigma_x[,,'b']", enclos = '?[upper.tri(?)]')
#' @export
PCMParamLocateInShortVector <- function(o, accessExpr, enclos = "?") {
  if(is.null(accessExpr) || accessExpr == "") {
  } else {
    v <- PCMParamGetShortVector(o)
    mask <- seq_len(length(eval(parse(
      text = gsub("?", paste0("o", accessExpr), enclos, fixed = TRUE)))))
    v[] <- NA
    oNAs <- o

      oNAs, vecParams = v, offset = 0, k = PCMNumTraits(o), R = PCMNumRegimes(o),
      load = TRUE)

    eval(parse(text = paste0(
      gsub("?", paste0("oNAs", accessExpr), enclos, fixed = TRUE), "[] <- mask")))

#' Set model parameters from a named list
#' @param model a PCM model object
#' @param params a named list with elements among the names found in model
#' @param inplace logical indicating if the parameters should be set "inplace"
#' for the model object in the calling environment or a new model object with
#' the parameters set as specified should be returned. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param replaceWholeParameters logical, by default set to FALSE. If TRUE, the
#' parameters will be completely replaced, meaning that their attributes (e.g.
#' S3 class) will be replaced as well (dangerous).
#' @param deepCopySubPCMs a logical indicating whether nested PCMs should be
#'   'deep'-copied, meaning element by element, eventually preserving the
#'   attributes as in \code{model}. By default this is set to FALSE, meaning
#'   that sub-PCMs found in \code{params} will completely overwrite the
#'   sub-PCMs with the same name in \code{model}.
#' @param failIfNamesInParamsDontExist logical indicating if an error should be
#' raised if \code{params} contains elements not existing in model. Default: TRUE.
#' @param ... other arguments that can be used by implementing methods.
#' @return If inplace is TRUE, the function only has a side effect of setting
#' the parameters of the model object in the calling environment; otherwise the
#' function returns a modified copy of the model object.
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @export
PCMParamSetByName <- function(
  inplace = TRUE,
  replaceWholeParameters = FALSE,
  deepCopySubPCMs = FALSE,
  failIfNamesInParamsDontExist = TRUE,
  ...) {

  UseMethod("PCMParamSetByName", model)

#' @export
PCMParamSetByName.PCM <- function(
  inplace = TRUE,
  replaceWholeParameters = FALSE,
  deepCopySubPCMs = FALSE,
  failIfNamesInParamsDontExist = TRUE,
  ...) {

  for(name in names(params)) {
    if(! (name %in% names(model)) ) {
      if(failIfNamesInParamsDontExist) {
        stop(paste0("PCMParamSetByName.PCM:: ", name,
                    " is not a settable parameter of the model."))
      } else {

    if(is.PCM(model[[name]])) {
      if(! is.PCM(params[[name]]) ) {
        stop(paste0("PCMParamSetByName.PCM::model[['", name, "']] is a nested PCM object but params[['", name, "']] is not."))
      } else if(!identical(PCMNumTraits(model), PCMNumTraits(params[[name]])) ) {
        stop(paste0("PCMParamSetByName.PCM:: model[['", name, "']] has a different number of traits (k) from params[['", name, "']]."))
      } else {
        if(deepCopySubPCMs) {
          for(subName in names(params[[name]])) {
            if(replaceWholeParameters) {
              # This will overwrite the current attributes of model[[name]][[subName]]
              if(inplace) {
                eval(substitute(model[[name]][[subName]] <-
                                  params[[name]][[subName]]), parent.frame())
              } else {
                model[[name]][[subName]] <- params[[name]][[subName]]
            } else {
              # This will keep the current attributes of model[[name]][[subName]]
              if(inplace) {
                eval(substitute(model[[name]][[subName]][] <-
                                  params[[name]][[subName]]), parent.frame())
              } else {
                model[[name]][[subName]][] <- params[[name]][[subName]]
        } else {
          if(inplace) {
            eval(substitute(model[[name]] <- params[[name]]), parent.frame())
          } else {
            model[[name]] <- params[[name]]
    } else {
      if( !identical(length(model[[name]]), length(params[[name]])) && !replaceWholeParameters ) {
        stop(paste0("PCMParamSetByName.PCM:: params[[", name,
                    "]] is not the same length as model[[", name, "]]; ",
                    "length(params[[", name, "]])=", length(params[[name]]),
                    ", length(model[[", name, "]])=", length(model[[name]]), "."))
      if( !identical(dim(model[[name]]), dim(params[[name]])) && !replaceWholeParameters ) {
        stop(paste0("PCMParamSetByName.PCM:: params[[", name,
                    "]] is not the same dimension as model[[", name, "]]; ",
                    "dim(params[[", name, "]])=", str(dim(params[[name]])),
                    ", length(model[[", name, "]])=", str(dim(model[[name]])), "."))

      if(replaceWholeParameters) {
        # This will overwrite the current attributes of model[[name]]
        if(inplace) {
          eval(substitute(model[[name]] <- params[[name]]), parent.frame())
        } else {
          model[[name]] <- params[[name]]
      } else {
        # This will keep the current attributes of model[[name]]
        if(inplace) {
          eval(substitute(model[[name]][] <- params[[name]]), parent.frame())
        } else {
          model[[name]][] <- params[[name]]

  if(!inplace) {

#' @title The lower limit for a given model or parameter type
#' @description This is an S3 generic function.
#' @param o an object such as a VectorParameter a MatrixParameter or a PCM.
#' @param k integer denoting the number of traits
#' @param R integer denoting the number of regimes in the model in which o
#' belongs to.
#' @param ... additional arguments (optional or future use).
#' @return an object of the same S3 class as o representing a lower limit
#' for the class.
#' @export
PCMParamLowerLimit <- function(o, k, R, ...) {
  UseMethod("PCMParamLowerLimit", o)

#' @export
PCMParamLowerLimit.PCM <- function(o, k, R,  ...) {
  k <- PCMNumTraits(o)
  R <- PCMNumRegimes(o)

  vecParamsLowerLimit <- attr(o, "vecParamsLowerLimit", exact = TRUE)

  if( !is.null(vecParamsLowerLimit) ) {
      o, vecParams = vecParamsLowerLimit, offset = 0, k = k, R = R,
      load = TRUE)
  } else {
      o, params = lapply(o, PCMParamLowerLimit, k = k, R = R, ...),
      inplace = TRUE)

#' @export
PCMParamLowerLimit.default <- function(o, k, R,  ...) {
  vecParamsLowerLimit <- attr(o, "vecParamsLowerLimit", exact = TRUE)
  if( !is.null(vecParamsLowerLimit) ) {
      o, vecParams = vecParamsLowerLimit, offset = 0, k = k, R = R,
      load = TRUE)
  } else {
    nParams <- PCMParamCount(
      o, countRegimeChanges = FALSE, countModelTypes = FALSE,
                             offset = 0, k = k, R = R)
    vecParamsLowerLimit <-
      rep(getOption("PCMBase.ParamValue.LowerLimit", -10.0), nParams)
      o, vecParams = vecParamsLowerLimit, offset = 0, k = k, R = R,
      load = TRUE)

#' @export
PCMParamLowerLimit._NonNegative <- function(o, k, R, ...) {
  vecParamsLowerLimit <- attr(o, "vecParamsLowerLimit", exact = TRUE)
  if( !is.null(vecParamsLowerLimit) ) {
      o, vecParams = vecParamsLowerLimit, offset = 0, k = k, R = R,
      load = TRUE)
  } else {
    o2 <- PCMParamLowerLimit.default(o, k, R, ...)
    valueLowerLimit <- getOption("PCMBase.ParamValue.LowerLimit.NonNegative", 0.0)
    o2[] <- valueLowerLimit

    # at this point there is a risk that we have overwritten some fixed values on the diagonal(s) in o2.
    # We correct for this by taking the vecParams for o2 and loading it into o
    o2VecParams <- PCMParamGetShortVector(o2, k, R)
    PCMParamLoadOrStore(o, o2VecParams, 0L, k, R, TRUE)


#' @export
PCMParamLowerLimit._WithNonNegativeDiagonal <- function(o, k, R, ...) {
  vecParamsLowerLimit <- attr(o, "vecParamsLowerLimit", exact = TRUE)
  if( !is.null(vecParamsLowerLimit) ) {
      o, vecParams = vecParamsLowerLimit, offset = 0, k = k, R = R,
      load = TRUE)
  } else {
    o2 <- PCMParamLowerLimit.default(o, k, R, ...)

    valueLowerLimitDiagonal <- getOption("PCMBase.ParamValue.LowerLimit.NonNegativeDiagonal", 0.0)

    if(is.Global(o2)) {
      diag(o2) <- valueLowerLimitDiagonal
    } else {
      for(r in 1:R) {
        diag(o2[,,r]) <- valueLowerLimitDiagonal

    # at this point there is a risk that we have overwritten some fixed values on the diagonal(s) in o2.
    # We correct for this by taking the vecParams for o2 and loading it into o
    o2VecParams <- PCMParamGetShortVector(o2, k, R)
    PCMParamLoadOrStore(o, o2VecParams, 0L, k, R, TRUE)


#' @title The upper limit for a given model or parameter type
#' @description This is an S3 generic function.
#' @inheritParams PCMParamLowerLimit
#' @return an object of the same S3 class as o representing an upper limit
#' for the class.
#' @export
PCMParamUpperLimit <- function(o, k, R,  ...) {
  UseMethod("PCMParamUpperLimit", o)

#' @export
PCMParamUpperLimit.PCM <- function(o, k, R,  ...) {
  k <- PCMNumTraits(o)
  R <- PCMNumRegimes(o)

  vecParamsUpperLimit <- attr(o, "vecParamsUpperLimit", exact = TRUE)

  if( !is.null(vecParamsUpperLimit) ) {
      o, vecParams = vecParamsUpperLimit, offset = 0, k = k, R = R,
      load = TRUE)
  } else {
      o, params = lapply(o, PCMParamUpperLimit, k = k, R = R, ...),
      inplace = TRUE)

#' @export
PCMParamUpperLimit.default <- function(o, k, R,  ...) {
  vecParamsUpperLimit <- attr(o, "vecParamsUpperLimit", exact = TRUE)
  if( !is.null(vecParamsUpperLimit) ) {
      o, vecParams = vecParamsUpperLimit, offset = 0, k = k, R = R,
      load = TRUE)
  } else {
    nParams <- PCMParamCount(
      o, countRegimeChanges = FALSE, countModelTypes = FALSE,
                             offset = 0, k = k, R = R)
    vecParamsUpperLimit <-
      rep(getOption("PCMBase.ParamValue.UpperLimit", 10.0), nParams)
      o, vecParams = vecParamsUpperLimit, offset = 0, k = k, R = R,
      load = TRUE)

#' Generate a random parameter vector for a model using uniform distribution
#' between its lower and upper bounds.
#' @param o a PCM model object or a parameter
#' @param k integer denoting the number of traits.
#' @param R integer denoting the number of regimes.
#' @param n an integer specifying the number of random vectors to generate
#' @param argsPCMParamLowerLimit,argsPCMParamUpperLimit named lists of
#' arguments passed to
#' \code{PCMParamLowerLimit} and \code{PCMParamUpperLimit}.
#' @return a numeric matrix of dimension \code{n} x \code{PCMParamCount(o)}.
#' @seealso PCMParamLimits PCMParamGetShortVector
#' @export
PCMParamRandomVecParams <- function(o, k, R, n = 1L,
                                    argsPCMParamLowerLimit = NULL,
                                    argsPCMParamUpperLimit = NULL) {
  UseMethod("PCMParamRandomVecParams", o)

#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @export
PCMParamRandomVecParams.default <- function(o, k, R, n = 1L,
                                            argsPCMParamLowerLimit = NULL,
                                            argsPCMParamUpperLimit = NULL) {

  if(is.PCM(o)) {
    k <- PCMNumTraits(o)
    R <- PCMNumRegimes(o)

  lowerModel <- do.call(
    PCMParamLowerLimit, c(list(o, k = k, R = R), argsPCMParamLowerLimit))
  lowerVecParams <- PCMParamGetShortVector(lowerModel, k = k, R = R)

  upperModel <- do.call(
    PCMParamUpperLimit, c(list(o, k = k, R = R), argsPCMParamUpperLimit))
  upperVecParams <- PCMParamGetShortVector(upperModel, k = k, R = R)

  p <- PCMParamCount(o, k = k, R = R)
  res <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_len(p), function(i) {
    runif(n, lowerVecParams[i], upperVecParams[i])


#' @export
PCMDefaultObject.ScalarParameter <- function(spec, model, ...) {
  regimes <- PCMRegimes(model)
  R <- length(regimes)

  if(is.Omitted(spec)) {
    o <- NULL
  } else if(is.Global(spec)) {
    o <- 0.0
    attrToCopy <- setdiff(names(attributes(spec)), names(attributes(o)))
    attributes(o)[attrToCopy] <- attributes(spec)[attrToCopy]
    class(o) <- unique(c(class(spec), "numeric"))
  } else {
    o <- double(R)
    attrToCopy <- setdiff(names(attributes(spec)), names(attributes(o)))
    attributes(o)[attrToCopy] <- attributes(spec)[attrToCopy]
    class(o) <- unique(c(class(spec), "numeric"))
    names(o) <- regimes

#' @export
PCMDefaultObject.VectorParameter <- function(spec, model, ...) {
  k <- PCMNumTraits(model)
  regimes <- PCMRegimes(model)
  R <- length(regimes)

  if(is.Omitted(spec)) {
    o <- NULL
  } else if(is.Global(spec)) {
    o <- double(k)
    attrToCopy <- setdiff(names(attributes(spec)), names(attributes(o)))
    attributes(o)[attrToCopy] <- attributes(spec)[attrToCopy]
    class(o) <- unique(c(class(spec), "numeric"))
  } else {
    o <- array(0.0, dim = c(k, R), dimnames = list(NULL, regimes))
    attrToCopy <- setdiff(names(attributes(spec)), names(attributes(o)))
    attributes(o)[attrToCopy] <- attributes(spec)[attrToCopy]
    class(o) <- unique(c(class(spec), "matrix"))
  if(is.Ones(spec)) {
    o[] <- 1.0

#' @export
PCMDefaultObject.MatrixParameter <- function(spec, model, ...) {
  k <- PCMNumTraits(model)
  regimes <- PCMRegimes(model)
  R <- length(regimes)

  if(is.Omitted(spec)) {
    o <- NULL
  } else if(is.Global(spec)) {
    o <- matrix(0.0, k, k)
    attrToCopy <- setdiff(names(attributes(spec)), names(attributes(o)))
    attributes(o)[attrToCopy] <- attributes(spec)[attrToCopy]
    class(o) <- unique(c(class(spec), "matrix"))
  } else {
    o <- array(0.0, dim = c(k, k, R), dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, regimes))
    attrToCopy <- setdiff(names(attributes(spec)), names(attributes(o)))
    attributes(o)[attrToCopy] <- attributes(spec)[attrToCopy]
  if(is.Identity(spec)) {
    if(is.Global(spec)) {
      diag(o) <- 1.0
    } else {
      for(r in seq_len(R)) {
        diag(o[,,r]) <- 1.0
  } else if(is.Ones(spec)) {
    o[] <- 1.0

#' @export
PCMApplyTransformation._CholeskyFactor <- function(o, ...) {
  # when assigning to o, we use o[] <-  instead of just o <- , in order to
  # preserve the attributes
  if(is.Global(o)) {
    o[] <- t(as.matrix(o)) %*% as.matrix(o)
  } else {
    for(r in 1:dim(o)[3]) {
      o[,,r] <- t(as.matrix(o[,,r])) %*% as.matrix(o[,,r])
  classes <- class(o)
  classes <- classes[!(classes %in% c("_UpperTriangular", "_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal", "_CholeskyFactor", "_Transformable", "matrix"))]
  if(is.WithNonNegativeDiagonal(o)) {
    classes <- c(classes, "_SemiPositiveDefinite")

  classes <- c(classes, "_Transformed")

  if(is.Global(o)) {
    # o is a matrix, so we need to set its "matrix" class explicitly
    classes <- c(classes, "matrix")
  class(o) <- classes

#' @export
PCMApplyTransformation._Schur <- function(o, ...) {
  # Assuming o is a MatrixParameter, we transform each matrix M in o as follows:
  # use the upper triangle without the diagonal of M as rotation angles for a
  # Givens rotation to obtain an orthoganal matrix Q;
  # Then, use the lower triangle with the diagonal of M as a matrix T
  # Return the product Q %*% t(T) %*% t(Q).
  # The returned matrix will have all of its eigenvalues equal to the elements
  # on the diaogonal of M (and T). If M is upper triangular, then T will be
  # diagonal and the returned matrix will be symmetric. If the elements on the
  # diagonal of M are positive, so will be the eigenvalues of the returned
  # matrix.

  transformMatrix <- function(M) {
    k <- nrow(M)
    if(k == 1) {
      Q <- matrix(1.0, 1, 1)
    } else {
      angles <- M[upper.tri(M)]
      Q <- .par.transform.orth.matrix.givens(angles, k)$Q
    M[upper.tri(M)] <- 0.0
    Q %*% t(M) %*% t(Q)

  if(is.Global(o)) {
    o[] <- transformMatrix(o)
  } else {
    for(r in 1:dim(o)[3]) {
      o[,,r] <- transformMatrix(as.matrix(o[,,r]))
  classes <- class(o)
  classes <- classes[!(classes %in% c("_UpperTriangular", "_UpperTriangularWithDiagonal", "_Schur", "_Transformable", "matrix"))]
  if(is.UpperTriangularWithDiagonal(o)) {
    classes <- c(classes, "_Symmetric")
  if(is.WithNonNegativeDiagonal(o)) {
    classes <- c(classes, "_SemiPositiveDefinite")

  classes <- c(classes, "_Transformed")

  if(is.Global(o)) {
    # o is a matrix, so we need to set its "matrix" class explicitly
    classes <- c(classes, "matrix")
  class(o) <- classes

GetSigma_x <- function(
  o, name = "Sigma", r = 1,
  transpose = getOption("PCMBase.Transpose.Sigma_x", FALSE)) {

  name <- paste0(name, "_x")
  S <- if(is.Global(o[[name]])) as.matrix(o[[name]]) else as.matrix(o[[name]][,, r])

  if(transpose) {
  } else {

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