
Defines functions PerturbationClustering

Documented in PerturbationClustering

#' @title Perturbation clustering
#' @description Perform subtyping using one type of high-dimensional data
#' @param data Input matrix. The rows represent items while the columns represent features.
#' @param kMax The maximum number of clusters used for automatically detecting the number of clusters. Default value is \code{5}.
#' @param kMin The minimum number of clusters used for automatically detecting the number of clusters. Default value is \code{2}.
#' @param k The number of clusters. If k is set then kMin and kMax will be ignored.
#' @param verbose Boolean value indicating the algorithm to run with or without logging. Default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ncore Number of cores that the algorithm should use. Default value is \code{1}.
#' @param clusteringMethod The name of built-in clustering algorithm that PerturbationClustering will use. Currently supported algorithm are \code{kmeans}, \code{pam} and \code{hclust}. Default value is "\code{kmeans}".
#' @param clusteringOptions A list of parameter will be passed to the clustering algorithm in \code{clusteringMethod}.
#' @param clusteringFunction The clustering algorithm function that will be used instead of built-in algorithms.
#' @param perturbMethod The name of built-in perturbation method that PerturbationClustering will use, currently supported methods are \code{noise} and \code{subsampling}. Default value is "\code{noise}".
#' @param perturbOptions A list of parameter will be passed to the perturbation method in \code{perturbMethod}.
#' @param perturbFunction The perturbation method function that will be used instead of built-in ones.
#' @param PCAFunction The customized PCA function that user can manually define.
#' @param iterMin The minimum number of iterations. Default value is \code{20}.
#' @param iterMax The maximum number of iterations. Default value is \code{200}.
#' @param madMin The minimum of Mean Absolute Deviation of \code{AUC} of Connectivity matrix for each \code{k}. Default value is \code{1e-03}.
#' @param msdMin The minimum of Mean Square Deviation of \code{AUC} of Connectivity matrix for each \code{k}. Default value is \code{1e-06}.
#' @param sampledSetSize The number of sample size used for the sampling process when dataset is big. Default value is \code{2000}.
#' @param knn.k The value of k of the k-nearest neighbors algorithm. If knn.k is not set then it will be used the elbow method to calculate k.
#' @details
#' PerturbationClustering implements the Perturbation Clustering algorithm of Nguyen et al. (2017),  Nguyen et al. (2019), and Nguyen et al. (2021).
#' It aims to determine the optimum cluster number and location of each sample in the clusters in an unsupervised analysis.
#' PerturbationClustering takes input as a numerical matrix or data frame of items as rows and features as columns.
#' It uses a clustering algorithm as the based algorithm.
#' Current built-in algorithms that users can use directly are \code{kmeans}, \code{pam} and \code{hclust}.
#' The default parameters for built-in \code{kmeans} are \code{nstart = 20 and iter.max = 1000}.
#' Users can change the parameters of built-in clustering algorithm by passing the value into \code{clusteringOptions}.
#' PerturbationClustering also allows users to pass their own clustering algorithm instead of using built-in ones by using \code{clusteringFunction} parameter. 
#' Once \code{clust?eringFunction} is specified, \code{clusteringMethod} will be skipped.
#' The value of \code{clusteringFunction} must be a function that takes two arguments: \code{data} and \code{k}, 
#' where \code{data} is a numeric matrix or data frame containing data that need to be clustered, and \code{k} is the number of clusters.
#' \code{clusteringFunction} must return a vector of labels indicating the cluster to which each sample is allocated.
#' PerturbationClustering uses a perturbation method to perturb clustering input data.
#' There are two built-in methods are \code{noise} and \code{subsampling} that users can use directly by passing to \code{perturbMethod} parameter.
#' Users can change the default value of built-in perturbation methods by passing new value into \code{perturbOptions}:
#' 1. \code{noise} perturbation method takes two arguments: \code{noise} and \code{noisePercent}. The default values are \code{noise = NULL and noisePercent = "median"}.
#' If \code{noise} is specified. \code{noisePercent} will be skipped.\cr
#' 2. \code{subsampling} perturbation method takes one argument \code{percent} which has default value of \code{80}
#' Users can also use their own perturbation methods by passing them into \code{perturbFunction}. 
#' Once \code{perturbFunction} is specified, \code{perturbMethod} will be skipped.
#' The value of \code{perturbFunction} must be a function that takes one argument \code{data}
#' - a numeric matrix or data frame containing data that need to be perturbed.
#' \code{perturbFunction} must return an object list which is as follows:
#' 1. \code{data}: the perturbed data\cr
#' 2. \code{ConnectivityMatrixHandler}: a function that takes three arguments:
#' \code{connectivityMatrix} - the connectivity matrix generated after clustering returned \code{data}, 
#' \code{iter} - the current iteration and \code{k} - the number of cluster. 
#' This function must return a compatible connectivity matrix with the original connectivity matrix. 
#' This function aims to correct the \code{connectivityMatrix} if needed and returns the corrected version of it.\cr
#' 3. \code{MergeConnectivityMatrices}: a function that takes four arguments: \code{oldMatrix}, \code{newMatrix}, \code{k} and \code{iter}. 
#' The \code{oldMatrix} and \code{newMatrix} are two connectivity matrices that need to be merged,
#' \code{k} is the cluster number and \code{iter} is the current number of iteration.
#' This function must returns a connectivity matrix that is merged from \code{oldMatrix} and \code{newMatrix}
#' The parameters \code{sampledSetSize} and \code{knn.k} are used for subsampling procedure when clustering big data. Please consult Nguyen et al. (2021) for details.
#' @return
#' \code{PerturbationClustering} returns a list with at least the following components:
#' \item{k}{The optimal number of clusters}
#' \item{cluster}{A vector of labels indicating the cluster to which each sample is allocated}
#' \item{origS}{A list of original connectivity matrices}
#' \item{pertS}{A list of perturbed connectivity matrices}
#' @references
#' 1. H Nguyen, S Shrestha, S Draghici, & T Nguyen. PINSPlus: a tool for tumor subtype discovery in integrated genomic data. Bioinformatics, 35(16), 2843-2846, (2019).
#' 2. T Nguyen, R Tagett, D Diaz, S Draghici. A novel method for data integration and disease subtyping. Genome Research, 27(12):2025-2039, 2017.
#' 3. T. Nguyen, "Horizontal and vertical integration of bio-molecular data", PhD thesis, Wayne State University, 2017.
#' 4. H Nguyen, D Tran, B Tran, M Roy, A Cassell, S Dascalu, S Draghici & T Nguyen. SMRT: Randomized Data Transformation for Cancer Subtyping and Big Data Analysis. Frontiers in oncology. 2021.
#' @seealso \code{\link{kmeans}}, \code{\link{pam}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Load the dataset AML2004
#' data(AML2004)
#' data <- as.matrix(AML2004$Gene)
#' # Perform the clustering
#' result <- PerturbationClustering(data = data)
#' # Plot the result
#' condition = seq(unique(AML2004$Group[, 2]))
#' names(condition) <- unique(AML2004$Group[, 2])
#' plot(
#'     prcomp(data)$x,
#'     col = result$cluster,
#'     pch = condition[AML2004$Group[, 2]],
#'     main = "AML2004"
#' )
#' legend(
#'     "bottomright",
#'     legend = paste("Cluster ", sort(unique(result$cluster)), sep = ""),
#'     fill = sort(unique(result$cluster))
#' )
#' legend("bottomleft", legend = names(condition), pch = condition)
#' # Change kmeans parameters
#' result <- PerturbationClustering(
#'     data = data,
#'     clusteringMethod = "kmeans",
#'     clusteringOptions = list(
#'         iter.max = 500,
#'         nstart = 50
#'     )
#' )
#' # Change to use pam
#' result <- PerturbationClustering(data = data, clusteringMethod = "pam")
#' # Change to use hclust
#' result <- PerturbationClustering(data = data, clusteringMethod = "hclust")
#' # Pass a user-defined clustering algorithm
#' result <- PerturbationClustering(data = data, clusteringFunction = function(data, k){
#'     # this function must return a vector of cluster
#'     kmeans(x = data, centers = k, nstart = k*10, iter.max = 2000)$cluster
#' })      
#' # Use noise as the perturb method
#' result <- PerturbationClustering(data = data, 
#'                                  perturbMethod = "noise", 
#'                                  perturbOptions = list(noise = 0.3))
#' # or
#' result <- PerturbationClustering(data = data, 
#'                                  perturbMethod = "noise", 
#'                                  perturbOptions = list(noisePercent = 10))
#' # Change to use subsampling
#' result <- PerturbationClustering(data = data, 
#'                                  perturbMethod = "subsampling", 
#'                                  perturbOptions = list(percent = 90))
#' # Users can pass their own perturb method
#' result <- PerturbationClustering(data = data, perturbFunction = function(data){
#'    rowNum <- nrow(data)
#'    colNum <- ncol(data)
#'    epsilon <-
#'        matrix(
#'            data = rnorm(rowNum * colNum, mean = 0, sd = 1.234),
#'            nrow = rowNum,
#'            ncol = colNum
#'        )
#'    list(
#'        data = data + epsilon,
#'        ConnectivityMatrixHandler = function(connectivityMatrix, ...) {
#'            connectivityMatrix
#'        },
#'        MergeConnectivityMatrices = function(oldMatrix, newMatrix, iter, ...){
#'            return((oldMatrix*(iter-1) + newMatrix)/iter)
#'        }
#'    )
#' })
#' # Clustering on simulation data
#' # Load necessary library
#'if (!require("mclust")) install.packages("mclust")
#' #Generate a simulated data matrix with the size of 50,000 x 5,000
#' sampleNum <- 50000 # Number of samples
#' geneNum <- 5000 # Number of genes
#' subtypeNum <- 3 # Number of subtypes
#' # Generate expression matrix
#'exprs <- matrix(rnorm(sampleNum*geneNum, 0, 1), nrow = sampleNum, ncol = geneNum) 
#'rownames(exprs) <- paste0("S", 1:sampleNum) # Assign unique names for samples
#'# Generate subtypes
#'group <- sort(rep(1:subtypeNum, sampleNum/subtypeNum + 1)[1:sampleNum])
#'names(group) <- rownames(exprs)
#'# Make subtypes separate
#'for (i in 1:subtypeNum) {
#'    exprs[group == i, 1:100 + 100*(i-1)] <- exprs[group == i, 1:100 + 100*(i-1)] + 2
#'# Plot the data
#'exprs.pca <- irlba::prcomp_irlba(exprs, n = 2)$x
#'plot(exprs.pca, main = "PCA")
#'#Run PINSPlus clustering:
#'t1 <- Sys.time()
#'result <- PerturbationClustering(data = exprs.pca, ncore = 1)
#'t2 <- Sys.time()
#'#Print out the running time:
#'time<- t2-t1
#'#Print out the number of clusters:
#'#Get cluster assignment
#'subtype <- result$cluster
#'# Here we assess the clustering accurracy using Adjusted Rand Index (ARI). 
#'#ARI takes values from -1 to 1 where 0 stands for a random clustering and 1 
#'#stands for a perfect partition result. 
#'if (!require("mclust")) install.packages("mclust")
#'ari <- mclust::adjustedRandIndex(subtype, group)
#'#Plot the cluster assginments
#'colors <- as.numeric(as.character(factor(subtype)))
#'plot(exprs.pca, col = colors, main = "Cluster assigments for simulation data")
#'legend("topright", legend = paste("ARI:", ari))
#'legend("bottomright", fill = unique(colors),
#'       legend = paste("Group ", 
#'                      levels(factor(subtype)), ": ", 
#'                      table(subtype)[levels(factor(subtype))], sep = "" )
#' }
#' @import stats utils   
#' @importFrom doParallel stopImplicitCluster registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom matrixStats colSds allocMatrix
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar% %do%
#' @importFrom entropy entropy
#' @importFrom FNN knn
#' @importFrom cluster pam
#' @importFrom irlba prcomp_irlba
#' @importFrom mclust adjustedRandIndex
#' @importFrom impute impute.knn
#' @export
PerturbationClustering <- function(data, kMin = 2, kMax = 5, k = NULL, verbose = T, ncore = 1, # Algorithm args
                                   clusteringMethod = "kmeans", clusteringFunction = NULL, clusteringOptions = NULL, # Based clustering algorithm args
                                   perturbMethod = "noise", perturbFunction = NULL, perturbOptions = NULL, # Perturbed function args
                                   PCAFunction = NULL, iterMin = 20, iterMax = 200, madMin = 1e-03, msdMin = 1e-06, # Stopping condition for generating perturbation matrix
                                   sampledSetSize = 2000, knn.k = NULL
) {
    if(nrow(data) <= sampledSetSize){
        now = Sys.time()
        # defined log function
        log <- if(!verbose) function(...){} else function(...){
        clusteringAlgorithm = GetClusteringAlgorithm(clusteringMethod = clusteringMethod, clusteringFunction = clusteringFunction, clusteringOptions = clusteringOptions)
        perturbationAlgorithm = GetPerturbationAlgorithm(data = data, perturbMethod = perturbMethod, perturbFunction = perturbFunction, perturbOptions = perturbOptions)
        log("Clustering method: ", clusteringAlgorithm$name)
        log("Perturbation method: ", perturbationAlgorithm$name)
        seed = round(rnorm(1)*10^6)
        if (is.null(PCAFunction)){
        if(ncol(data)*nrow(data) > 2e7) {
            pca <- rpca.para(data, min(nrow(data), 20), scale = F, p = 10)
        } else {
            pca <- prcomp(data, rank. = min(nrow(data), 200))
        } else {
            pca <- list(
                x = PCAFunction(data)
        if (!is.null(k) || kMin == kMax){
            if (is.null(k)){
                k = kMin
            cluster <- kmeans(pca$x, centers = k, iter.max = 1000, nstart = 1000)$cluster
                list(k = k, cluster = cluster, origS = NULL, pertS = NULL, Discrepancy = NULL, pca = pca)
        # get the partitioning from simply clustering the real data, for consecutive k
        log("Building original connectivity matrices")
        origPartition <- GetOriginalSimilarity(data = pca$x, clusRange = kMin : kMax, clusteringAlgorithm = clusteringAlgorithm$fun, showProgress = verbose, ncore)
        origS <- origPartition$origS
        listAUC <- list()
        for (k in kMin:kMax){
            listAUC[k] <- list(c()) 
        # declare stopping criteria for Perturbed Similarity computing
        stoppingCriteriaHandler <- DiffDevianceStoppingHandler(kMin = kMin, kMax = kMax, origS = origS, iterMin = iterMin, madMin = madMin, msdMin = msdMin, onExcute = function(k, AUCs){
            listAUC[[k]] <<- AUCs
        log("\nBuilding perturbed connectivity matrices")
        pertS <- GetPerturbedSimilarity(data = pca$x, clusRange = kMin : kMax, iterMax = iterMax, iterMin = iterMin, origS = origS,
                                        clusteringAlgorithm = clusteringAlgorithm$fun, perturbedFunction = perturbationAlgorithm$fun,
                                        stoppingCriteriaHandler = stoppingCriteriaHandler,
                                        showProgress = verbose, ncore = ncore)
        for (k in kMin:kMax){
            AUCs <- listAUC[[k]]
            pert <- matrix(0, nrow(data), nrow(data))
            for (i in 1:length(AUCs)){
                pert <- pert + pertS[[k]][[i]]*length(which(AUCs == AUCs[i]))
            pertS[[k]] <- pert/sum(as.matrix(table(AUCs))[,1]^2)
        # get discrepancy message('Calculate discrepancy between original and perturbed connectivity matrices')
        Discrepancy <- CalcPerturbedDiscrepancy(origS, pertS, clusRange = kMin : kMax)
        Discrepancy$AUC = round(Discrepancy$AUC, digits = 4)#meanAUCs
        clus <- min(which(Discrepancy$AUC == max(Discrepancy$AUC[kMin:kMax])))
        timediff = Sys.time() - now;
        log("Done in ", timediff, " ", units(timediff), ".\n")
        list(k = clus, cluster = origPartition$groupings[[clus]], origS = origS, pertS = pertS, Discrepancy = Discrepancy, pca = pca)
        # defined log function
        log <- if(!verbose) function(...){} else function(...){
        log("\nUsing knn...")
        now = Sys.time()
        names <- rownames(data)
        ind <- sample.int(nrow(data), sampledSetSize)
        train <- data[ind, ]
        test <- data[-ind, , drop=F]

        clusteringAlgorithm = GetClusteringAlgorithm(clusteringMethod = clusteringMethod, clusteringFunction = clusteringFunction, clusteringOptions = clusteringOptions)
        perturbationAlgorithm = GetPerturbationAlgorithm(data = data, perturbMethod = perturbMethod, perturbFunction = perturbFunction, perturbOptions = perturbOptions)
        log("Clustering method: ", clusteringAlgorithm$name)
        log("Perturbation method: ", perturbationAlgorithm$name)
        seed = round(rnorm(1)*10^6)
        if (is.null(PCAFunction)){
            if(ncol(train)*nrow(train) > 2e7) {
                pca <- rpca.para(train, min(nrow(train), 20), scale = F, p = 10)
            } else {
                pca <- prcomp(train, rank. = min(nrow(train), 200))
        } else {
            pca <- list(
                x = PCAFunction(train)
        train <- pca$x
        test <- predict.rpca.para(pca, test)
        if (!is.null(k) || kMin == kMax){
            if (is.null(k)){
                k = kMin
            cluster.train <- kmeans(pca$x, centers = k, iter.max = 1000, nstart = 1000)$cluster
            clus <- k
            origS <-NULL
            pertS <- NULL
            Discrepancy <- NULL
        } else {
            # get the partitioning from simply clustering the real data, for consecutive k
            log("Building original connectivity matrices")
            origPartition <- GetOriginalSimilarity(data = train, clusRange = kMin : kMax, clusteringAlgorithm = clusteringAlgorithm$fun, showProgress = verbose, ncore)
            origS <- origPartition$origS
            listAUC <- list()
            for (k in kMin:kMax){
                listAUC[k] <- list(c()) 
            # declare stopping criteria for Perturbed Similarity computing
            stoppingCriteriaHandler <- DiffDevianceStoppingHandler(kMin = kMin, kMax = kMax, origS = origS, iterMin = iterMin, madMin = madMin, msdMin = msdMin, onExcute = function(k, AUCs){
                listAUC[[k]] <<- AUCs
            log("Building perturbed connectivity matrices")
            pertS <- GetPerturbedSimilarity(data = train, clusRange = kMin : kMax, iterMax = iterMax, iterMin = iterMin, origS = origS,
                                            clusteringAlgorithm = clusteringAlgorithm$fun, perturbedFunction = perturbationAlgorithm$fun,
                                            stoppingCriteriaHandler = stoppingCriteriaHandler,
                                            showProgress = verbose, ncore = ncore)
            for (k in kMin:kMax){
                AUCs <- listAUC[[k]]
                pert <- matrix(0, nrow(train), nrow(train))
                for (i in 1:length(AUCs)){
                    pert <- pert + pertS[[k]][[i]]*length(which(AUCs == AUCs[i]))
                pertS[[k]] <- pert/sum(as.matrix(table(AUCs))[,1]^2)
            # get discrepancy message('Calculate discrepancy between original and perturbed connectivity matrices')
            Discrepancy <- CalcPerturbedDiscrepancy(origS, pertS, clusRange = kMin : kMax)
            Discrepancy$AUC = round(Discrepancy$AUC, digits = 4)#meanAUCs
            clus <- min(which(Discrepancy$AUC == max(Discrepancy$AUC[kMin:kMax])))
            cluster.train <- origPartition$groupings[[clus]]

        cluster.test <- as.integer(classify(train, cluster.train, test, knn.k))
        cluster <- rep(0, nrow(data))
        cluster[ind] <- cluster.train
        cluster[-ind] <- cluster.test
        timediff = Sys.time() - now;
        log("Done in ", timediff, " ", units(timediff), ".\n")
        list(k = clus, cluster = cluster, origS = origS, pertS = pertS, Discrepancy = Discrepancy, pca = pca)

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