PVR <- function(x, phy = NULL, trait = NULL, envVar = NULL, method = "moran", 
		weights = NULL, scaled = FALSE, sig = TRUE, sig.t = 0.05, MI.t = 0.05, psr.t = 0.01, accvalue.t = 0.9, ...){
	if(method == "moran" | method == "Moran" | method == "MoransI" | method == "Moransi"){
		pvr <- x@Eigen$vectors
		Naxis <- ncol(pvr)
			W <- max(x@phyDist) - x@phyDist	
		} else {
			W <- weights 
		diag(W) <- 0
		N <- .poss(pvr)
		c1 <- 1
		c2 <- 1
		tmpRes <- matrix(nrow = Naxis, ncol = 2)
		selected <- matrix(nrow = nrow(pvr), ncol = Naxis)
		reg <- data.frame(Vectors = 0, MoransI = 0, p = 0)
		tmpTrait <- trait
		for(i in 1:N){
			pvr <- as.matrix(pvr)
			tmpLM <- lm(tmpTrait ~ pvr[ ,c1])
			MI <- Moran.I(tmpLM$residuals, weight = W, scaled = scaled, alternative = "two.sided")
			tmpRes[c1, 1] <- round(MI$p.value, 5)
			tmpRes[c1, 2] <- MI$observed
			if(c1 == ncol(pvr)){
				selAxis <- which(tmpRes[ ,2] == max(tmpRes[ ,2]))
				tmpLM <- lm(tmpTrait ~ pvr[ ,selAxis[1]])
				tmpTrait <- tmpLM$residuals
				selected[ ,c2] <- pvr[ ,selAxis[1]]
				reg[c2,1] <- colnames(pvr)[selAxis[1]]
				reg[c2,2] <- tmpRes[selAxis[1], 2]
				reg[c2,3] <- tmpRes[selAxis[1], 1]
				tmpColNames <- colnames(pvr)
				pvr <- pvr[ ,-selAxis[1]]
				tmpColNames <- tmpColNames[-selAxis[1]]
				pvr <- as.matrix(pvr)
				colnames(pvr) <- tmpColNames 
					if(tmpRes[selAxis[1], 1] > sig.t | c2 == Naxis){
				} else {
					if(tmpRes[selAxis[1], 2] > MI.t | c2 == Naxis){
				c2 <- c2 + 1
				c1 <- 0
				tmpRes <- matrix(nrow = ncol(pvr), ncol = 2)
			c1 <- c1 + 1
		selected <- as.matrix(selected[ ,1:nrow(reg)])
		colnames(selected) <- reg$Vectors
		selection <- list(Method = "Moran's I", Vectors = selected, Id = reg)
		x@Selection <- selection
	if(method == "AIC" | method == "aic" | method == "stepwise"){
		pvr <- x@Eigen$vectors
		Naxis <- ncol(pvr)
		iniLM <- glm(trait ~ c1, data = as.data.frame(pvr))
		scopeForm <- trait ~ c1
		for(i in 2:ncol(x@Eigen$vectors)){
			charForm <- paste("~ . + ", colnames(x@Eigen$vectors)[i], sep ="") 
			upForm <- as.formula(charForm)
			scopeForm <- update.formula(scopeForm, upForm)
		stepLM <- stepAIC(iniLM, scope = scopeForm, data = as.data.frame(pvr), ...)
		sels <- length(attr(terms(stepLM), "variables"))
		reg <- data.frame(Vectors = rep(0, (sels - 2)))
		reg$Vectors <- as.character(attr(terms(stepLM), "variables")[3:sels])
		selected <- data.frame(x = rep(0,nrow(pvr)))
		for(i in 1:(sels - 2)){
			selected[,i] <- pvr[ ,which(colnames(pvr) == reg$Vectors[i])]
		colnames(selected) <- reg$Vectors
		selection <- list(Method = "stepwise AIC", Vectors = selected, Id = reg, AIC = stepLM$aic, Formula = stepLM$formula)
		x@Selection <- selection
	if(method == "psr" | method == "PSR"){
		psr <- x@PSR
		pvr <- x@Eigen$vectors
		Naxis <- ncol(pvr)
		id <- "c1"
		reg <- data.frame(Vectors = 0, cumulR2 = psr$r.squared[1], deltaR2 = psr$r.squared[1])
		selected <- data.frame(x = rep(NA, nrow(pvr)))
		selected[ ,1] <- pvr[ ,Naxis]
		c1 <- 2
		for(i in 2:(Naxis-1)){
			deltaR2 <- psr$r.squared[i] - psr$r.squared[(i - 1)]
			if(deltaR2 >= psr.t){
				selected[ ,c1] <- pvr[ ,i]
				id <- c(id, colnames(pvr)[i])
				reg[c1, 2] <- psr$r.squared[i]
				reg[c1, 3] <- deltaR2 
				c1 <- c1 + 1
		reg[ ,1] <- id
		colnames(selected) <- reg$Vectors
		selection <- list(Method = "PSR", Vectors = selected, Id = reg)
		x@Selection <- selection
	if(method == "sequential"){
		relAccVal <- numeric(Naxis)
		pvr <- x@Eigen
		relVal <- pvr$values/sum(pvr$values)
		for(i in 1:Naxis){
			relAccVal[i] <- sum(relVal[1:i])
		pvr <- x@Eigen@vectors
		selected <- pvr[,which(relAccVal <= accvalue.t)]
		reg <- colnames(selected)
		selection <- list(Method = "Sequential", Vectors = selected, Id = reg)
		x@Selection <- selection
		pvrOLS <- lm(trait ~ selection$Vectors)
		x@PVR <- list(R2 = summary(pvrOLS)$r.squared, Residuals = pvrOLS$residuals)
	} else{
		pvrOLS <- lm(trait ~ selection$Vectors + envVar)
		x@PVR <- list(R2 = summary(pvrOLS)$r.squared, Residuals = pvrOLS$residuals, p = (summary(pvrOLS))$coefficient[2, 4])
		ABC <- lm(trait ~ selection$Vectors + envVar)
		AB <- lm(trait ~ envVar)
		BC <- lm(trait ~ selection$Vectors)
		D <- 1 - summary(ABC)$r.squared
		B <- summary(AB)$r.squared + summary(BC)$r.squared - summary(ABC)$r.squared
		A <- summary(AB)$r.squared - B
		C <- summary(BC)$r.squared - B
		x@VarPart <- list(a = A, b = B, c = C, d = D)

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PVR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:23 a.m.