
Defines functions rawPlot_timeOfDaySpaghetti

Documented in rawPlot_timeOfDaySpaghetti

#' @keywords raw
#' @export
#' @import graphics
#' @title Create Time of Day Spaghetti Plot from a Raw Dataframe
#' @param df enhanced, raw dataframe as created by the \code{raw_enhance()} function
#' @param parameter variable to be plotted
#' @param tlim optional vector with start and end times (integer or character representing YYYYMMDD[HH])
#' @param shadedNight add nighttime shading
#' @param meanCol color used for the mean line (use \code{NA} to omit the mean)
#' @param meanLwd line width used for the mean line
#' @param meanLty line type used for the mean line
#' @param highlightDates dates to be highlighted in YYYYMMDD format
#' @param highlightCol color used for highlighted days
#' @param ... additional graphical parameters are passed to the \code{lines()} function for day lines
#' @description Spaghetti Plot that shows data by hour-of-day.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available
#' try({
#' raw <- airsis_createRawDataframe(20160901, 20161015, 'USFS', 1012)
#' raw <- raw_enhance(raw)
#' rawPlot_timeOfDaySpaghetti(raw,parameter="temperature")
#' }, silent = FALSE)
#' }

rawPlot_timeOfDaySpaghetti <- function(
  parameter = 'pm25',
  tlim = NULL,
  shadedNight = TRUE,
  meanCol = 'black',
  meanLwd = 4,
  meanLty = 1,
  highlightDates = c(),
  highlightCol = 'dodgerblue',
) {

  # Initial Style

  dayCol <- 'salmon' #default; can be overwritten with col, e.g. col='blue'
  col_shadedNight <- 'gray90'

  # Data Preparation ----------------------------------------------------------

  # Sanity check -- 'datetime' must exist
  if ( !'datetime' %in% names(df) ) {
    stop(paste0("Dataframe has no 'datetime' column."))

  # Pull out timezone and lat/lon
  if( length(unique(df$timezone)) > 1 ) {
    stop("More than one timezone in the data -- please subset as necessary and try again.")
  } else {
    tzone <- df$timezone[1]
    lat <- df$latitude[1]
    lon <- df$longitude[1]

  # Create new dataframe
  df$localTime <- lubridate::with_tz(df$datetime, tzone = tzone)
  df$datestamp <- strftime(df$localTime, "%Y%m%d", tz = tzone)
  df$hour <- lubridate::hour(df$localTime)

  # Create a subset dataframe for local use
  df <- df[,c('localTime',parameter,'datestamp','hour')]
  names(df) <- c('localTime','data','datestamp','hour')

  # Subset dataframe by tlim
  if ( !is.null(tlim) ) {

    # Chop tlim to full days unless hours included in argument
    tlimStrings <- as.character(tlim)
    if ( stringr::str_length(tlimStrings)[1] == 8 ) {
      tlim[1] <- paste0(tlim[1],'00')
    if ( stringr::str_length(tlimStrings)[2] == 8 ) {
      tlim[2] <- paste0(tlim[2],'23')

    tlim <- as.POSIXct(tlim, format='%Y%m%d%H', tz = tzone)
    df <- df[(df$localTime>=tlim[1] & df$localTime <= tlim[2]),]


  # Style  --------------------------------------------------------------------

  argsList <- list(...)

  if ( !('col' %in% names(argsList)) ) {
    argsList$col <- dayCol

  if ( !('ylim' %in% names(argsList)) ) {
    argsList$ylim <- c(min(df$data,na.rm = TRUE),max(df$data,na.rm = TRUE))

  if ( !('ylab' %in% names(argsList)) ) {
    if ( parameter=='pm25' ) {
      argsList$ylab <- "PM2.5"
    } else {
      argsList$ylab <- parameter

  if ( !('xlab' %in% names(argsList)) ) {
    argsList$xlab <- "Hour"

  # Plotting ------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Define data for plot bounds
  argsList$x <- df$hour
  argsList$y <- df$data

  # Set up duplicate argsList for blank plot
  argsListBlank <- argsList

  # Assign blankness to duplicate argsList
  argsListBlank$col <- 'transparent'
  argsListBlank$axes <- FALSE

  # Plot blank plot

  # Add Shaded Night
  if ( shadedNight ) {

    # Get the sunrise/sunset information
    ti <- timeInfo(df$localTime, longitude=lon, latitude=lat, timezone=tzone)

    # Extract the middle row
    ti <- ti[round(nrow(ti)/2),]

    # Get sunrise and sunset in units of hours
    sunrise <- lubridate::hour(ti$sunrise) + lubridate::minute(ti$sunrise)/60
    sunset <- lubridate::hour(ti$sunset) + lubridate::minute(ti$sunset)/60

    # Left edge to sunrise
    rect(par('usr')[1], ybottom=par('usr')[3],
         xright=sunrise, ytop=par('usr')[4],
         col=col_shadedNight, border=NA)

    # Sunset to right edge
    rect(xleft=sunset, ybottom=par('usr')[3],
         xright=par('usr')[2], ytop=par('usr')[4],
         col=col_shadedNight, border=NA)


  # Annotations

  # Simple line plot for each day
  for ( singleDay in unique(df$datestamp) ) {

    dayDF <- dplyr::filter(df, df$datestamp == singleDay)

    argsList$x <- dayDF$hour
    argsList$y <- dayDF$data

    if ( singleDay %in% highlightDates ) {
      argsList$col <- highlightCol
      argsList$col <- dayCol
    } else {


  # Add mean line
  hourMeanDF <- data.frame(hour=seq(0,23))
  for (hr in 0:23) {
    hourMeanDF$data[hr+1] <- mean(df$data[which(df$hour==hr)],na.rm = TRUE)

  lines(hourMeanDF$data ~ hourMeanDF$hour, col=meanCol, lwd=meanLwd, lty=meanLty)


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PWFSLSmoke documentation built on Nov. 23, 2021, 5:06 p.m.