#' @keywords WRCC
#' @export
#' @importFrom MazamaCoreUtils logger.trace logger.debug logger.warn logger.error
#' @title Identify WRCC monitor type
#' @param fileString character string containing WRCC data
#' @description Examine the column names of the incoming character vector
#' to identify different types of monitor data provided by WRCC.
#' The return is a list includes everything needed to identify and parse the raw
#' data using \code{readr::read_tsv()}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{monitorType}}{ -- identification string}
#' \item{\code{rawNames}}{ -- column names from the data (including special characters)}
#' \item{\code{columnNames}}{ -- assigned column names (special characters repaced with '.')}
#' \item{\code{columnTypes}}{ -- column type string for use with \code{readr::read_csv()}}
#' }
#' The \code{monitorType} will be one of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"\code{WRCC_TYPE1}"}{ -- ???}
#' \item{"\code{WRCC_TYPE2}"}{ -- ???}
#' \item{"\code{UNKOWN}"}{ -- ???}
#' }
#' @return List including \code{monitorType}, \code{rawNames}, \code{columnNames} and \code{columnTypes}.
#' @references \href{}{WRCC Fire Cache Smoke Monitor Archive}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available
#' try({
#' fileString <- wrcc_downloadData(20160701, 20160930, unitID='1307')
#' monitorTypeList <- wrcc_identifyMonitorType(fileString)
#' }, silent = FALSE)
#' }
wrcc_identifyMonitorType <- function(fileString) {
if ( class(fileString)[1] != "character" ) {
logger.error('WRCC fileString is of type %s', class(fileString)[1])
stop(paste0('WRCC fileString is of type %s', class(fileString)[1]))
# Different header styles -------------------------------------------
# unitID=e231, year=2016
type1_header <- vector('character',3)
type1_header[1] <- ": GMT\t Deg \t Deg \t \tser #\tug/m3\t Unk \t l/m \tDeg C\t % \t Unk \tdeg C\t % \t m/s \t Deg \tvolts\t"
type1_header[2] <- ": Date/Time\t GPS \t GPS \tType \tSerial \tConc \t Misc \t Ave. \t Av Air\t Rel \t Misc \tSensor \tSensor \t Wind \t Wind \tBattery\tAlarm"
type1_header[3] <- ":YYMMDDhhmm\t Lat. \t Lon. \t \tNumber \t RT \t #1 \tAir Flw\t Temp \tHumidty\t #2 \tInt AT \tInt RH \t Speed\t Direc \tVoltage\t"
type1_rawNames <- c('DateTime','GPSLat','GPSLon','Type','SerialNumber','ConcRT','Misc1',
type1_names <- type1_rawNames
type1_types <- 'cdddcdddddddddddd'
# unitID=smf1, year=2016
type2_header <- vector('character', 3)
type2_header[1] <- ": GMT\t Deg \t Deg \t \tser #\tug/m3\t Unk \t l/m \tDeg C\t % \tmbar \tdeg C\t % \t m/s \t Deg \tvolts\t"
type2_header[2] <- ": Date/Time\t GPS \t GPS \tType \tSerial \tConc \t Misc \t Ave. \t Av Air\t Rel \t Barom \tSensor \tSensor \t Wind \t Wind \tBattery\tAlarm"
type2_header[3] <- ":YYMMDDhhmm\t Lat. \t Lon. \t \tNumber \t RT \t #1 \tAir Flw\t Temp \tHumidty\t Press \tInt AT \tInt RH \t Speed\t Direc \tVoltage\t"
type2_rawNames <- c('DateTime','GPSLat','GPSLon','Type','SerialNumber','ConcRT','Misc1',
type2_names <- type2_rawNames
type2_types <- 'cdddcdddddddddddd'
# unitID=e882, year=2019
type3_header <- vector('character', 3)
type3_header[1] <- ": GMT\t Deg \t Deg \t \tser #\tug/m3\tug/m3\t l/m \tDeg C\t % \t Unk \tdeg C\t % \t m/s \t Deg \tvolts\t"
type3_header[2] <- ": Date/Time\t GPS \t GPS \tType \tSerial \tConc \tConc \t Ave. \t Av Air\t Rel \t Misc \tSensor \tSensor \t Wind \t Wind \tBattery\tAlarm"
type3_header[3] <- ":YYMMDDhhmm\t Lat. \t Lon. \t \tNumber \t RT \tHly Av \tAir Flw\t Temp \tHumidty\t #2 \tInt AT \tInt RH \t Speed\t Direc \tVoltage\t"
type3_rawNames <- c('DateTime','GPSLat','GPSLon','Type','SerialNumber','ConcRT','Conc_l_m',
type3_names <- type3_rawNames
type3_types <- 'cdddcdddddddddddd'
# unitID=sm17, year=2019
type4_header <- vector('character', 3)
type4_header[1] <- ": GMT\t Deg \t Deg \t \tser #\tug/m3\t Unk \t l/m \tDeg C\t % \t Unk \tdeg C\t % \t m/s \t Deg \tvolts\t"
type4_header[2] <- ": Date/Time\t GPS \t GPS \tType \tSerial \tConc \t Misc \t Ave. \t Av Air\t Rel \t Misc \tSensor \tSensor \t Wind \t Wind \tBattery\tAlarm"
type4_header[3] <- ":YYMMDDhhmm\t Lat. \t Lon. \t \tNumber \tHly Av \t #1 \tAir Flw\t Temp \tHumidty\t #2 \tInt AT \tInt RH \t Speed\t Direc \tVoltage\t"
type4_rawNames <- c('DateTime','GPSLat','GPSLon','Type','SerialNumber','ConcRT','Conc_l_m',
type4_names <- type4_rawNames
type4_types <- 'cdddcdddddddddddd'
# unitID=sm20, year=2019
type5_header <- vector('character', 3)
type5_header[1] <- ": GMT\t Deg \t Deg \t \tser #\tug/m3\t Unk \t l/m \tDeg C\t % \tmbar \tdeg C\t % \t m/s \t Deg \tvolts\t"
type5_header[2] <- ": Date/Time\t GPS \t GPS \tType \tSerial \tConc \t Misc \t Ave. \t Av Air\t Rel \t Barom \tSensor \tSensor \t Wind \t Wind \tBattery\tAlarm"
type5_header[3] <- ":YYMMDDhhmm\t Lat. \t Lon. \t \tNumber \tHly Av \t #1 \tAir Flw\t Temp \tHumidty\t Press \tInt AT \tInt RH \t Speed\t Direc \tVoltage\t"
type5_rawNames <- c('DateTime','GPSLat','GPSLon','Type','SerialNumber','ConcRT','Conc_l_m',
type5_names <- type5_rawNames
type5_types <- 'cdddcdddddddddddd'
# Extract header lines from the incoming fileString ---------------
# NOTE: Here are some example headers from WRCC ASCII output:
# NOTE: [1] " Smoke #11 "
# NOTE: [2] ": GMT\t Deg \t Deg \t \tser #\tug/m3\t Unk \t l/m \tDeg C\t % \t Unk \tdeg C\t % \t m/s \t Deg \tvolts\t "
# NOTE: [3] ": Date/Time\t GPS \t GPS \tType \tSerial \tConc \t Misc \t Ave. \t Av Air\t Rel \t Misc \tSensor \tSensor \t Wind \t Wind \tBattery\tAlarm "
# NOTE: [4] ":YYMMDDhhmm\t Lat. \t Lon. \t \tNumber \t RT \t #1 \tAir Flw\t Temp \tHumidty\t #2 \tInt AT \tInt RH \t Speed\t Direc \tVoltage\t "
# NOTE: [1] " Smoke E-BAM 882 "
# NOTE: [2] ": GMT\t Deg \t Deg \t \tser #\tug/m3\tug/m3\t l/m \tDeg C\t % \t Unk \tdeg C\t % \t m/s \t Deg \tvolts\t "
# NOTE: [3] ": Date/Time\t GPS \t GPS \tType \tSerial \tConc \tConc \t Ave. \t Av Air\t Rel \t Misc \tSensor \tSensor \t Wind \t Wind \tBattery\tAlarm "
# NOTE: [4] ":YYMMDDhhmm\t Lat. \t Lon. \t \tNumber \t RT \tHly Av \tAir Flw\t Temp \tHumidty\t #2 \tInt AT \tInt RH \t Speed\t Direc \tVoltage\t "
# NOTE: Sometimes the "Misc #2" column is replaced with Barom Press"
lines <- readr::read_lines(fileString)
# Strip spaces from the beginning and end but retain "\t" (This is why we can't use stringr::str_trim)
lines <- stringr::str_replace(lines,'^ *','')
lines <- stringr::str_replace(lines,' *$','')
# Extract the header
header <- lines[2:4]
# Assign the monitor type -------------------------------------------
# Default to "UNKONWN" type of monitor
monitorType <- "UNKNOWN"
rawNames <- vector('character')
columnNames <- vector('character')
columnTypes <- vector('character')
# Test the header against known headers to determine the type
if ( all(header == type1_header) ) {
monitorType <- "WRCC_TYPE1"
rawNames <- type1_rawNames
columnNames <- type1_names
columnTypes <- type1_types
} else if ( all(header == type2_header) ) {
monitorType <- "WRCC_TYPE2"
rawNames <- type2_rawNames
columnNames <- type2_names
columnTypes <- type2_types
} else if ( all(header == type3_header) ) {
monitorType <- "WRCC_TYPE3"
rawNames <- type3_rawNames
columnNames <- type3_names
columnTypes <- type3_types
} else if ( all(header == type4_header) ) {
monitorType <- "WRCC_TYPE4"
rawNames <- type4_rawNames
columnNames <- type4_names
columnTypes <- type4_types
} else if ( all(header == type5_header) ) {
monitorType <- "WRCC_TYPE5"
rawNames <- type5_rawNames
columnNames <- type5_names
columnTypes <- type5_types
monitorTypeList <- list(monitorType=monitorType,
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