
Defines functions perform_refinement

Documented in perform_refinement

#' perform_refinement
#' Performs refinement of matched sets, ultimately returning sets of treated observations and controls with weights. This function mostly acts as an intermediary between PanelMatch and lower level functions that do the dirty work of refinement. The function takes a lot of the same arguments as PanelMatch()
#' @param lag See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param time.id See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param unit.id See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param treatment See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param refinement.method See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param size.match See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param ordered.data data.frame that has been balanced and ordered by time-unit.
#' @param match.missing See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param covs.formula See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param verbose See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param lead See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param outcome.var See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param forbid.treatment.reversal See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param qoi See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param matching See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param exact.matching.variables 
#' @param listwise.deletion See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param use.diag.covmat See PanelMatch() documentation for use.diagonal.covariance.matrix argument.
#' @param placebo.test See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @param restrict.control.period See PanelMatch() documentation. 
#' @return returns a matched.set object containing the refined matched sets
#' @keywords internal
perform_refinement <- function(lag, time.id, unit.id, treatment, 
                               refinement.method, size.match,
                               ordered.data, match.missing, covs.formula, 
                               lead, outcome.var = NULL,
                               forbid.treatment.reversal = FALSE, qoi = "",
                               matching = TRUE, exact.matching.variables = NULL,
                               use.diag.covmat = FALSE, 
                               placebo.test = FALSE,
                               restrict.control.period = NULL)
  if (inherits(ordered.data[, unit.id], "numeric"))
    warning("converting unit id variable data to integer")
    class(ordered.data[, unit.id]) <- "integer"
  temp.treateds <- findBinaryTreated(ordered.data, qoi.in = qoi,
                                       treatedvar = treatment, 
                                       time.var = time.id,
                                       unit.var = unit.id, 
                                       hasbeensorted = TRUE)

  idx <- !((temp.treateds[, time.id] - lag) < min(ordered.data[, time.id]))
  temp.treateds <- temp.treateds[idx, ]
  if (nrow(temp.treateds) == 0)
    warn.str <- paste0("no viable treated units for ", qoi, " specification")
  msets <- get.matchedsets(temp.treateds[, time.id], 
                           temp.treateds[, unit.id], 
                           data = ordered.data,
                           L = lag, 
                           t.column = time.id, 
                           id.column = unit.id,
                           treatedvar = treatment, 
                           hasbeensorted = TRUE,
                           match.on.missingness = match.missing, 
                           matching = TRUE,
                           qoi.in = qoi,
                           restrict.control.period = restrict.control.period)
  e.sets <- msets[sapply(msets, length) == 0]
  msets <- msets[sapply(msets, length) > 0 ]
  if (length(msets) == 0)
    t.attributes <- attributes(e.sets)[names(attributes(e.sets)) != "names"]
    msets <- e.sets
    for (idx in names(t.attributes))
      attr(msets, idx) <- t.attributes[[idx]]
    attr(msets, "covs.formula") <- covs.formula
    attr(msets, "match.missing") <- match.missing

  msets <- clean_leads(msets, 

  if (placebo.test)
    treated.ts <- as.integer(sub(".*\\.", "", names(msets)))
    treated.ids <- as.integer(sub("\\..*", "", names(msets)))

    rownames(ordered.data) <- paste0(ordered.data[, unit.id],
                                     ordered.data[, time.id])
    msets2 <- filter_placebo_results(expanded_data = as.matrix(ordered.data[, c(unit.id, time.id)]),
                                     ordered_outcome_data = ordered.data[, outcome.var],
                                     treated_ids = treated.ids,
                                     treated_ts = treated.ts,
                                     sets = msets,
                                     lag = lag)
    msets2 <- msets2[sapply(msets2, length) > 0 ]
    attr(msets2, "lag") <- lag
    attr(msets2, "t.var") <- time.id
    attr(msets2, "id.var" ) <- unit.id
    attr(msets2, "treatment.var") <- treatment
    class(msets2) <- "matched.set"

  if (forbid.treatment.reversal)
    msets <- enforce_lead_restrictions(msets, 
                                       treatment.var = treatment)
  if (length(msets) == 0)
    warn.str <- paste0("no matched sets for ", qoi, " specification")

  if (!is.null(exact.matching.variables))
    msets <- do_exact_matching(msets, 

    e.sets <- c(e.sets, msets[sapply(msets, length) == 0])
    msets <- msets[sapply(msets, length) > 0 ]

  if (length(msets) > 0)
    msets <- identifyDirectionalChanges(msets, ordered.data,
                                        unit.id, time.id, treatment, qoi)
  if (length(e.sets) > 0)
    e.sets <- identifyDirectionalChanges(e.sets, ordered.data,
                                         unit.id, time.id, treatment, qoi)

  if(refinement.method == "none")
    for(i in 1:length(msets))
      attr(msets[[i]], "weights") <- rep(1/length(msets[[i]]),
      names(attr(msets[[i]], "weights")) <- msets[[i]]
    attr(msets, "refinement.method") <- refinement.method
    t.attributes <- attributes(msets)[names(attributes(msets)) != "names"]
    msets <- c(msets, e.sets)
    for(idx in names(t.attributes))
      attr(msets, idx) <- t.attributes[[idx]]
    attr(msets, "covs.formula") <- covs.formula
    attr(msets, "match.missing") <- match.missing


  treated.ts <- as.integer(sub(".*\\.", "", names(msets)))
  treated.ids <- as.integer(sub("\\..*", "", names(msets)))

  ordered.data <- parse_and_prep(formula = covs.formula, 
                                 data = ordered.data)
  if (any(c("character", "factor") %in% sapply(ordered.data, class)))
    stop("please convert covs.formula variables to numerical data")
  if(any(apply(ordered.data, 2, FUN = function(x) any(is.infinite(x)))))
    stop("Data needed for refinement contains infinite values. Code cannot proceed!")
  if(listwise.deletion) #code will just return from here when listwise.deletion = TRUE
    msets <- lwd_refinement(msets, ordered.data, 
                            treated.ts, treated.ids, lag,
                            time.id, unit.id, 
                            lead, refinement.method,
                            treatment, size.match,
                            match.missing, covs.formula,
                            verbose, outcome.var, e.sets,
                            use.diag.covmat = use.diag.covmat)
    ordered.data <- as.matrix(handle_missing_data(ordered.data, 

  if (refinement.method == "mahalanobis")

    old.lag <- lag
    lag <- 0
    tlist <- expand_treated_ts(lag, treated.ts)

    idxlist <- get_yearly_dmats(ordered.data, 

    mahalmats <- build_maha_mats(ordered_expanded_data = ordered.data, 
                                 idx =  idxlist)

    msets <- handle_mahalanobis_calculations(mahalmats, msets, 
                                             size.match, verbose, 

    lag <- old.lag
  if(all(refinement.method %in% c("CBPS.weight", "CBPS.match", 
                                  "ps.weight", "ps.match")))

    if(!all(refinement.method %in% c("CBPS.weight", "CBPS.match", 
                                     "ps.weight", "ps.match")))
      stop("please choose valid refinement method")
    tlist <- expand_treated_ts(lag, treated.ts)
    idxlist <- get_yearly_dmats(ordered.data, 
                                msets, lag)
    expanded.sets.t0 <- build_ps_data(idxlist, ordered.data, lag)
    pre.pooled <- data.table::rbindlist(expanded.sets.t0)
    pooled <- unique(pre.pooled[complete.cases(pre.pooled), ])
    # Do what we can to minimize computational errors
    cols.to.remove <- which(unlist(lapply(pooled, 
                                          function(x){all(x[1] == x)}))) 
    #checking for columns that only have one value
    cols.to.remove <- unique(c(cols.to.remove, 
                               which(!colnames(pooled) %in% colnames(t(unique(t(pooled))))))) #removing columns that are identical to another column
    cols.to.remove <- cols.to.remove[cols.to.remove > 3] #leave the first three columns alone
    if(length(cols.to.remove) > 0)
      class(pooled) <- c("data.frame")
      pooled <- pooled[, -cols.to.remove]
      rmv <- function(x, cols.to.remove_)
        return(x[, -cols.to.remove_])
      expanded.sets.t0 <- lapply(expanded.sets.t0, 
                                 cols.to.remove_ = cols.to.remove)
    if(qr(pooled)$rank != ncol(pooled))
      stop("Error: Provided data is not linearly independent so calculations cannot be completed. Please check the data set for any redundant, unnecessary, or problematic information.")
    if(refinement.method == "CBPS.weight" || 
       refinement.method == "CBPS.match")
      dummy <- capture.output(fit0 <- (CBPS::CBPS(reformulate(response = treatment, 
                                                              termlabels = colnames(pooled)[-c(1:3)]),
                                                  family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
                                                  data = pooled)))
    if(refinement.method == "ps.weight" || 
       refinement.method == "ps.match")
      fit0 <- glm(reformulate(response = treatment, 
                              termlabels = colnames(pooled)[-c(1:3)]),
                  family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = pooled)

    just.ps.sets <- find_ps(expanded.sets.t0, fit0)

    if(refinement.method == "CBPS.weight" || 
       refinement.method == "ps.weight")
      msets <- handle_ps_weighted(just.ps.sets, 
    if(refinement.method == "CBPS.match" || 
       refinement.method == "ps.match")
      msets <- handle_ps_match(just.ps.sets, msets, 
                               refinement.method, verbose, size.match)
      attr(msets, "max.match.size") <- size.match
  if(refinement.method == "mahalanobis")
    attr(msets, "max.match.size") <- size.match
  t.attributes <- attributes(msets)[names(attributes(msets)) != "names"]
  msets <- c(msets, e.sets)
  for(idx in names(t.attributes))
    attr(msets, idx) <- t.attributes[[idx]]
  attr(msets, "covs.formula") <- covs.formula
  attr(msets, "match.missing") <- match.missing

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PanelMatch documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:32 a.m.