
Defines functions addIterations

Documented in addIterations

#' Run Additional Optimization Iterations
#' Use this function to continue optimization of a bayesOpt object.
#' By default, this function uses the original parameters used to create
#' \code{optObj}, however the parameters (including the bounds) can be customized.
#' If new bounds are used which cause some of the prior runs to fall outside of
#' the bounds, these samples are removed from the optimization procedure, but
#' will remain in \code{scoreSummary}. \code{FUN} should return the same elements
#' and accept the same inputs as the original, or this function may fail.
#' @param optObj an object of class \code{bayesOpt}.
#' @param iters.n The total number of additional times to sample the scoring function.
#' @param iters.k integer that specifies the number of times to sample FUN
#'   at each Epoch (optimization step). If running in parallel, good practice
#'   is to set \code{iters.k} to some multiple of the number of cores you have designated
#'   for this process. Must belower than, and preferrably some multiple of \code{iters.n}.
#' @param otherHalting Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param bounds Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param acq Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param kappa Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param eps Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param gsPoints Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param convThresh Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param acqThresh Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param errorHandling Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param saveFile Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param parallel Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param plotProgress Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param verbose Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @param ... Same as \code{bayesOpt()}
#' @return An object of class \code{bayesOpt} having run additional iterations.
#' @examples
#' scoringFunction <- function(x) {
#'   a <- exp(-(2-x)^2)*1.5
#'   b <- exp(-(4-x)^2)*2
#'   c <- exp(-(6-x)^2)*1
#'   return(list(Score = a+b+c))
#' }
#' bounds <- list(x = c(0,8))
#' Results <- bayesOpt(
#'     FUN = scoringFunction
#'   , bounds = bounds
#'   , initPoints = 3
#'   , iters.n = 1
#'   , gsPoints = 10
#' )
#' Results <- addIterations(Results,iters.n=1)
#' @export
addIterations <- function(
    , iters.n = 1
    , iters.k = 1
    , otherHalting = list(timeLimit = Inf,minUtility = 0)
    , bounds = optObj$bounds
    , acq = optObj$optPars$acq
    , kappa = optObj$optPars$kappa
    , eps = optObj$optPars$eps
    , gsPoints = optObj$optPars$gsPoints
    , convThresh = optObj$optPars$convThresh
    , acqThresh = optObj$optPars$acqThresh
    , errorHandling = "stop"
    , saveFile = optObj$saveFile
    , parallel = FALSE
    , plotProgress = FALSE
    , verbose = 1
    , ...
) {

  startT <- Sys.time()
  if (!inherits(x = optObj, what = "bayesOpt")) stop("optObj must be of class bayesOpt")

  # Check the parameters
    , iters.n
    , iters.k
    , otherHalting
    , acq
    , acqThresh
    , errorHandling
    , plotProgress
    , parallel
    , verbose

  optObj$stopStatus <- "OK"
  optObj <- changeSaveFile(optObj,saveFile)
  otherHalting <- formatOtherHalting(otherHalting)

  # Set up for iterations
  FUN <- optObj$FUN
  boundsDT <- boundsToDT(bounds)
  scoreSummary <- optObj$scoreSummary
  Epoch <- max(scoreSummary$Epoch)
  `%op%` <- ParMethod(parallel)
  if(parallel) Workers <- getDoParWorkers() else Workers <- 1
  iters.s <- nrow(scoreSummary)
  iters.t <- iters.n + iters.s

  # Store information we know about the different acquisition functions:
  # Display name
  # Base - upper conf bound will always be over 1, unless there was convergence issue.
  # For the sake of simplicity, ucb is subtracted by 1 to keep the utility on the same scale
  # It is more easily described as the 'potential' left in the search this way.
  acqN <- getAcqInfo(acq)

  # Check if bounds supplied can be used with prior parameter-score pairs.
    inBounds <- checkBounds(optObj$scoreSummary,bounds)
    scoreSummary$inBounds <- as.logical(apply(inBounds,1,prod))
    if (any(!scoreSummary$inBounds)) {
          "Bounds have been tightened. There are "
        , sum(!scoreSummary$inBounds)
        , " parameter pairs in scoreSummary which cannot"
        , " be used with the defined bounds. These will be"
        , " ignored this round. Continue? [y/n]"
      line <- readline()
      if (tolower(line) == "y") invisible() else stop("Process Stopped by User.")
    if (nrow(scoreSummary) <= 2) stop("Not enough samples in scoreSummary to perform optimizations.")

  # Output from FUN is sunk into a temporary file.
  sinkFile <- file()
      while (sink.number() > 0) sink()

  # Start the iterative GP udpates.
  while(nrow(scoreSummary) < iters.t){

    Epoch <- Epoch + 1

    if (verbose > 0) cat("\nStarting Epoch",Epoch,"\n")

    # How many runs to make this session
    runNew <- pmin(iters.t-nrow(scoreSummary), iters.k)

    # Fit GP
    if (verbose > 0) cat("  1) Fitting Gaussian Process...\n")
    optObj <- updateGP(optObj,bounds = bounds, verbose = 0,...)

    # See if updateGP altered the stopStatus.
    # If so, the km() failed and we need to return optObj
    if (optObj$stopStatus != "OK") {
      optObj$elapsedTime <- totalTime(optObj,startT)

    # Find local optimums of the acquisition function
    if (verbose > 0) cat("  2) Running local optimum search...")
    tm <- system.time(
      LocalOptims <- getLocalOptimums(
        , bounds = bounds
        , parallel=parallel
        , verbose=verbose
    if (verbose > 0) cat("       ",tm,"seconds\n")

    # Should we continue?
    if (otherHalting$minUtility > max(LocalOptims$gpUtility)) {
      optObj$stopStatus <- makeStopEarlyMessage(paste0("Returning Results. Could not meet minimum required (",otherHalting$minUtility,") utility."))
      optObj$elapsedTime <- totalTime(optObj,startT)
    } else if (otherHalting$timeLimit < totalTime(optObj,startT)) {
      optObj$stopStatus <- makeStopEarlyMessage(paste0("Time Limit - ",otherHalting$timeLimit," seconds."))
      optObj$elapsedTime <- totalTime(optObj,startT)

    # Filter out local optimums to our specifications
    # Obtain new candidates if we don't have enough
    nextPars <- getNextParameters(
      , boundsDT
      , scoreSummary
      , runNew
      , acq
      , kappa
      , eps
      , acqThresh
      , acqN
      , scoreGP = optObj$GauProList$scoreGP
      , timeGP = optObj$GauProList$timeGP
    if(any(class(nextPars) == "stopEarlyMsg")) {
      optObj$stopStatus <- nextPars
      optObj$elapsedTime <- totalTime(optObj,startT)

    # Try to run the scoring function. If not all (but at least 1) new runs fail,
    # then foreach cannot call rbind correctly, and an error is thrown.
    if (verbose > 0) cat("  3) Running FUN",nrow(nextPars),"times in",Workers,"thread(s)...")
    sink(file = sinkFile)
    tm <- system.time(
      NewResults <- foreach(
        iter = 1:nrow(nextPars)
        , .options.multicore = list(preschedule=FALSE)
        , .combine = rbindFE
        , .multicombine = TRUE
        , .inorder = FALSE
        , .errorhandling = 'stop'
        , .verbose = FALSE
      ) %op% {

        Params <- nextPars[get("iter"),boundsDT$N,with=FALSE]
        Elapsed <- system.time(
          Result <- tryCatch(
              do.call(what = FUN, args = as.list(Params))
            , error = function(e) e

      # Handle the Result.
        if (any(class(Result) %in% c("simpleError","error","condition"))) {
          return(data.table(nextPars[get("iter"),], Elapsed = Elapsed[[3]],Score = NA, errorMessage = conditionMessage(Result)))
        } else {

          if (any(lengths(Result) != 1)) {
                  "FUN returned list with elements of length > 1. Cannot collapse into a data.table, so this is a fatal error. Parameters used were <"
                , paste(names(Params),"=",Params,collapse = ", ")
                , ">"

          if (!is.numeric(Result$Score)) {
            return(data.table(nextPars[get("iter"),], Elapsed = Elapsed[[3]], as.data.table(Result),errorMessage = "Score returned from FUN was not numeric."))
          } else {
            return(data.table(nextPars[get("iter"),], Elapsed = Elapsed[[3]], as.data.table(Result),errorMessage = NA))

    while (sink.number() > 0) sink()

    # Leaves room for flexability in the future.
    optObj$stopStatus <- getEarlyStoppingErrorStatus(NewResults,scoreSummary,errorHandling,verbose)

    if (verbose > 0) cat(" ",tm,"seconds\n")

    # Print updates on parameter-score search
    if (verbose > 1) {

      cat("\nResults from most recent parameter scoring:\n")
      print(NewResults, row.names = FALSE)

      if (max(NewResults$Score) > max(scoreSummary$Score)) {
        cat("\nNew best parameter set found:\n")
        print(NewResults[which.max(get("Score")),c(boundsDT$N,"Score"),with=FALSE], row.names = FALSE)
      } else {
        cat("\nMaximum score was not raised this round. Best score is still:\n")
        print(scoreSummary[which.max(get("Score")),c(boundsDT$N,"Score"),with=FALSE], row.names = FALSE)

    # Keep track of performance.
    # fill is true because users can pass their own columns.
    scoreSummary <- rbindlist(
        , data.table(
          "Epoch" = rep(Epoch,nrow(NewResults))
          , "Iteration" = 1:nrow(NewResults) + nrow(scoreSummary)
          , "inBounds" = rep(TRUE,nrow(NewResults))
          , NewResults
      , use.names=TRUE
      , fill=TRUE
    optObj$scoreSummary <- scoreSummary
    optObj$GauProList$gpUpToDate <- FALSE

    # Save Intermediary Results

    # Plotting
    if(plotProgress) plot(optObj)

    # Check for change in stop status before we continue.
    if (optObj$stopStatus != "OK") {
      optObj$elapsedTime <- totalTime(optObj,startT)




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ParBayesianOptimization documentation built on Oct. 18, 2022, 5:07 p.m.