
Defines functions ClusProc0 ClusProc print.clust

Documented in ClusProc print.clust

ClusProc0 <- function(signal,signal.mean,Num,threshold,thresMAF,cut,itermax,thres_sil){

    seed<- sample(c(1:1000000),1)
    ## print(paste0("seed is ", seed))
    pX <- as.matrix(signal)
    S <- dim(pX)[1]
    clusRes <- rep(NA,S)
    ## the initial value 
    del <- list()
    mu <- list()
    kcl <- kmeans(pX,Num,nstart=10)
    KX <- data.frame(X=pX,Kn=kcl$cluster)
    for(i in 1:Num){
        mu[[i]] <- apply(as.matrix(KX[KX$Kn==i,c(1:cut)]),2,mean)
        del[[i]] <- cov(as.matrix(KX[KX$Kn==i,c(1:cut)]))
    iter <- 0
    logLold <- Inf
    pin <- matrix(NA,S,Num)
        ## estimate n and alpha
        for(i in 1:S)
            for(n in 1:Num)
                pin[i,n]  <- 1/(2*pi*det(del[[n]]))*exp(-1/2*(pX[i,]-mu[[n]])%*%solve(del[[n]])%*%as.matrix(pX[i,]-mu[[n]]))*alpha[n]
        ## set the method to be used
        for(i in 1:S)
            clusRes[i] <- which(pin[i,]==max(pin[i,]))
        for(i in 1:Num)
            alpha[i] <- mean(clusRes==i)
        Sdata <- data.frame(pX=pX,clusRes=clusRes)
        ## estimate the signal model
        for(i in 1:Num){
            mu[[i]] <- apply(as.matrix(Sdata[Sdata$clusRes==i,c(1:cut)]),2,mean)
            del[[i]] <- cov(as.matrix(Sdata[Sdata$clusRes==i,c(1:cut)]))
            LDdel[i] <- log(det(del[[i]]))
            M[i] <- sum(Sdata$clusRes==i)
        sum <- 0
        for(i in 1:S)
            sum <- sum+(pX[i,]-mu[[clusRes[i]]])%*%solve(del[[clusRes[i]]])%*%as.matrix(pX[i,]-mu[[clusRes[i]]])
        logL <- -1/2*(sum(M*LDdel)+sum)
        if(abs(logL-logLold)<threshold) break
        if(iter>itermax) break
        logLold <- logL
    logL <- logL-1/2*S*cut*log(2*pi)

    cat("The logliklihood for signal model is ",logL," when clustering number is ",Num,'.\n',sep='')
    Sdata$clusRes <- Sdata$clusRes+Num
    old.order.mean <- as.matrix(tapply(signal.mean,Sdata$clusRes,mean))
    old.order.id <- (Num+1):(2*Num)
    mid <- sort(old.order.mean,index.return=TRUE)$ix
    for(i in 1:Num)
        Sdata[Sdata$clusRes==old.order.id[mid[i]],]$clusRes <- i
    rownames(Sdata) <- rownames(signal.mean)
    sil <- silWidth(Sdata,thres_sil=thres_sil,thres_MAF=thresMAF)

##' This function chooses the optimal number of clusters and provides the assignments of each individuals under the optimum clustering number.
##' @title CNV clustering Procedure
##' @param signal The matrix of intensity measurements. The row names must be consistent with the Individual ID in fam file.
##' @param N Number of clusters one wants to fit to the data. N needs to be larger than 1 and if it is 1, error will be returned. The default value 2,3,...,6 will be used if it is missing.
##' @param  varSelection Factor. For specifying how to handle the intensity values. It must take value on 'RAW', 'PC.9', 'PC1'and 'MEAN'. If the value is 'RAW', then the raw intensity value will be used. If it is 'PC.9', then the first several PCA scores which account for 90\% of all the variance will be used. If the value is 'PC1', then the first PCA scores will be used. If the value is 'MEAN', the mean of all the probes will be used. The default method is 'PC1'.
##' @param threshold Optional number of convergence threshold. The iteration stops if the absolute difference of log likelihood between successive iterations is less than it. The default threshold 1e-05 will be used if it's missing.
##' @param itermax Optional. The iteration stops if the time of iteration is large than this value. The default number 8 will be used if it's missing.
##' @param adjust Logicals, If TRUE (default), the result will be adjusted by the silhouette score. See details. 
##' @param thresMAF The minor allele frequency threshold.
##' @param thresSil The abandon threshold. The individual whose silhouette score is smaller than this value will be abandoned.
##' @param scale Logicals. If TRUE, the signal will be scale by using sample mean and sample variance by columns before further data-processing.
##' @details 
##' \itemize{
##' \item{adjust}{If adjust is TRUE, the result will be adjusted by the silhouette score in the following criterion. For each individual, the silhouette scores are calculated for each group. The individual will assigned forcefully to the group which maximize the silhouette scores. }
##' }
##' @return It returns object of class 'clust'. 'clust' is a list containing following components:
##' \item{clusNum}{The optimal number of clusters among give parameter {N}.}
##' \item{silWidth}{Silhouette related results.}
##' @author Meiling Liu 
##' @examples
##' # Fit the data under the given clustering numbers
##' clus.fit <- ClusProc(signal=signal,N=2:6,varSelection='PC.9')
##' @export
ClusProc <- function(signal,N=2:6,varSelection=c('PC1','RAW','PC.9','MEAN'),threshold=1e-05,itermax=8,adjust=TRUE,thresMAF=0.01,scale=FALSE,thresSil=0.01){

    varSelection <- match.arg(varSelection)
    sX0 <- as.matrix(signal)
    if(scale) sX <- scale(sX0) else sX <- sX0
    cut <- 1
        prop <- 0.9
        pca <- princomp(sX) ## PCA
        sds <- pca$sdev
        vars <- sds^2
        varprop  <- vars/sum(vars)
        cumvars <- as.vector(cumsum(varprop))
        while(cumvars[cut]<prop)  cut=cut+1
        if(cut>1)  cat("The first ",cut,' principal components are used.\n',sep='') else cat("The first principal component is used.\n",sep='')
        Invcov <- matrix(0,nrow=cut,ncol=cut)
        diag(Invcov) <- 1/vars[1:cut]
        comptable <- data.frame(sdev=pca$sdev,vars=vars,cumu=cumvars)
        ## print("Variable Selection")
        ## print(t(comptable[1:(cut+1),]))
        coef <- pca$loadings[,1:cut]
        pX <- sX%*%coef
    if(varSelection=='RAW') {
        pX <- sX
        cut <- ncol(pX)
        cat("The raw intensity measurement is used.\n",sep='')
        pX <- apply(sX,1,mean)
        cat("The mean of the intensity measurement is used.\n",sep='')
        cat("The first principal component is used.\n",sep='')
        pX <- prcomp(sX)$x[,1]

    signal.mean <- as.matrix(apply(sX0,1,mean))
    rownames(signal.mean) <- rownames(sX0)

    if(1%in%N) stop('The assigned clustering number must be larger than 1.')
    res <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(N)){
        Num <- N[i]
        res[[i]] <- ClusProc0(signal=pX,signal.mean=signal.mean,Num=Num,threshold=threshold,thresMAF=thresMAF,cut=cut,itermax=itermax,thres_sil=thresSil)
    Nlen <- length(N)
    silR <- rep(NA,Nlen)
    for(i in 1:Nlen)
        if(adjust) silR[i] <- res[[i]]$sil$adjusted$silMean.adjust else silR[i] <- res[[i]]$sil$unadjusted$silMean
    if(adjust) {
        N <- rep(NA,Nlen)
        for(i in 1:Nlen)
            N[i] <- res[[i]]$sil$adjusted$clusNum.adjust
    n <- which(silR==max(silR))
    clusNum <- N[n]
    logL <- res[[n]]$logL
    sil <- res[[n]]$sil
    resfinal <- list(clusNum=clusNum,silWidth=sil,signal=signal,adjust=adjust)
    class(resfinal) <- 'clust'

##' Prints formatted results returned by \code{\link{ClusProc}}.
##' @title Prints clustering results
##' @param x The clustering results obtained from the \code{\link{ClusProc}}.
##' @param ... Usual arguments passed to the print function.
##' @author Meiling Liu and Sungho Won
##' @method print clust
##' @examples
##' # Fit the data under the given clustering numbers
##' clus.fit <- ClusProc(signal=signal,N=2:6,varSelection='PC.9')
##' print(clus.fit)
##' @export
print.clust <- function(x, ...) {
    adjust <- x$adjust
    if(adjust)   res <- data.frame(clusNum.adjust=x$silWidth$adjusted$clusNum.adjust,silMean.adjust=round(x$silWidth$adjusted$silMean.adjust,4)) else
    res <- data.frame(clusNum=x$silWidth$unadjusted$clusNum,silMean=round(x$silWidth$unadjusted$silMean,4)) 

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PedCNV documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:17 a.m.