
Defines functions permutations.of .permutations.all.recursive .same.length.perms identity.permutation inverse.perm compose .compose.perms is.permutation .is.permutation.one read.perms order.ratings runif.permutation freq.matrix .check.distance.name .check.theta.length.gmm .get.theta.length.gmm marginal expectation.mm dmm dgmm rmm rgmm lmm lgmm lmm.theta lgmm.theta generate.aux.files swap inversion insert cycle2str cycles2perm distance maxi.dist count.perms rdist perm2decomp decomp2perm

Documented in compose count.perms cycle2str cycles2perm decomp2perm dgmm distance dmm expectation.mm freq.matrix generate.aux.files identity.permutation insert inverse.perm inversion is.permutation lgmm lgmm.theta lmm lmm.theta marginal maxi.dist order.ratings perm2decomp permutations.of rdist read.perms rgmm rmm runif.permutation swap

# -----------------------------------------
# Author: Ekhine Irurozki
#         University of the Basque Country
# -----------------------------------------

###################   GENERAL   ###################



#' Generate every permutation of perm.length item
#' This functions returns a matrix in thich each of rows
#' is a different permutation of the specified number of items
#' @param perm.length number of items in the permutation
#' @param alert optional ask for confirmation when the number of permtuations to show is very large
#' @return A collection of every permutation of the specified number of items
#' @export
#' @examples
#' permutations.of(3)
#' permutations.of(10)
permutations.of <- function(perm.length, alert=TRUE){
  if ( alert && perm.length > 9) {
    cat("Do you really want to generate all ",factorial(perm.length)," permutations? (Y/N)")
    answer = readline()
    if ( answer != 'Y' ) return("Process cancelled")
  return (.permutations.all.recursive(c(), c(1:perm.length)))

.permutations.all.recursive <- function(vec1, vec2){
  len <- length(vec2)
  perms = matrix(NA, ncol=length(vec2)+length(vec1), nrow=0)
  if(len == 0) return (aperm(as.matrix(vec1))) 
    for(i in 1:len)
      perms <- rbind(perms, .permutations.all.recursive(c(vec1, vec2[i]), vec2[-i]))
  return (perms)

.same.length.perms <- function(s1, s2 ){
  return(is.permutation(s1) &&  is.permutation(s2) && length(s1) == length(s2))

#' Generate identity the permutation
#' This function generates the identity permutation of a given number of items
#' @param perm.length number of items in the permutation
#' @return The identity permutation of the specified number of items
#' @export
#' @examples
#' identity.permutation(3)
#' identity.permutation(7)

#' Generate inverse permutation
#' This function generates the inverse of a given permutation. If the input 
#' is a matrix of permutations, invert all the permutations in the input. 
#' @param perm a permutation or matrix of permutations
#' @return The inverse permutation. 
#' If the input is a matrix,the matrix with the inverses
#' @export
#' @examples
#' inverse.perm(c(1,2,3,4))
#' inverse.perm(c(2,3,4,1))
#' data <- matrix(c(1,2,3, 4,1,4,3,2,1,2,4,3), nrow = 3, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' inverse.perm(data)
inverse.perm <- function(perm){
  if (is.permutation(perm))
    if (is.vector( perm ) ) 
      return (order(perm))
    else if (is.matrix(perm))
      return (t(apply(perm, MARGIN=1,FUN=order)))
  stop("Error in the input parameters: the input must be a permutation or a matrix of permutations")

#' Compose permutations
#' This function composes two given permtuations. One of the arguments 
#' can be a collection of permutations, but not both at the same time. In this 
#' case, every permutation in the collection is composed with the 
#' other argument
#' @param perm1 a permtuation or a collection of permutations
#' @param perm2 a permtuation or a collection of permutations
#' @return The composition of the permutations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' compose(c(3,1,2,4), c(4,1,3,2))
compose <- function(perm1, perm2){
  if (!is.permutation(perm1) || ! is.permutation(perm2))
    stop("Check parameters")
  if(is.matrix(perm1) && is.matrix(perm2)) 
    stop("Both params can not be samples\n") 
  if(is.vector(perm1) && is.vector(perm2) && .same.length.perms(perm1, perm2)) 
    return (.compose.perms(perm1,perm2))
  if(is.matrix(perm1) && dim(perm1)[2] == length(perm2) )
    return (t(apply(perm1, MARGIN=1,FUN=function(x){.compose.perms(x,perm2)})))
  if(is.matrix(perm2) && dim(perm2)[2] == length(perm1))
    return (t(apply(perm2, MARGIN=1,FUN=function(x){.compose.perms(perm1,x)})))
  stop ("Check input parameters")

.compose.perms <- function(s,p){

#' Check if its argument is a permutation
#' This function tests if the given argument is a permutation of the first 
#' n natural integers (excluding 0)
#' @param perm a vector (or a bidimensional matrix)
#' @return TRUE iff perm is a valid permutation (or a matrix of valid permutations)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is.permutation(c(3,1,2,4))
#' is.permutation(c(6,1,2,3))
#' is.permutation(matrix(c(1,2,3, 4,1,4,3,2,1,2,4,3), nrow = 3, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE))
is.permutation <- function(perm){
  if (is.vector(perm)) return (.is.permutation.one(perm))
  else if (is.matrix(perm))
    return(all(apply(perm, MARGIN=1, .is.permutation.one)))
  else stop("Error in the input parameters: the input must be a permutation or a matrix of permutations")

.is.permutation.one <- function(perm){
  bid<-logical(length = length(perm)) #bid: logical vector, all false
  lapply(X=perm, function(x){
    bid[x] <<- TRUE

#' Read a text file with a collection of permtuations
#' This function reads the text file in the specified path and 
#' checks if each row is a proper permutation
#' @param path string with a path
#' @return A collection of permutations in matrix form
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path = system.file("test.txt", package="PerMallows")
#' sample = read.perms(path)
read.perms <- function(path){
  sample = as.matrix( read.table(path, sep=" "))
  if (! is.permutation(sample) )
    stop("Not valid permtuations in the matrix")

#' Convert rating to permutation
#' This function is given a collection of ratings and converts each row to
#' a permutation
#' @param ratings a matrix in which each row is a vector of ratings of several items
#' @return A matrix in which each row is the corresponding permutation of the items
#' @export
#' @examples
#' order.ratings(c(0.1, 4, 0.5, -4))
order.ratings <- function(ratings){
  if (is.vector(ratings))
    return (order(ratings))
  return (t(apply(ratings, MARGIN=1, FUN=order)))
  stop("The input parameter must be a vector")

#' Random permutation
#' Generate a collection of n permutations uniformly at random
#' @param n optional number of permutations to generate
#' @param perm.length length of the permutations generated
#' @return A single permutation or a matrix with n rows, each being a permutation. 
#' Every permutation is drawn uniformly at random and has length perm.length
#' @export
#' @examples
#' runif.permutation(1,5)
runif.permutation <- function(n=1 , perm.length){
  x <- c(1:perm.length)
  if ( n == 1 ) {
    x <- .C("random_permutation", as.integer(perm.length), as.integer(x))[[2]]
    return (x)
  return (t (replicate(n, .C("random_permutation", as.integer(perm.length), as.integer(x))[[2]])))

#' Compute the frequency matrix
#' Compute the first order marginal probability. In other words, given at least one 
#' permutation, calculate the proportion of them that have each item in each position
#' @param perm a permutation or a collection of them
#' @return A matrix with n rows and n columns with the proportion of the permutations 
#' in the input that have each item in each position
#' @export
#' @examples
#' freq.matrix(c(1,3,2,4,5))
freq.matrix <- function(perm){
  if( !is.permutation(perm) ) stop ("Check parameters")
  if ( is.vector(perm) ) {
    perm.length <- length(perm)
    #mat <- matrix(0, perm.length, perm.length)
  }else if (is.matrix(perm)){
    perm.length <- dim(perm)[2]
    mat <- matrix(0, perm.length, perm.length)
    apply(X=perm, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x){
      #mat <<- mat + diag(perm.length)[,x]   # fast
      for (i in 1:perm.length) mat[i,x[i]] <<- mat[i,x[i]] + 1 #low mem
    mat = mat / dim(perm)[1]
  }else stop("Check arguments")
  return (mat)

###################   PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS   ###################
.check.distance.name <- function(dist.name, for.gmm = FALSE){
  if ( for.gmm ) err.msg = "Choose one of these distances: Cayley, Kendall, Hamming"
  else err.msg = "Choose one of these distances: Cayley, Kendall, Hamming, Ulam"
  if      (dist.name == "c" || dist.name == "cayley"  || dist.name == "Cayley")  dist_id = .CAYLEY.DISTANCE
  else if (dist.name == "k" || dist.name == "Kendall" || dist.name == "kendall") dist_id = .KENDALL.DISTANCE
  else if (dist.name == "h" || dist.name == "Hamming" || dist.name == "hamming") dist_id = .HAMMING.DISTANCE
  else if ((dist.name == "u" || dist.name == "Ulam"    || dist.name == "ulam") &&  !for.gmm )    dist_id = .ULAM.DISTANCE
  else stop("nnot valid distance: ", dist.name, ". ",err.msg)
  return (dist_id)

.check.theta.length.gmm <- function(dist_id, theta.length, perm.length){
  if ( dist_id == 0 && ! ( theta.length == perm.length - 1))      
    stop ("Check Theta length, must be ", perm.length - 1, ".")
  else if ( dist_id == 1 && ! ( theta.length == perm.length - 1)) 
    stop ("Check Theta length, must be ", perm.length - 1, ".")
  else if ( dist_id == 2 && ! ( theta.length == perm.length ))    
    stop ("Check Theta length, must be ", perm.length, ".")
  return (theta.length == 1)

.get.theta.length.gmm <- function(dist.id, perm.length){
  if ( dist.id == .HAMMING.DISTANCE ) return (perm.length)
  if ( dist.id == .CAYLEY.DISTANCE || dist.id == .KENDALL.DISTANCE ) return (perm.length-1)
  stop ("No GMM for the Ulam distance")
#' Compute the marginal probability, GMM under the Hamming distance
#' Compute the marginal probability, GMM under the Hamming distance, 
#' of a distance decomposition vector for which some positions are known and some are not
#' @param h n dimensional distance decomposition vector where h_j = 0 means that $j$ is a fixed point, 
#' h_j = 1 means that $j$ is an unfixed point and otherwise $j$ is not known
#' @param theta n dimensional distance decomposition vector with the dispersion parameters
#' @return The marginal probability
#' @export
#' @references "Ekhine Irurozki, Borja Calvo, Jose A. Lozano (2016). PerMallows: An R Package for Mallows and Generalized Mallows Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 71(12), 1-30. doi:10.18637/jss.v071.i12"
#' @examples
#' marginal(c(1,0,1,NA,NA), c(0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 0.1, 1))
#' marginal(c(NA,0,1,NA,NA,0), c(0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 0.1, 0.7, 1))
marginal <- function(h, theta){
  if (length(h) != length(theta))
    stop("Check the length of the h and theta vectors")
  res <- 0
  h[is.na(h)] <- -1
  res<-.C("marginals", as.integer(length(h)), as.integer(.check.distance.name("hamming")), as.integer(h),
          as.numeric(theta), as.double(res))[5]
  return (res[[1]]) 

#' Compute the expected distance, MM under the Hamming distance
#' Compute the expected distance in the MM under the Hamming distance
#' @param theta real dispersion parameter
#' @param perm.length length of the permutation in the considered model
#' @param dist.name optional name of the distance used in the MM. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming, ulam
#' @return The expected distance under the MM
#' @export
#' @references "Ekhine Irurozki, Borja Calvo, Jose A. Lozano (2016). PerMallows: An R Package for Mallows and Generalized Mallows Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 71(12), 1-30. doi:10.18637/jss.v071.i12"
#' @examples
#' expectation.mm( 1, 7, "kendall" )
#' expectation.mm( 2, 5, "cayley" )
#' expectation.mm( 2, 4, "hamming" )
#' expectation.mm( 1, 6, "ulam" )
expectation.mm <- function(theta, perm.length,  dist.name="kendall"){
  dist_id = .check.distance.name(dist.name, FALSE)
  expec <- rep(0,perm.length)
  expec<-.C("expectation",  as.integer(dist_id), as.integer(.MALLOWS.MODEL), as.integer(perm.length), 
  return (expec[[1]][1]) 

#' Compute the expected distance, GMM under the Hamming distance
#' Compute the expected distance in the GMM under the Hamming distance
#' @param theta n dimensional real vector with the dispersion parameters
#' @return The expected distance decomposition vector under the GMM
#' @param dist.name optional name of the distance used in the GMM. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming
#' @export
#' @references "Ekhine Irurozki, Borja Calvo, Jose A. Lozano (2016). PerMallows: An R Package for Mallows and Generalized Mallows Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 71(12), 1-30. doi:10.18637/jss.v071.i12"
#' @examples
#' expectation.gmm(c(0.38, 0.44, 0.1, 0.2, 1, 0.1))
#' expectation.gmm(c(2, 2, 2, 2),"cayley")
#' expectation.gmm(c(0.3, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1),"hamming")
expectation.gmm <- function (theta, dist.name="kendall"){
  dist_id = .check.distance.name(dist.name, TRUE)
  if ( dist_id == .HAMMING.DISTANCE )  perm.length <- length(theta) 
  else  perm.length <- length(theta) + 1
  expec <- rep(0,perm.length)
  expec<-.C("expectation",  as.integer(dist_id), as.integer(.GENERALIZED.MALLOWS.MODEL), as.integer(perm.length), 
 return (expec[[1]] [1:length(theta)]) 

#' Calculate the probability of a permutation in a MM 
#' Calculate the probability of a permutation sigma in a MM of center sigma0, 
#' dispersion parameter theta and under the specified distance
#' @param perm permutation whose probability is asked for
#' @param sigma0 optional central permuation of the MM, by default the identity
#' @param theta dispersion parameter of the MM
#' @param dist.name optional name of the distance used in the MM. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming, ulam
#' @return The probability of sigma in the given MM
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- matrix(c(1,2,3, 4,1,4,3,2,1,2,4,3), nrow = 3, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' sig<-c(1,2,3,4)
#' log.prob <- apply(data,MARGIN=1,FUN=function(x){log(dmm(x,sig, 1,"cayley"))})
#' sum(log.prob)
#' dmm(c(1,3,2,4), theta=0.1)
#' dmm(c(1,3,2,4), theta=0.1, dist.name="cayley")
#' dmm(c(1,3,2,4), theta=0.1, dist.name="hamming")
#' dmm(c(1,3,2,4), theta=0.1, dist.name="ulam")
dmm <- function(perm, sigma0=identity.permutation(length(perm)), theta, dist.name="kendall"){
if (!is.permutation(perm) || ! is.permutation(sigma0))
    stop("Check parameters")
  dist_id       = .check.distance.name(dist.name)
  if( length(theta) == 1 ) theta = rep( theta, length(perm)  )
  else stop ("This function is for the MM (just one dispersion parameters)")
  return (.proba(perm, sigma0, theta, dist_id))

#' Calculate the probability of a permutation in a GMM 
#' Calculate the probability of a permutation sigma in a GMM of center sigma0, 
#' dispersion parameter theta and under the specified distance
#' @param perm permutation whose probability wants to be known
#' @param sigma0 central permuation of the GMM, by default the identity
#' @param theta vector dispersion parameter of the GMM
#' @param dist.name optional name of the distance used in the GMM. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming
#' @return The probability of sigma in the given GMM
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4, 1,4,3,2, 1,2,4,3), nrow = 3, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' sig <- c(1,2,3,4)
#' th <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3,1)
#' log.prob <- apply(data,MARGIN=1,FUN=function(x){log(dgmm(x,sig, th, "hamming"))})
#' sum(log.prob)
#' dgmm (c(1,2,3,4), theta=c(1,1,1))
#' dgmm (c(1,2,3,4), theta=c(1,1,1), dist.name="cayley")
dgmm <- function(perm, sigma0=identity.permutation(length(perm)), theta, dist.name="kendall"){
  if (!is.permutation(perm) || ! is.permutation(sigma0))
    stop("Check parameters")
  dist_id       = .check.distance.name(dist.name, TRUE)
  mallows.model = .check.theta.length.gmm(dist_id, length(theta), length(perm)  )
  return (.proba(perm, sigma0, theta, dist_id))

.proba <- function (perm, sigma0, theta, dist_id){
    res = -1;
  if(.same.length.perms(perm,sigma0) ){
      res<-.C("probability", as.integer(dist_id), as.integer(length(perm)),as.integer(perm),
                as.integer(sigma0), as.numeric(theta), as.double(res))[6]
    }else stop ("The permutations must have the same number of items")
    return( unlist(res) );

#' Sample a Mallows Model
#' Generate a sample of n permutations from a Mallows Model (MM). 
#' @param n the number of permutations to be generated
#' @param sigma0 central permuation of the MM
#' @param theta dispersion parameter of the MM
#' @param dist.name optional name of the distance used in the MM. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming, ulam
#' @param sampling.method optional name of the sampling algorithm. One of: distances, multistage, gibbs (default)
#' @param disk optional can only be true if using the Distances sampling algorithm for generating under the Ulam distance.
#' Insted of generating the whole set of SYT and count of permutations per distance, it loads the info from a file in the disk
#' @param alert check consistency of the parameters. TRUE by default
#' @return A matrix contaning a sample of permutations from the specified ditribution
#' @export
#' @references "Ekhine Irurozki, Borja Calvo, Jose A. Lozano (2016). PerMallows: An R Package for Mallows and Generalized Mallows Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 71(12), 1-30. doi:10.18637/jss.v071.i12"
#' @examples
#' rmm(2,c(1,2,3,4,5),1,"kendall", "distances")
#' rmm(2,c(1,2,3,4,5),1,"cayley", "distances")
#' rmm(2,c(1,2,3,4,5),1,"hamming", "distances")
#' rmm(2,c(1,2,3,4,5),1,"ulam", "distances")
#' rmm(2,c(1,2,3,4,5),1,"kendall", "multistage")
#' rmm(2,c(1,2,3,4,5),1,"cayley", "multistage")
rmm <- function(n, sigma0, theta, dist.name="kendall", sampling.method=NULL, disk=FALSE, alert = TRUE){
  if (! is.permutation(sigma0)) stop("Check parameters")
  num.perms <- n
  perm.length <- length(sigma0)
  if(length(theta) != 1 ) stop("Theta must be one real number") 
  dist_id       = .check.distance.name(dist.name)
  if (is.null(sampling.method)){
    if (dist_id == .ULAM.DISTANCE) sampling.method = 'distances'
    else sampling.method = 'multistage'
  if      ( sampling.method == "d"  || sampling.method == "distances")  algorithm_id = 0
  else if ( sampling.method == "m"  || sampling.method == "multistage") algorithm_id = 1
  else if ( sampling.method == "g"  || sampling.method == "gibbs")      algorithm_id = 2
  else {
    if (dist_id == .ULAM.DISTANCE )     
      stop("The argument 'sampling.method' must be one of the following: 'distances', 'gibbs'.")
      stop("The argument 'sampling.method' must be one of the following: 'multistage', distances', 'gibbs'.")

  if (alert){
    if (  algorithm_id == 0 &&  n > 150 ) {
      cat("The distances sampler is reliable for small permutations: 
        For permutations with more than 150 items proceed at your own risk. Do you want to continue? (Y/N)")
      answer = readline()
      if ( answer != 'Y' ) stop("Process cancelled")
    if (algorithm_id == 0 && dist_id == .ULAM.DISTANCE) {
      if ( n > 80 && !disk){
        cat("The memory requirement can be big (it is possible to set the 'disk' to TRUE for a smaller memory req.). Do you want to continue? (Y/N)")
      #if ( n > 100)cat("The process can take . Do you want to continue? (Y/N)")
      answer = readline()
      if ( answer != 'Y' ) stop("Process cancelled")

  if ( disk ){
    if ( algorithm_id == 0 && dist_id == .ULAM.DISTANCE){
      dist_id = 4
      if ( ! file.exists(paste('permus_per_dist_',perm.length, sep="")) )
        stop("Generate first the files. Try: ",paste ('generate.aux.files(',perm.length, ')'))
    else stop ("Geneneration form disk can only be used with Ulam and Distances sampling method")
  if( dist_id == .ULAM.DISTANCE && algorithm_id == 1 ) 
    stop ("No Multistage algorithm for the Ulam distance, choose the Distances sampling algorithm by setting the parameter <sampling.method='distances' > ")
  if (algorithm_id == 0)
    sam <- .Call("distances_sampling", dist_id, perm.length, num.perms, theta)
  else if (algorithm_id == 1 || algorithm_id == 2 ){
    theta <- rep(theta,perm.length)
    sam <- .Call("sampling_multi_gibbs_cayley",dist_id,  perm.length, num.perms, theta, .GENERALIZED.MALLOWS.MODEL, algorithm_id)
  }else stop("Choose one of these algorithms: distances, gibbs, multistage")
  if(!all(sigma0 == identity.permutation(perm.length)) ) 
    sam <- compose(sam, sigma0)

#' Sample a Generalized Mallows Model
#' Generate a sample of n permutations from a Generalized Mallows Model (GMM). 
#' @param n the number of permutations to be generated
#' @param sigma0 central permuation of the GMM
#' @param theta dispersion parameter vector of the GMM
#' @param dist.name optional used name of the distance used in the GMM. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming
#' @param sampling.method optional name of the sampling algorithm. One of: multistage, gibbs (default)
#' @return A matrix contaning a sample of permutations from the specified ditribution
#' @export
#' @references "Ekhine Irurozki, Borja Calvo, Jose A. Lozano (2016). PerMallows: An R Package for Mallows and Generalized Mallows Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 71(12), 1-30. doi:10.18637/jss.v071.i12"
#' @examples
#' rgmm(2,c(1,2,3,4,5),c(1,1,1,1),"kendall", "multistage")
#' rgmm(2,c(1,2,3,4,5),c(1,1,1,1),"cayley", "multistage")
#' rgmm(2,c(1,2,3,4,5),c(1,1,1,1,1),"hamming", "multistage")
#' rgmm(2,c(1,2,3,4,5),c(1,1,1,1),"cayley", "gibbs")
#' rgmm(2,c(1,2,3,4,5),c(1,1,1,1,1),"hamming", "gibbs")
rgmm <- function(n, sigma0, theta, dist.name="kendall", sampling.method="multistage"){
  if (! is.permutation(sigma0))
    stop("Check parameters")
  num.perms <- n
  perm.length <- length(sigma0)
  theta.length <- length(theta)
  dist_id       = .check.distance.name(dist.name, TRUE)
  mallows.model = .check.theta.length.gmm(dist_id, theta.length, perm.length)
  if ( sampling.method == "multistage" || sampling.method == "multistage")  algorithm_id = 1
  else if ( sampling.method == "gibbs"      || sampling.method == "gibbs")  algorithm_id = 2
  else stop("Choose one of these sampling.method: multistage, gibbs")
  sam <- .Call("sampling_multi_gibbs_cayley",dist_id, perm.length, num.perms, theta, .GENERALIZED.MALLOWS.MODEL, algorithm_id);
  if(!all(sigma0 == identity.permutation(perm.length)) ) 
    sam <- compose(sam, sigma0)

#' Learn a Mallows Model
#' Learn the parameter of the distribution of a sample of n permutations 
#' comming from a Mallows Model (MM). 
#' @param data the matrix with the permutations to estimate
#' @param sigma_0_ini optional the initial guess for the consensus permutation
#' @param dist.name optional the name of the distance used by the model. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming, ulam
#' @param estimation optional select the approximated or the exact. One of: approx, exact
#' @param disk optional can only be true if estimating a MM under the Ulam distance.
#' Insted of generating the whole set of SYT and count of permutations per distance, it loads the info from a file in the disk
#' @return A list with the parameters of the estimated distribution: the
#' mode and the dispersion parameter
#' @export
#' @references "Ekhine Irurozki, Borja Calvo, Jose A. Lozano (2016). PerMallows: An R Package for Mallows and Generalized Mallows Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 71(12), 1-30. doi:10.18637/jss.v071.i12"
#' @examples
#' data <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4, 1,4,3,2, 1,2,4,3), nrow = 3, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' lmm(data, dist.name="kendall", estimation="approx")
#' lmm(data, dist.name="cayley", estimation="approx")
#' lmm(data, dist.name="cayley", estimation="exact")
#' lmm(data, dist.name="hamming", estimation="exact")
#' lmm(data, dist.name="ulam", estimation="approx")
lmm <- function(data, sigma_0_ini =identity.permutation(dim(data)[2]), dist.name="kendall", estimation="approx", disk=FALSE){
  if ( !is.permutation(data)) stop("Check parameters")
  if ( !.same.length.perms(data[1,],sigma_0_ini)) 
    stop ("Permutation sigma_0_ini must have the same number of items as the permutations in the data")
  num.perms <- dim(data)[1]
  perm.length <- dim(data)[2]
  dist_id = .check.distance.name(dist.name)
  if(estimation == "Exact" || estimation == "exact") estim_var = 0
  else if(estimation == "Approx" || estimation == "approx") estim_var = 1
  else stop("Choose one of these estimations: approx, exact")
  if ( disk ){
    if ( dist_id == 3){
      dist_id = 4
      if ( ! file.exists(paste('permus_per_dist_',perm.length, sep="")) )
        stop("Generate first the files. Try: ",paste ('generate.aux.files(',perm.length, ')'))
    else stop ("Estimation form disk can only be used with Ulam distance")
  if (estim_var == 1 && dist_id == .HAMMING.DISTANCE ) stop ("No approx learning for the Hamming MM, try exact")
  if (estim_var == 0 && (dist_id != .CAYLEY.DISTANCE && dist_id != .HAMMING.DISTANCE) ) 
    stop ("Exact learning only for cayley and Hamming")
  sigma0 <- .Call("consensus", dist_id, data, 0, estim_var, sigma_0_ini)  
  the <- .Call("estimate_theta", dist_id, perm.length, num.perms, sigma0, data, 0)
  return(list(mode = sigma0, theta = the[1]));

#' Learn a Generalized Mallows Model
#' Learn the parameter of the distribution of a sample of n permutations 
#' comming from a Generalized Mallows Model (GMM). 
#' @param data the matrix with the permutations to estimate
#' @param sigma_0_ini optional the initial guess for the consensus permutation
#' @param dist.name optional name of the distance used by the GMM. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming
#' @param estimation optional select the approximated or the exact. One of: approx, exact
#' @return A list with the parameters of the estimated distribution: the
#' mode and the dispersion parameter vector
#' @export
#' @references "Ekhine Irurozki, Borja Calvo, Jose A. Lozano (2016). PerMallows: An R Package for Mallows and Generalized Mallows Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 71(12), 1-30. doi:10.18637/jss.v071.i12"
#' @examples
#' data <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4, 1,4,3,2, 1,2,4,3), nrow = 3, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' lgmm(data, dist.name="kendall", estimation="approx")
#' lgmm(data, dist.name="cayley", estimation="approx")
#' lgmm(data, dist.name="cayley", estimation="exact")
#' lgmm(data, dist.name="hamming", estimation="approx")
lgmm <- function(data, sigma_0_ini =identity.permutation(dim(data)[2]), dist.name="kendall", estimation="approx"){
  if (! is.permutation(data)) stop("Check parameters")
  if(! .same.length.perms(data[1,], sigma_0_ini)) 
    stop ("Permutation sigma_0_ini must have the same number of items as the permutations in the data")
  num.perms <- dim(data)[1]
  perm.length <- dim(data)[2]
  dist_id = .check.distance.name(dist.name , TRUE)
  if(estimation == "Exact" || estimation == "exact") estim_var = 0
  else if(estimation == "Approx" || estimation == "approx") estim_var = 1
  else stop("Choose one of these estimations: approx, exact")
  if (estim_var == 0 && dist_id != .CAYLEY.DISTANCE ) 
    stop ("Exact leraning only for Cayley")
  sigma0 <- .Call("consensus", dist_id, data, 1, estim_var, sigma_0_ini)
  the <- .Call("estimate_theta", dist_id, perm.length, num.perms, sigma0, data, 1)
  if ( dist_id == 2 ) theta.len = perm.length
  else  theta.len = perm.length - 1
  return(list(mode = sigma0, theta = the[1:theta.len]));

#' MLE for theta - Mallows Model
#' Compute the MLE for the dispersion parameter (theta) given a sample of n permutations
#' and a central permutation
#' @param data the matrix with the permutations to estimate
#' @param sigma_0 optional the consensus permutation. If not given it is assumed to be the identity permutation
#' @param dist.name optional the name of the distance used by the model. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming, ulam
#' @param disk optional can only be true if estimating a MM under the Ulam distance.
#' Insted of generating the whole set of SYT and count of permutations per distance, it loads the info from a file in the disk
#' @return The MLE for the dispersion parameter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4, 1,4,3,2, 1,2,4,3), nrow = 3, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' lmm.theta(data, dist.name="kendall")
#' lmm.theta(data, dist.name="cayley")
#' lmm.theta(data, dist.name="cayley", sigma_0=c(1,4,3,2))
#' lmm.theta(data, dist.name="hamming")
#' lmm.theta(data, dist.name="ulam")
lmm.theta <- function(data, sigma_0 =identity.permutation(dim(data)[2]), dist.name="kendall",
  if (! is.permutation(data))  stop("Check parameters")
  if(! .same.length.perms(data[1,], sigma_0)) 
    stop ("Permutation sigma_0 must have the same number of items as the permutations in the data")
  num.perms <- dim(data)[1]
  perm.length <- dim(data)[2]
  dist_id = .check.distance.name(dist.name)
  if ( disk ){
    if ( dist_id == 3){
      dist_id = 4
      if ( ! file.exists(paste('permus_per_dist_',perm.length, sep="")) )
        stop("Generate first the files. Try: ",paste ('generate.aux.files(',perm.length, ')'))
    else stop ("Estimation form disk can only be used with Ulam distance")
  the <- .Call("estimate_theta", dist_id, perm.length, num.perms, sigma_0, data, 0)
  return(theta = the[1]);

#' MLE for theta - Generalized Mallows Model
#' Compute the MLE for the dispersion parameter (theta) given a sample of n permutations
#' and a central permutation
#' @param data the matrix with the permutations to estimate
#' @param sigma_0 optional the initial guess for the consensus permutation. If not given it is assumed to be the identity permutation
#' @param dist.name optional name of the distance used by the GMM. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming
#' @return The MLE for the dispersion parameter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4, 1,4,3,2, 1,2,4,3), nrow = 3, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
#' lgmm.theta(data, dist.name="kendall")
#' lgmm.theta(data, dist.name="cayley")
#' lgmm.theta(data, dist.name="cayley", sigma_0=c(1,4,3,2))
#' lgmm.theta(data, dist.name="hamming")
lgmm.theta <- function(data, sigma_0 =identity.permutation(dim(data)[2]), dist.name="kendall"){
  if (! is.permutation(data))  stop("Check parameters")
  if(! .same.length.perms(data[1,], sigma_0)) 
    stop ("Permutation sigma_0 must have the same number of items as the permutations in the data")
  num.perms <- dim(data)[1]
  perm.length <- dim(data)[2]
  dist_id = .check.distance.name(dist.name , TRUE)
  the <- .Call("estimate_theta", dist_id, perm.length, num.perms, sigma_0, data, 1)
  if ( dist_id == 2 ) theta.len = perm.length
  else  theta.len = perm.length - 1
  return(theta = the[1:theta.len]);

#' Generates the files for Ulam
#' Generates files for Ulam which are aimed to accelelrate the processes of counting 
#' the number of permutations at ech distance, sampling and learning IFF these operations
#' are going to be computted more than once
#' @param perm.length number of items in the permutations
#' @return Nothing. Only writes in the current folder the axiliary files
#' @export
#' @examples
#' generate.aux.files(4)
generate.aux.files <- function(perm.length){
  .C("save_counts_to_files", as.integer(perm.length))

###################   DISTANCE RELATED   ###################

#' Swap two items of a permutation
#' Given a permutation and two position, swap both positions
#' @param perm a permutation
#' @param i position of the permutation
#' @param j position of the permutation
#' @return The permutation in the input in which the two speicfied items have been swapped
#' @export
#' @examples
#' swap(c(1,2,3,4,5),2,5)
swap <- function(perm, i, j){
  if (!.is.permutation.one(perm)) stop("The input parameter perm must be a valid permutation")
  n <- length(perm)
  if ( i < 1 || i > n || j < 1 || j > n ) stop ("Swap only possible at positions 1..",n)
  #if (i == j ) stop ("Set different values for i and j")
  aux <- perm[i]
  perm[i] <- perm[j]
  perm[j] <- aux
  return (perm)

#' Inversion operator
#' Given a permutation and a position, swap positions i and i+1
#' @param perm a permutation
#' @param i position of the permutation
#' @return The permutation in the input with an inversion at the specified position
#' @export
#' @examples
#' inversion(c(1,2,3,4,5),2)
inversion <- function(perm, i){
  if (!.is.permutation.one(perm)) stop("The input parameter perm must be a valid permutation")
  n <- length(perm)
  if ( i < 1 || i > n-1 ) stop ("Inversion only possible at positions 1..",n-1)
  aux <- perm[i]
  perm[ i ] <- perm[i+1]
  perm[ i + 1 ] <- aux
  return (perm)

#' Insert operator
#' Given a permutation and two positions i, j, move item in position i to position j
#' @param perm a permutation
#' @param i position of the permutation
#' @param j position of the permutation
#' @return The permutation in the input in which th eoperation has been applied
#' @export
#' @examples
#' insert(c(1,2,3,4,5),5,2)
#' insert(c(1,2,3,4,5),2,5)
insert <- function(perm, i, j){
  #remove item at position i and place it after the j-th position 
  if (!.is.permutation.one(perm)) stop("The input parameter perm must be a valid permutation")
  n <- length(perm)
  if(i<1 || i>n || j < 1 || j >n)  stop ("Insertion only possible at positions 1..",n)
  if (i < j)
    sigma <- c(perm[1:j][-i], perm[i], perm[(j+1):n])
    sigma <- c(perm[1:j], perm[i], perm[(j+1):n][-(i-j)])
  item <- perm[ i ]
  mod  <- perm[-i ]
  if(i<j) j <- j-1
    sigma <- c(item, mod[(j+1):length(mod)])
  else if((j+1)>length(mod)) 
    sigma <- c(mod[1:j], item)
    sigma <- c(mod[1:j], item, mod[(j+1):length(mod)])
  return (sigma)

#' Decompose a permutation in a set of cycles
#' Factor a given a permutation in the set of independent cycles
#' @param perm a permutation
#' @return The permutation in the input in which the operation has been applied
#' @export
#' @examples
#' perm2cycles(c(1,5,2,3,4))
perm2cycles <- function (perm){
  if (!is.vector(perm) || !is.permutation(perm))
    stop("Check parameters")
  s <- perm
  perm.length <- length(s)
  cont <- 0
  cont_cycle <- 0 
  while (cont < perm.length){
    cont_cycle <- cont_cycle + 1
    current <- 1
    while ( s[ current ] == 0 ) current <- current + 1
    if(cont_cycle == 1) cycles <- list (c(s[ current ]))
    else cycles <- append(cycles, c(s[ current ]))
      cont <- cont + 1
      next_i <- s[ current ]
      s[ current ] <- 0
      current <- next_i
      if( s[ current ] != 0)
        cycles[[cont_cycle]] = c(cycles[[cont_cycle]],  s[ current ])
      else {
  return (cycles)

#' Friendly display the cycles
#' Given a list with the cycles of a permutation, displays them in the standard cycle notation
#' @param cy a list with the set of cycles
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cycle2str(perm2cycles(c(1,5,2,3,4)))
cycle2str <- function(cy){
  invisible(lapply(cy, FUN=function(x){
#' Get the permutation given the cycles
#' Get the permutation as a vector given the set of cycles in which it factorizes
#' @param cycles a list with the set of disjoint cycles
#' @return The permutation in vector notation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cycles2perm(perm2cycles(c(1,5,2,3,4)))
cycles2perm <- function(cycles){
  num_cycles <- length(cycles)
  perm <- c()
  for(i in 1:num_cycles){
    cycle_len <- length(cycles[[i]])
    for(j in 1:cycle_len){
      if ( j== cycle_len) perm[cycles[[i]][j]]=cycles[[i]][1]
      else perm[cycles[[i]][j]]=cycles[[i]][j+1]
  if (!.is.permutation.one(perm)) stop("The cycles do not correspond to a valid permutation")
  return (perm)

#' Compute the distance between permutations
#' Compute the distance between two given permutations. If only one permutation is 
#' given the other one is assumed to be the identity (1,2,3,....,n)
#' The distance can be kendall, cayley, hamming and ulam
#' @param perm1 a permutation
#' @param perm2 optional a permutation
#' @param dist.name optional. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming, ulam
#' @return The distance between the permutations 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' distance(c(1,2,3,5,4))
#' distance(c(1,2,3,5,4), c(1,2,3,5,4))
#' distance(c(1,2,3,5,4), c(1,4,2,3,5), "cayley")
distance<-function(perm1,perm2=identity.permutation(length(perm1)), dist.name="kendall"){
  dist <- 0;
  if(! .same.length.perms(perm1,perm2))
    stop ("The permutations must have the same number of items")
  dist_id = .check.distance.name(dist.name)
  if( dist.name == "Hamming" || dist.name == "hamming" ) {
    sigma <- .compose.perms(perm1, inverse.perm(perm2))
    for(i in 1:perm.length)
      if (sigma[i] != i ) dist <- dist + 1
    dist<-.C("compute_distance", as.integer(dist_id), as.integer(perm.length), 
             as.integer(perm1), as.integer(perm2), as.integer(dist))[5]

#' Get the maximum value of the distance ebtween permutations
#' Compute the maximum posible value for the distance between two given permutations.
#' The distance can be kendall, cayley, hamming and ulam
#' @param perm.length number of items in the permutations
#' @param dist.name optional. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming, ulam
#' @return The maximum value for the distance between the permutations 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' maxi.dist(4,"cayley")
#' maxi.dist(10,"ulam")
#' maxi.dist(4)
maxi.dist <- function(perm.length, dist.name="kendall"){
  dist_id = .check.distance.name(dist.name)
  if (dist_id == .CAYLEY.DISTANCE || dist_id == .ULAM.DISTANCE ) return (perm.length - 1 )
  if (dist_id == .HAMMING.DISTANCE ) return ( perm.length )
  if (dist_id == .KENDALL.DISTANCE ) return ( perm.length * ( perm.length - 1 ) / 2 ) 
  return (-1)

#' Count permutations at a distance
#' Given a distance (kendall, cayley, hamming or ulam), 
#' the number of items in the permutations perm.length and distance value d, 
#' how many permutations are there at distance d from any permutation?
#' It can be used to count the number of derangements and the permutations 
#' with k cycles (Stirling numbers of the first kind)
#' @param perm.length number of items in the permutations
#' @param dist.value the distance
#' @param dist.name optional. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming, ulam
#' @param disk optional can only be true if counting the permutations at each Ulam distance.
#' Insted of generating the whole set of SYT and count of permutations per distance, it loads the info from a file in the disk
#' @return The number of permutations at the given distance
#' @export
#' @examples
#' count.perms(4,2,"kendall")
#' count.perms(4,2,"ulam")
#' count.perms(4,2,"hamming")
#' count.perms(4,2,"cayley")
#' # The number of derangements of length 6 is computed as follows
#' len <- 6
#' count.perms(perm.length = len, dist.value = len, dist.name = "h") 
#' # The number of permutations with one cycle is computed as follows
#' num.cycles <- 1 
#' count.perms(perm.length = len, dist.value = len - num.cycles, dist.name = "c") 
count.perms <- function(perm.length, dist.value, dist.name="kendall", disk=FALSE){
  if (dist.value < 0 ) stop("The distance must greater than or equal to 0")
  count <- 0
  dist_id = .check.distance.name(dist.name)
  if ( disk ){
    if (dist_id == 3){
      dist_id = 4
      if ( ! file.exists(paste('permus_per_dist_',perm.length, sep="")) )
        stop("Generate first the files. Try: ",paste ('generate.aux.files(',perm.length, ')'))
    else stop ("Counting form disk can only be used with Ulam distance")
  count <- .C("count_permus_at_dist", as.integer(dist_id), as.integer(perm.length),as.integer( dist.value ),as.double(count))[4]
  return (count[[1]]) ## = unlist(count) 

#' Generate a collection of permutations at a given distance
#' Given a number of permutations, the number of items in the permutations,
#' a distance value and a distance name, generate a sample of permutations with 
#' the specified length at the given distance.
#' Can be used to generate derangements and permutations of a given number of cycles
#' @param n number of permutations in the sample
#' @param perm.length number of items in the permutations
#' @param dist.value distance value
#' @param dist.name distance name. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming, ulam
#' @return A sample of permutations at the given distance
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rdist(1, 4, 2 ) 
#' rdist(1, 4, 2, "ulam")
#' len <-  3
#' rdist(n = 1, perm.length = len, dist.value = len, "h") #derangement
#' cycles <- 2
#' rdist(n = 1, perm.length = len, dist.value = len - cycles, "c") #permutation with 2 cycles
rdist <- function(n, perm.length, dist.value, dist.name="kendall"){
  num.perms <- n
  dist_id = .check.distance.name(dist.name)
  if ( dist.value < 0 ) stop("The distance must be greater than 0")
  if ( dist.value > maxi.dist(perm.length,dist.name) )
    stop("The distance must be smaller than the largest
         possible ",dist.name," distance for permutations of ",perm.length,
          " items, which is ",maxi.dist(perm.length, dist.name))
  if (dist_id == .HAMMING.DISTANCE && dist.value == 1 ) return (0)
  res<-.Call("get_random_sample_at_dist_d", as.integer(dist_id), 
             as.integer(perm.length),as.integer(num.perms),as.integer( dist.value ))

#' Get the decomposition vector
#' Given a permutation and a distance name generate the decomposition vector 
#' @param perm the permutation
#' @param dist.name optional the name of the distance. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming
#' @return The distance decomposition vector of the given permutation and distance. For the Kendall distance is the inversion vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' perm2decomp(c(1,2,4,3,5), "kendall")
#' perm2decomp(c(1,2,4,3,5), "cayley")
#' perm2decomp(c(1,2,4,3,5), "hamming")
perm2decomp <- function(perm, dist.name="kendall"){
  if (!.is.permutation.one(perm)) stop("The input parameter perm must be a valid permutation")
  dist_id = .check.distance.name(dist.name, TRUE)
  if (dist_id == .HAMMING.DISTANCE) {
    vec <- rep(0,perm.length)
    for (i in 1:perm.length) if (perm[i] != i) vec[i] = 1
  vec <- c(1:perm.length) #only the first (perm.lenth-1) pos will be returned
  #the last equals 0
  res <- .C("get_altern_repre_for_permu", as.integer(dist_id), as.integer(perm.length), 
            as.integer(perm), as.integer(vec))[4]
  return(unlist(res)[ 1 : perm.length - 1 ] )

#' Get a permutation consistent with a decomposition vector
#' Given a distance decomposition vector and a distance name, generate uniformly at random 
#' a permutation consistent with the decomposition vector. 
#' @param vec the permutation
#' @param dist.name optional the name of the distance. One of: kendall (default), cayley, hamming
#' @return The distance decomposition vector of the given permutation and distance
#' @export
#' @examples
#' decomp2perm(c(1,0,1,0,0), "kendall")
#' decomp2perm(c(1,0,1,0,0), "cayley")
#' decomp2perm(c(1,0,1,0,0), "hamming")
decomp2perm <- function(vec, dist.name="kendall"){
  dist_id = .check.distance.name(dist.name, TRUE)
  if (dist_id == .CAYLEY.DISTANCE || dist_id == .HAMMING.DISTANCE )
    if (any(sapply(X = vec, function(x){(x!=0 && x !=1) })))
      stop("The input vector does not correspond to a valid permutation, must be binary")
  if(dist_id == .KENDALL.DISTANCE 
     && any(sapply(X = 1:length(vec), function(x){(vec[x] < 0 ||vec[x] > length(vec)+1-x) }))) #length(sigma)=length(vec)+1
    stop("The input vector does not correspond to a valid permutation")
  perm.length <- length(vec) 
  if (dist_id == 0 || dist_id == 1) {
    perm.length = perm.length + 1
    vec[ perm.length ] = 0 
  sigma <- rep(0,perm.length)
  sigma <- .C("get_permu_given_altern_repre", as.integer(dist_id), 
              as.integer(perm.length), as.integer(vec), as.integer(sigma))[4]

###################   DATASET   ###################
#' @name perm.sample.med
#' @docType data
#' @title Sample of permutations
#' @description
#' A rda file containing a sample of permutations
#' @format
#' Each row is a permtuation
#' @name perm.sample.small
#' @docType data
#' @title Sample of permutations
#' @description
#' A rda file containing a sample of permutations
#' @format
#' Each row is a permtuation
#' @name data.apa
#' @docType data
#' @title Sample of permutations APA
#' @description
#' A rda file containing a sample of permutations of the American Psychology Association
#' @format
#' Each row is a permtuation
#' @name data.order
#' @docType data
#' @title Sample of permutations
#' @description
#' A rda file containing a sample of permutations
#' @format
#' Each row is a permtuation

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