
Defines functions M3.MM.old M3.MM M4.MM.old M4.MM multivariate_mean StdDev.MM skewness.MM kurtosis.MM SR.StdDev.MM GVaR.MM SR.GVaR.MM mVaR.MM SR.mVaR.MM GES.MM SR.GES.MM Ipower mES.MM SR.mES.MM M3.innprod M4.innprod M3.vec2mat M3.mat2vec M4.vec2mat M4.mat2vec M2.shrink M3.shrink M4.shrink M2.struct M3.struct M4.struct M2.ewma M3.ewma M4.ewma M3.MCA M4.MCA

Documented in M2.ewma M2.shrink M2.struct M3.ewma M3.MCA M3.MM M3.shrink M3.struct M4.ewma M4.MCA M4.MM M4.shrink M4.struct

# Functions to perform multivariate matrix
# calculations on portfolios of assets.
# I've modified these to minimize the number of
# times the same calculation or statistic is run, and to minimize duplication
# of code from function to function.  This should make things more
# efficient when running against very large numbers of instruments or portfolios.
# Copyright (c) 2008 Kris Boudt and Brian G. Peterson
# Copyright (c) 2004-2020 Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson for PerformanceAnalytics
# This R package is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$

M3.MM.old = function(R,...){
  cAssets = ncol(R); T = nrow(R);
  if(!hasArg(mu)) mu = apply(R,2,'mean') else mu=mu=list(...)$mu
  M3 = matrix(rep(0,cAssets^3),nrow=cAssets,ncol=cAssets^2)
  for(t in c(1:T))
    centret = as.numeric(matrix(R[t,]-mu,nrow=cAssets,ncol=1))
    M3 = M3 + ( centret%*%t(centret) )%x%t(centret)
  return( 1/T*M3 );

#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
#'@rdname CoMoments
M3.MM <- function(R, unbiased = FALSE, as.mat = TRUE, ...) {
  if(!hasArg(mu)) mu = colMeans(R) else mu=list(...)$mu
  x <- coredata(R)
  NN <- NROW(x)
  PP <- NCOL(x)
  Xc <- x - matrix(mu, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE)
  if (unbiased) {
    if (NN < 3) stop("R should have at least 3 observations")
    CC <- NN / ((NN - 1) * (NN - 2))
  } else {
    CC <- 1 / NN
  M3 <- .Call('M3sample', as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, CC, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  if (as.mat) M3 <- M3.vec2mat(M3, PP)
  return( M3 )

M4.MM.old = function(R,...){
  cAssets = ncol(R); T = nrow(R);
  if(!hasArg(mu))   mu = apply(R,2,'mean')  else mu=list(...)$mu
  M4 = matrix(rep(0,cAssets^4),nrow=cAssets,ncol=cAssets^3);
  for(t in c(1:T))
    centret = as.numeric(matrix(R[t,]-mu,nrow=cAssets,ncol=1))
    M4 = M4 + ( centret%*%t(centret) )%x%t(centret)%x%t(centret)
  return( 1/T*M4 );

#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
#'@rdname CoMoments
M4.MM <- function(R, as.mat = TRUE, ...) {
  if(!hasArg(mu)) mu = colMeans(R) else mu=list(...)$mu
  x <- coredata(R)
  NN <- NROW(x)
  PP <- NCOL(x)
  Xc <- x - matrix(mu, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE)
  M4 <- .Call('M4sample', as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  if (as.mat) M4 <- M4.vec2mat(M4, PP)
  return( M4 )

multivariate_mean <- function(w, mu) {
  return( t(w) %*% mu )

StdDev.MM <- function(w, sigma) {
  return( sqrt(t(w) %*% sigma %*% w) )

skewness.MM <- function(w, sigma, M3) {
  w <- as.numeric(w)
  if (NCOL(M3) != 1) M3 <- M3.mat2vec(M3)
  m3_univ <- .Call('M3port', w, M3, length(w), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  return( m3_univ / (StdDev.MM(w, sigma))^3 )

kurtosis.MM <- function(w, sigma, M4) {
  w <- as.numeric(w)
  if (NCOL(M4) != 1) M4 <- M4.mat2vec(M4)
  m4_univ <- .Call('M4port', w, M4, length(w), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  return( m4_univ / (StdDev.MM(w, sigma))^4 )

SR.StdDev.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma) {
  return( multivariate_mean(w, mu) / StdDev.MM(w, sigma)   )

GVaR.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, p) {
  return( -multivariate_mean(w, mu) - qnorm(1 - p) * StdDev.MM(w, sigma) )

SR.GVaR.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, p) {
  return( multivariate_mean(w, mu) / GVaR.MM(w, mu, sigma, p) )

mVaR.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, M3, M4, p) {
  skew <- skewness.MM(w, sigma, M3)
  exkurt <- kurtosis.MM(w, sigma, M4) - 3
  z <- qnorm(1 - p)
  zc <- z + (1 / 6) * (z^2 - 1) * skew
  Zcf <- zc + (1 / 24) * (z^3 - 3 * z) * exkurt - (1 / 36) * (2 * z^3 - 5 * z) * skew^2
  return( -multivariate_mean(w, mu) - Zcf * StdDev.MM(w, sigma) )

SR.mVaR.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, M3, M4, p) {
  return( multivariate_mean(w, mu) / mVaR.MM(w, mu, sigma, M3, M4, p) )

GES.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, p) {
  return( -multivariate_mean(w, mu) + dnorm(qnorm(1 - p)) * StdDev.MM(w, sigma) / (1 - p) )

SR.GES.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, p) {
  return( multivariate_mean(w, mu) / GES.MM(w, mu, sigma, p) )

Ipower = function(power,h){
  # probably redundant now
  fullprod = 1;
  if( (power%%2)==0 ) #even number: number mod is zero
    pstar = power/2;
    for(j in c(1:pstar)){
      fullprod = fullprod*(2*j)  }
    I = fullprod*dnorm(h);
    for(i in c(1:pstar) )
      prod = 1;
      for(j in c(1:i) ){
        prod = prod*(2*j)  }
      I = I + (fullprod/prod)*(h^(2*i))*dnorm(h)
    pstar = (power-1)/2
    for(j in c(0:pstar) ) {
      fullprod = fullprod*( (2*j)+1 ) }
    I = -fullprod*pnorm(h);
    for(i in c(0:pstar) ){
      prod = 1;
      for(j in c(0:i) ){
        prod = prod*( (2*j) + 1 )}
      I = I + (fullprod/prod)*(h^(  (2*i) + 1))*dnorm(h) }

mES.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, M3, M4, p) {
  skew <- skewness.MM(w, sigma, M3)
  exkurt <- kurtosis.MM(w, sigma, M4) - 3
  z <- qnorm(1 - p)
  h <- z + (1 / 6) * (z^2 - 1) * skew
  h <- h + (1 / 24) * (z^3 - 3 * z) * exkurt - (1 / 36) * (2 * z^3 - 5 * z) * skew^2
  # E = dnorm(h)
  # E = E + (1/24)*(   Ipower(4,h) - 6*Ipower(2,h) + 3*dnorm(h)   )*exkurt
  # E = E +  (1/6)*(   Ipower(3,h) - 3*Ipower(1,h)   )*skew;
  # E = E + (1/72)*(  Ipower(6,h) -15*Ipower(4,h)+ 45*Ipower(2,h) - 15*dnorm(h) )*(skew^2)
  # E = E/(1-p)
  E <- dnorm(h) * (1 + h^3 * skew / 6.0 +
                     (h^6 - 9 * h^4 + 9 * h^2 + 3) * skew^2 / 72 +
                     (h^4 - 2 * h^2 - 1) * exkurt / 24) / (1 - p)
  return( -multivariate_mean(w, mu) - StdDev.MM(w, sigma) * min(-E, h) )

SR.mES.MM <- function(w, mu, sigma, M3, M4, p){
  return( multivariate_mean(w, mu) / mES.MM(w, mu, sigma, M3, M4, p) )

# Computes inner product between M3_1 and M3_2 and otherwise the Frobenius norm of M3_1
M3.innprod <- function(p, M3_1, M3_2 = NULL) {
  # p         : dimension of the data
  # M3_1      : numeric vector with unique coskewness elements (p * (p + 1) * (p + 2) / 6)
  # M3_2      : numeric vector with unique coskewness elements (p * (p + 1) * (p + 2) / 6)
  if (NCOL(M3_1) != 1) stop("M3_1 should only contain the unique coskewness elements (see e.g. output of M3.MM(R, as.mat = FALSE))")
  if (is.null(M3_2)) {
    M3_2 <- M3_1
  } else {
    if (length(M3_1) != length(M3_2)) stop("M3_2 should only contain the unique coskewness elements (see e.g. output of M3.MM(R, as.mat = FALSE))")
  .Call('M3innprod', M3_1, M3_2, as.integer(p), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")

# Computes inner product between M4_1 and M4_2 and otherwise the Frobenius norm of M4_1
M4.innprod <- function(p, M4_1, M4_2 = NULL) {
  # p         : dimension of the data
  # M4_1      : numeric vector with unique coskewness elements (p * (p + 1) * (p + 2) * (p + 3) / 24)
  # M4_2      : numeric vector with unique coskewness elements (p * (p + 1) * (p + 2) * (p + 3) / 24)
  if (NCOL(M4_1) != 1) stop("M4_1 should only contain the unique coskewness elements (see e.g. output of M4.MM(R, as.mat = FALSE))")
  if (is.null(M4_2)) {
    M4_2 <- M4_1
  } else {
    if (length(M4_1) != length(M4_2)) stop("M4_2 should only contain the unique coskewness elements (see e.g. output of M4.MM(R, as.mat = FALSE))")
  .Call('M4innprod', M4_1, M4_2, as.integer(p), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")

# Wrapper function for casting the vector with unique coskewness elements into the matrix format
M3.vec2mat <- function(M3, p) {
  # M3        : numeric vector with unique coskewness elements (p * (p + 1) * (p + 2) / 6)
  # p         : dimension of the data
  if (NCOL(M3) != 1) stop("M3 must be a vector")
  .Call('M3vec2mat', M3, as.integer(p), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")

# Wrapper function for casting the coskewness matrix into the vector of unique elements
M3.mat2vec <- function(M3) {
  # M3        : numeric matrix of dimension p x p^2
  if (is.null(dim(M3))) stop("M3 must be a matrix")
  .Call('M3mat2vec', as.numeric(M3), NROW(M3), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")

# Wrapper function for casting the vector with unique cokurtosis elements into the matrix format
M4.vec2mat <- function(M4, p) {
  # M4        : numeric vector with unique cokurtosis elements (p * (p + 1) * (p + 2) * (p + 3) / 24)
  # p         : dimension of the data
  if (NCOL(M4) != 1) stop("M4 must be a vector")
  .Call('M4vec2mat', M4, as.integer(p), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")

# Wrapper function for casting the cokurtosis matrix into the vector of unique elements
M4.mat2vec <- function(M4) {
  # M4        : numeric matrix of dimension p x p^3
  if (is.null(dim(M4))) stop("M4 must be a matrix")
  .Call('M4mat2vec', as.numeric(M4), NROW(M4), PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")

#' Functions for calculating shrinkage-based comoments of financial time series
#' calculates covariance, coskewness and cokurtosis matrices using linear shrinkage
#' between the sample estimator and a structured estimator
#' The coskewness and cokurtosis matrices are defined as the matrices of dimension 
#' p x p^2 and p x p^3 containing the third and fourth order central moments. They
#' are useful for measuring nonlinear dependence between different assets of the 
#' portfolio and computing modified VaR and modified ES of a portfolio.
#' Shrinkage estimation for the covariance matrix was popularized by Ledoit and 
#' Wolf (2003, 2004). An extension to coskewness and cokurtosis matrices by
#' Martellini and Ziemann (2010) uses the 1-factor and constant-correlation structured
#' comoment matrices as targets. In Boudt, Cornilly and Verdonck (2017) the framework
#' of single-target shrinkage for the coskewness and cokurtosis matrices is 
#' extended to a multi-target setting, making it possible to include several target matrices
#' at once. Also, an option to enhance small sample performance for coskewness estimation
#' was proposed, resulting in the option 'unbiasedMSE' present in the 'M3.shrink' function.
#' The first four target matrices of the 'M2.shrink', 'M3.shrink' and 'M4.shrink' 
#' correspond to the models 'independent marginals', 'independent and identical marginals', 
#' 'observed 1-factor model' and 'constant correlation'. Coskewness shrinkage includes two
#' more options, target 5 corresponds to the latent 1-factor model proposed in Simaan (1993)
#' and target 6 is the coskewness matrix under central-symmetry, a matrix full of zeros.
#' For more details on the targets, we refer to Boudt, Cornilly and Verdonck (2017) and
#' the supplementary appendix.
#' If f is a matrix containing multiple factors, then the shrinkage estimator will
#' use each factor in a seperate single-factor model and use multi-target shrinkage
#' to all targets matrices at once.
#' @name ShrinkageMoments
#' @concept co-moments
#' @concept moments
#' @aliases ShrinkageMoments M2.shrink M3.shrink M4.shrink
#' @param R an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of
#' asset returns
#' @param targets vector of integers selecting the target matrices to shrink to. The first four
#' structures are, in order: 'independent marginals', 'independent and identical marginals', 
#' 'observed 1-factor model' and 'constant correlation'. See Details.
#' @param f vector or matrix with observations of the factor, to be used with target 3. See Details.
#' @param unbiasedMSE TRUE/FALSE whether to use a correction to have an unbiased
#' estimator for the marginal skewness values, in case of targets 1 and/or 2, default FALSE
#' @param as.mat TRUE/FALSE whether to return the full moment matrix or only
#' the vector with the unique elements (the latter is advised for speed), default
#' @author Dries Cornilly
#' @seealso \code{\link{CoMoments}} \cr \code{\link{StructuredMoments}} \cr \code{\link{EWMAMoments}} \cr \code{\link{MCA}}
#' @references Boudt, Kris, Brian G. Peterson, and Christophe Croux. 2008.
#' Estimation and Decomposition of Downside Risk for Portfolios with Non-Normal
#' Returns. Journal of Risk. Winter.
#' Boudt, Kris, Cornilly, Dries and Verdonck, Tim. 2017. A Coskewness Shrinkage 
#' Approach for Estimating the Skewness of Linear Combinations of Random Variables. 
#' Submitted. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2839781
#' Ledoit, Olivier and Wolf, Michael. 2003. Improved estimation of the covariance matrix 
#' of stock returns with an application to portfolio selection. Journal of empirical 
#' finance, 10(5), 603-621.
#' Ledoit, Olivier and Wolf, Michael. 2004. A well-conditioned estimator for large-dimensional 
#' covariance matrices. Journal of multivariate analysis, 88(2), 365-411.
#' Martellini, Lionel and Ziemann, V\"olker. 2010. Improved estimates of higher-order 
#' comoments and implications for portfolio selection. Review of Financial 
#' Studies, 23(4), 1467-1502.
#' Simaan, Yusif. 1993. Portfolio selection and asset pricing: three-parameter framework. 
#' Management Science, 39(5), 68-577.
###keywords ts multivariate distribution models
#' @examples
#' data(edhec)
#' # construct an underlying factor (market-factor, observed factor, PCA, ...)
#' f <- rowSums(edhec)
#' # multi-target shrinkage with targets 1, 3 and 4
#' # as.mat = F' would speed up calculations in higher dimensions
#' targets <- c(1, 3, 4)
#' sigma <- M2.shrink(edhec, targets, f)$M2sh
#' m3 <- M3.shrink(edhec, targets, f)$M3sh
#' m4 <- M4.shrink(edhec, targets, f)$M4sh
#' # compute equal-weighted portfolio modified ES
#' mu <- colMeans(edhec)
#' p <- length(mu)
#' ES(p = 0.95, portfolio_method = "component", weights = rep(1 / p, p), mu = mu, 
#'     sigma = sigma, m3 = m3, m4 = m4)
#' # compare to sample method
#' sigma <- cov(edhec)
#' m3 <- M3.MM(edhec)
#' m4 <- M4.MM(edhec)
#' ES(p = 0.95, portfolio_method = "component", weights = rep(1 / p, p), mu = mu, 
#'     sigma = sigma, m3 = m3, m4 = m4)
#' @export M2.shrink
M2.shrink <- function(R, targets = 1, f = NULL) {
  # @author Dries Cornilly
  # computes the shrinkage estimator of the covariance matrix
  # Inputs:
  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
  # targets   : vector of integers indicating which targets to use
  #           : T1 : independent, unequal marginals, Ledoit and Wolf (2003)
  #           : T2 : independent, equal marginals, Ledoit and Wolf (2003)
  #           : T3 : 1-factor model of Ledoit and Wolf (2003)
  #                : if multiple factors are provided, additionall 1-factor structured matrices are added the end
  #           : T4 : constant-correlation model of Ledoit and Wolf (2004)
  # f         : numeric vector with factor observations, needed for 1-factor coskewness matrix of Martellini and Ziemann
  #           : or a numeric matrix with columns as factors
  # as.mat    : output as a matrix or as the vector with only unique coskewness eleements
  # Outputs:
  # M2sh      : the shrinkage estimator
  # lambda    : vector with shrinkage intensities
  # A         : A matrix in the QP
  # b         : b vector in QP
  X <- coredata(R)
  # input checking
  if (NCOL(X) < 2) stop("R must have at least 2 variables")
  if (length(targets) == 0) stop("No targets selected")
  if (prod(targets %in% 1:4) == 0) stop("Select valid targets (out of 1, 2, 3, 4)")
  tt <- rep(FALSE, 4)
  tt[targets] <- TRUE
  targets <- tt
  if (targets[3] && is.null(f)) stop("Provide the factor observations")
  # prepare for additional factors if necessary
  if (targets[3] && (NCOL(f) != 1)) {
    nFactors <- NCOL(f)
    if (nFactors > 1) {
      f_other <- matrix(f[, 2:nFactors], ncol = nFactors - 1)
      f <- f[, 1]
      extraFactors <- TRUE
      targets <- c(targets, rep(TRUE, nFactors - 1))
    } else {
      f <- c(f)
      extraFactors <- FALSE
  } else {
    extraFactors <- FALSE
  # compute useful variables
  NN <- dim(X)[1]                                                   # number of observations
  PP <- dim(X)[2]                                                   # number of assets
  nT <- sum(targets)                                                # number of targets
  Xc <- X - matrix(colMeans(X), nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE) # center the observations
  Xc2 <- Xc^2
  margvars <- colMeans(Xc2)
  m11 <- as.numeric(t(Xc) %*% Xc) / NN
  m22 <- as.numeric(t(Xc2) %*% Xc2) / NN
  ### coskewness estimators
  M2 <- cov(X) * (NN - 1) / NN
  T2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = PP * PP, ncol = nT)
  iter <- 1
  if (targets[1]) {
    # independent marginals
    T2[, iter] <- c(diag(margvars))
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[2]) {
    # independent and equally distributed marginals
    T2[, iter] <- c(mean(margvars) * diag(PP))
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[3]) {
    # 1-factor model (Ledoit and Wolf (2003))
    beta <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f) / var(f))
    fc <- f - mean(f)
    fvar <- mean(fc^2)
    T2_1f <- fvar * beta %*% t(beta)
    diag(T2_1f) <- margvars
    T2[, iter] <- T2_1f
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[4]) {
    # constant-correlation (Ledoit and Wolf (2004))
    sd_vec <- sqrt(margvars)
    R2 <- diag(1 / sd_vec) %*% M2 %*% diag(1 / sd_vec)
    rcoef <- mean(R2[upper.tri(R2)])
    R2 <- matrix(rcoef, nrow = PP, ncol = PP)
    diag(R2) <- 1
    T2[, iter] <- diag(sd_vec) %*% R2 %*% diag(sd_vec)
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (extraFactors) {
    # 1-factor model (Ledoit and Wolf (2003)) - extra factors
    for (ii in 1:(nFactors - 1)) {
      f_bis <- f_other[, ii]
      beta_bis <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f_bis) / var(f_bis))
      fc_bis <- f_bis - mean(f_bis)
      fvar_bis <- mean(fc_bis^2)
      T2_1f <- fvar_bis * beta_bis %*% t(beta_bis)
      diag(T2_1f) <- margvars
      T2[, iter] <- T2_1f
      iter <- iter + 1
  ### build A for the QP
  A <- matrix(NA, nrow = nT, ncol = nT)
  for (ii in 1:nT) {
    for (jj in ii:nT) {
      A[ii, jj] <- A[jj, ii] <- sum((T2[, ii] - M2) * (T2[, jj] - M2))
  ### build b for the QP
  VM2vec <- .Call('VM2', m11, m22, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  b <- rep(VM2vec[1], nT)
  iter <- 1
  if (targets[1]) {
    # independent marginals
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - VM2vec[3]
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[2]) {
    # independent and equally distributed marginals
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - VM2vec[2]
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[3]) {
    # 1-factor model (Ledoit and Wolf (2003))
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM2_1F', as.numeric(Xc), fc, fvar, m11, m22, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[4]) {
    # constant-correlation (Ledoit and Wolf (2004))
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM2_CC', as.numeric(Xc), rcoef, m11, m22, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (extraFactors) {
    # 1-factor model (Ledoit and Wolf (2003)) - extra factors
    for (ii in 1:(nFactors - 1)) {
      f_bis <- f_other[, ii]
      fc_bis <- f_bis - mean(f_bis)
      fvar_bis <- mean(fc_bis^2)
      b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM2_1F', as.numeric(Xc), fc_bis, fvar_bis, m11, m22, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
      iter <- iter + 1
  ### solve the QP
  if (nT == 1) {
    # single-target shrinkage
    lambda <- b / A                                                 # compute optimal shrinkage intensity
    lambda <- max(0, min(1, lambda))                                # must be between 0 and 1
    M2sh <- (1 - lambda) * M2 + lambda * T2[, 1]                    # compute shrinkage estimator
  } else {
    # multi-target shrinkage
    Aineq <- rbind(diag(nT), rep(-1, nT))                           # A matrix for inequalities quadratic program
    bineq <- matrix(c(rep(0, nT), -1), ncol = 1)                    # b vector for inequalities quadratic program
    lambda <- quadprog::solve.QP(A, b, t(Aineq), bineq, meq = 0)$solution # solve quadratic program
    M2sh <- (1 - sum(lambda)) * M2                                  # initialize estimator at percentage of sample estimator
    for (tt in 1:nT) {
      M2sh <- M2sh + lambda[tt] * T2[, tt]                          # add the target matrices
  return (list("M2sh" = M2sh, "lambda" = lambda, "A" = A, "b" = b))

#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
#'@rdname ShrinkageMoments
M3.shrink <- function(R, targets = 1, f = NULL, unbiasedMSE = FALSE, as.mat = TRUE) {
  # @author Dries Cornilly
  # computes the shrinkage estimator of the coskewness matrix as in Boudt, Cornilly and Verdonck (2017)
  # Inputs:
  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
  # targets   : vector of integers indicating which targets to use
  #           : T1 : independent, unequal marginals
  #           : T2 : independent, equal marginals
  #           : T3 : 1-factor model of Martellini and Ziemann (2010)
  #                : if multiple factors are provided, additionall 1-factor structured matrices are added the end
  #           : T4 : constant-correlation model of Martellini and Ziemann (2010), symmetrized
  #           : T5 : latent 1-factor model of Simaan (1993)
  #           : T6 : central-symmetric coskewness matrix (all zeros)
  # f         : numeric vector with factor observations, needed for 1-factor coskewness matrix of Martellini and Ziemann
  #           : or a numeric matrix with columns as factors
  # unbiasedMSE : boolean determining if bias is corrected when estimating the MSE loss function
  # as.mat    : output as a matrix or as the vector with only unique coskewness eleements
  # Outputs:
  # M3sh      : the shrinkage estimator
  # lambda    : vector with shrinkage intensities
  # A         : A matrix in the QP
  # b         : b vector in QP
  X <- coredata(R)
  # input checking
  if (NCOL(X) < 2) stop("R must have at least 2 variables")
  if (length(targets) == 0) stop("No targets selected")
  if (prod(targets %in% 1:6) == 0) stop("Select valid targets (out of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)")
  tt <- rep(FALSE, 6)
  tt[targets] <- TRUE
  targets <- tt
  if (targets[3] && is.null(f)) stop("Provide the factor observations")
  if (unbiasedMSE && (sum(targets[c(3, 4, 5)]) > 0)) stop("UnbiasedMSE can only be combined with T2, T3 and T6")
  # prepare for additional factors if necessary
  if (targets[3] && (NCOL(f) != 1)) {
    nFactors <- NCOL(f)
    if (nFactors > 1) {
      f_other <- matrix(f[, 2:nFactors], ncol = nFactors - 1)
      f <- f[, 1]
      extraFactors <- TRUE
      targets <- c(targets, rep(TRUE, nFactors - 1))
    } else {
      f <- c(f)
      extraFactors <- FALSE
  } else {
    extraFactors <- FALSE
  # compute useful variables
  NN <- dim(X)[1]                                                   # number of observations
  if (unbiasedMSE) {
    if (NN < 6) stop("R should have at least 6 observations")
  PP <- dim(X)[2]                                                   # number of assets
  nT <- sum(targets)                                                # number of targets
  ncosk <- PP * (PP + 1) * (PP + 2) / 6                             # number of unique coskewness elements
  Xc <- X - matrix(colMeans(X), nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE) # center the observations
  Xc2 <- Xc^2
  m11 <- as.numeric(t(Xc) %*% Xc) / NN
  m21 <- as.numeric(t(Xc2) %*% Xc) / NN
  m22 <- as.numeric(t(Xc2) %*% Xc2) / NN
  m31 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc) / NN
  m42 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^4) %*% Xc2) / NN
  m33 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc^3) / NN
  ### coskewness estimators
  M3 <- M3.MM(X, unbiased = unbiasedMSE, as.mat = FALSE)
  T3 <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(M3), ncol = nT)
  iter <- 1
  if (targets[1]) {
    # independent marginals
    margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
    if (unbiasedMSE) margskews <- margskews * NN^2 / ((NN - 1) * (NN - 2))
    T3[, iter] <- .Call('M3_T23', margskews, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[2]) {
    # independent and equally distributed marginals
    margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
    if (unbiasedMSE) margskews <- margskews * NN^2 / ((NN - 1) * (NN - 2))
    margskews <- rep(mean(margskews), PP)
    T3[, iter] <- .Call('M3_T23', margskews, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[3]) {
    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
    margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
    beta <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f) / var(f))
    fc <- f - mean(f)
    fskew <- mean(fc^3)
    T3[, iter] <- .Call('M3_1F', margskews, beta, fskew, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[4]) {
    # constant-correlation (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) (symmetrized version)
    margvars <- colMeans(Xc^2)
    margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
    margkurts <- colMeans(Xc^4)
    r_generalized <- .Call('M3_CCoefficients', margvars, margkurts, m21,
                           m22, as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    T3[, iter] <- .Call('M3_CC', margvars, margskews, margkurts,
                        r_generalized[1], r_generalized[2],
                        r_generalized[3], PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[5]) {
    # 1-factor model of Simaan (1993)
    margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
    margskewsroot <- sign(margskews) * abs(margskews)^(1 / 3)
    T3[, iter] <- .Call('M3_Simaan', margskewsroot, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[6]) {
    # central-symmetric
    T3[, iter] <- rep(0, ncosk)
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (extraFactors) {
    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) - extra factors
    for (ii in 1:(nFactors - 1)) {
      f_bis <- f_other[, ii]
      margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
      beta_bis <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f_bis) / var(f_bis))
      fc_bis <- f_bis - mean(f_bis)
      fskew_bis <- mean(fc_bis^3)
      T3[, iter] <- .Call('M3_1F', margskews, beta_bis, fskew_bis, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
      iter <- iter + 1
  ### build A for the QP
  A <- matrix(NA, nrow = nT, ncol = nT)
  for (ii in 1:nT) {
    for (jj in ii:nT) {
      A[ii, jj] <- A[jj, ii] <- .Call('M3innprod', T3[, ii] - M3, T3[, jj] - M3, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  ### build b for the QP
  if (unbiasedMSE) {
    VM3vec <- .Call('VM3kstat', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), m11 * NN, m21 * NN, m22 * NN, 
                    m31 * NN, m42 * NN, m33 * NN, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  } else {
    VM3vec <- .Call('VM3', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), m11, m21, m22, m31, m42,
                    m33, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  b <- rep(VM3vec[1], nT)
  iter <- 1
  if (targets[1]) {
    # independent marginals
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - VM3vec[3]
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[2]) {
    # independent and equally distributed marginals
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - VM3vec[2]
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[3]) {
    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
    fvar <- mean(fc^2)
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM3_1F', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2),
                               fc, fvar, fskew, m11, m21, m22, m42, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[4]) {
    # constant-correlation (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) (symmetrized version)
    marg5s <- colMeans(Xc^5)
    marg6s <- colMeans(Xc^6)
    m41 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^4) %*% Xc) / NN
    m61 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^6) %*% Xc) / NN
    m32 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc^2) / NN
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM3_CC', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), margvars, margskews, margkurts, 
                               marg5s, marg6s, m11, m21, m31, m32, m41, m61, r_generalized[1], r_generalized[2],
                               r_generalized[3], NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[5]) {
    # 1-factor model of Simaan (1993)
    margskewsroot <- margskewsroot^(-2)
    m51 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^5) %*% Xc) / NN
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM3_Simaan', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), margskewsroot, m11, m21, m22, 
                               m31, m42, m51, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[6]) iter <- iter + 1
  if (extraFactors) {
    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) - extra factors
    for (ii in 1:(nFactors - 1)) {
      f_bis <- f_other[, ii]
      fc_bis <- f_bis - mean(f_bis)
      fvar_bis <- mean(fc_bis^2)
      fskew_bis <- mean(fc_bis^3)
      b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM3_1F', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), fc_bis, fvar_bis, fskew_bis, 
                                 m11, m21, m22, m42, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
      iter <- iter + 1
  ### solve the QP
  if (nT == 1) {
    # single-target shrinkage
    lambda <- b / A                                                 # compute optimal shrinkage intensity
    lambda <- max(0, min(1, lambda))                                # must be between 0 and 1
    M3sh <- (1 - lambda) * M3 + lambda * T3                         # compute shrinkage estimator
  } else {
    # multi-target shrinkage
    Aineq <- rbind(diag(nT), rep(-1, nT))                           # A matrix for inequalities quadratic program
    bineq <- matrix(c(rep(0, nT), -1), ncol = 1)                    # b vector for inequalities quadratic program
    lambda <- quadprog::solve.QP(A, b, t(Aineq), bineq, meq = 0)$solution # solve quadratic program
    M3sh <- (1 - sum(lambda)) * M3                                  # initialize estimator at percentage of sample estimator
    for (tt in 1:nT) {
      M3sh <- M3sh + lambda[tt] * T3[, tt]                          # add the target matrices
  if (as.mat) M3sh <- M3.vec2mat(M3sh, PP)
  return (list("M3sh" = M3sh, "lambda" = lambda, "A" = A, "b" = b))

#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
#'@rdname ShrinkageMoments
M4.shrink <- function(R, targets = 1, f = NULL, as.mat = TRUE) {
  # @author Dries Cornilly
  # computes the shrinkage estimator of the cokurtosis matrix as in Boudt, Cornilly and Verdonck (2017)
  # Inputs:
  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
  # targets   : vector of integers indicating which targets to use
  #           : T1 : independent, unequal marginals
  #           : T2 : independent, equal marginals
  #           : T3 : 1-factor model of Martellini and Ziemann (2010)
  #                : if multiple factors are provided, additionall 1-factor structured matrices are added the end
  #           : T4 : constant-correlation model of Martellini and Ziemann (2010)
  # f         : numeric vector with factor observations, needed for 1-factor coskewness matrix of Martellini and Ziemann
  #           : or a numeric matrix with columns as factors
  # as.mat    : output as a matrix or as the vector with only unique coskewness eleements
  # Outputs:
  # M4sh      : the shrinkage estimator
  # lambda    : vector with shrinkage intensities
  # A         : A matrix in the QP
  # b         : b vector in QP
  X <- coredata(R)
  # input checking
  if (NCOL(X) < 2) stop("R must have at least 2 variables")
  if (length(targets) == 0) stop("No targets selected")
  if (prod(targets %in% 1:4) == 0) stop("Select valid targets (out of 1, 2, 3, 4)")
  tt <- rep(FALSE, 4)
  tt[targets] <- TRUE
  targets <- tt
  if (targets[3] && is.null(f)) stop("Provide the factor observations")
  # prepare for additional factors if necessary
  if (targets[3] && (NCOL(f) != 1)) {
    nFactors <- NCOL(f)
    if (nFactors > 1) {
      f_other <- matrix(f[, 2:nFactors], ncol = nFactors - 1)
      f <- f[, 1]
      extraFactors <- TRUE
      targets <- c(targets, rep(TRUE, nFactors - 1))
    } else {
      f <- c(f)
      extraFactors <- FALSE
  } else {
    extraFactors <- FALSE
  # compute useful variables
  NN <- dim(X)[1]                                                   # number of observations
  PP <- dim(X)[2]                                                   # number of assets
  nT <- sum(targets)                                                # number of targets
  Xc <- X - matrix(colMeans(X), nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE) # center the observations
  Xc2 <- Xc^2
  margvars <- colMeans(Xc2)
  margkurts <- colMeans(Xc^4)
  m11 <- as.numeric(t(Xc) %*% Xc) / NN
  m21 <- as.numeric(t(Xc2) %*% Xc) / NN
  m22 <- as.numeric(t(Xc2) %*% Xc2) / NN
  m31 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc) / NN
  m32 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc2) / NN
  m41 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^4) %*% Xc) / NN
  m42 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^4) %*% Xc2) / NN
  ### coskewness estimators
  M4 <- M4.MM(X, as.mat = FALSE)
  T4 <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(M4), ncol = nT)
  iter <- 1
  if (targets[1]) {
    # independent marginals
    T4[, iter] <- .Call('M4_T12', margkurts, margvars, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[2]) {
    # independent and equally distributed marginals
    meanmargkurts <- mean(margkurts)
    meank_iikk <- sqrt(mean(margvars^2))
    T4[, iter] <- .Call('M4_T12', rep(meanmargkurts, PP), rep(meank_iikk, PP), PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[3]) {
    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
    beta <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f) / var(f))
    fc <- f - mean(f)
    fvar <- mean(fc^2)
    fkurt <- mean(fc^4)
    epsvars <- margvars - beta^2 * fvar
    T4[, iter] <- .Call('M4_1f', margkurts, fvar, fkurt, epsvars, beta, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[4]) {
    # constant-correlation (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) 
    marg6s <- colMeans(Xc^6)
    r_generalized <- .Call('M4_CCoefficients', margvars, margkurts, marg6s,
                           m22, m31, as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    T4[, iter] <- .Call('M4_CC', margvars, margkurts, marg6s, r_generalized[1], r_generalized[2], 
                        r_generalized[3], r_generalized[4], PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (extraFactors) {
    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) - extra factors
    for (ii in 1:(nFactors - 1)) {
      f_bis <- f_other[, ii]
      beta_bis <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f_bis) / var(f_bis))
      fc_bis <- f_bis - mean(f_bis)
      fvar_bis <- mean(fc_bis^2)
      fkurt_bis <- mean(fc_bis^4)
      epsvars_bis <- margvars - beta_bis^2 * fvar_bis
      T4[, iter] <- .Call('M4_1f', margkurts, fvar_bis, fkurt_bis, epsvars_bis,
                          beta_bis, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
      iter <- iter + 1
  ### build A for the QP
  A <- matrix(NA, nrow = nT, ncol = nT)
  for (ii in 1:nT) {
    for (jj in ii:nT) {
      A[ii, jj] <- A[jj, ii] <- .Call('M4innprod', T4[, ii] - M4, T4[, jj] - M4, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  ### build b for the QP
  VM4vec <- .Call('VM4', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), m11, m21,
                  m22, m31, m32, m41, m42, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  b <- rep(VM4vec[1], nT)
  iter <- 1
  if (targets[1]) {
    # independent marginals
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - VM4vec[3]
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[2]) {
    # independent and equally distributed marginals
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - VM4vec[2]
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[3]) {
    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
    fskew <- mean(fc^3)
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM4_1F', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), fc, fvar, fskew, fkurt, 
                               m11, m21, m22, m31, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (targets[4]) {
    # constant-correlation (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
    marg6s <- colMeans(Xc^6)
    marg7s <- colMeans(Xc^7)
    m33 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc^3) / NN
    b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM4_CC', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), m11, m21, m22, m31, m32, m33, m41,
                               r_generalized[1], r_generalized[2], r_generalized[3], r_generalized[4],
                               marg6s, marg7s, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (extraFactors) {
    # 1-factor model (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) - extra factors
    for (ii in 1:(nFactors - 1)) {
      f_bis <- f_other[, ii]
      fc_bis <- f_bis - mean(f_bis)
      fvar_bis <- mean(fc_bis^2)
      fskew_bis <- mean(fc_bis^3)
      fkurt_bis <- mean(fc_bis^4)
      b[iter] <- b[iter] - .Call('CM4_1F', as.numeric(Xc), as.numeric(Xc2), fc_bis, fvar_bis, fskew_bis, fkurt_bis, 
                                 m11, m21, m22, m31, NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
      iter <- iter + 1
  ### solve the QP
  if (nT == 1) {
    # single-target shrinkage
    lambda <- b / A                                                 # compute optimal shrinkage intensity
    lambda <- max(0, min(1, lambda))                                # must be between 0 and 1
    M4sh <- (1 - lambda) * M4 + lambda * T4                         # compute shrinkage estimator
  } else {
    # multi-target shrinkage
    Aineq <- rbind(diag(nT), rep(-1, nT))                           # A matrix for inequalities quadratic program
    bineq <- matrix(c(rep(0, nT), -1), ncol = 1)                    # b vector for inequalities quadratic program
    lambda <- quadprog::solve.QP(A, b, t(Aineq), bineq, meq = 0)$solution # solve quadratic program
    M4sh <- (1 - sum(lambda)) * M4                                  # initialize estimator at percentage of sample estimator
    for (tt in 1:nT) {
      M4sh <- M4sh + lambda[tt] * T4[, tt]                          # add the target matrices
  if (as.mat) M4sh <- M4.vec2mat(M4sh, PP)
  return (list("M4sh" = M4sh, "lambda" = lambda, "A" = A, "b" = b))

#' Functions for calculating structured comoments of financial time series
#' calculates covariance, coskewness and cokurtosis matrices as structured estimators
#' The coskewness and cokurtosis matrices are defined as the matrices of dimension 
#' p x p^2 and p x p^3 containing the third and fourth order central moments. They
#' are useful for measuring nonlinear dependence between different assets of the 
#' portfolio and computing modified VaR and modified ES of a portfolio.
#' Structured estimation is based on the assumption that the underlying data-generating
#' process is known, or at least resembles the assumption. The first four structured estimators correspond to the models 'independent marginals', 
#' 'independent and identical marginals', 'observed multi-factor model' and 'constant correlation'. 
#' Coskewness estimation includes an additional model based on the latent 1-factor model
#' proposed in Simaan (1993).
#' The constant correlation and 1-factor coskewness and cokurtosis matrices can be found in 
#' Martellini and Ziemann (2010). If f is a matrix containing multiple factors, 
#' then the multi-factor model of Boudt, Lu and Peeters (2915) is used. For information
#' about the other structured matrices, we refer to Boudt, Cornilly and Verdonck (2017)
#' @name StructuredMoments
#' @concept co-moments
#' @concept moments
#' @aliases StructuredMoments M2.struct M3.struct M4.struct
#' @param R an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of
#' asset returns
#' @param struct string containing the preferred method. See Details.
#' @param f vector or matrix with observations of the factor, to be used with 'observedfactor'. See Details.
#' @param unbiasedMarg TRUE/FALSE whether to use a correction to have an unbiased
#' estimator for the marginal skewness values, in case of 'Indep' or 'IndepId', default FALSE
#' @param as.mat TRUE/FALSE whether to return the full moment matrix or only
#' the vector with the unique elements (the latter is advised for speed), default
#' @author Dries Cornilly
#' @seealso \code{\link{CoMoments}} \cr \code{\link{ShrinkageMoments}} \cr \code{\link{EWMAMoments}} \cr \code{\link{MCA}}
#' @references Boudt, Kris, Lu, Wanbo and Peeters, Benedict. 2015. Higher order comoments of multifactor 
#' models and asset allocation. Finance Research Letters, 13, 225-233.
#' Boudt, Kris, Brian G. Peterson, and Christophe Croux. 2008.
#' Estimation and Decomposition of Downside Risk for Portfolios with Non-Normal
#' Returns. Journal of Risk. Winter.
#' Boudt, Kris, Cornilly, Dries and Verdonck, Tim. 2017. A Coskewness Shrinkage 
#' Approach for Estimating the Skewness of Linear Combinations of Random Variables. 
#' Submitted. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2839781
#' Ledoit, Olivier and Wolf, Michael. 2003. Improved estimation of the covariance matrix 
#' of stock returns with an application to portfolio selection. Journal of empirical 
#' finance, 10(5), 603-621.
#' Martellini, Lionel and Ziemann, V\"olker. 2010. Improved estimates of higher-order 
#' comoments and implications for portfolio selection. Review of Financial 
#' Studies, 23(4), 1467-1502.
#' Simaan, Yusif. 1993. Portfolio selection and asset pricing: three-parameter framework. 
#' Management Science, 39(5), 68-577.
###keywords ts multivariate distribution models
#' @examples
#' data(edhec)
#' # structured estimation with constant correlation model
#' # 'as.mat = F' would speed up calculations in higher dimensions
#' sigma <- M2.struct(edhec, "CC")
#' m3 <- M3.struct(edhec, "CC")
#' m4 <- M4.struct(edhec, "CC")
#' # compute equal-weighted portfolio modified ES
#' mu <- colMeans(edhec)
#' p <- length(mu)
#' ES(p = 0.95, portfolio_method = "component", weights = rep(1 / p, p), mu = mu, 
#'     sigma = sigma, m3 = m3, m4 = m4)
#' # compare to sample method
#' sigma <- cov(edhec)
#' m3 <- M3.MM(edhec)
#' m4 <- M4.MM(edhec)
#' ES(p = 0.95, portfolio_method = "component", weights = rep(1 / p, p), mu = mu, 
#'     sigma = sigma, m3 = m3, m4 = m4)
#' @export M2.struct
M2.struct <- function(R, struct = c("Indep", "IndepId", "observedfactor", "CC"), f = NULL) {
  # @author Dries Cornilly
  # computes different strutured covariance estimators
  # Inputs:
  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
  # struct    : select the structured estimator
  #           : Indep   : independent, unequal marginals (Ledoit and Wolf (2004))
  #           : IndepId : independent, equal marginals (Ledoit and Wolf (2003))
  #           : observedfactor : 1-factor or multi-factor linear model
  #           : CC : constant-correlation model of (Ledoit and Wolf (2004))
  # f         : numeric vector or matrix with factor observations
  # Outputs:
  # covariance matrix
  X <- coredata(R)
  # input checking
  struct <- match.arg(struct)
  if (NCOL(X) < 2) stop("R must have at least 2 variables")
  if ((struct == "observedfactor") && is.null(f)) stop("Provide the factor observations")
  # compute useful variables
  NN <- dim(X)[1]                                                   # number of observations
  PP <- dim(X)[2]                                                   # number of assets
  Xc <- X - matrix(colMeans(X), nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE) # center the observations
  margvars <- colMeans(Xc^2)
  # compute the coskewness matrix
  if (struct == "Indep") {
    # independent marginals
    T2 <- diag(margvars)
    return (T2)
  } else if (struct == "IndepId") {
    # independent and equally distributed marginals
    T2 <- mean(margvars) * diag(PP)
    return (T2)
  } else if (struct == "observedfactor") {
    # linear factor model
    if (NCOL(f) == 1) {
      beta <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f) / var(f))
      fc <- f - mean(f)
      fvar <- mean(fc^2)
      T2 <- fvar * beta %*% t(beta)
      diag(T2) <- margvars
    } else {
      mod <- stats::lm(X ~ f)
      beta <- t(mod$coefficients[-1,])
      fcov <- cov(f) * (NN - 1) / NN
      T2 <- beta %*% fcov %*% t(beta)
      epsvars <- colMeans(mod$residuals^2)
      T2 <- T2 + diag(epsvars)
    return (T2)
  } else if (struct == "CC") {
    # constant-correlation
    sd_vec <- sqrt(margvars)
    M2 <- t(Xc) %*% Xc / NN
    R2 <- diag(1 / sd_vec) %*% M2 %*% diag(1 / sd_vec)
    rcoef <- mean(R2[upper.tri(R2)])
    R2 <- matrix(rcoef, nrow = PP, ncol = PP)
    diag(R2) <- 1
    T2 <- diag(sd_vec) %*% R2 %*% diag(sd_vec)
    return (T2)

#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
#'@rdname StructuredMoments
M3.struct <- function(R, struct = c("Indep", "IndepId", "observedfactor", "CC", "latent1factor", "CS"),
                      f = NULL, unbiasedMarg = FALSE, as.mat = TRUE) {
  # @author Dries Cornilly
  # computes different strutured coskewness estimators
  # Inputs:
  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
  # struct    : select the structured estimator
  #           : Indep   : independent, unequal marginals
  #           : IndepId : independent, equal marginals
  #           : observedfactor : observed linear factor model
  #           : CC : constant-correlation model of Martellini and Ziemann (2010), symmetrized
  #           : latent1factor : latent 1-factor model of Simaan (1993)
  #           : CS : central-symmetric coskewness matrix (all zeros)
  # f         : numeric vector with factor observations,
  # unbiasedMarg : boolean determining if bias is corrected when estimating the marginals with
  #              : methods "Indep" or "INdepID"
  # Outputs:
  # coskewness matrix (as matrix or as vector, depending on as.mat)
  X <- coredata(R)
  # input checking
  struct <- match.arg(struct)
  if (NCOL(X) < 2) stop("R must have at least 2 variables")
  if ((struct == "observedfactor") && is.null(f)) stop("Provide the factor observations")
  if (unbiasedMarg && !((struct == "Indep") || (struct == "IndepId"))) stop("unbiasedMarg can only be combined with T2, T3 and T6")
  # compute useful variables
  NN <- dim(X)[1]                                                   # number of observations
  if (unbiasedMarg) {
    if (NN < 6) stop("R should have at least 6 observations")
  PP <- dim(X)[2]                                                   # number of assets
  ncosk <- PP * (PP + 1) * (PP + 2) / 6                             # number of unique coskewness elements
  Xc <- X - matrix(colMeans(X), nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE) # center the observations
  margskews <- colMeans(Xc^3)
  # compute the coskewness matrix
  if (struct == "latent1factor") {
    # 1-factor model of Simaan (1993)
    margskewsroot <- sign(margskews) * abs(margskews)^(1 / 3)
    T3 <- .Call('M3_Simaan', margskewsroot, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    if (as.mat) T3 <- M3.vec2mat(T3, PP)
    return (T3)
  } else if (struct == "Indep") {
    # independent marginals
    if (unbiasedMarg) margskews <- margskews * NN^2 / ((NN - 1) * (NN - 2))
    T3 <- .Call('M3_T23', margskews, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    if (as.mat) T3 <- M3.vec2mat(T3, PP)
    return (T3)
  } else if (struct == "IndepId") {
    # independent and equally distributed marginals
    if (unbiasedMarg) margskews <- margskews * NN^2 / ((NN - 1) * (NN - 2))
    margskews <- rep(mean(margskews), PP)
    T3 <- .Call('M3_T23', margskews, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    if (as.mat) T3 <- M3.vec2mat(T3, PP)
    return (T3)
  } else if (struct == "observedfactor") {
    # observed factor model
    if (NCOL(f) == 1) {
      beta <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f) / var(f))
      fc <- f - mean(f)
      fskew <- mean(fc^3)
      T3 <- .Call('M3_1F', margskews, beta, fskew, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    } else {
      mod <- stats::lm(X ~ f)
      beta <- t(mod$coefficients[-1,])
      M3_factor <- M3.MM(f, as.mat = FALSE)
      M3_factor <- .Call('M3timesFull', M3_factor, beta, NCOL(beta), PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
      epsskews <- colMeans(mod$residuals^3)
      T3 <- M3_factor + .Call('M3_T23', epsskews, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    if (as.mat) T3 <- M3.vec2mat(T3, PP)
    return (T3)
  } else if (struct == "CC") {
    # constant-correlation (Martellini and Ziemann (2010)) (symmetrized version)
    margvars <- colMeans(Xc^2)
    margkurts <- colMeans(Xc^4)
    m21 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^2) %*% Xc) / NN
    m22 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^2) %*% Xc^2) / NN
    r_generalized <- .Call('M3_CCoefficients', margvars, margkurts, m21,
                           m22, as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    T3 <- .Call('M3_CC', margvars, margskews, margkurts, r_generalized[1], r_generalized[2],
                r_generalized[3], PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    if (as.mat) T3 <- M3.vec2mat(T3, PP)
    return (T3)
  } else if (struct == "CS") {
    # coskewness matrix under central-symmetry
    return (rep(0, ncosk))

#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
#'@rdname StructuredMoments
M4.struct <- function(R, struct = c("Indep", "IndepId", "observedfactor", "CC"), f = NULL, as.mat = TRUE) {
  # @author Dries Cornilly
  # computes different strutured cokurtosis estimators
  # Inputs:
  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
  # struct    : select the structured estimator
  #           : Indep   : independent, unequal marginals
  #           : IndepId : independent, equal marginals
  #           : observedfactor : linear factor model with observed factors
  #           : CC : constant-correlation model of Martellini and Ziemann (2010), symmetrized
  # f         : numeric vector with factor observations
  # Outputs:
  # cokurtosis matrix (as matrix or as vector, depending on as.mat)
  X <- coredata(R)
  # input checking
  struct <- match.arg(struct)
  if (NCOL(X) < 2) stop("R must have at least 2 variables")
  if ((struct == "observedfactor") && is.null(f)) stop("Provide the factor observations")
  # compute useful variables
  NN <- dim(X)[1]                                                   # number of observations
  PP <- dim(X)[2]                                                   # number of assets
  Xc <- X - matrix(colMeans(X), nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = TRUE) # center the observations
  margkurts <- colMeans(Xc^4)
  margvars <- colMeans(Xc^2)
  # compute the coskewness matrix
  if (struct == "Indep") {
    # independent marginals
    T4 <- .Call('M4_T12', margkurts, margvars, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    if (as.mat) T4 <- M4.vec2mat(T4, PP)
    return (T4)
  } else if (struct == "IndepId") {
    # independent and equally distributed marginals
    meanmargkurts <- mean(margkurts)
    meank_iikk <- sqrt(mean(margvars^2))
    T4 <- .Call('M4_T12', rep(meanmargkurts, PP), rep(meank_iikk, PP), PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    if (as.mat) T4 <- M4.vec2mat(T4, PP)
    return (T4)
  } else if (struct == "observedfactor") {
    # linear factor model with observed factors
    if (NCOL(f) == 1) {
      beta <- apply(Xc, 2, function(a) cov(a, f) / var(f))
      fc <- f - mean(f)
      fvar <- mean(fc^2)
      fkurt <- mean(fc^4)
      epsvars <- margvars - beta^2 * fvar
      T4 <- .Call('M4_1f', margkurts, fvar, fkurt, epsvars, beta, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    } else {
      mod <- stats::lm(X ~ f)
      beta <- t(mod$coefficients[-1,])
      M4_factor <- M4.MM(f, as.mat = FALSE)
      M4_factor <- .Call('M4timesFull', M4_factor, beta, NCOL(beta), PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
      epskurts <- colMeans(mod$residuals^4)
      epsvars <- colMeans(mod$residuals^2)
      Stransf <- beta %*% cov(f) %*% t(beta) * (NN - 1) / NN
      M4_factor <- M4_factor + .Call('M4_MFresid', as.numeric(Stransf), epsvars, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
      T4 <- M4_factor + .Call('M4_T12', epskurts, epsvars, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    if (as.mat) T4 <- M4.vec2mat(T4, PP)
    return (T4)
  } else if (struct == "CC") {
    # constant-correlation (Martellini and Ziemann (2010))
    marg6s <- colMeans(Xc^6)
    m22 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^2) %*% Xc^2) / NN
    m31 <- as.numeric(t(Xc^3) %*% Xc) / NN
    r_generalized <- .Call('M4_CCoefficients', margvars, margkurts, marg6s,
                           m22, m31, as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    T4 <- .Call('M4_CC', margvars, margkurts, marg6s, r_generalized[1], r_generalized[2], 
                r_generalized[3], r_generalized[4], PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    if (as.mat) T4 <- M4.vec2mat(T4, PP)
    return (T4)

#' Functions for calculating EWMA comoments of financial time series
#' calculates exponentially weighted moving average covariance, coskewness and cokurtosis matrices
#' The coskewness and cokurtosis matrices are defined as the matrices of dimension 
#' p x p^2 and p x p^3 containing the third and fourth order central moments. They
#' are useful for measuring nonlinear dependence between different assets of the 
#' portfolio and computing modified VaR and modified ES of a portfolio.
#' EWMA estimation of the covariance matrix was popularized by the RiskMetrics report in 1996.
#' The M3.ewma and M4.ewma are straightforward extensions to the setting of third and fourth
#' order central moments
#' @name EWMAMoments
#' @concept co-moments
#' @concept moments
#' @aliases EWMAMoments M2.ewma M3.ewma M4.ewma
#' @param R an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of
#' asset returns (with mean zero)
#' @param lambda decay coefficient
#' @param last.M2 last estimated covariance matrix before the observed returns R
#' @param last.M3 last estimated coskewness matrix before the observed returns R
#' @param last.M4 last estimated cokurtosis matrix before the observed returns R
#' @param as.mat TRUE/FALSE whether to return the full moment matrix or only
#' the vector with the unique elements (the latter is advised for speed), default
#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters
#' @author Dries Cornilly
#' @seealso \code{\link{CoMoments}} \cr \code{\link{ShrinkageMoments}} \cr \code{\link{StructuredMoments}} \cr \code{\link{MCA}}
#' @references 
#' JP Morgan. Riskmetrics technical document. 1996.
###keywords ts multivariate distribution models
#' @examples
#' data(edhec)
#' # EWMA estimation
#' # 'as.mat = F' would speed up calculations in higher dimensions
#' sigma <- M2.ewma(edhec, 0.94)
#' m3 <- M3.ewma(edhec, 0.94)
#' m4 <- M4.ewma(edhec, 0.94)
#' # compute equal-weighted portfolio modified ES 
#' mu <- colMeans(edhec)
#' p <- length(mu)
#' ES(p = 0.95, portfolio_method = "component", weights = rep(1 / p, p), mu = mu, 
#'     sigma = sigma, m3 = m3, m4 = m4)
#' # compare to sample method
#' sigma <- cov(edhec)
#' m3 <- M3.MM(edhec)
#' m4 <- M4.MM(edhec)
#' ES(p = 0.95, portfolio_method = "component", weights = rep(1 / p, p), mu = mu, 
#'     sigma = sigma, m3 = m3, m4 = m4)
#' @export M2.ewma
M2.ewma <- function(R, lambda = 0.97, last.M2 = NULL, ...) {
  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP; top of R are oldest observations, bottom are the newest
  #           : assumes a mean of zero
  # lambda    : decay parameter for the correlations
  if(hasArg(lambda_var)) lambda_var <- list(...)$lambda_var else lambda_var <- NULL
  x <- coredata(R)
  NN <- NROW(x)
  PP <- NCOL(x)
  if (is.null(last.M2)) {
    if (lambda > 1 - 1e-07) {
      lambda_vec <- rep(1 / NN, NN)
    } else {
      lambda_vec <- (1 - lambda) / (1 - lambda^NN) * lambda^((NN - 1):0)
    Xc <- x * (matrix(lambda_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE))^(1 / 2)
    M2 <- t(Xc) %*% Xc
    if (!is.null(lambda_var)) {
      sd_lambda <- sqrt(diag(M2))
      R2 <- diag(1 / sd_lambda) %*% M2 %*% diag(1 / sd_lambda)
      if (lambda_var > 1 - 1e-07) {
        lambda_var_vec <- rep(1 / NN, NN)
      } else {
        lambda_var_vec <- (1 - lambda_var) / (1 - lambda_var^NN) * lambda_var^((NN - 1):0)
      sd_lambda_var <- sqrt(colSums(x^2 * matrix(lambda_var_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE)))
      M2 <- diag(sd_lambda_var) %*% R2 %*% diag(sd_lambda_var)
  } else {
    if (PP == 1) {
      x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
      NN <- 1
    M2 <- last.M2
    for (tt in 1:NN) {
      xn <- matrix(x[tt,], nrow = 1)
      new.M2 <- t(xn) %*% xn
      M2 <- (1 - lambda) * new.M2 + lambda * M2
  return( M2 )

#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
#'@rdname EWMAMoments
M3.ewma <- function(R, lambda = 0.97, last.M3 = NULL, as.mat = TRUE, ...) {
  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP; top of R are oldest observations, bottom are the newest
  #           : assumes a mean of zero
  # lambda    : decay parameter for the standardized coskewnesses
  # lambda_var : if not NULL, use lambda_var for the variances
  # as.mat    : TRUE/FALSE whether or not the output is a matrix or not
  if(hasArg(lambda_var)) lambda_var <- list(...)$lambda_var else lambda_var <- NULL
  x <- coredata(R)
  NN <- NROW(x)
  PP <- NCOL(x)
  if (is.null(last.M3)) {
    if (lambda > 1 - 1e-07) {
      lambda_vec <- rep(1 / NN, NN)
    } else {
      lambda_vec <- (1 - lambda) / (1 - lambda^NN) * lambda^((NN - 1):0)
    Xc <- x * (matrix(lambda_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE))^(1 / 3)
    M3 <- .Call('M3sample', as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, 1.0, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    if (!is.null(lambda_var)) {
      sd_lambda <- sqrt(colSums(x^2 * matrix(lambda_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE)))
      R3 <- .Call('M3timesDiag', M3, 1 / sd_lambda, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
      if (lambda_var > 1 - 1e-07) {
        lambda_var_vec <- rep(1 / NN, NN)
      } else {
        lambda_var_vec <- (1 - lambda_var) / (1 - lambda_var^NN) * lambda_var^((NN - 1):0)
      sd_lambda_var <- sqrt(colSums(x^2 * matrix(lambda_var_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE)))
      M3 <- .Call('M3timesDiag', R3, sd_lambda_var, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  } else {
    if (PP == 1) {
      x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
      NN <- 1
      PP <- ncol(x)
    if (NROW(last.M3) == PP) last.M3 <- M3.mat2vec(last.M3)
    M3 <- last.M3
    for (tt in 1:NN) {
      xn <- matrix(x[tt,], nrow = 1)
      new.M3 <- M3.MM(xn, as.mat = FALSE, mu = rep(0, PP))
      M3 <- (1 - lambda) * new.M3 + lambda * M3
  if (as.mat) M3 <- M3.vec2mat(M3, PP)
  return( M3 )

#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
#'@rdname EWMAMoments
M4.ewma <- function(R, lambda = 0.97, last.M4 = NULL, as.mat = TRUE, ...) {
  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP; top of R are oldest observations, bottom are the newest
  #           : assumes a mean of zero
  # lambda    : decay parameter for the standardized cokurtosisses
  # lambda_var : if not NULL, use lambda_var for the variances
  # as.mat    : TRUE/FALSE whether or not the output is a matrix or not
  if(hasArg(lambda_var)) lambda_var <- list(...)$lambda_var else lambda_var <- NULL
  x <- coredata(R)
  NN <- NROW(x)
  PP <- NCOL(x)
  if (is.null(last.M4)) {
    if (lambda > 1 - 1e-07) {
      lambda_vec <- rep(1 / NN, NN)
    } else {
      lambda_vec <- (1 - lambda) / (1 - lambda^NN) * lambda^((NN - 1):0)
    Xc <- x * (matrix(lambda_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE))^(1 / 4)
    M4 <- .Call('M4sample', as.numeric(Xc), NN, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics") * NN
    if (!is.null(lambda_var)) {
      sd_lambda <- sqrt(colSums(x^2 * matrix(lambda_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE)))
      R4 <- .Call('M4timesDiag', M4, 1 / sd_lambda, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
      if (lambda_var > 1 - 1e-07) {
        lambda_var_vec <- rep(1 / NN, NN)
      } else {
        lambda_var_vec <- (1 - lambda_var) / (1 - lambda_var^NN) * lambda_var^((NN - 1):0)
      sd_lambda_var <- sqrt(colSums(x^2 * matrix(lambda_var_vec, nrow = NN, ncol = PP, byrow = FALSE)))
      M4 <- .Call('M4timesDiag', R4, sd_lambda_var, PP, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  } else {
    if (PP == 1) {
      x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
      NN <- 1
      PP <- ncol(x)
    if (NROW(last.M4) == PP) last.M4 <- M4.mat2vec(last.M4)
    M4 <- last.M4
    for (tt in 1:NN) {
      xn <- matrix(x[tt,], nrow = 1)
      new.M4 <- M4.MM(xn, as.mat = FALSE, mu = rep(0, PP))
      M4 <- (1 - lambda) * new.M4 + lambda * M4
  if (as.mat) M4 <- M4.vec2mat(M4, PP)
  return( M4 )

#' Functions for doing Moment Component Analysis (MCA) of financial time series
#' calculates MCA coskewness and cokurtosis matrices
#' The coskewness and cokurtosis matrices are defined as the matrices of dimension 
#' p x p^2 and p x p^3 containing the third and fourth order central moments. They
#' are useful for measuring nonlinear dependence between different assets of the 
#' portfolio and computing modified VaR and modified ES of a portfolio.
#' MCA is a generalization of PCA to higher moments. The principal components in 
#' MCA are the ones that maximize the coskewness and cokurtosis present when projecting
#' onto these directions. It was introduced by Lim and Morton (2007) and applied to financial returns
#' data by Jondeau and Rockinger (2017)
#' If a coskewness matrix (argument M3) or cokurtosis matrix (argument M4) is passed in using ..., then 
#' MCA is performed on the given comoment matrix instead of the sample coskewness or cokurtosis matrix.
#' @name MCA
#' @concept co-moments
#' @concept moments
#' @aliases MCA M3.MCA M4.MCA
#' @param R an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of
#' asset returns 
#' @param k the number of components to use
#' @param as.mat TRUE/FALSE whether to return the full moment matrix or only
#' the vector with the unique elements (the latter is advised for speed), default
#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters
#' @author Dries Cornilly
#' @seealso \code{\link{CoMoments}} \cr \code{\link{ShrinkageMoments}} \cr \code{\link{StructuredMoments}} \cr \code{\link{EWMAMoments}}
#' @references 
#' Lim, Hek-Leng and Morton, Jason. 2007. Principal Cumulant Component Analysis. working paper
#' Jondeau, Eric and Jurczenko, Emmanuel. 2017. Moment Component Analysis: An Illustration 
#' With International Stock Markets. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
#' @examples
#' data(edhec)
#' # coskewness matrix based on two components
#' M3mca <- M3.MCA(edhec, k = 2)$M3mca
#' # screeplot MCA 
#' M3dist <- M4dist <- rep(NA, ncol(edhec))
#' M3S <- M3.MM(edhec)  # sample coskewness estimator
#' M4S <- M4.MM(edhec)  # sample cokurtosis estimator
#' for (k in 1:ncol(edhec)) {
#'   M3MCA_list <- M3.MCA(edhec, k)
#'   M4MCA_list <- M4.MCA(edhec, k)
#'   M3dist[k] <- sqrt(sum((M3S - M3MCA_list$M3mca)^2))
#'   M4dist[k] <- sqrt(sum((M4S - M4MCA_list$M4mca)^2))
#' }
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#' plot(1:ncol(edhec), M3dist)
#' plot(1:ncol(edhec), M4dist)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
#' @export M3.MCA
M3.MCA <- function(R, k = 1, as.mat = TRUE, ...) {
  # @author Dries Cornilly
  # MCA on coskewness matrix
  # Inputs:
  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
  # k         : number of components to use
  # as.mat    : TRUE/FALSE whether or not the output is a matrix or not
  # Outputs:
  # M3mca     : coskewness matrix based on k factors
  # converged : logical indicating convergence
  # iter      : number of iterations at convergence / at end 
  # U         : matrix with principal components
  x <- coredata(R)
  if (hasArg(maxit)) maxit <- list(...)$maxit else maxit <- 1000
  if (hasArg(abstol)) abstol <- list(...)$abstol else abstol <- 1e-05
  p <- NCOL(x)
  n <- NROW(x)
  # initialize projection matrix and sample coskewness matrix
  if (hasArg(M3)) {
    M3 <- list(...)$M3
    if (NROW(M3) == p) M3 <- M3.mat2vec(M3)
  } else {
    M3 <- M3.MM(x, as.mat = FALSE)
  if (hasArg(U0)) U0 <- list(...)$U0 else U0 <- svd(M3.vec2mat(M3, p), nu = k, nv = 0)$u
  # iterate until convergence or maximum number of iterations is reached
  iter <- 0
  converged <- FALSE
  while ((iter < maxit) && !converged) {
    # project using the last projection matrix U0 and build new projection matrix U1
    Z3 <- .Call('M3HOOIiterator', M3, as.numeric(U0), p, k, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    U1 <- svd(Z3, nu = k, nv = 0)$u
    # check for convergence - absolute values are because the direction of the eigenvectors might alternate
    if (sqrt(sum((abs(U1) - abs(U0))^2)) < abstol) converged <- TRUE
    # update U and the iterator
    U0 <- U1
    iter <- iter + 1
  # build estimated coskewness matrix from the projection matrix U0
  C3 <- .Call('M3timesFull', M3, as.numeric(t(U0)), p, k, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  M3mca <- .Call('M3timesFull', C3, as.numeric(U0), k, p, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  if (as.mat) M3mca <- M3.vec2mat(M3mca, p)
  return ( list("M3mca" = M3mca, "converged" = converged, "iter" = iter, "U" = U0) )

#'@useDynLib PerformanceAnalytics
#'@rdname MCA
M4.MCA <- function(R, k = 1, as.mat = TRUE, ...) {
  # @author Dries Cornilly
  # MCA on cokurtosis matrix
  # Inputs:
  # R         : numeric matrix of dimensions NN x PP
  # k         : number of components to use
  # as.mat    : TRUE/FALSE whether or not the output is a matrix or not
  # Outputs:
  # M4mca     : cokurtosis matrix based on k factors
  # converged : logical indicating convergence
  # iter      : number of iterations at convergence / at end 
  # U         : matrix with principal components
  x <- coredata(R)
  if (hasArg(maxit)) maxit <- list(...)$maxit else maxit <- 1000
  if (hasArg(abstol)) abstol <- list(...)$abstol else abstol <- 1e-05
  p <- NCOL(x)
  n <- NROW(x)
  # initialize projection matrix and sample cokurtosis matrix
  if (hasArg(M4)) {
    M4 <- list(...)$M4
    if (NROW(M4) == p) M4 <- M4.mat2vec(M4)
  } else {
    M4 <- M4.MM(x, as.mat = FALSE)
  if (hasArg(U0)) U0 <- list(...)$U0 else U0 <- svd(M4.vec2mat(M4, p), nu = k, nv = 0)$u
  # iterate until convergence or maximum number of iterations is reached
  iter <- 0
  converged <- FALSE
  while ((iter < maxit) && !converged) {
    # project using the last projection matrix U0 and build new projection matrix U1
    Z4 <- .Call('M4HOOIiterator', M4, as.numeric(U0), p, k, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
    U1 <- svd(Z4, nu = k, nv = 0)$u
    # check for convergence - absolute values are because the direction of the eigenvectors might alternate
    if (sqrt(sum((abs(U1) - abs(U0))^2)) < abstol) converged <- TRUE
    # update U and the iterator
    U0 <- U1
    iter <- iter + 1
  # build estimated coskewness matrix from the projection matrix U0
  C4 <- .Call('M4timesFull', M4, as.numeric(t(U0)), p, k, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  M4mca <- .Call('M4timesFull', C4, as.numeric(U0), k, p, PACKAGE="PerformanceAnalytics")
  if (as.mat) M4mca <- M4.vec2mat(M4mca, p)
  return ( list("M4mca" = M4mca, "converged" = converged, "iter" = iter, "U" = U0) )

# R (http://r-project.org/) Econometrics for Performance and Risk Analysis
# Copyright (c) 2004-2020 Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson and Kris Boudt
# This R package is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$

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PerformanceAnalytics documentation built on Feb. 6, 2020, 5:11 p.m.